By boicefreeonekiss

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This fiction is from my wild imagination. This is one of my few successful writing practice from August 2012... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 3

132 3 0
By boicefreeonekiss

“haelmoni, I’m so sorry, I lost track of time” shinhye lied to her boss. Actually she just got

stuck explaining to the music store owner that she didn’t mean to run with that stupid guy.

“it’s okay dear, you’re just in time for dinner. Oh, I would like you to meet my grandson,

Yonghwa.” Haelmoni introduced the guy right beside her. Shinhye bowed and offered her

hand for a hand shake“nice to meet you Park shin hye imida” when she looked at the guy’s

face again her smiled vanished and her eyes widen. The guy smirk “Anyong, Jung Yong Hwa

imida. Nice to finally meet you Ms. Assistant.” He said shaking her hand.

Shinhye POV

I sat across haelmoni and the annoying guy I happen to met earlier. Well scratch that I didn’t

met him officially. He just made my first alone time in Japan painfully memorable. “so,

shinhye ssi, you said your going to buy some stuff. What did you buy?” haelmoni asked me. I

looked at her and smile. “ah, I bought this records for my brother and this devil sauce for..”

“your boyfriend?” haelmoni asked. I blushed. I didn’t know haelmoni listen to hana eonnie

and hye kyo eonnie. “sorry, I happened to heard what you are talking about last time. The guy

in your photo collage is quite handsome.” I laughed inwardly haelmoni is also smitten by my

jae joong oppa. I notice that her grandson is looking at me. “actually haelmoni he is a very

close friend.””oh, did you know yonghwa that your grandpa and I used to be bestfriends?”

yonghwa, as haelmoni called him rolled his eyes. “you told me that a hundred of times

already haelmoni” he pouted. I scoff. He still managed to act cute. It doesn’t suit you!! I’m so

pissed on him.

~ring ring~ “oh, jae oppa” shinhye uttered looking at her phone. Haelmoni and yonghwa

looked at her. “sorry haelmoni, I need to answer this. Excuse me” shinhye excuse herself. “sure

dear. Dessert will be serve so don’t take long” shinhye nod and made her exit. Yonghwa

followed her with gaze. “so what do you think of her?” haelmoni suddenly asked. “huh?”

yonghwa asked not getting what his grandma asked him. “shinhye ssi, what do you think of

her?” haelmoni asked with  a huge smile on her face. Yonghwa looked at his grandma with

questioning stare, “are you trying to pair us up?” yonghwa asked. “not really. I just like that

girl. She reminds me of me a lot.” Haelmoni replied. “is she really your assistant?” yonghwa

asked. “not really, we just hired her. she’s been an intern but I like her performance so I

absorbed her.” haelmoni explained. Yonghwa nod to show that he is listening. “haelmoni, I’ll

just go the gents room.” yonghwa stood up and walk out of their table.

Shinhye POV

“oh jae oppa! Why’d you call?” “well your over protective brother wants me to check up on

you” jae oppa said I rolled my eyes. “yah! I told you not to be obvious!” I heard yoochun Oppa

on the back. I giggled. “am I on speaker phone?” “yes” jae oppa said. “yah! Chunnie oppa! I’m

okay. I’m 22 and you don’t need to check up on me every minute. I just had dinner with my

boss and her grandson.” “bwo? Grandson, is she trying to set you two up?” chunnie oppa

yelled. I flinched and moved the phone away from my ear. “yah! I still need my right ear you

know.” I yelled back. “mian” he said I heard jae oppa laughing. I can’t help but to laughed too.

Its just hours but I miss these two already. “oppa, she is not setting us up. And even if she did,

you know me better. I’d rather go out with jae oppa than him.” Jae oppa stopped laughing

and started coughing. I didn’t know why I said that I was surprise too. “hey, jae oppa, are you

okay?” “don’t worry he just chocked. He’ll survive. I trust you not to do anything stupid there

okay?” chunnie oppa said. “of course! Oh by the way, I ended up buying you two records,

hope you’ll like it. it cost me a lot.” “chincha! I love you dongsaeng!” just like that his mood

change. Aigoo, what do I do with my brother. “shinhye-ah” its jae oppa. Suddenly I feel

awkward talking to him. Why did I say that. I hit my head. “oh oppa, I got your devil sauce!”

I said. “oh, okay, thank you. Be safe okay?” he said. I smiled unconsciously. “deh oppa. Watch

for chunnie oppa while I’m not around, you know he can be a kid sometimes” “arasso. Bye!”

he said “bye” then I hang up.

