The Mistakes That Made Us (Be...

By NutellahQueen

1.3M 24.4K 4.2K

Katherine Kyles is a wolf. But not a happy one. Beaten, abused, made fun of, neglected and a horrible family... More

Must Read Before Commencing Novel
*Chapter 1- The Root of Pain*
*Chapter 2- Good Riddance*
*Chapter 3-Moving Forward*
*Chapter 5- We are not a Pack*
*Chapter 6- Total Recap*
*Chapter 7-When in Rome...*
*Chapter 8- Tension*
*Chapter 9-Innocence*
The 2nd day
Meeting the sisters
Our Parents are here
The devil's servant
We are leaving...For a Castle.
Drake's secret
Finally at the castle
Brock met is mate
The training
The surprises
The mate's and a song
The coranation
Relaxation...then devistation
Anger, confusion and faith
The attack and the letter
Dainala and Angel
The question
This asshole finally revealed himself
Delete or not?

*Chapter 4- Visitors*

72.6K 1.4K 342
By NutellahQueen

Sorry for the long wait. I was on a family trip and I couldn't upload on my phone, because it wouldn't let me write or edit things! -_- stupid technology. P.S. Chase at the top


I woke up to screaming and jumping on me. A set of tiny hands on my belly. 

Wait, what?

I winced a bit as I opened my crusted eyes. I looked around and saw Jasmine on top of my chest while jumping on it, her little hands slapping my stomach. She screamed 'Mommy!!! Wake up!!!' repeatedly.

I still don't know how to feel about that. I mean, how has she not reacted to what happened with that Alpha and his guards? How is she still cool and not screaming for her parents? I mean, I don't know much about kids or their behaviors, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't of been calling a complete stranger 'Mommy' the second she showed me affection! Is there something wrong with her?

Of course there is Kat! Her parents were killed in front of her! She probably doesn't understand what happened or how to react to it!

Maybe I should take her to a doctor when we get settled in somewhere. A psychologist? Is that what that type of doctor is called? Who cares!Once we get out of here, I'm taking her to one!

Yes, I'm planning on getting out of here. Why would I stay with a bunch of crazy people that just shoved an Alpha title down my throat? Yes, they were nice, hell. More than nice. Saints! But the fact that the most feared Alpha of all time wants to adopt me and give me his title soon is nerving. An Alpha! Title! Is this a trap? Do they do this to people they consider a threat? Maybe they will hurt me because I don't have a mate, but the rest of my friends do.

Who does that?! Something seriously strange is going on around here, and I don't know whether to look into it or just leave.


I rubbed my now sore nose as it was butt-headed by a 4 year old in her attempt to wake me up.

"Okay you nasty little bugger. I'm up." I said as I got her off me and sat up on her bed. She smiled at me smugly, so I grabbed her and sat her on my lap while her legs automatically wrapped around my waist. Then I started tickling her and kissing her belly and faking that I was eating her. But while the fight was going on, I felt her tense from time to time. Shake a bit. And I know those signs very well. I decided to stop and take her to her bathroom to shower. I stayed put and helped her bath herself. She took a bit, but was clean in the end. I took out a nice shirt and jeans for her to wear, and put them on her bed. I looked around her drawer and saw a Dora pantie. It'll do. I put it on her bed and told her to get ready.

I went to my own bathroom and took a hot shower, relaxing my muscles and clearing my mind with the strong scent of sweet oranges, cinnamon and chocolate.

After I was done, I grabbed a blue bra and black pantie, some nice jeans that had a chain in it pockets, and a simple blue top.

I went to the closet, and my eyes were captivated by black boots and a red leather jacket.

I put both things on and went to check up on Jasmine. I saw she was doing just fine with her clothes, so I picked out some short black boots just like mine. She squealed all the way downstairs and into the kitchen before I could stop her.

I grabbed a brush and combed my hair. I saw the drawing that Jasmine made me. I grabbed it and an empty frame on the desk and hung it up. I finished combing my knotted hair and went downstairs to the kitchen where Jasmine and Alice were scarfing down their food.

As I walked to the kitchen, I could smell bacon, eggs and waffles. And I'm practically drooling while I'm on my seat.

"Morning." I say as my plate is served in front of me by Alice.

"Morning." They chorused. I looked up and saw that everyone was up and running.

I ate and chat with Alice, Rachelle and Michelle.

"Morning guys." Say the twins as they descend the stairs.

"Morning." We chorused.

