The Other Swan [1]

By teenwolfgal16

34.7K 487 116

Katherine Swan; She's your typical 15 year old girl. She had dark brown hair, baby blue eyes and lightly... More

Character Roles


3.1K 53 19
By teenwolfgal16

Bella and I got to school and waited for Edward to show up. It was highly nerve racking to assume that your kind of friend was a vampire but it was the only thing that made any sense.

We were standing in the court yard when Bella saw Edward who was staring back at her. She lightly smacked my arm to draw my attention before we walked forward. She nudged him with her shoulder but continued to walk into the forest behind the school. I looked back to see him following us, I took a deep breath in to try and calm my nerves but was failing miserably.

We found a secluded part of the forest before Bella dropped her bookbag at the foot of a large tree then went to the middle of the space. I on the other hand stayed by the tree, trying to act as natural as possible.

"You're impossibly fast,and strong. Your skin is ice cold and pale white. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like, you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything. You don't go out in the sunlight." Bella said.

By now Edward was right behind her as I spoke.

"How old are you?"


Bella then asked, " how long have you been 17?"

"A while. "

Bella looked distraught but then proceeded to say, "I know what you are. "

"Than say it. Out loud. Say it. "

"Vampire" Bella finally said.

"Are you afraid?"


"Then ask me the most basic question. What do we eat?"

"You won't hurt me. ". I rolled my eyes at the comment. Bella he just admitted to being a fucking vampire. He would've had to hurt someone before.

That's when Edward took her and I both by the arms and started to drag us up to the top of the mountain. Apparently we 'need to see his real form in the sunlight'. But that's before he swung me on his back and Bella to wrap around the front of him and took off at an impossible speed. We reach the mountain top to see sunlight seeping in just enough for him to show. He shrugged us both off before opening his shirt and walking straight into the light.

"This is why we don't show ourselves in sunlight. People would know we're different. This is what I am. " he said before turning around to display his skin that looked like a disco ball.

It gave me this odd feeling of anger yet protectiveness that was very strange for me.

"Beautiful" Bella said. Oh my god Bella this isn't beautiful. It's weird but I'm not judging totally yet. I thought.

"Beautiful? This is the skin of a killer Bella. " Edward said with disgust before turning and running back into the forest, with us on his tail.

I step back and watch as they have their little moments again but still listen.

"I'm a killer. "

"I don't believe that."

"That's because you believe the lie. The camouflage. Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face , even my smell. As if I would need any of that."

The then sped off only to reappear on a rock.
"As if you could out run me!"

Then appears back by Bella and pulled a large root from the ground and threw it, missing me by only a foot or two.
"As if you could fight me off!  I'm designed to kill. "

"I don't care. " god my sister is kinda stupid.

"I've killed people."

"It doesn't matter. "

"I wanted to kill you. I've never wanted a humans blood so much in my life."

"I trust you" Bella said.

"Don't " he said before speeding off to a tree.

"Me and my family are different than others of our kind. We only drink animal blood. It's like we're vegetarians.   But you, your scent, it's like a drug to me. It's like my own personal brand of heroine"

Then they walked over to a corner and talked quietly. When they came back we walked to a small meadow in the forest with lots of flowers. They layed in the middle while I stayed on the outside by myself. After that he took us home and I went straight to bed because today was exhausting.

The next morning Bella woke me up and we drove to school with Edward. When we got there, they both got out and walked into school with his arm around her shoulder while I timidly walk behind them.

After school, Edward dropped me off at home while he and Bella left to go somewhere. I decided to call Billy and see if I could come over.   He said yes and come to pick me up. I called dad and got the ok then was off.

When I got there Billy said that Jake was over at Embry's house for a few then would be back. I just talked with Billy and we watched some football before I said I would make them some dinner. When I finished, Jake walked in and all three of us sat and ate before Jake drove me home.  When I got home I saw Bella in the drive way cleaning her truck. I quickly change and help her when I hear Edward jumping all over the truck before landing next to us.