Shinhye was about to return to the table when she bumped into someone. “oh, sumimasen”

she said. “so you know Japanese huh?” she looked up to see yonghwa standing there. she

narrowed her eyes. She can’t stand this guy’s presence. If only he is not haelmoni’s grandson

her fist will surely land on his face. “excuse me sir, I have to go back to my boss” she said

coldly. He stopped her by holding her arm. “why are you so close with my grandma?”

yonghwa asked. Shinhye looked at his hand on her arm and stare at his eyes. “will you please

take you hand off of me.” She said gritting her teeth. Yonghwa obeyed. “so answer me?” he

said. “she is my boss and I don’t have a grandma, I just feel so close to her. satisfied.” Shinhye

replied. “huh? Yeah right. I’ve seen people like you. Getting the trust of their boss then betray

them” yonghwa said in all seriousness. Shinhye looked at him she really had enough. “hey I’m

just here because she asked me to. And I don’t need to explain myself to you, you’re not my

boss” “yet” yonghwa said. He walked behind shinhye and leans to whisper to her. “so, I’ll

make it easy for you, date me and you’ll truly get what you want” *SLAP* yonghwa is

surprised. “I am not that kind of girl. Maybe you used that to your girls but I’m not like them”

shinhye left him behind.

“haelmoni, I’m tired. I think I should sleep this out. See you tomorrow” shinhye said to ther

elderly. “oh is that so dear, arasso, you go up to your room. rest well.” Haelmoni stood up and

pulled her into a tight embrace. Yonghwa saw that and scoff. It’s the first time a girl who

doesn’t ends up with him on bed slaps him. “she’s interesting” he said to himself. Shinhye

grab her bag and the stuff she bought. When she turned around she saw yonghwa standing

behind her. she bowed. “goodnight yonghwa ssi” she said coldly and left. Yonghwa still

rubbing his cheek sat infront of his grandma. “omo! What happen to your face dear?”

haelmoni asked so concerned. Yonghwa shook his head. “its nothing. I just bumped to the

door. It’s nothing” he assured his grandma. Haelmoni nod and sips on her coffee. Yonghwa

looked at shinhye again who is entering the lift. “hmm, you’ll be mine shinhye ssi” he smirk.


I tried to sleep but I can’t. “I’d rather go out with jae oppa than him” that statement from shin

got me thinking all day. Its just a joke. I turned to the other side and closed my eyes. Still no

help. I sat up. “aish, why am I being so worked up with what she said. She is just a dongsaeng

jae. A DONGSAENG. I checked on my phone and saw a text message from shinhye.

From: Shinhye <3


“oppa, how are you? How in the world did you chock all of a sudden. It’s funny though. Well,

I will sleep early tonight. Tell chunnie oppa to stop texting me every minute. Tell him to go to

his girls instead of bugging me. Japan is so pretty. Wish you both here with me. The hotel

room is so big. I missed you two. Goodnight! Kiss chunnie oppa for me *wink* LOL”

Kiss chunnie? Ewww! “I miss you too shin” I suddenly said surprising me. “what did I just

say?” I face palm myself. I don’t understand what’s happening to me. Its just day 1 but I’m

missing shin so much. It’s not the same without her. feels like something is missing. “just go

to sleep jae” I lay on my bed. And for some reason after receiving that message I feel sleepy

and dozed off.


Shinhye woke up early, the graduation is this afternoon but being alone on that hotel room

freaks her out. She took out her phone and notice that there’s a message. She looked at it and

saw 2 new messages.

1st one:

From: Chun Dork ^^


Good morning princess! Have a great day! See you later!

Shinhye widen her eyes. She then opens the 2nd message

From: Chun Dork ^^


Opps! Wrong send! LOL don’t go roaming around alone arasso! I’ll call you later!

Shinhye laughed. “I’m so gonna save this message and show it to jae oppa” after saving the

message her phone beeped again. Another message. She open it.

From: My Hero Jae


Good Morning Shin! Read your message late. Well I’m not gonna kiss chunnie for you okay?

Its disgusting. Be safe. Missing you so much already. Don’t talk to stranger, specially boys

(chunnie told me to remind you that)

Shinhye smiled those text made her morning. Right before she could stand up her phone rang.

