Follow Me - Ashton Irwin Dark...

Bởi causeimirish22

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Final - Part 1
Final, Drabble
Final, Part 2
Final Chapter

Chapter 4

774 17 1
Bởi causeimirish22

"I swear Shane if you change one more time I will leave without you" Adrienne says as stand here pouting in the mirror. "You look hot."

"No I don’t" I whine.

"I’m over this conversation" Amy groans and leaves the room. Good. I swear I really need to change rooms. Like now.

"If I didn’t know any better I would say you are trying to impress someone."

"Shut up" I scream and toss my lipstick at her. I know my cheeks are burning red. And maybe I was trying to dress up for someone but I like to look good for myself too.

"What his name again?" she says, tapping her newly manicured nail against her lips. I was not going to say Ashton’s name because I was over that phase. "Luke, was it?"

"What? No, not Luke. Ashton" I admit.

"Oh my god Shane! I knew it. No wonder you can’t stop smiling. He’s hot."

"No he isn’t. He’s an asshole."

"Alright" she says, stretching out the word. "Let’s find you a new guy to play with tonight."

"And do not think about bringing him back here" Amy says when she comes back in the room. I roll my eyes and search my closet one more time.

"This" I smile when I pull out a new dress I forgot I had bought. It’s a tight dress. White on top and black at the bottom. It’s strapless and stops around mid-thigh, maybe a little higher.

"You’ll have the boys drooling" Adrienne winks when I shimmy into the dress. It goes perfect with my red hair and red lipstick. "Let’s go" Adrienne whines, practically pulling me out of the room.

"Wait a second" I stop her before we head down the stairs. I drag her towards the guys room to see if they are going tonight. I told them I was just going to the bar but Adrienne changed my mind.

I knock on the door but when no one answers I let myself in. It’s not like I haven’t done it before. “Hello?”

"In here" I hear Michael call. Him, Luke and Calum are sitting on his bed playing some video game. They all drop their remotes when they see me standing in the doorway.

"You guys still going?"

"After Ashton’s little stunt last night we’re not allowed near there again" Calum replies.

"Don’t worry about that. Keith’s a good friend. Get dressed and let’s go. Adrienne’s waiting for you" I coo and pinch Michael’s cheek. "I’ll be out there."

"Suit yourself" I hear Calum say from his room. I peak around to see Ashton sitting at his computer desk with headphones in his ears. Don’t go there Shane. But of course I do.

"Hey" I shout and pull his chair backwards. He freaks out before taking his head phones out and glaring at me. He’s in a pair of sweats and wearing glasses. He looks absolutely irresistible.

"What do you want?"

"You’re not coming tonight?" I ask, brushing my knee against his leg.

"Thanks to you I can’t step foot in that house."

"Thanks to me?" I shoot back. I didn’t ask him beat up Dan. Am I happy he did it? Well, yeah. Dan kept touching me when I asked him not to. He didn’t listen to my demands but he sure listened to Ashton’s.

"Nothing" he mutters.

"Fine." I turn around and slowly walk out of his room. I can feels his eyes on me. I almost want to say fuck it and stay in here with him all night doing unimaginable things. Maybe one last attempt to get him to come. I hate him but just being around him gets me heated. In a good way.

His headphones are now back in his ears and I can hear AC/DC blasting through them. I know that he would be mad if I pulled them out but I do it anyway. “Seriously?” he says through his teeth.

I pull off his glasses and climb on his lap. “You sure you don’t want to come?” I pout.  His eyes travel down my body and for a split second I thought I saw a smirk play across his lips.

He squints his eyes at me before lifting me off his lap and standing me on my own two feet. Within seconds he is standing in front of me, pushing me back towards the wall. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t extremely turned on. His roughness is one of the things that intrigues me the most about him. “No, but I know you do” he grins.

"Excuse me?" I shoot back.

"You love what I did to you the other night. Now you’re afraid that if I’m not there tonight you will find some other guy that won’t please you like I did."

"Absolutely not" I fight back. "I just thought it would be fun for us to all go out again. You know, without tearing someone’s head off."