"Wanna go laser tagging with us?" Jared asked as he kissed Sally.

"Sure." She said with a blush as Jasmine made kissy faces. I was quite amusing to watch.

"Can we eat pizza after!?" Ally screeched at the realization she could have her beloved junk food.

"Where have you been all my life?" asked Steven as he kissed her.

"So it's a yes?" she asked with a confused face.

'It's a good thing she's pretty.' Dainala muttered in my head.

I agreed.

We stayed in the living room for a while and talked a bit. Getting to know each other more. I still wasn't convinced that this pack was nice, so I had my guard up. Dainala was a bit tense too. Especially since Jasmine was a bit on the fragile side.

Once Jasmine started dancing, Ricki and Jared decided to make fun of her. She saw this and stumped all the way to my lap and jumped roughly on it.

"Easy there munchkin'." I said.

"They bad boys." She grumbled.

"How does it go Jasmine? Like this" Said Jared ask he got in on the teasing and made fake pirouettes. It was a little bit amusing since he looked like the stereotype of a very gay man.

After a while, I decided to voice out my thoughts.

"You look like one of those stereotypical gay dance instructors that always wears spandex and never dances right." I said as I made everyone laugh and him blush.

"Babe, I know this is a hard time in your life. Finding yourself." Sally said with a straight face, causing him to scowl. "But we can get through this! Together! Baby steps. Baby steps."

"I'm not gay!" he said as he stomped up the stairs.

"We accept you for who you are!" Jasmine screamed, catching all of us off guard.

We busted out laughing.

Ricki rolled on the floor and crouched down. Once he looked up he had tears in his face and was all red. We saw him and cried out laughing even harder.

Ricki crawled towards Jasmine and put her on his hips.

"Remind me never to mess with you kid."

"Okay. Don't mess with me."

Ricki just chuckled and shook his head slightly.

He put her down and regained his composure.

"Oh God, I'm getting fat." Ricki said as he fake puffed and made a pregnant belly. Then, the boys started arguing over who was more pregnant and fatter. We drowned them out and continued our conversation.

After a while of pointless chit chat, Rachelle spoke up.

"Wanna go for a run?" Asked Rachelle.

I tensed slightly but nodded.

I don't know about you guys, but this pack may be trying to kill me. I'm convinced of it. I'm never gonna let my guard down around these people. They may be mates to the people who are the closest things that I have to friends, but that doesn't mean they won't turn out like the Neon pack. For all I know, they are faking this sympathy act and planning on killing me. Or maybe even working with them.

I mean, isn't this too good to be true? It seems like a complete joke! And I'm not buying any of it. Alpha? Of the Blood Thirst Pack? Hell, is this even the Blood Thirst Pack?! Being adopted just like that? That's a kids dream come true! Its not that I'm ungrateful, but this is just too fishy. And too surreal.

I've been through too much stuff to start trusting anyone. I don't even completely trust the people I came here with! I have to look out for myself and for Jasmine. Especially Jasmine. I may be going through a tough time, but I have Dainala. Jasmine is like an exploding ticking bomb, waiting to blow the fuse.

Rachelle looked at me and opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Jared slammed his way into the living room, swaggering as if nothing happened.

"Yea! Jasmine, wanna see mommy's wolf?" I asked her.

"I'm in!" he said as he ran out the door.

"Let's go." I said as the Alpha snatched Jasmine from my back and gave her a piggy back ride. He twirled her around making her squeal in laughter.

I remembered the camera was on. I shut it off and smiled as I remembered that the whole fiasco that happened here was taped and recorded.

I went outside and saw everyone shift. Any doubt that I had of Daniel being the Alpha of The Blood Thirst Pack was demolished and perished into the air as I saw his grey wolf. It was massive. It had grey fur, and a black circle on his head, as if it were a halo. The sign of a powerful Alpha. Once his wife shifted, I wasn't that surprised that her wolf was also grey.

The rest of the pack members were brown or black, or even white.

When it came down to me having to shift, I inhaled and exhaled. And gave Dainala half of my control. When I shifted, most of the wolves stared at me and bowed down. They all whimpered and barked in fear and respect. Dainala raised her snout to the air and gave a small whine. They started running.

I pushed my nuzzle slightly on Jasmines head so she could get up. once she got on, she grabbed my fur and I started running.

We ran around the forest and played tag. Girls versus boys. Since I had Jasmine in my back as an outstretched hand, we won a lot. I was still tense and on guard, but I forced myself to relax for Jasmines sake. Everyone was running and jumping over each other, until we heard Michelle scream.