“yoboseyo?” “deh haelmoni. Arasso, I’ll be there in 5 minutes” shinhye hurriedly went to the

bathroom to freshen up. Haelmoni is waiting for her for breakfast.

Yonghwa POV

“hyung, I see that smirk is plastered in your face since last night”jungshin asked.  “oh, is that

so” I replied. the three looked at me suspiciously. “new target?” minhyuk asked. I nod. “aissh.”

Jonghyun said. “hyung, I told you stop doing that. You’ll regret it in the end.” He continued. I

rolled my eyes and pats his shoulder. “don’t worry. This time its different” I said. I really find

that girl interesting. First time in a long time that someone is not smitten by my good looks

and riches. “oh, you meet with haelmoni last night right? So what does her assistant looks

like?” jungshin asked. I don’t know but I feel like I don’t want them to see her. “uhmm she’s…

she’s okay” I replied. jungshin looked at me like he is analyzing me or something “bwo?” I

asked. “she’s hot right?” jungshin said. My eyes widen. “huh?” “don’t bother hyung. We will

gonna see it for ourselves. Dinner’s on haelmoni later right?” jonghyun said. I mentally hit

my head. “okay” I said hiding the irritation on my voice.

The graduation rights went by smoothly. Shinhye manage to not bump into yonghwa. She

didn’t want to upset haelmoni so she just  tried her best no stay away from him. Yonghwa on

the other hand noticed that shinhye seems like ignoring him. After that slapping incident he

wanted to know more about her. he just cant get her out of his mind. “shinhye ssi, please

check with the hotel the reservation I asked them on the restaurant. Please confirm it with

them” haelmoni said. “deh haelmoni. I’ll go to the hotel first. Are you sure you’ll be okay alone

here?” they are still in the graduation venue. “yes, yonghwa and his friends will be with me.”

“okay see you later then” shinhye smiled and get going.

“haelmoni!” jungshin yelled. He run towards the elderly the others follow thru. “oh,

jungshin-ah. My my, you’re taller that the last time I saw you” haelmoni said. Jungshin

smiled. Haelmoni greeted the Lee’s and the Kang’s. she invited them for the dinner in

celebration of the graduation. They all agreed and got ready to go to the restaurant after the

photo ops. The parents and haelmoni rode the van rented by the hotel as per request of

haelmoni and the 4 guys rode yonghwa’s car. “hyung, I saw the assistant earlier. She’s so

pretty. No wonder you want to keep her from yourself”. jonghyun said. 

“boys, this is my assistant, Park Shin Hye. Shin hye dear, these are my grandson’s bestfriends,

Lee jungshin, Lee Jong hyun and Kang Min hyuk.” Haelmoni introduces shinhye to the boys.

Yonghwa is definitely getting so work up with this, he saw his friends obviously drooling over

shinhye. “nice to meet you all. Congratulations by the way” shinhye offered he hand for a

hand shake the three all wanted to shake her hand first but yonghwa took it. “shinhye ssi,

thank you” he shook her hand. The three face fell in disappointment when haelmoni called

them to the table. Yonghwa grin while shinhye is glaring at him.

The parents bid their goodbye after the dinner but the boys insisted to stay. “okay boys, I’ll be

resting now. Shinhye stay with them. they are all welcoming. Behave boys.” Haelmoni bid her

goodbye and shinhye is left with the guys.”so shinhye ssi, how old are you?” shinhye looked

at jungshin. “I’m 22.” She replied. “oh, you, minhyuk and I are about the same age. Daebak”

jungshin said. “you’re just 22?” shinhye asked. Jungshin nod. “and he is your hyung?”

shinhye asked again pointing at jonghyun. He nod again. “wow! You’re tall. I thought jae

oppa is tall” shinhye suddenly blurted. “who is that?” minhyuk asked. Shinhye smiled.

Somehow she is comfortable with these guys excluding yonghwa. “he is my..” “her SPECIAL

FRIEND” yonghwa finished her sentence.

Shinhye POV

“he is my…” “Her SPECIAL FRIEND” I was cut by Mr. Arrogant. I was surprise on what he

said. “how did you…” “shinhye ssi, do you want to watch us perform?” jonghyun said getting

my attention. I saw Mr. arrogant rolled his eye. “perform?” “deh! We are an indie band”

minhyuk said he is cute as a squirrel, bet if mi yeong saw him she’ll be hyperventilating. “sure

but I’ll have to call someone first” I stood up and dialed my phone as I walk away from them.


