Before We Grow

By mightwing

315 40 5

Lucille Brimsey had a happy life with a happy family. Her life was beautiful, and her future looked bright. U... More

Day One
The Beginning
Gotham City
Blitz Begins
Back To Square One
Missing Brimsey
The First Laugh
When There's a Wayne, There's a Way
Becoming Something Better
Batgirl and Blitz: The Next Dynamic Duo
Four Months Later
Sneaking Out
The Gala
Saving Batman and Robin
The Big Question
Speedy McQueen
Titans, Go!
Blitz Burns
Future's Fight


17 2 0
By mightwing

Batman proved to be a worthy target. He was nearly impossible to find, and even more difficult to follow. Every time a crime was wired over the radio, I arrived to late. Batman and his Boy Wonder had already come and gone. Each time, I always seemed to be five steps behind.
    The only way to find him was to get five steps before. I had to anticipate where the next crime would be, so that I could beat him to it. Unfortunately, that was impossible. Gotham seemed to have a crime on every corner, it was impossible to anticipate where he would be.
    I huffed, cupping my hand under my chin and bracing my elbow on my knee. This whole 'figure out Batman's secret identity' thing was proving to be more difficult than I imagined.
    I could always let them come to me. I mean, they were searching for me, but only to make me stop being Blitz. If I let them come to me, they would surely turn me over to the cops without even bothering to listen to a single word I said. No, I had to find them first, a feat which even Batman couldn't accomplish, if he were in my shoes.
    My lucky break came in the form of a giant flower growing on the side of a building two streets over. Spotlights were shone on it, allowing me to see it growing. It was supernaturally large, beating even the Redwood trees of California. At the rate it grew, and the size it took, I could only assume some supernatural force was controlling it.
    That meant that someone had to be making it. My guess was another supervillain, which meant the hero wouldn't be to far being. Seeing as how this was Gotham, I knew it would be Batman. Leaping to my feet, I grinned triumphantly.
    My moment had finally arrived. I didn't hesitate in leaping to the next building. The plant came closer with every step I took. I could hear the sounds of a battle, which only made me even more excited.
    When I arrived on the rooftop above the battle scene, I had to bite back a cheer. Beneath me, a green woman was fighting a caped crusader. It couldn't see them very well, but I presumed it had to be Batman. Robin was nowhere in sight, but that didn't mean much. The boy easily could have taken the night off.
    From what I could see, Batman was losing. He kept jumping and tumbling, but he green lady had plants growing in every angle. For five blocks, the street was covered in plants. They were slowly overtaking every building.
    That was my chance. I leapt from the rooftop, landing on a vine and riding it down. The green lady had her attention fully on Batman. As I got closer I realized it wasn't Batman.
    This was a girl. Her ginger hair flowed out from the back of her cowl, and her suit was tightly hugging her curves. Her suit was a dark purple, whereas Batman's was black.
    She wasn't Batman, but she was an associate of his. They both wore the same Bat cowl, a symbol of the Dark Knight. She had to be his other partner or something. They worked together, that much was certain. If I helped her, Batman would have to see that I'm more than just some kid.
    "Oh, Batgirl, is that the best you can do?" the green woman cooed.
    She raised her hand, making a vine trip Batgirl. Batgirl flipped head over heels, landing on her knees, "Trust me, Ivy, you don't want to see my best."
    "I think I would."
    I smiled. This wasn't the chance I was looking for, but it was a chance nonetheless. Batgirl needed help, and Batman and Robin were nowhere nearby. I was the best chance she had, and she was the best chance I had.
    Jumping over a vine, I supercharged my gloves. Ivy controlled these plants, making me believe that a tiny part of her was inside of them. If my theory was correct, shocking one of these vines would momentarily disable her, giving me enough time to knock her out.
    I chose a vine that seemed to be directly wrapping around her ankles. My gloves had completely charged, giving me the perfect amount of electricity as I slammed them down on the vine. Ivy cried out in pain, quickly dropping to the ground.
