Spirited Away 2: Run Away...

By sartify86

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I do NOT OWN Spirited Away. The rights go to Hayao Miyazaki. Chihiro has been in the human world for six yea... More

River {Edited}
'Want to Talk Or Fight?' {Editied}
What Lord Mist Wants{Editited}
Yabaki- The Earth Kepper{Edited}
Fun {Editied}
Emotions {Editited}
The spirit of Lies and Promises{Editited}
Hide and seek{Editited}
Life story{Editited}
Back to the start{Editied}
Shoulder to cry on{Editited}
Lightning strikes {Edited}
Is he Soft? {Edited}
Some people cannot be trusted{Edited}
Frozen River{Edited}
What Is Happening{Edited}
My Knight{Edited}
Gateway To A New World{Edited}
The Room {Editied}
Unicorn Family! {Editied}
Failure {Editied}
Stay back
The Vist.
"Don't Hate Me For My Actions"


235 7 0
By sartify86

Sumi 3 person POV

The four of them waits out side of Haku's prison. Someone was coming from the right, it was Sky.

Kia runs up to Sky and punches him. Sky uses lightning on Kia's feet. Causing her to scream.

"Kia!" Sumi shouts. Samuel pulls him back as he was about to leap towards Kia.

Sky lifts Kia's chin up so she's looking at him directly in the eyes.

"You're from Kohaku clan aren't you?" Sky asks. Kia glares at him. Making Sky sigh. "Judging by your clothes you are."

Sky and Kia disappears. Sumi gasps. The cube above them glows.

"Kia!" Sumi yells. Samuel once again a pulls him back.

"Quite!" Samuel snaps. "They might hear us." Sumi looks worriedly up towards the cube that had his master and his friends inside.

"We need to find a way in fast."

Haku third person

Haku was leaning against the wall: eyes close. Until Sky caught his senses and looks at the direction. Kazima was standing next to Haku.

Haku gasp when he saw Kia.

"Sky," Haku growls. Sky had had elbow around Kia's neck to restrain her. "What's Kia doing here?"

"Oh her? She wanted to come and visit and stay with you. Why? Do you have a problem with that?" Haku clenches his jaw and narrows his eyes at Sky. But didn't say anything. "That's what I thought. Kazima, are you going to join this clan or not?" Sky asks.

"I've told you multiple of times Sky no I am not going to join your clan." Kazima answers.

"Well, others will get hurt, every time you say no." Sky disappears leaving Kia a prisoner. Kia drops down to her knees out of breath because of the tightness of Sky's grip.

Haku intently went up to and put a hand on her shoulder rubbing it slightly for comfort.

"You okay?" Haku asks her.

"Y-yes master Haku I'm fine." Kia answers.

There was a short pause.

"Kia!" Haku snaps. Then sighs, in a much calmer tone he says, "Why are you here?"

A sea of anger was swiped on her face. "Why am I here? You've been gone for four weeks! How can we not be here? We're worried sick! The river has gone gloomy because of your not there! I think you know the answer to your question master Haku." Kia lets out.

"Kia, how else am I oppose to contact you and the others?" Haku asks. Kia opens her mouth to say something but quickly shuts it. "That's what I thought. Kia who else is here with you?"

She flinches. "Sumi. And Samuel." Kazima's eyes widen at his master's name.

"Sumi's here?" Haku questions. Kia nods.

"Anything else?" Kazima asks. Kia looks up at him blushes.

"Samuel mentioned that Chihiro was trying to find him to bring her here."

The boys just nod. Kia knew Haku was ashamed of Chihiro to look for him.

"Master Haku." Kia starts. "What's going to happen to us?"

"I don't know Kia. They want Kazima to be part of their clan. I'm not sure about us two though." Haku explains.

Kia nods in understanding. Kazima walks up to her had placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's going to be fine don't worry about it," Kazima says reinsuring her. Kia nods.

Haku sits down as he leans against the wall. All he knew now was that Chihiro was safe and Sumi is with Samuel. Hate was sped across his face when he thought Samuel. The day when he... Haku shook his head trying to get the memory out of his head. Kia looks over at Haku worriedly, Haku notices this and smiles at her saying that he's fine and you have nothing to worry about that smile.