“can we just extend the other program’s time slot? Just for the mean time?” minho asked. “I

don’t think that’s possible minho ssi” I said. I’m totally losing options here. I ruffled my hair

out of frustration. ~ring ring~ “hyung I’ll be back later. Answer that maybe that can help

you” minho said and walked out. I sighed. I look at who is calling. Its shin. “yoboseyo? Oh

shinhye-ah.” “oppa, I just called to let you know that I’ll be going out with my boss’ grandson

and his friends. I wont be out long. I’ll just watch them perform. Please don’t tell chunnie

oppa. Please” I sighed. But somehow hearing her voice calm my head. “okay” an idea popped

into my mind. “oh, shinhye, I wont tell chunnie about this but, promise me that you’ll grant

my wish when you came back” “what is it?” “I’ll tell you when I pick you up tomorrow”

“arasso! Promise. Thank you jae oppa! See you tomorrow!” shinhye ended the call. I sighed.

“hyung?” “oh, minho ssi. Come in.” “any news hyung?” he asked. I smiled widely. “we are


Shinhye and the boys went to the pub they are performing. Shinhye enjoyed all the songs they

perform. She noticed that girls are really so into yonghwa. She shook her head. “Some girls

really are superficial” she said in a low voice. “really?” a voice startled her. yonghwa sat

beside her. “really.” She replied. “what makes you say that?” he asked. He is so interested on

her that he wants to know the way she think things over. “well, as a matter of fact, I don’t get

why girls are swoon over you. You’re arrogant.”shinhye said unintentionally, when she

realized what she had said she covered her mouth and looked at yonghwa. To her surprise he

just laughed at her. “mian” she said. She shut her mouth tightly in embarrassment. “none

taken, don’t worry I wont tell haelmoni that you bad mouth me” he said and winked. Shinhye

scoff. “ha! Sorry Mister, I don’t fall for playboys like you” shinhye said. Yonghwa leans closer

to her shinhye back away but because she is sitting on a stool, she got off balance, on reflex

yonghwa held on to her and pulled her. “we will see honey” he said. Shinhye felt her phone

vibrating. She pushed yonghwa forcely, “I’ll be going. Tell the boys I did enjoy the

performance. Chukahe!”shinhye hurriedly walked out of the pub and hailed a taxi.

  Yonghwa POV

I smirk when I saw her tense up. “hyung where’s shinhye ssi?” minhyuk asked. I faced them

and smile “in here?” I pointed on my heart. They looked at each other and laughed. “omo! Mr.

Playboy met his match already?” jonghyun said. I saw jungshin pouted. “what’s with the

face?” I asked. “I like her too.” Jungshin confess. “yah! I saw her first okay. Stick to the rule” I

yelled. Minhyuk and jonghyun burst in to loud laughter again. “hyung definitely fallen this

time. But hyung, I don’t think she likes you!” minhyuk said. “hyung if she refuse you, can I

court her?” jungshin asked. I glared at him. I really want to smack his head but he is too tall

so I just elbowed him he winched in pain. “she will. In time” I said in all confidence.

“all set haelmoni” shinhye said when they checked out of the hotel. “arasso. Thank you dear

for coming with me. Hope you enjoyed your little vacation. did the boys treat you well last

night?” “deh haelmoni. thank you for the vacation.” shinhye smiled. “the car is here” the bell

boy said. “ah thank you.” Haelmoni said. As they were about to get inside the car.

“Haelmoni!” someone called haelmoni. “yonghwa, I thought you could send us off.?” “deh,

because I’m coming with you.”yonghwa said looking at shinhye.

“shinhye ssi, are you sure you don’t want to ride with us?” haelmoni asked shinhye. “ani, its

okay haelmoni, someone’s gonna pick me up.” Shinhye replied. haelmoni nod. “okay we’ll be

going first.” “deh haelmoni. Thank you.” Shinhye bowed. “anyong shinhye ssi” yonghwa said

smiling widely. “anyong” shinhye simply replied. haelmoni and yonghwa started to walk

towards the exit. “oh, shinhye ssi, if you couldn’t go to the office tomorrow just call okay?

Thank you again dear.” Haelmoni said. “okay haelmoni.” Shinhye replied. shinhye stayed

inside. After 5 minutes her phone rang. “yoboseyo? Oh jae oppa, you’re already here. Arasso.

I’ll be out.” Shinhye said and run towards the exit.