We ran to the sound of her screaming and came to a halt. Michelle had shifted into her human form, covered in blood. She had gashes and bruises all around her arms and stomach.

Once I looked up, I saw the bushes move. I glared closer at them and spotted two rouges. I growled menacingly at them, with Dainala's help. I shrugged Jasmine of me and made her climb a tree. I took a step towards Michelle and growled louder at the rouges. Keven showed up looking distraught and frightened. Then, his face changed to a down right pissed off expression. He looked at where I was looking at and spotted the rogues. He growled along with me. Me and Keven locked eyes and nodded. We attacked.

They ended up being stronger than they looked, but eventually we took them down. I killed one and Keven killed the other one.

Once I snapped the rogue's neck, I felt power surge through me. It was so great, so magical, it was almost overwhelming.

Your third kill. Dainala whispered.

The moment she said those words, the power increased ten folds! The power ran around my body and stayed in my back. At first it felt like a sting. Like someone was giving me a tattoo and the artist was pressuring the needle a little too deep. But then it worsened and felt like my back was growing new bones! I felt so much pain, that being rejected felt like a walk in the park. I felt like blacking out when it stopped.

I sighed in relief when I stopped screaming. I felt a gust of wind hit me. I weakly looked in the direction of the wind, and saw a flash of black. I was confused until it appeared again.

Holy shit.

Those are wings. Two of them! I have wings!

I have wings!

 Oh my Gawd! 

Black, purple and red! Those are the colors of my wings! Their huge! And so pretty!

Is this what happens when I complete three kills? I asked Dainala.

She didn't answer, but I could feel her pleasure and content through our bond.

As Dainala and I spoke, Keven ran towards his mate. He sighed in relief as he saw she wasn't hurt badly. But Michelle was looking at us the whole time and tensed. Keven looked confused at to what had her tense, so he looked in our direction. As soon as his gaze locked in our direction, his eyes widened and rolled back as his body slumped to the ground. He fainted! And not a minute later, so did Michelle!

What a bunch of baby's! As if they have never seen a winged creature before!

Dainala scoffed.

I padded over to Jasmine. She looked scared shitless of the big creature. So I stepped back to make a good distance, and sat on my belly and squirmed around and made silly moves and faces. She was still hesitant but after I stuck my tongue out she moved close and patted my wings and stroked them. And it actually felt nice!

'What's going on? Are you guys alright?' Asked Daniel as he made his way here.

He froze in place as he saw me. The others came just in time too. And they also froze.

'We are all right. A rough attacked Michelle, but me and Keven took care of things.' I said. I pointed at the dead bodies on the ground. 'Keven and Michelle just fainted after seeing Dainala, reach her... full potential.'

After a while of wolves whining and bowing down, Daniel shook his whole body and humphed at the air of power greater than his own. After getting his whits back, he spoke.

'Okay. Go take Jasmine into the house and get back here to dispose the bodies. We'll handle Michelle and Keven.'

'Okay.' I said as I left with Jasmine giggling on my back. I guess she got used to this faster than I thought.

Oh great, make this another thing to add to the list for the psychologist to deal with.

As I made my way to the pack house, everyone freaked out. People were running, screaming, bowing, whimpering, hiding. You name it! To not make any more ruckus or damage, I ignore them and changed into my human form. I ran up into my room and put Jasmine on my bed. I made me and Jasmine some nuggets and got her to bed for her nap. Since it was hot, I decided to change. I stood in my underwear and picked out a red shirt that had one thin strap on each sides. I grabbed some short jeans that looked ripped on the bottom. I changed Jasmine into her pj's and cranked up the air conditioning and put her in my bed. I pulled the covers over her body and under her chin, kissed her forehead and stopped to see myself in the mirror. In my shift to human, it looked like my wings disappeared as well.

But just as I thought that, they reappeared. They didn't tear through the fabric of the shirt, instead, it appeared as if the shirt already had holes for them made. They were black from the beginning of the wings, turned a dark purple, then a blood red. They looked gorgeous, yet terrifying. I moved my arm around to touch them, but as I did that, they moved forward, making it easier to reach. I almost didn't believe it, but I could feel the control I had over them. As if I were moving my hands and feet! I stretched them out and pulled them back down.

OK. Now how do I hide them?

'You aren't a bright one are you?' Dainala sighed.

'What do you mean by that? I just got these! I don't know what to do or use!'

