Mrs. Leto

By I-am-the-Sage

214 5 0

Requested on Tumblr: "What about the reader planning their wedding with Jared and he is super excited about a... More

Mrs. Leto

214 5 0
By I-am-the-Sage

The curtains billowed in the cool morning breeze, followed by the the alarm screeching at you. Without looking you shut it off and rolled over to give Jared a morning breath kiss, only to find that he was gone.

'What time is it?'

You sat up to check the clock and saw that the room was full of bouquets of different sizes and different types of flowers, each more pretty than the last. Slowly you got out of bed and walked over to the nearest one, running your hand over the soft petals of the roses. You picked a white rose out of the bunch and held it up to your nose, breathing in the fresh and sweet scent of the flower.

'How'd he get all of this in here without waking me up?'

You walked out of the room and found that the hallway was just as packed with flowers as the room was. A smile crept across your face as you strolled among them, it was just like walking through a meadow in spring. The house smelled natural and heavenly.

'What is all of this?'

The entire house was filled almost floor to ceiling with flower arrangements. When you found Jared, he was sitting at the island in the kitchen, surrounded by flowers and paperwork with his laptop in front of him. You leaned against the wall, bringing the rose to your nose once again, watching him as he worked. His brow was furrowed as he looked back and forth between the papers and laptop.

"Hey there handsome." His face lit up as soon as he saw you. He left his work and practically ran over to you, picking you up and spinning you around. You giggled as he set you down and placed a gently kiss on your cheeks.

"What is all of this?" you pointed the rose to the flower arrangements that surrounded the both of you in the kitchen.

"Your bouquet!"

"Jared, there is more than one here and they're all so big!" you said laughing at how overzealous he was being. He looked around the room like there was nothing unusual about the amount of flowers that were in the house.

"Yeah I know but I you haven't picked what you wanted yet and I figured that this was a perfect reason to shower you in flowers."

"Spoiling me already are you?" He took the rose from your hand and placed it between his teeth, he grabbed your hand and took a step back, swinging his arm behind him dramatically.

"Oh, you know it baby!" He pulled your arm and spun you into him, holding you from behind he started to sway to a song that only he could hear. Just then the phone rang and he left you to run over to it.

"Hello?" You walked into the living room leaving him to his phone call and see what other kinds of flowers were laying around. You stopped in front of an arrangement of red roses made to look like a giant heart. You smiled warmly as you looked around at the others.

"BABE!" You ran back into the kitchen to see him packing up his papers and his laptop and putting them away. His hair swinging around his shoulders as he moved at top speed.

"What's up buttercup?" You walked up behind him placing your arms around his waist hugging him, trying to slow him down. He was so excited about the wedding that he took over the appointments so that you could relax.

"You and I are going to go have breakfast and then an appointment at the reception hall, the florist and then a cake tasting!" He sounded like a kid that just found out they were about they were on their way to Disney. You could feel the excitement radiating off of him as you held him in your arms.

"Come on, we have to get dressed and go!" He spun around in your arms and picked you up by your waist slinging you across his shoulder, you screamed as he spanked you before taking the stairs two at a time. When he reached the room he threw you on the bed, not missing a beat he slid in between your legs and kissed you passionately.

"God, I love you." He said looking deep into your eyes. His eyes always made you feel vulnerable and safe at the same time. You loved the way he looked at you even when you were in trouble.

"God, I love you." You said back to him, placing a soft kiss on his lips. You brushed his hair behind his ear before smacking his shoulders. Sliding from underneath him you went to the closet to pick out both of your outfits. You set out a black muscle shirt, black pants and his favorite black boots, picking a pink dress and sandals for yourself while Jared showered. You joined him in the bathroom to brush your teeth finding it hard to not join him in the shower.

"Come on Jesus, were going to be late." You took his hand in yours and led him out the house. When you reached the car he stopped you and opened the door for you then skipped over to the driver's side. He sped down the driveway towards the city, the wind whipping both your hair and his around.

"How many flavor's of cake can there be?" You said as you plopped down on the couch
exhausted from the cake tasting. You kicked off your sandals and covered your face with one of the pillows on the couch. You could hear Jared laughing at you from across the room, without looking you threw the pillow at him knowing that you'd probably missed. The pillow came flying across the room and land square on your chest.

"You seemed a little stressed, my love. Allow me to help." You watched as Jared knelt down and rested his head on your stomach, you ran your fingers through his long soft brown hair, massaging his scalp.

"Your skin is so soft, do you moisturize?" You felt his hand traveling up your leg starting at you rankle. His hand reached your inner thigh and he began to rub your skin in small slow circles

"No, Jared we said we would wait." He looked up at you pouting as you continued to rub his head. You laughed at the face he made and rested your head on the back of the couch and closed your eyes.

"But waiting is for...patient people." He whined

"Its okay, just one more week, baby." You said smiling down at him. You imagined him in his tuxedo watching you walk down the aisle,
Shannon and Tomo at his side. You couldn't wait for the day that you would officially become Mrs. Leto.

"What're you thinking about?" He got up and sat on the couch and pulled you into his lap. You placed your head on his lap as he cradled you and you told him about how excited you were about your upcoming wedding day.

"So what is the plan on the big day?" You asked looking up into his big blue eyes.

"Well the night before I'm going to stay with Shannon and then we get to start the new chapter of our lives together." He looked down at you and kissed your forehead. He stared at you for a while rubbing the top of your head. Your eyes fluttered as you tried to keep them open but exhaustion won.