Yonghwa POV

“haelmoni, you go ahead. I’ll remember I want to buy something. I’ll be home in a while.”

“arasso, don’t be too long okay?” “deh.” I let haelmoni get inside the car and I went back

inside. There I saw her sitting alone tapping her fingers on her phone. I was about to call her.

“yoboseyo? Oh jae oppa, you’re already here. Arasso, I’ll be out.” She smile widely she seems

happy. She run towards the exit with her luggage in tow. I decided to follow her. curiosity

leads me. Who is that Jae Oppa? Outside, she walk towards a black convertible. The driver

went out he is sporting a black long sleeves v neck cardigan a white v neck shirt and jeans.

My eyes widen when I saw him plant a kiss on shinhye’s forehead. Then another guy comes

out from the passenger side. He is not well toned like the first one he hugged shinhye. I’m

confused now. Who is her brother? Who is her jae oppa?

Shinhye POV

I saw jae oppa’s car pull over I walk towards it and see him came out of it. he smiled warmly

and walk towards me. I was about to greet him but he suddenly kissed my forehead. I was

taken a back. *dugeun dugeun* what is that? “ehermmm” I went back to consciousness.

“shinhye-ah welcome back” yoochun oppa pulled me for a hug. “oppa, I have been gone for 3

days, no 2 to be specific and now you’re being so sweet?” I said. I heard him chuckle. “kaja!

Let’s go to time out. I prepared something for you” yoochun oppa said. “chincha? Let’s go

then” I went to ride on the back seat but oppa stopped me. “shinhye-ah, why don’t you seat in

front. I don’t feel like it anymore” he said. I look at him puzzled when he looked and smirked

on jae oppa. “okay” I replied.

Yoochun POV

I stare at jae while he was driving. I can see that he is really happy to see shinhye again. I

chuckle to myself. How can I miss this throughout the years. My bestfriend is indeed in love

with my sister. “oppa, have you hired a new staff yet?” shin suddenly asked. “uhm no, not

yet.”  I replied. “oh, mi yeong said her cousin from New York just went back and is looking for

a part time job. I’ll ask for her by tomorrow. You will be in the shop all day right?” “deh”

“okay, oh jae oppa, you know, I almost lost your devil sauce. Oh my gosh, I really went crazy

looking for it” shinhye laughed. “oh, you didn’t get into so more trouble right?” jae said. They

continue the conversation and I just sat there and watch. Actually they do make a good pair.

Shinhye will be in good hands if she ended up with jae.

When they reached the ice cream shop, the staff greeted shinhye. Its been so long since

shinhye visited. “anyong! I miss hanging out here” shinhye said. The staff all giggled seeing

how shinhye transforms into a child again.  They settled on the their usual place. “oppa, here

is the vinyl I bought. Gosh! I didn’t know they are that expensive. With our next trip you

should buy me something good.” shinhye whined. “arasso! Ooh! Wow! I’ve been wanting to

have this. Thank you dongsaeng. I love you!” “aish! You only say I love you to me when I give

to something you really like” she then faced jae. “tada! Your devil sauce.” Shinhye handed jae

the sauce. “kumawoyo shin” jae said. “oh, and this. I found this cute beanie and knew that its

for you” shinhye wore the beanie to jae. “hey! Where’s mine?” yoochun protested. “yah! Your

vinyl are super expensive. Jae oppa only got these two. Also he is the one who send me off”

shinhye stuck out her tongue.

After they ate ice cream, jae asked shinhye to go to the park. “you two go ahead. I have to be

in the shop all day” yoochun said. Then off shin and jae go. “oppa, you should have seen my

hotel room. it’s so pretty!” shinhye uttered. Jae just looked at her in amusement. “I missed

you” he suddenly said. Shinhye stopped and looked at jae surprised. Jae realized he said that

out loud. He faked a laughed. “I mean there’s no one that can help me troll yoochun. Its been a

hard 2 nights” jae said.


Why did  I say that? “ah, that. Well I’m back, he better get ready for ShinJae” shinhye

laughed. It’s a quiet walk to the park. I’m not used to it. we usually never loosen a topic to talk

about. When we reached the swing she sat on it and I started pushing her. “ah, oppa, your

wish, what is it?” she suddenly asked. “oh that” I stop pushing her and sat on the free swing

beside her. “you see, I need your help. One of my DJ is resigning. And I, yoochun too, think

that you can help me with her spot. You did great way back in high school. I think you still

got it. will you help me?”

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