'Do you not remember what I told you when I first made my appearance? She asked exasperated. As if dealing with a little kid.'

'I don'y know! You said a lot of stuff!' I huffed.

She sighed heavily in my head. I almost felt her hot breath in my brain!

'Your part witch! Your father being a warlock! Use your magic!'

'I don't know how! Helloooo!!!!! Newbie here!'

'Must I do everything?'

'Until you teach me, oh great one, you're stuck mothering me until I get a hold of my powers and... everything else!'

Just like that, I felt a bit light headed. My wings started to turn into a lighter color, until the were transparent, and then they were gone completely.

That was easy.

'Yes, for me. And it will drain your energy if you don't practice as much. We shall start your training in your subconscious. Soon.'

With that, she fell back into my subconscious.

I bolted to the door and headed down stairs and into the forest.

When I got there, I grabbed the rogues body's and threw them in the air, and with my witch magic and a bit of help from Dainala (she was doing everything), I blew them up and made the chunks disappear without them hitting the ground.

As I turned around, Jared and Ricki showed up.

"Hey. What happened to Keven and Michelle?" I asked.

"There good. And knocked out cold. Michelle fainted because of blood loss and Keven 'cause he got hit pretty hard." Jared chuckled. "So he's not a complete wimp. Your wings just shocked him. Hell, they shocked everyone!"

"Alright. Let's head back out." I said as I turned my heals. I heard grunts and gasps, so I turned around.

And guess what? Another set of rogues had Jared and Ricki pinned! 

Wasn't this supposed to be powerful and scary pack where no damn rogue dared step foot in?! (Well, unless they didn't see the blue line like we did) Or is this shit planned to take me down?

Crap, stop thinking about that now, just save those two idiots!

I was about to punch 'em with a death blow, but Dainala pulled my arm back.

'You can't just go killing everybody. Some people have stories to tell and lives to live. These two rogues are harmless. And idiotic. Do not take their lives. It's not meant to be.' Dainala spoke.

'Well if I can't kill them, I will hurt them! Their hurting innocent people!'

And with that being said, I walked up to the rogue that had Jared and punched him in the skull, knocking him out. Jared got out of his grip and helped me separate the rogue that had Ricki from him. I let Dainala take over and let her kick and punch him everywhere. He was down on the ground in the next minute.

As I looked up from the rogues, I opened my mouth to see if the guys were okay, but my voice caught in my throat as a man stepped into my view. He had sad brown eyes and looked... disappointed? Angry? Desperate? I don't know how sad he was, but he was gorgeous! He was as beautiful as Zayne!

He saw me and plastered on a sick smile.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Am I seeing the Wolf of Death? In real life? Pinch me! I'm dreaming!"

Now that he's out in the sunlight, I can see him better. He has blonde hair with brown streaks. Has brown eyes and an amazing smile. Even though it's twisted and false. He wasn't wearing a shirt, so I could see his well built abs. He was gorgeous. But I'm not gonna fawn over his good looks.

"What do you want?" I asked icily. I didn't know I had it in me.

"To talk to you. Alone."

"You do realize you're outnumbered, right?" I asked.

Ricki grabbed his attacker by the neck and grabbed his hands and wouldn't allow him to move. Jared did the same with his attacker.

"Take them to the pack house. I wanna have a word with this one. And don't kill them...yet." They nodded and left the forest, leaving me with a good looking crazy guy.

"What's your name?" I asked as I let my wings out.

"Chase." He answered. Too entranced with my wings to realize his mouth was hanging open.

"What do you want?" I said.

"Death." He said after a while. All signs of distraction out of his face. He looked...lost.

"What? Why?" I asked taken aback. Why does he want Death? As in my wolf or his life being taken away? If so, I don't feel like killing him. Don't ask me why, but the thought of his lifeless body brings chills down my whole body. I don't think I wanna kill him.

I took a step closer.

All of a sudden, he broke down sobbing.

"Please! You don't understand. I have nothing left! I don't want to live any more! Not if it means feeling this void and black hole in my heart for the rest of my existence! I hate it! My own mate rejected me and my family abandoned me! I only have those two that you took. Those are my only friends! Take me from this world! If any one can put me out of this grief, it's you! Please!" He shouted.

"How did you know the WD would be here?" I asked shakily.

He sniffed and looked up at me. "I didn't. I was hoping the Alpha of the Blood Thirst pack would do the deed. But I saw you. Felt your aura and I knew you were the Wolf of Death. And I knew this was fate telling me that my life has to end."