"Is my blushing bride sleepy?" He said after you yawned. Carefully he picked you up and cradled you in is arms and walked up the stairs to the bedroom. He set you down on your side of the bed and began to undress you.

He unzipped your dress and helped you to stand up so he could slide it off of you. You lost your balance as you attempted to step out of your dress, Jared caught you and held you close to him before setting you back down on the bed.

"Look at you, not even a drop of alcohol and you're just all over the place." He laughed as you hit him multiple times with one of the pillows on the bed. He grabbed your legs and laid them down on the bed and placed the warm covers over you. You turned and watched as he got undressed and slid into bed next to you.

He pulled you closer and you pressed your face into his chest as he stroked up and down your back. He moved the hair out of your face and went back to rubbing your back.

"Hummm." Your voice was muffled by his chest. His laugh rumbled deep inside his chest making you smile. He began to hum for you, slowly lulling you to sleep.

"(Y/N), you alright?" Your maid of honor asked you, her face betraying how concerned she was for you. She was floating around you all day making sure that your hair, make up and dress were perfect.

"Yeah (B/F/N), I'm just nervous is all." A nervous laugh escaped you. Taking a deep breath and you stood up from your chair as she set the top of your veil in hair, placing the lace in front of you face. You looked at the door in fear when you heard the playlist begin.

"Its time! I'll see you out there, you look so beautiful." She gave you a big hug and then dashed out of the room with the rest of your bridal party. You smoothed the lace on your gown trying to keep busy until your dad came to get you.

'He's not out there yet...I still have time.'
You rushed over to your phone and dialed his number.

"Hey, baby." Hearing his voice made the weight on her chest disappear. You felt relieved and happy to be talking to him.

"Hi." exhaling the breath that you didn't know that you were holding.

"What's wrong?" he sounded concerned.

"I'm just nervous is all." You said laughing at yourself.

"Its okay baby. I am too." Hearing that he was nervous too made you feel so much better. It always seemed like he was never nervous or afraid of anything. He was the bravest person you knew and you were so happy to finally be his.

"They're calling me out baby. I'll see you soon." He blew you a kiss through the phone and you returned it. You were pacing the room until your dad came in, ready to walk you down the aisle.

"You look beautiful honey." You flashed your dad a huge smile then took another deep breath and linked your arm with your father's, holding onto him for support. Your song began to play as the ushers opened the doors.

Everyone was up on their feet staring at you with their phones out taking pictures. You looked around the room shoot shy smiles at everyone, then you saw him. He stood there waiting for you, he watched you with those intense blue eyes, you could seen the excitement written all over his face. Soon it felt like it was only you and him in the room, everyone else disappeared except for you and Jared.

You heard the minister speaking but you weren't paying attention, you were completely focused on Jared. He walked up to you and took your arm from your father. You held onto him for dear life as he led you back to the minister.

"You look absolutely stunning." He leaned forward and whispered in your ear causing you to blush bright red.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Jared turned to you and lifted the veil and placed it behind you. He took your face in his hands and kissed you passionately, you giggled and kissed him back placing your hands on his.

"I present to you, for the first time, Mr and Mrs. Leto." Jared took your hand, locking your fingers together and raised it in the air with his while everyone stood up and cheered for you, Jared led you outside and everyone followed.

Once you were outside Jared dropped your hand turned to you and picked you up by your waist and spun you around in the air. You screamed with laugher as he held you in the air, slowly bringing you back down to earth and kissed you once again. You heard Shannon and Tomo scream and when you looked over they were jumping up and down and rushing over to congratulate you two.

"Welcome to the family, Mrs. Leto." Jared said before they finally made it over.

Jared held you close as you both swayed to the music. Everyone was watching as you both stood in the middle of the floor for your first dance. He took your hand and stepped away from you and you did the same. He pulled your hand and you spun into him, landing against his chest at the climax of the song making everyone cheer.

He kissed you once the song was over and passed you over to your father while he went to dance with his mom. Every so often you would look over and catch him watching you. Once this dance was over Jared walked over and took your hand again for another dance, you closed your eyes and pressed your forehead to his, together you let the music move you.

"I never want to let you go." He kissed you softly on your nose and tears began to well in your eyes, this was the happiest day of your life and you couldn't imagine spending it with any other person.

By the end of the night you were ready to sleep for a five months. Relatives and friends fighting for your attention to with you both "eternal happiness together." Shannon and Tomo were packing the gifts into the limo and Jared ushered you away from everyone towards the car, knowing how exhausted you were. You both waved goodbye to everyone when you turned to him.

"What now?" You said, an excited smile spread across you face as you watched him fake concentration on his answer. You couldn't help but admire how beautiful he was, knowing that you were two were finally married filled you with so much warmth.

"I'm thinking...Venice." He looked down at you and then turned to everyone who was standing there waiting to send you off.

"WE'RE OFF TO VENICE!" for the billionth time that day everyone screamed and cheered as you got into the back of the limo. You poured yourself a glass of champagne while you waited for Jared to join you.

When he got in, he tossed his jacket and bowtie to the side and rolled up the partition. You watched him closely, completely unaware of what he was planning to do. He crawled over to you and took the champagne flute from you and finished it before kissing you fervently.

"I've waited long enough." You yelped when he laid you on the seat suddenly, you reached up and tangled your hands in his hair and kissed him back.

"I love you, Mr. Leto."

"I love you too, Mrs. Leto."

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