"Well you thought wrong. Have fun." He loosens grip on my waist and sits back down at his desk. He was wrong. I could find someone else who can please me like he can. Like he did. And I’ll prove that tonight.
——- ———— —————

“No, no!” Keith says when we walk up to the house. “Not these guys. You know how much damaged they caused me?”

Adrienne winks and walks right past him. I know she has a thing for Michael but she enjoys parties too much to help them get in.

So I step up. I ran my finger up and down the front of his shirt. “Oh, come on Keith. For me?” I say seductively and pout my lip.

"Damn it Shane" he groans. "If they start problems, they are out."

"Thank you" I smirk as I walk past Keith.

"What was that about?" Calum asks.

"We used to hook up freshmen year. Plus he owes me one" I shrug it off. "Now fetch me some drinks" I laugh. Within seconds I have some punch in my hand and I’m ready to have a great night.

I spot Dan across the room. He has a black eye and a busted lip. Good. I kind of wish Ashton was here right now just in case something happens. It’s not that I didn’t know Dan was going to be here. He’s best friends with Keith. So of course he was going to be here. I just hope he doesn’t come on to me tonight.

It’s only been a half hour and I’ve lost Adrienne. Michael is missing too so I assume they found their way upstairs. Calum has a girl on the dance floor and Luke is chatting up some girl by the keg. I knew I should have just went to the bar. All my friends are there. I guess if I leave now no one would even notice. I’ll just enjoy a few more free drinks first.

"You look lovely as ever" someone whispers in my ear. I spin around and Dan is standing over me.

"What do you want?" I growl.

"Where’s your boyfriend."

"What boyfriend?"

"The one who did this" he points to his bruised and swollen eye. I cover my mouth to stop from giggling. Ashton got a few good shots on him. "I could have taken him. He’s lucky I was drunk."

"Sure, Dan" I say and pat his chest, walking away from him. He grabs a hold of my wrist and pulls me back to him.

"Look, I’m sorry for last night. I was really drunk. You know I would never… force anything on you" he almost chokes on the words. I know Dan isn’t a bad guy but when he’s drunk he turns into a different person. And I hate that person.

"I know. Sorry about your face" I smile and cup his cheek in my hand.

"I’ll see you around."

"Let me make it up to you. You busy tomorrow night?" I thought about lying at first but I shook my head no. "Good. Let me take you to dinner."

"Umm… alright" I finally answer. "Tomorrow."

I grew tired of the party after another half hour of being here. Calum now has his tongue down that girls throat as they are grinding against each other. Michael and Adrienne are still missing and Luke is putting some serious moves on that girl. I didn’t want to interrupt but I wanted to tell at least one of them I was leaving.

"Hey Luke" I scream over the music. The girl shoots me a nasty look and I give her the same one back. "I’m going to O’Malley’s."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No. Have fun." The girl grabs his cheeks to get his attention again. He gives me a forgiving smile before she presses his lips to his. Everyone here has someone and I am leaving the party alone.

When I get to O’Malley’s its packed. I find my friend Alexa and ran straight over to her. “Where have you been?”

"I stopped at Keith’s for a little."

"No, no" she whines. "Not Keith. No more Keith. Let’s find you a fun new guy." I’m over Keith. Alexa and Adrienne and a few of my other friends think that I am caught up on him. I’m really not. We’re still friends though and they mistake that as still having feelings.

"It was just a party Alexa" I say to make her shut up about everything. If I wasn’t over Keith they would be doing a horrible job helping me move on. If I’m trying to get over someone I don’t want to think about them. If they keep bringing him up what good is that going to do me?

"Frankie" she calls to one of our friends. "Find Shane a boy tonight."

"I’m available" he smirks and takes a step closer to me.

"Adrienne would kill you" she shoots both Frankie and I a look. Frankie and Adrienne have been hooking up on and off for the past year. But right now Adrienne is messing around with Michael and Frankie is one hot piece of meat. He has dark brown hair and green eyes. He’s muscular. He’s kind of a douche but can be sweet when he needs to be.

"Well that guy can’t keep his eyes off you" Frankie nods his head towards the corner of the bar. Of course it’s Ashton. Why is he here?

"Oh, no" Alexa says and stands in front of me. "That guy is bad news."

"Do you even know him?"