Kia sighs as she knew he was lying but she also knew that he won't tell her, even if she did ask.

"KIA!" A voice shouts from outside. They all bounce up. It was Sumi. "Master Haku! Kia! We'll get you out I promise!" Sumi promise. Haku sighs.

Sumi 3rd person pov

They were right below the cube that held Kia and Haku prisoner as well as Kazima. Sumi looks around before he could turn a rope was flying towards them and in process wrapping it around their feet tripping them up.

A woman stood in front of them she had brown hair and purple eyes, she was glaring at them. ­

"Alicia!" A voice shouts. The woman spins around and found Red behind her smiling.

"Ah. hi, Red do you-" She was cut off.

"How did the job go?" Red asks.

"Fine. Red do you know who these two are?" Alicia spins round and points at Samuel and Sumi.

"I know one of them. The older one is the spirit of Lies and Promises. Err I think the boy is a part of the Kohaku Clan." Red explains. "Trying to get your master out are we?" Red asks Sumi while lifting up his chin. Sumi jerks back. "I take that as a yes. Samuel, trying to get back Kazima?"

"Yes, he belongs to me. Your clan had no right to take him." Samuel replies.

"If you want him so badly go and talk to our master and ask him back. He'll say no as we need him." Red explains. Samuel narrows his eyes at Red.

"Should we take them to master?" Alicia asks. Red shakes his head.

"No, we take them to the cube," Red says.

Alicia nods. She grabs onto Sumi and Samuel and transports them to inside the cube. Kazima, Kia, and Haku were standing up. Alicia shoves Sumi and Samuel in, Kia caught Sumi and Kazima caught his master.

"Wait!" Haku shouts. "Why is my clan here?" He asks her.

"I cannot answer that," Alicia says and disperses.

"Master Haku," Sumi whispers. Haku looks at him. Sumi walks up to Haku and bows. "I'm so sorry. I let my stupidly get me caught. Now we have no way of getting out." Sumi's eyes began to water.

"Apology accepted. But Sumi you did nothing wrong." Haku says putting an arm on Sumi's shoulder and pulls him up. Sumi nods tears flew as he nods. Haku couldn't stand being in the same room as Samuel. Haku looks at Samuel and glares at him. "You do realize this is your fault." Haku blames Samuel.

"Yes, I shouldn't have taken Chihiro."

"Damn right you shouldn't of!" Haku shouts at him. Sumi and Kia pull him back.

"Calm down Master Haku. He didn't know this was going to happen!" Kia yells at him.

Haku twists out of their grip and spins round to face to Kia. "You're taking his side now?" He asks Kia absolutely outrage.

"I'm not!" Kia yells at Haku.

Haku sighs. "Sorry Kia that I yelled at you." Kia just nods.

'Chihiro' Haku sends a link to her.

'Haku? Have they found you yet?' Chihiro asks him.

'yes, but they get captured in steed. Look Chihiro, find my sister Daisy. She can help you find us.' Haku explains. He saw Chihiro nod. 'Go and speak to Zeniba'

Haku smiles to this hopefully they'll find her. "Haku what's up," Kazima says.

"Chihiro is going to Zeniba's and to find Daisy," Haku explains to them. They all just nod.

"So, how are we going to get out of here?" Kia asks. Haku looks up at her.

"Kazima," Haku says having an idea in his head that might fail.

"What about Kazima?" Samuel asks.

"Samuel you might not like this but, Kazima needs to become apart of the Wind Clan so he can teleport us out," Haku explains.

"Not going to happen." Samuel objects.

"He's right though master," Kazima says taking Haku's side. "Only people from this clan can teleport up here. I can set you guys free if I become a part of the wind clan." Kazima explains.

Samuel shook his head. "I know Kazima. But you can't leave this place if you become a member." Samuel explains.

Kazima looks down unaware of that. "You're my master though. I have to do everything that will protect you." Kazima explains. Samuel sighs he knew Kazima was right.

"Okay, I agree with you." Samuel finally says. Haku sighs and nods at him.