I came closer to him. I could sense his bad vibes. His emotions. I could sense the grief and the despair. It reminds me a lot of me. When Zayne rejected me and my pack left me for dead.

'What should we do? Kill him?' I asked.

'No. He shouldn't die. He has a long life ahead of him. I can sense it. He has a bigger purpose in his life than he knows.'

Before I knew it. I was in front of him.

"It's not your time. I can't grant you that wish" I said.

Without thinking it, I grabbed his face lightly and wiped his tears away. The contact sending shocks into my hands. I gasped and so did he. I stumbled back a bit from the surprise, but got back up.

"Why do I feel this way?" he asked. He looked up at me with a foreign emotion in his eyes. Something I've never seen before.

"I don't know... But I won't grant your wish. You can't run from your problems. To tell you the truth, we have more in common then you know." I confessed.

"Like what?" he asked with a shaky voice.

I put my hands in his. I felt shocks go off in my body. My heart fluttered and my emotions flew around.

"Like... our mates rejected us. Our family's abandoned us. And the un-happiness. My family beat me. Treated me like a slave. Hated me. And so did the pack. I hated them with a passion. They aren't even allowed to be called a pack. So, I ran when I first shifted. They didn't even help me when it happened. No matter how hard or how loud I called for them, they were never there. So I went to confront them, just to get accused of sleeping with someone and a smack on my face... So I left. And when I got here, I looked like an anorexia patient. They never fed me. But by leaving the place that did no good to me, I became stronger. I haven't even thought of my mate. I have a new life for myself and I can make it a pleasant one."

"Why would anyone want to harm a beautiful creature like yourself? If I could, I would kill them. I don't know why, but just the thought of them hurting you, gets me on edge. I don't even know you. Just your title." He said.

I smiled.

"Katherine. But call me Kat."

"Kat. I like it." Then everything was silent. We just looked in each others eyes and got lost in them. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I don't think I've ever felt something so magical happen before. It feels so right to kiss him, like I'm meant to.

I thought that only mates could feel this? Well stupid, they are!

 Chase has to be my second mate!

After having the thought run across my mind, I pulled away. We were both breathing heavily, even though it was just a peck.

Another mate? All they do is bring heart break. The second that Zayne rejected me, I lost all beliefs in mates and cataloged them in the 'do not believe' file in my head.

But I'm being rude. His own mate rejected him also! He was about to kill himself for god sake! Man I'm a bitch.

"That was amazing." He confessed, pulling me out of my trance.

"Yeah, it was." I said as I tried to control my breathing.

"I think I found another reason to live for." He stated out of breath. And as expected, it made me blush like crazy.

Holy shit that was cheesy af! Too soon! This is too fast forward man! How the hell did I turn into his world in a nano second?

Stupid mate bond.

"You're cute when you blush." and There goes another cliche line. Seriously, does this guy not read y/a novels?

"Gosh, your so lame... Let's go. I'm not gonna kill your friends. They are just gonna stay for some questioning and face some punishments. And so are you." I said as I flew up and landed shakily on the ground.

"Is it a long walk?" he asked tiredly.

I thought for a moment.

"Don't worry, I can get us there in a blink of an eye."

I hope.

I grabbed his hand concentrated on the weird vibrating feeling around my body. From vibrations, it turned to the feeling of having your foot fall asleep, but on your whole body. I snapped my fingers from my other hand and in a blink of an eye, we were in the pack house.

"That was amazing!" Chase exclaimed. He let go of me and started wobbling around a bit. I grabbed his hand and stilled him.

"I know. Let's go."

When we got there, we saw the other two tied to chairs and being glared at by the others.

"I'm back!" I exclaimed. I could feel Chase tensing beside me.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sonia asked when she saw my hands linked with Chase's.

"It's okay, he's on the safe side. And so are they." I confirmed

"Let them go. They won't harm." I said.

They did as I said, while Dainala took over.

'You will never harm a pack member for such a selfish reason ever again. You will not scare or mistreat anyone while you stay here. If so, you will burn. No one but your mate can scorch the fires within you.'

As she finished speaking, Chase and his friends all accepted and fell to the ground in pain. After a minute or two, they got back up. But this time, they had red eyes, but they quickly went away.

"Who are you?" Daniel asked in his Alpha voice as the tension seized.

"Chase. That's Brad, and that's Jake." He introduced.

"Why did you attack?" he asked in Alpha mode.

