Story that will make you cry

By Fizipop_2000

2K 68 16

This was actually a video I watched and it made me cry so I thought I should share it wiv u guys xxx enjoy<3 More

Story that will make you cry
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371 17 4
By Fizipop_2000

I slammed my bedroom door and sat on my bed. All I was thinking was about jack who was that girl no wonder he never wanted to come to watch a movie he was with another girl.

After a short while my phone rang I answered it I didn't even want to because it was jack he said 'come outside' I wiped my tears and went outside to teach him a lesson how could he do this to me after he forgot my birthday.

I went outside and jack was standing holding a doll. I looked away and he handed me the doll 'here take this' I grabbed it and threw it on the road. ' you think by giving me a doll everyday is going to make me think you love me ' I yelled at him. I grabbed his collar and screamed at him 'who was that cow you were with' 'how can you do this to me' ' say that you love me' I told him ' amy you know I can't' jack looked at me with his beady eyes and went on the road to pick up the doll. 'Leave it you stupid I don't want it throw it away!' I cried out. Jack didn't say anything. ' throw it away' I yelled again.

~honk~ ~honk~ a truck was coming heading towards jack. 'Jack lookout, move' jack looked at me with his saddened eyes and stood still. 'Jack MOVE!' I said again, but it was too late the truck ran over him. I piercing scream was let out and I was shaking, crying.

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