"So how are we going to do this?" Kia asks.

"We wait." Haku answers.

Haku was worrying about Chihiro, as he knew a human can't survive in the spirit world for long.

Chihiro? Haku sends a link.

I'm still at Lies and Promise. I'll go- Chihiro starts but Haku cuts her off.

No. We have a plan stay put. Haku says to her. Haku saw Chihiro sigh.

What am I oppose to do then? Chihiro asks.

Go to my river, it'll like to see you. Haku says calmly. Haku felt Chihiro nods.

"Haku I need to speak to you," Samuel says appearing in front of him. Samuel looks at Kia, Sumi, and Kazima who was listening. "In private."

Haku nods and stands up. The Both of them goes to another end of the cube.

"Do you know if Chihiro is okay?" Samuel asks him with his voice low so the others won't hear them.

Haku blinks. "Yes, she's fine. At the moment hopefully, she just left your shrine and going to my river."

"Haku you know how dangerous the spirit world is for humans.She could get killed." Samuel explains.

"I know, she's going to return to the human world soon," Haku reassures him.

"When is soon?"

"After when this is over," Haku replies.

"Better the soon then." Haku looks up at him questioning. "She's already been caught by the Authorities."

"I know. But it's just been-" Haku starts.

"A long time since you've seen each other I know. Haku can you promise me something?" Samuel asks.

"Yeah, what?"

"You have to take Chihiro back to the human world if she doesn't say yes force her to go back. Or convince her first." Samuel says.

Haku looks down. "I'll take her when she says she wants to go." Haku decides. "Even if I don't want her to go back. She has to."

"Fine. Just make sure she goes back before it's too late." Samuel warns him.

"I will don't worry." Haku promise. Samuel nods and walks over to Kazima.

Sumi and Kia walk over to Haku.

"What was that about?" Sumi asks.

"Nothing you two need to worry about," Haku says.

"Fine be like that." Kia snaps at him and stomps away. Haku hisses in pain as he can feel the anger from her.

"Kia." Sumi hisses.

"Leave her be. She'll be fine." Haku says watching Kia sit down and Kazima joining her.

Sumi nods and sits down.

Suddenly the room went all bright and blinds them for a second. Haku looks up and it was Sky and Red as well as Alicia. Kazima stands up. The three looks at him.

"Will you join our clan, or do we have to force you to join? Our master is not patient anymore." Alicia says.

Kazima walks up to them and stops as soon as he's right in front of them.

"I wish to join your clan, but-" Red cuts him off.

"There's always a but."

"The others will go once I've joined your clan," Kazima says.

"We have to speak to the master first. Your master can go, we don't need him. We're not sure about the others though." Red explains. Kazima nods.

"Le mnfan" Sky chants. Doing a cross across Kazima's body.

Samuel hisses out in pain. On his arm was burn mark. Kazima spins round to Samuel in worry.

"I'm fine Kazima," Samuel reassures him.

Kazima nods. "Your turn Samuel." Sky announces.

Samuel nods as Kazima turns around and saw Samuel there.

"Medafilta." Samuel chants Kazima's mark for LIES AND PROMISES disappears.

Kia whimpers with her hand over her mouth as tears flow out of her eyes like a river. Kazima looks over to Kia and walks towards her. When he reaches her Kazima instantly hugs her in an emotional way. Kia puts her face in Kazima's neck.

And cries, as she'll know that she'll never see him again. If she would then she'll be locked in the cube.

"Kazima!" Kia cries.

"Kazima! We need to go." Red yells. Kazima nods and pulls away.

Sumi comes next to Kia as Kazima hands her to him. Kia instantly cried on Sumi.

"Haku," Kazima says.


"Take care of her will Ya?" Haku nods. "Master Samuel..."

Kazima starts. "No need for Master Samuel anymore just Samuel okay?" Kazima nods.

"About what happened, I'm sorry." Kazima apologise.

"It's all in the past now no need to worry." Samuel reinsurers him.

"Geez are you ready yet?" Alicia asks fed up from all of the mushy talks.

"Yep," Kazima says. Kazima holds onto Skys arm, one last smile he was gone.

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