Serendipity (joshler)

By hollow_trees

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?โ€ขFinding something good without lookingโ€ข? More

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By hollow_trees

Josh and Tyler were currently parked outside of Tyler's house. They had left the party real quick to drop Tyler off. Before Tyler could open the door, josh stopped him, "hey, Tyler, in sorry about earlier. If you don't want me to call you Ty...I wont."

Tyler's lips barely curved into a smile, "it's ok, thanks."

Josh smiled, "no problem. Have a good night."

Tyler nodded, "you too, josh. I'll see you at school."

Josh grinned, "does that mean you'll sit with us at lunch?"

Tyler shrugged, smiling slightly, "ya, I guess."

Josh's smile widened, "great!"

Tyler quickly hit out, waving shyly before jogging up the driveway. He waited till josh drive off before quietly opening the door. He winced as it creaked. He poked his head in, spotting a sleeping figure on the couch. A beer bottle loosely in there fingers.

Tyler bit his lip as he tiptoed passed them, reaching the stairs. Tyler froze as he heard ruffling, turning around to see the figure standing up. "What're you doin' home so late? You fuckin' worried your mother." The mans words were slurred and jumbled.

Tyler lowered her head, "s-sorry Nate." The beer bottle smashed against the wall behind Tyler, causing him to wince, "s-sir."

Nate was Tyler's mom's bastard of a boyfriend. Usually drunk and always smoking. Tyler yelped as he felt a sharp sting in his cheek. The skin slowly growing warm from the force of the slap.

"Fag," Nate grunted before shuffling back to the couch. He fell on it with a grunt and turned on the Tv. Tyler raced up the stairs, closing his bedroom door behind him. He found Madison laying on his bed, asleep and snuggled into the blankets.

Tyler crept over, trying to be quiet. He moved her hair out of her eyes, examining her face. He checked her arms and frowning as he saw the fingertip bruises on her forearm. Tyler kissed the bruises before grabbing an extra pillow and laying it on the ground.

He laid his head against it, sighing as he realized how tired he was. He didn't want to wake up Madison, so that resulted with him sleeping on he ground. Tyler was okay with that, though. He closed his eyes, trying to find comfort on the floor.

He opened his eyes, though, when he heard his bed squeak. He looked up to see Madison now sitting up, staring at him tiredly. "Tyler?" She mumbled.

Tyler sat up, "ya?"

She scooted closer to the wall, "will you lay with me?"

Tyler nodded and crawled onto the bed. He got under the covers and aloud Madison to snuggle against him. The fourteen year old sighed, "I was scared you weren't coming back."

Tyler shook his head, "no, I wouldn't leave you. I promised you, I would get us out of here as soon as I graduate."

She smiled, "I love you, Tyler."

Tyler kissed her forehead, "I love you too, angel." It was quiet for a few moments, a comfortable on. Tyler finally asked, "Maddy, did Nate do that to your arm?"

Tyler knew it was a stupid question, of course he did. Madison shrugged, "he only grabbed my arm a little too hard. It's no big deal."

Tyler hugged Madison tightly, "I'm so sorry, Maddy. I should've just came home right after school."

Madison shook her head, "no, it's fine. It's just a bruise. It's nothing compared to what you get." Madison lightly touched the scar on Tyler's bottom lip. Tyler sighed and pulled her hand away from his lip. Madison wiped her eyes as they began to water, "Tyler, how come you don't smile anymore?"

Tyler bit his lip and looked away from his sister, "I don't know, Maddy." Before Madison could answer back, Tyler closed his eyes, "just get some sleep, okay?"

Although Tyler couldn't see her, he knew Madison nodded.


Tyler woke up with a yawn. There was an empty space next to, Madison must've already got up. He got out of the bed, shuffling towards the stairs. He poked his head into the kitchen, where his mom was setting out bowls. Madison was sitting at the worn down table.

She smiled when she spotted Tyler, "hey, bubba."