"I’ve heard things."


"For starters he treats girls like shit."

"And that is different than any other college boy how?" It’s true. It’s not like guys in college are looking to wine and dine a girl. They want sex and only sex. Occasionally you’ll find a nice guy that actually wants a girlfriend. But that is rare and those guys are usually boring.

"I heard he put a few guys in a coma." That I could believe. He beat the shit out of Dan for touching me when I didn’t want him to. Now imagineif he’s mad what he would do to someone?

"Doubt it" I shrug. I feel the need to defend him but I refrain. I don’t want anyone talking bad about him. But the truth is I barely know him. "He doesn’t seem that bad" I admit.

"If you’re into that sort of thing than go for it." I roll my eyes and ignore her.

"Okay fine" I give in. "Who else?"

"There’s still me" Frankie says and starts poking at my sides.

"Stop!" I jokingly yell and push him back. "Buy me a drink then" I wink. I’ll let him flirt with me all he wants if I can get some free drinks out of it.

After a few lemon drops I am beyond drunk. The whole room is spinning but I’m still having a good time. Alexa’s boyfriend got here about a half hour ago and they are grinding on the dance floor. Frankie is still trying to find a way into my pants and buying me more drinks.

"Come home with me" he whispers in my ear.

"Hmmm, okay" I agree. His lips press against mine before he takes me by the hand to lead me out of the crowded bar. My head falls on to his shoulder and I’m finding it hard to walk. I know I shouldn’t have drank this much but I wanted to prove to myself and Ashton that I could find someone better than him. Sexually, that is.

I feel hands snake around my waist and I know they aren’t Frankie’s. ”You are not going with him” Ashton growls in my ear.

I spin around. The alcohol giving me enough courage to talk back to him. “Yes I am.”

"No you are not" he repeats himself.

"Yes I am. And I’m going to fuck him so hard." I don’t even know what I’m saying. I’m making no sense. I’m just letting the alcohol speak for me.

"You are going home."

"I don’t want to go home" I whine like a 5 year old. At this point Frankie has left. Alexa is with her boyfriend. I guess I do just want to go home. "Fine" I groan. "Take me home."

"Oh, I’m not taking you home. I only got here a little while ago. I said you are going home." Seriously? He ruins my night. Scares off a guy that I wanted to hook up. Okay I didn’t really want to hook up with Frankie. He’s hot and all but it would piss of Adrienne and I don’t want that.

"Fine" I stomp my heels out of the bar, stumbling over my own two feet. Ashton grabs me by the elbow and leads me down the street.

"You have got to be the most annoying, neediness drunk I have ever met."

"I am not needy. And I am not annoying" I shout back at him. He lets go of my elbow and I almost face plant.
“Hop on” he sighs. He crouches down for me to get on his back.

“No you’ll drop me.”

“You really think I’m going to drop you?”

“Yes” I nod but I get on his back anyway. “If you hate me so much why are you here?” I ask him.

"I can’t go to the party with my friends and this was the only bar that isn’t maxed out tonight."

"Oh" I sigh.

"What did you think I was there to see you?"

"Well, no…"

"Oh my god. You did" he practically laughs.

"Then why wouldn’t you let me go home with Frankie?"

"Because you might regret it."

"That didn’t stop me from sleeping with you" I say through my teeth.
He pushes me off his back and I try to keep my balance. “So you regret it now?” I can hear the anger in his voice.

"I didn’t. Now you’re being such an asshole that I just might."

"You might?" he screams and clenches his fists. "I knew I shouldn’t have came to your room."

"Then why did you?" I shout in his face.

"Because, fuck, I don’t know. Just shut up." I pull my teeth between my lips and lower my head. Ashton’s fist collides with the brick wall and blood starts to pour from his knuckles. "Fuck!"

"Let me see it" I sigh. He pulls away from me and wipes the blood on his white tee. "Ashton."

"Leave me the fuck alone."

"Okay" I breathe and start walking across the street so I am on the opposite side of him. If he doesn’t want me around then I won’t be around. He likes his mind games. He thinks he can play me like every other girl he messes with. I won’t give in to this bullshit.

