8th grade drama

By musiclover700

1.1K 37 4

A crazy eighth grade year! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Visual Guide
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Visual guide #2
Visual Guide #3

Chapter 28

17 1 0
By musiclover700

Turns out, dinner with Barry and his mom wasn't so bad after all. Thank god, she wasn't weird and put poison in the pie. It was actually pretty good. Ms. Allen should consider running a restaraunt one day.

"Sara, where were you," Mom asked, worried.

"Ms. Allen invited me for dinner...everyone else left. And she wouldn't leave me alone..."

"Well...I guess you had a good time?"

"The best."

"What did you have?" Dad chimes in.

"I had spaghetti and blueberry pie."

"That sounds good," Dylan commented.

"It was..very good."


I go upstairs to my room and immediately sit in my chair. Why did I go to pratice at Barry's? What happened to S.R? Do I have to make a decision of some kind in this? I'm so confused.

Well, me and Barry aren't on very good terms right now...And S.R is trying to keep it that way..I'm so stupid, it was right in front of my face.

But honestly, I don't know what to think of Barry right now. First, he gets all mad at me, and then at practice, he acts normal and invites me for dinner?  That's so abnormal...

*Ava's POV*

Tomorrow is the party, where the band performs and--hopefully where Diana and Jonathan confess their love foe each other and where Sara makes her decision...

"Do you think you guys will make it to Broadway with your band?" Mom asked.

"Mom! Broadway is for musicals! Bands get to go on tour and stuff.."

"Well..do you think the band is going to go on tour?"

"With a little more practice, we might have a chance..."

"The band is so lucky to have a motivating member like you..," Mom commented.

"I know. I say that all the time..."

I'm glad someone knows that I'm motivational...

*Diana's POV*

Tomorrow's the party! All our hard practices come to the test. And where, all the loose ends tie up--Sara will make her choice--I will tell Jon the truth--and Ava will get a start up for singing career.

Hopefully, my mom will see the band as one of my accomplishments. It's so hard to impress her...even getting first in the Spelling Bee didn't impress her! Let's hope being on tour will...come on, who wouldn't want all that money!

"Diana, tomorrow's the day where you win a record deal for your band!" Mom squealed.

"Mom, there's no chance of that happening." My mom puts on a confused face. "I mean don't get me wrong, we're pretty good. It's just that...we need some more practice to make to a record deal."

"Well...makes sense..."

"The only person that has a chance of getting a record deal is--"


"No. Ava."


"You know...lead singer...?"

"Oh yeah..."

She remembers Jon, but not Ava. And she thinks I can win a record deal...oh mom.

*Jonathan's POV*

Tomorrow's the day, we prove to the school that we're more than just entertainment...--even if this is just a one time thing....but Ava's gonna make it forever,...

Things with Diana are pretty good. Who knew my dad would be the one to calm her down about me...? Sometimes he's full of surprises...

"Hey, Jon. Tomorrow's the big day!"

"Yup. The day I tell Diana the truth..."


"Never mind..."


"Speaking of Diana," I say, opening up my messages.

Diana: My mom thinks I can win a record deal

Me: I mean, u could.

Diana: ya but Im not a pro

Me: I'm not a pro either

Diana: well ur better than me

"Aww. Your conversations over text are so cute...," Dad awed.

"Dad! I thought you wouldn't be one of those creepy dads!" Oh too late for that...

Me: eh we'll see ab that.. tomorrow

Diana: ur on!

*Barry's POV*

Our band is going to perform in front of the whole school! Even if this is a one time thing--Ava won't let it be--we still had lots of fun.

But something's going on with Sara...this S.R--or Robert--is really trying here. But we'll have to see what she's going to do about it....

Hopefully, we'll sort out this crap after the performance... I heard that we're closing in the party, so that's good.


It was Sara.

Sara: ready for the concert?

Me: yup u?

Sara: :p

Me: I'll take that as a yes

Sara: it was a yes :p

Me: haha

*Sara's POV*

I just texted Barry and he seemed like he wasn't mad at me anymore...but I'm going to have to talk to him tomorrow anyways. Then there's S.R--Robert--will he ever give up? I guess I have lots of talking to do tomorrow....


It must be S.R. I guess he didn't forget his daily text.

Tomorrow's the day

I wish u good luck

Meet me behind the big hanging willow tree after your band performance....

Love, S.R

Oh god. What does Robert have in store for me?

*Robert's POV*

I'm really nervous about revealing myself to Sara...even if it was so obvious it was me...


Must be Will.

Will: hey

Me: hey

Will: the bands perfrmng tom.