Tyler waved and Kelly quickly turned around. She walked up to Tyler and cupped his cheeks, "oh, honey. I was so worried when you didn't show up last night."

Tyler shrugged, "sorry."

Tyler knew better than to believe his mothers empty words. Kelly bit her lip, "honey, please be careful. I don't like it when your out late-"

Tyler pushed away, "shut up."

Tyler winced when he heard Nate snap, "hey!" He showed up from the living room, a bear bottle in his hand. He gripped Tyler's wrist, causing Tyler to yelp. Nate glared, "don't you speak to your mother like that."

Kelly put a shaky hand on Nate's shoulder, "Nate, it's ok." Nate jerked her hand off and pulled Tyler closer. Tyler gagged at the smell of alcohol lingering on the grown man.

"You understand me, boy?"

"Y-yes sir."

Nate pushed Tyler away and Tyler stumbled slightly. Nate walked back into the living room and Kelly smiled sadly at Tyler, "I'm sorry, I-I know he can get grouchy sometimes."

Tyler scoffed, "why do you even put up with him? You just sit and watch him hurt us?"
Tyler turned to Madison with soft eyes, "come on, angel. Let's head to school."

Kelly frowned, "I can walk you guys-"

"we're fine," Tyler grabbed Madison hand and they headed out the door.

Madison looked up to Tyler, "are you ok?"

Tyler sighed, "I'm fine."

It was quiet for the rest of the way. He made sure Madison got to the middle school before walking over to the high school. Tyler walked in slowly, not wanting to deal with people today. "Hey, Tyler!"

Tyler looked up to see Josh's friend waving for him. He was pretty sure there names were Pete and...Brandon? No, Brendon.

Tyler hesitantly walked up, "um, hello."

Pete grinned, "hey, dude, did you have fun at the party?"

Tyler shrugged, "I guess."

Brendon groaned, "I have a huge hangover."

Josh suddenly showed up by Tyler's side, "hey, guys. Hey, Tyler." Josh's looked around, "where's everyone else?"

Tyler looked at Josh, "t-there's more?"

Josh nodded, "ya, but don't worry, there really nice."

Pete nodded, "ya. I think you and Patrick would get along. Your both shy."

Tyler blushed and shrugged. Brendon let out a yelp as someone jumped onto his back. Tyler recognized him from around the halls. He sure is tall.

Brendon chuckled, "this is Dallon."

Dallon smiled, "hey, I don't think I have you in any classes."

Tyler shook his head, "n-no. I'm a junior."

Dallon hopped off Brendon's back, "oh, that's why your tiny."

Josh's shoved him lightly, "dude, he's not that tiny. your just really tall."

Pete looked at his phone and sighed, "dammit, Patrick and Ryan are gonna be late." He looked at Tyler, "don't worry, you can meet them at lunch."

Tyler nodded, "ok."

Josh turned to Tyler as the rest of the boys walked away, "hey, Tyler, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to have a tutor session after school. Maybe at your house?"

Tyler's eyes widened and he shook his head, "no! I mean, no. Not at m-my house."

Josh looked at him weirdly, but didn't question it. "My house then?"

Tyler but his lip, "sure. What time?"

Josh shrugged, "you can just ride with me." Josh suddenly blushed, "Well, I don't really have a car, but I have a bike..."

Tyler couldn't help the smile that spread across his face and he quickly hid it. He bit his lip to keep from smiling, "that's fine. I can walk beside you."

Josh frowned, "I don't wanna make you walk."

Tyler shook his head, "it's fine, I walk to school anyway."

Josh nodded, "oh, ok. Well, meet me here I guess after school then we can head to my house." Tyler nodded and watched as josh began to walk away. Josh turned around and smiled, "oh, and Tyler, don't hide your smile. It looks good on you."

Tyler smiled as josh walked away. It wasn't a forced smile, it was an actual smile.

Update: currently listening to 'Ruby'

Guys, I had to take my EOC today and it was friking hard. Other than that my day was completely boring. Lol. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!


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