Now I can see why this is a strong pack that scares the shit outta everyone. Everyone has a defensive stance against Chase and his friends. No one has that scared look in their eyes or aura. They are all willing, and ready to fight. Whatever means necessary.

"We wanted to grant Chase his wish. His death wish. We heard that the Alpha of the Blood Thirst Pack lived here. So we came looking for him. We are also un-happy. We wanted it too. But since Chase and us are alive, I think plans have gone wrong." Brad said.

Now that I look at them, they look like a couple of beat up cover boys. Just picture two beaten tumblr boys. That's how good they look.

I'm so sidetracked right now.

"Why did you not kill him?" Dad asked me.

"It wasn't his time to die. And I have reason to believe he's my mate. I couldn't grant him something he couldn't have, much less if it hurt me."

After a long pause of silence, the Alpha finally spoke.

"If he really is your mate, then he and his friends will join the pack. He will be sent to a therapist for his depression. So will you two." He pointed at Jake and Brad. "And you will watch over them personally. They are your responsibility."

"I will." I said with a straight face. Because deep down, I wanted to cheer for the fact that my mate can be with me. I don't wanna end up having to like someone because of a bond though. I mean, I already think mates are a waste of time, space and a disappointment. I don't trust them. Especially my first one. But just because Chase and I have somewhat of a similar background, it doesn't mean I'm gonna trust him. He can be a douche bag without me knowing it. He has to make a good impression for me to actually like him. Because starting today, I won't let the cursed 'mate bond' make me have feelings for someone I don't know.

Out of nowhere, we heard a sharp cry. Jasmine woke up from wherever she was and appeared on my legs.

"Oh sweetie, don't cry. Come on. Momma's got you." I said as I picked her up and she went back to sleep in my arms.

"She's your daughter?" Chase asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

And just as he looked at me, I could read him as easy as an open book. He was hurt and confused as to why I had a daughter. But not with him. He pulled some weird faces as he ran his eyes around the both of us. His expression showed he realized the differences in our appearances and lack of similarity. I'm not sure, but he seemed to remembered the story I told him and felt guilty and sheepish as to his behavior.

"She's cute." he answered. He cleared his throat and looked around. Avoiding my eye contact.

"I know." I answered.

"Chase, you'll be sleeping with Katherine, or the guest room. Which ever the both of you agree to. Brad and Jake can have the other guest rooms. Alice, please show them the way soon." Alpha ordered.

Speaking of rooms, I can smell the food from the kitchen. It's time to eat.

I took Chase's hand and led him to the dining room. We sat on the dinner table and waited patiently for our food. I woke Jasmine up from her sleep and prepped her on her chair. There, we ate like kings. And after we were done eating in a tense atmosphere, we talked about Chase's and the other guys past. They didn't like it, but knew they had to go through it to not be suspected a bad guy and be killed on the spot.

Chase told everyone that his childhood was okay, but in his teenage years, his parents started to neglect him and abuse him verbally. He was starting to get used to it as he went with it throughout the years, but when his mate rejected him, his family kicked him out for being a disappointment. He would of stayed at Jake's or Brads, but they all had enough.

Brad was abused as a kid and almost molested by his own mother. And Jake was bullied by everyone, and his parents never gave a damn. Until he took their money and ran away with Brad and Chase.

After hearing those stories, we decided to call it a night.

I tucked Jasmine in and lit up her Elmo night light. I took a while for me to leave because I was stuck staring at it too.

I went to my bed with Chase going to the foldable sofa mattress thing. I told him everything about my mate and what I felt about our relationship. And he said that he was okay with it. He sorta felt the same way. But after he left my bed to go to sleep. He kissed me.

And my stupid hormones acted up and practically devoured him. I felt his hand go under my shirt and up, cupping my breasts. Just as I was about to take off my shirt, I felt a sharp, stabbing pain in my heart and back. I pulled away and cried out in pain.

Chase had a worried expression on his face as he looked at me. I fell on the pillow and covered my cries as I felt more pain being spilled into my whole body.

And I know exactly why.


He's mated another woman.

Before I could process it, I was sobbing. Chase knew what was happening.

"That goddamn bastard! Mating another like that! Once I get my hands on him, I'll kill him. Then I'll make him wish he was never born. Giving up on you like that. Hurting you like that. I'll kill him. I swear."

"Don't waste your breath on trash like him." I groaned as I got back up and held on to Chase for dear life.

That was my last thought as I fell into total darkness and warm, strong arms.

Hmm. I can get used to sleeping like this.

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