Me: ik

Will: I thought u didn't so

Me: I'm going to tell Sara the truth

Will: Man, I think she knows the truth

Me: how?

Will: u made it too obvious ab the name. rlly S.R that obvi stands for Sara.Robert

Me: wow. u rlly kno ur stuff

Will: Robert!

Me: what?

Will: u hv to tell Sara the whole truth. Not just ur reveal.

Me: kk

Will: I guess I'll see u tomorrow

*Sara's POV*

I have to make a choice. And now I made it. Let's see how this turns out..

*The next morning*

We were all standing in front of the school, ready for the last day.

*Sara's POV*

I'm ready...to decide.

*Ava's POV*

I'm ready...to make history.

*Jonathan's POV*

I'm ready..to confess.

*Diana's POV*

I'm ready...to fail.

*Barry's POV*

I'm ready.. fight...

*Sara's POV*

With that being said, we walked in..

Will and Laurel waves at us. "Good luck," they both chorused.

"Thanks," we replied.

Mr. Lance approaches us. Oh no. Here comes a roast off.

"I'm surprised you made it this far. Seems like I underestimated, you crazy people. Good luck..."

We nod. Who knew, Mr. Lance could be so...normal...

We walk to the principal's office, to ask when we perform...

We walk in to see, a bald, old man, with huge bags under his eyes. He even has a walking stick underneath his desk. Smart.

"Hello, students. You must be the band. What can I do for you?" He says in an British accent.

"We were wondering what time, we'll be performing," Diana spoke up.

"Let's see," he says, skimming through his sheets. "Ah here you are," he says, with a sigh. "You'll be performing at the end of the party, at 2:15."

"I guess, save the best for last, right?" Ava chuckles.

"Yup... Ok. students. I better get everyone sorted out, I'll see you later--and good luck, make us proud," he says, taking his walking stick and running out of the room.

"Guys, Fate Supporters forever...?" Ava says, putting her hands in.

"Fate Supporters," Diana put her hand in.

Then Jonathan, Barry, and me.

[Intercom: Students please report to the field immediately.]

"I guess we're performing outside...," Barry sighs.

"Oh, that S.R text makes so much more sense...," I realize.

"What did it say this is time?" Barry asked.

"It said to meet him at the hanging willow tree at the field."

"He's trying...," Jonathan exhales sharply.

"Yeah.. too hard," Barry sighs.

"Wait, isn't he with Maya?" Diana asked, confused.

"He was. Maya ended it," I replied.

"Wow. Maya did that the right thing...," Diana chuckled.

A short, short lady, with curly brown hair approaches us. "Students, hurry to the field. Mr. Ditch has a surprise for you!" The lady yells.

"Who might you be?" Ava asked.

"Who--who am I? I'm Ms. B****, or Ms. Greedy B****, vice principal of Ridgewood!"

"Oh, you're that lady in the yearbook, that wears a huge dress each year.."

"Thank you..?" She shrugs. "Hurry to the field."

We run as fast as we can, to avoid staring at her old lady face. Hopefully, it's the last time we do. We went through the cafeteria to the door to the field.

A bunch of people in the stands, cheering for Mr. Ditch.

"Mr. Ditch, you're awesome!" A voice from the stands called out.

"Ah, thank you everyone! But to honor our end of the year success, we've thrown a party. A few special students have volunteered to show their musical gift."

"And there will be lots of fun games, as well, like ring toss. Don't forgot our dunk tank, that our every own Allen family will be hosting!" Ms. B**** cheers.

So much for ever seeing her ugly face again.

"One question," the same voice from earlier, calls out.


"When will those students be performing?"

"At 2:15..."


"Anymore questions?"

The audience grows silent.

"I guess not. Enjoy!"

The crowd scurries along through the field.

"What do you guys want to do first?" Diana asked.

"Um, I'm going to the ring toss," Jonathan blurted.

"No matter what we do, we have to go to the photo booth!" Ava screeched.

"Fine," we groaned.

"I'm going to darts," Barry said. "Care to join me, Sara?"

"Sure," I said, relaxed.

"Jon, do you mind if I come to ring toss with you?"

"Not at all," Jon nodded.

"I guess that leaves me...I guess the Ferris Wheel.."

*Ava's POV*

I just noticed that Diana and Sara have their boyfriends in the band, and I have nobody. Thats the reason, I'm going on this Ferris Wheel alone :(

I wait in line and see a tall, slender boy in line alone. At least, I'm not the only one that feels felt out.

I walk up to him, smile. "Hey."

"Hey," he says, smiling.

"I'm Ava. And you are?"

"Daniel Myers."