"Shane, wait" I hear him call from behind him. I quicken my pace but that does me no good. He has almost a foot on me. I could run as fast as I could and he would catch up to me taking a few strides.
“What?” I scream when he grabs my arm. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and stares down at my lips. I swallow loudly and he chuckles lightly. He now has me pinned against the brick wall behind me. With what he has done and the rumors that Alexa has told me I should be scared of him but I’m not.

His lips crash against mine, forcing my lips against apart so he can slip his tongue inside my mouth. “What the fuck are you doing?” I push him back. He just shakes his head. I practically lounge forward at him. He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer and I move my lips against his. This kiss is full of want and need for him.

"Your room?" he pulls away from me.

"Psycho roommate."

"That’s kind of hot" he smirks.

"No. Your room."

I’m impatient the whole walk back. I just want to touch him and feel him. I’d let him do me in the street right now. It feels like it takes forever to get up the stairs. His door is locked when we get to his room. He starts pounding on the door.

"Fuck off" Calum yells.

"Open the door and get the fuck out!" Ashton screams back. I hear a moan and I can’t help but laugh. "What is so funny?" he turns to me.

"Let’s go back to my room."

"I love an audience" he smiles and raises his eyebrows. He can be so cute when he wants to be. But right now I want that sex fueled boy I was just kissing in the streets.

"Hopefully she’ll be at the library or something."

"It’s Saturday night." Luckily Amy isn’t in the room when we get there. I lock the door and immediately pull of my dress. Ashton takes in the sight of my almost naked body as he throws off his shirt. I climb on to the bed and he crawls between my legs. He rubs himself against me as his lips hungrily attack him.

I let a moan escape my lips. I am dripping through my panties and him rubbing against me wasn’t enough for me. I unzip his pants and take his length in my hand. “Fuck” he moans as I begin to stroke him. I roll us over so I’m on top of him. I shimmy down his body wanting to taste him.
He pulls me back up before I even have him in my mouth. “Not tonight baby” he smirks.

"What guy doesn’t want head?" I ask offended. I sit up and cross my arms over my chest.

"You’ve been drinking a lot and I don’t need you puking on my dick." I roll my eyes and stand up from the bed. I find my pajamas and go to put them on. "I want to fuck you though."

"Classy" I scoff. Before I can get my pajama pants up my leg, he pulls me back against causing me to fall on his lap. My bare back is against his chest as his lips work magic on my neck. His hands creep up my thigh just brushing over my panties. He pulls them to the side and starts rubbing up and down my slit.

"I love how your body reacts to me" I can feel him smiling against my shoulder.

"Fuck me" I say out of breath.

"What?" he asks just so he can hear me repeat it.

"Fuck me" I say louder. He lifts me up by my hips and lowers me onto him. It’s killing me not to see his face as he enters me but this position feels to good. I start bouncing up and down on him. His fingers are pressed hard into my hips. There will probably be bruises there tomorrow but the good kind. His teeth sink into my shoulder as I start doing figure eights on him.

"Oh my god" I cry out as steadies my hips so he can have control. He stands us up and pushes me towards Amy’s bed. I grip her sheets as he takes me from behind. Within seconds I am coming undone as he continues to hit my g-spot. He spills out inside of me with one last pump and a low throaty grunt.

"I’ll see you later" I hear Amy call from the common room.

"Fuck" I whisper and try to find whatever clothes I can to throw on. Ashton has his pants on but no shirt as he sits on my bed. "Get dressed" I yell at him.

"No. This should be fun" he grins. I manage to put on my pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt from my hamper. I hide my clothes that were thrown around the room before Amy enters.

She rolls her eyes and slams her books down on the desk. “So you really were at the library” Ashton jokes. I want to laugh with him but Amy is already really pissed off.

"I told you not to bring a guy home tonight” she says angrily. “I’m going to bed" she states like I would care. "I hope he’s not staying here." I look up at Ashton who is now getting up and pulling his blood stained shirt over his perfect body. I mentally whine when he’s all covered up.

"I’ll see you around."

"Yeah" I sigh as he leaves the room. Amy shuts off the light and I try my best to fall asleep. My legs and other body parts are really sore. And I can’t get Ashton off my mind. It seems like hours before I am able to close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep.

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