    "What the-" Batgirl began.
    I leapt over another vine. Landing next to Ivy, I gave her a swift kick in the head. If she wasn't unconscious before, she was now. I grinned triumphantly, "You got owned, Plant-Head!"
    "Who the hell are you?" Batgirl demanded.
    I spun around to face her, "Blitz, nice to meet you, Batgirl."
    Batgirl stared at me. I couldn't see her eyes, but I could feel the confusion in them. Suddenly, something clicked.
    "You're the one Batman and Robin saved from Mister Freeze," she identified.
    I crossed my arms, "Excuse me, I'm the one that saved them."
    "You're just a kid!"
    "And you're just a teenager!" I exclaimed, "Age doesn't matter, I would think you three would know that."
    Batgirl stared at me. The plants were slowly receding, proving my theory that Ivy completely controlled them. She was a remarkable person, I wish I didn't have to knock her out.
    "Look, Blitz, I know you were probably inspired by Batman, but this is not a fun life," Batgirl placed her hands on her hips, "We didn't chose this life, it chose us. It would be best for you if you went home and resumed your normal life."
    I crossed my arms, "For your information, miss I-just-saved-your-butt, I don't have a life to return to."
    Batgirl sighed. I'm sure she's heard this story a thousand times before by a thousand other confused kids. Others had tried this before, I know they did, but I was different. They did it because they admired Batman. I do it for vengeance.
    I'm doing it for my parents, and nobody else.
    "Why are you doing this?" she asked, "What could possibly drive a nine year old to fighting crime?"
    I scowled, "I'm ten, thank you very much. And I'm doing it because of my parents."
    "I need help, and Batman is the only one who can give it to me," I fumed, "If that means I have to take down every single criminal in this dump of a city, then I'll do it."
    Batgirl was obviously confused, but I was to angry to care. They had dismissed me one to many times. Now, they were asking for it. I had never been the sort of kid to fight for a piece of candy, but parents dying changes a person. Now, I feel like kicking some ass and taking some names.
    "I'll show you," I grumbled, "I'll show all of you! I'm more than just a kid! I'm Blitz!"
    Batgirl reached out her hand, "Calm down, I didn't mean to dismiss you."
    "Of course you did, you all did! You say Robin can fight, but I can't because I'm a kid!"
    "I didn't-"
    Batgirl's voice fell on deaf ears. In the heat of the moment, with anger pumping through my veins, I formed a plan. It was stupid, and would most likely get me killed, but, at that point, I didn't care anymore. I had nothing left to live for in this world, so I might as well go out with a bang.
    "You'll all realize," I muttered, "All of you! You'll regret ever dismissing me as a kid! I'll show you!"
    Batgirl did her best to calm me, "Blitz, please, I'm just trying-"
    "What? To help me?" I demanded, "I thought you all could, but, turns out, I was wrong! I have to do this all myself! First, I have to show Batman that I'm more than just a kid."
    The plan was stupid. Brilliantly stupid. It was crazy, nuts, insane, whatever you want to say.
    "And I know just how to do it," my grin was wider than the sun, "I'll do something Batman never could do. I'm going to kill The Joker."
    Yes, it was perfect. Killing Batman's mortal enemy had to get me noticed. He never could bring himself to do it, but I can. I'll prove myself to be stronger than all of them.
    "And then!" I exclaimed, "I'm going to kill Superman!"
    "Blitz, no!"
    Before Batgirl could do anything, I used one of Ivy's receding plants to jump back onto the rooftops. I was gone before Batgirl even considered following me.
    My plans never seemed to work out, but I was determined anyways. I had tried every other trick in the book, and each time, I was dismissed.
    Before, I didn't really think of killing Superman. I kind of thought I would make him feel the same pain I did, but I wouldn't kill. Yet, it seemed as if there were no other choice. The Joker was a mad man, he deserved it. Both of them did. I had to do it, for myself and for the rest of the world.
    I, Lucille Brimsey, am going to kill The Joker.

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