"Wait, doesn't your dad own Myers' Music?"


"I always dreamed of getting a record deal.."

"Maybe today will be your lucky day," he smirks.

"Yeah, maybe.."

"Next!" The ride controller called out.

That was us.

"Ava, do you want to go on the ride with me--because, you know, I came alone?"

"Of course."

I guess I'm not going to be alone anymore...

*Diana's POV*

Today has been good so far. But I can already tell our performance is gonna be my highlight.

Jon's spent frickin' 30 minutes, trying to get a ring over a pegg. Oh Jon.

"Are you ready to give up?" I chuckle.

"Never! I need to get at least one," he says throwing one ring past the peggs.

"Let me show you how it's done," I smirk, taking a ring from a bag.

I lightly toss the ring, and it lands!

"See. There's a reason there's toss in the name," I chuckle.

"Yup. Let me try again," he takes another.

He lightly tosses it, and it lands.

"It landed!"

"Yup. All thanks to you, Di."

"I'm happy to help!"

Jon finally learns the art of tossing! He's growing up.

"Hey, Diana.."


"I have something to confess.."

"Me too.."

"Ho about we say, what we have to do, in thr count of 3?"


"1. 2. 3."

"I still like you!" We chorused.

"Aww," a voice--Laurel awed.

Jon blushes, while I shrug.

"Jon, I like you..even when my mom banned me from seeing you.."

"Same. I always wanted to tell you, but I never got the chance.."

We hug.

I guess today was good. Jon and I finally got to be honest with each other about our feelings...

*Laurel's POV*

I just saw Diana and Jonathan admiting their feelings for each other. I always knew they would, sooner or later...

"Will, did you just see that?"

"Oh, Di and Jon?" He asks, licking his ice cream. I nodd. "I've known for sometime," he informed.

"You should've told me!"

"I would've, if I wasn't so busy with Robert and Barry.."

"Next time, will you?" I asked, quietly.

"Of course."

No wonder, Will never tells me anything. He's always busy helping Robert or Barry...such a nice person...

*Sara's POV*

I hope I can find away to tell Barry and Robert how I feel. I'll just have to wait for a good time.

"Barry..I need to tell you something.."

"What?" He says, throwing a dart. Missed.

"I think...you made a mistake, you should've picked Mona--she has a boyfriend--right. But I'm trying to say that...you're an amazing person, Barry. It's just that you deserve better than a trashcan--me."

"Sara, don't say that! You're an amazing person.."

"Barry..I don't think you understand..I'm breakin up with you.."


"Because you deserve better. See on the stage," I walk away.

I guess Barry's confession is over. Robert's is coming..

*Barry's POV*

I still can't believe Sara did that to me... She--we were the best of friends... I guess, we can still be friends....

"Hey, man. Everything okay?" Will pats me on ththe back.

"Umm no.. Sara broke up with me..."

"Did she tell you why?"

"All she said was that I deserve better..."

"I think...she's trying to tell you, that your relationship wouldn't have last long anyway. And that, as she said, that you deserve better. I mean being friends is way better right..?"

"I guess..."

"Don't worry, Barry. You're gonna be fine," Laurel comfirmed.

Let's hope.

*Ava's POV*

I'm having a really good time. Daniel is the best! What if I even get a record deal, after the performance!

"Who's your favorite singer?" Daniel asks.

"Taylor Swift all the way!"

"Same! Everyone hates her!"

"I know! I feel like punching them in the face!"

"I would punch the wall."

"That sounds more...destructive.."

"Yup it is,,"

"Daniel, are you coming to Ditchwood next year?"

"Sure am! And don't you mean Ridgewood?"

"Here, students call it Ditchwood. Everyone wants to ditch it.."

"Then why can't they ditch it?" He chuckles.

"Because..their parents."

"That sounds right.. Are you in the band they mentioned?"

"Yup. Lead singer.."

"Nice. I play guitar.."



It's the moment we've all been waiting for...

"Everyone remeber their parts and the lyrics?" Ava reminded.

"Yes, for the millionth time," Jon sighed.

"Ava, don't worry, you got it drilled in our brains..," Diana added.

"Guys, you're up," Mr. Ditch called out.

We walk up to thr stage.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce--Fate Suporters is it?" Mr. Ditch attempted to introduce.

"Yes, we're Fate Supporters," Ava justified, taking the mic. "Hello, everybody!"

Audience cheers.

"In honor of starting over, we present "The Middle Of Starting Over"!"

Mr. Ditch takes the mic from Ava.

We get in the postions, with our instruments, backstage.

"Enjoy!" Mr. Ditch ends the intro.

The curtain opens.