"Could you at least act human? We have neighbors. " Bella said jokingly.

"I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow. You too Katie. "

"You mean with your family? What if they don't like me?" Bella asked.

"So you're worried because you don't think they'll approve but not because you'll be in a house full of vampires?" He laughed out.

His happy face then turned sour and he left as Billy and Jake pull up.

"What? Did you guys not get enough of me earlier?" I joked which caused Billy to laugh and Jake to chuckle under his breath. Jake got Billy's wheelchair before they got out.

"Actually we came to see your flatscreen. Plus Jake here wanted to see you,Bella. He wouldn't shut up. " billy joked before he and I walked/rolled into the house.


Today we were meeting Edwards family officially so I try to look nice.

I hide the three small boxes I got last night in my pockets before getting into Edwards car. After Edward left yesterday I asked Jake to take me to a jewelry store so I could get my friends 'birthday present'.  We drove for a while then went down a long dirt road before coming upon a beautiful glass house. I was in total awe.

So much awe that I didn't realize they had already walked inside until Edward called my name from the door. I hurried in and walked to the kitchen with them. I could smell the food from here. I was starving since I didn't eat before we left unlike Bella. When we entered a beautiful women with medium copper hair walked up to us and said that they were making Italian food for us. I was happy since I love pasta. That was until Edward said that 'they' had already ate. That's when the bowl of salad Rosalie had shattered and dropped to the floor.

"Umm I would like to say I didn't eat. And I mm actually hunger. Plus everything looks delicious. " I said.

The family smiled before going back to cooking. Rosalie looked a little less anger now. That's when Alice and Jasper walked in from the balcony.

"Bella. I'm Alice. And you must be Katie." She said before hugging us both.

"You do smell good. And you're right she doesn't smell at all." I was very confused by the last statement. 

"Alice what -"

"Don't worry. Bella and I are gonna be great friends. Just like.. anyways."

Then Edward took Bella on a grand tour, leaving me with the rest of the family who were cooking.

"Would you like some help?" I asked.

They all reassured me that they were okay before I remembered the gifts.

"Oh! I got y'all gifts. Well the girls I did. Sorry I didn't really know what to get the guys. " I said, pulling out the three small boxes. They all looked surprised,but stopped working and walked over to me. I handed a small purple box to Alice, a silver one to Rosalie and a peach one to Esme. Alice opens hers first and smiled at the small pearl sunflower ring inside.

"Did you see it coming?" I asked

"No actually. This is beautiful Katie but why a sunflower?"

"Well even though some people may say you're weird I like you. You're like a ball of sunshine. The irony in it baffles me though". I laughed.

Then Esme opened hers and pulled out a clear crystal necklace.

"I thought since you're the mom you would be like the gem of the family so I thought it'd fit. "

" thank you so much. You didn't have to do this. " Esme said.

Then finally Rosalie opened hers. I was nervous since I knew she'd be hard to accept me but then I saw her speechless face. Which became a huge smile.

"This is gorgeous Katie. Thank you." She said. Hers was a small vintage ring that was gold with a peach colored rose in the middle.

The next thing that she did surprised not only me but the whole family too. She hugged me. It took me a moment before I hugged her back. When we were done the food was done and I sat and enjoyed it. Afterwards we all cleaned the kitchen and then Bella and Edward walked in. 

We had to go so we left and I headed up to bed.


I was looking out at a waterfall. It was gorgeous and the greenery around it was just as much. Then I felt a presence sit next to me. It was the woman again.

"I see the Cullen's like you. You are a very brave and generous girl Katie. Those traits are what make you, you. Your bravery, care,protectiveness, generosity. All of this is what makes you so special. "

"Ms.   Could you tell me who you are?"

"I'm your donor mother sweetie."

"Oh. Since you know about the meeting with the Cullen's could you tell me why they said I didn't have a smell? It was confusing since I'm pretty sure everyone has a smell. "

"All in good time my dear. I must leave for now and you must go to school. I love you my dear child. "

And then it was over once again.


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