Hackathon biographies

By hidrees

4.2K 60 31

On Thursday, March 29th, we had our first ever hackathon at the Wattpad HQ. I was in a team with Allen, Krist... More

Allen's biography
Ivan's biography
Eva's biography
Orrie's biography
Rich's biography
Kristel's biography
Kevin's biography
Ayush's biography
Yash's biography
Tony's biography
Matthew's biography
Maria's biography
Grace's biography
Amy's biography
Huda's biography
Pam's biography

Amos's biography

266 3 3
By hidrees

Amos’ mother is a leprechaun and his father is the Green Giant. As a result of his parentage, he gets a lifetime supply of canned vegetables and pots of gold. He got kicked out of his high school basketball team because his opponents insisted he cheated by being too tall.

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