Barry opens with the drums, with Jon joining with the piano. With me and Diana joining in. Ava start singing.

Oh [14x]

Cast out to sea
Drifting with the tide
And no way of finding me
Now that I'm free
Nothing but blue skies
Paradise in front of me

Awake from this dream
I hold my breath and just believe

Tired of all the troubles
They've been wasting my time
I don't wanna fight
Gonna leave it behind
Taking on faith
Now I'm ready to fly
I'm in the middle of starting over
Back to the beginning
Gonna hit rewind
Chance to do it over
Get it right this time
Life gives you pennies
Turn them into dimes
I'm in the middle of starting over
I'm in the middle of starting over
Oh [14x]

Alone in a room
Tearing down the walls
Painting over scars and bruises
Now this is home
Fill it up with love
And make the best of something new, yeah

As hard as it seems
I hold my breath and just believe

Tired of all the troubles
They've been wasting my time
I don't wanna fight
Gonna leave it behind
Taking on faith
Now I'm ready to fly
I'm in the middle of starting over
Back to the beginning
Gonna hit rewind
Chance to do it over
Get it right this time
Life gives you pennies
Turn them into dimes
I'm in the middle of starting over

The colors and the stars
Seem a little brighter
Tomorrow isn't far away!
Through the hardest part
I'm working towards a happy ending

Tired of all the troubles
They've been wasting my time
I don't wanna fight
Gonna leave it behind
Taking on faith
Now I'm ready to fly
I'm in the middle of starting over
Back to the beginning
Gonna hit rewind
Chance to do it over
Get it right this time
Life gives you pennies
Turn them into dimes
I'm in the middle of starting over

Tired of all the troubles
They've been wasting my time
I don't wanna fight
Gonna leave it behind
Taking on faith
Now I'm ready to fly
I'm in the middle of starting over
Back to the beginning
Gonna hit rewind
Chance to do it over
Get it right this time
Life gives you pennies
Turn them into dimes
I'm in the middle of starting over
I'm in the middle of starting over
Oh! [14x]

The audience showers us with applause.

We did it. All her hard work payed off after all.


Nice performance.
Meet me in 5 min at the hanging willow tree.
Love, S.R
Oh yeah. This S.R drama again.

We get off the stage, with smiles.

"We were great up there, guys!" Ava screeched.

"Apparently, someone thinks so too," Diana smirks.

"Oh that's Daniel.."

"Seems like Ava made a new friend," Jonathan teases. Diana and Jon high five.

I slowly creep away.

"Sara, where you going?" Ava stops me. So close.

"S.R business."

"Carry on.."

I run off to willow tree, where Robert's standing. I'm so surprised...  I put on a fake face and walk forward.

"Hey, Sara...," Robert shyly greets.

"You ditched me for Robert!" Barry exclaimed.

"Wait, Barry--"

"Don't," he says, walking away.

S.R..?" I smirk.


"S.R? Seriously? It was so obvious..."

"Sara, what I'm trying to say is...I still have feelings for you..."

"Robert...we've been through a lot. But we're not meant to be...I'm sorry..."

"I understand..."

Time to find Barry.

*Diana's POV*

Today has been the best! Turns out, I didn't fail. And I finally got things straight with Jon and made my mom proud!

"Diana, will you go out with me?"


I'll say it again. Best day ever.

*Ava's POV*

Today had been the best! I made a new friend, and the band was a success.

Daniel approaches me.

"Nice work. I'll talk to my dad about the record deal..."

"Thanks so much, Daniel. You're making my life dream come true!"

"I'm glad I can help..."

I guess I'm off to Hollywood. But this is could be a big jump for the band! Yes, they're going to love it!

*Barry's POV*

"So you're telling me...you  didn't dump for Robert...?"


"But you  didn't reject Robert for me?"



"Because I was tying a wedge between you two."

"True..but are we friends?"


A moment, Ava's not here to interrupt.

"Aww, Sarry love," Ava awed.

"Umm, we aren't together...," I acknowledge.

"Yes, you are."

"Not anymore," Sara added.

"Well, I still ship Sarry's friendship."

"Well, it can'f get any worse," I whispered to Barry.


Diana and Jonathan join us.

"Just the two I was waiting for...guys, I have news..."

"What?" Everyone asked in unison.

"I got a record deal!" Ava yelled.

"Ava! Congrats!" Sara commented.

"How?" Diana asked.

"My little friend, Daniel, can work miracles. He's the son of George Myers, the owner of Myers' Music..."

"Wow, that's some luck," Jonathan commented.

"No, it's not luck--," Barry added.

"It's fate!" We chorused.

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