The Bad Boy's Forever (TBBG S...

By JessGirl93

5.2M 221K 118K

Note: This version of the story is a draft. The complete book has been published in ebook and paperback and a... More

Chapter One: My Goal For The Year; To Not End Up In A Body Bag
Chapter Two: A Tween Would Find It Easier To Resist Velour Tracksuit Bottoms
Chapter Three: You're An Ovary Whisperer
Chapter Four: Do You Own A Suspiciously Oversized Trench Coat?
Chapter Five: Desperate Times Call For Abusing Your Dad's Credit Card
Chapter Six: I'll Time Our Liaison for High Impact And Zero Public Indecency
Chapter Seven: My Confidence Shrivelled Up Like A Prune
Chapter Nine: Nothing Screams Platonic Like Being Able to Discuss Facial Hair
Chapter Ten:You Can't live With Them,Can't Order A Mob Hit On Them Either
Chapter Eleven: Let Higher Powers Take The Wheel And Drive My Car Off A Cliff.
Chapter Twelve: I'd Sooner Decline The Dessert Menu Than Fight With Cole
Chapter Thirteen: I Think It's Time To Call Off That DNA Test
Chapter Fourteen: A Valley Girl Stores Kale Like A Camel Stores Water
Chapter Fifteen: I'm As Subtle As The Front Cover of A Bodice Ripper
Chapter Sixteen: You've Got The Tenacity Of A Larry Shipper
Chapter 1: It Is A Truth Universally Acknowledged That Victorian Heroes Sucked
Chapter Two: The Next Thing You Know You're Married To A Gigolo from Vegas
Chapter Three: Your Mother Already Thinks I Stripped My Way Through College.
Chapter 4: It'd Suck If My Alcoholic Tendencies Killed Me Before The Wedding
Chapter Five: I've Never Been More Willing To Empty Out My Wallet
Chapter Six: My New Motto Is To Have The Honest Brutality Of A Cardi B Track
Chapter Seven: I'm the Only One Allowed To Be A Sad Sap In This Relationship
Chapter Eight: Your Clothes Could Store More Than Mary Poppins's Bag
Chapter Nine: I've Got Prime Real Estate In The Doghouse
Chapter Ten:You've Gotten Yourself A Boyfriend Not A Lobotomy
Chapter 11:I Was Either In Love With You Or Was A Pathological Liar
Chapter Twelve: There's More Avocado Toast Here Than On My Instagram Feed
Chapter Thirteen: I Had A Higher Crime Rate Than A Small Swedish Town
Chapter Fourteen: The Six Feet Deep Craters Under My Eyes Would Disagree
Chapter 15:It's Crazy How Time Flies When You're Hanging On To It For Dear Life
Chapter Sixteen: Nana's Desperate To Have Her Lion King Moment With The Kid
Chapter 17:It's Scientifically Proven That Redheads Make Terrible Godmothers
Chapter 18:Mom Popped More Pills Than A Washed Out Rockstar Judging Reality TV
Chapter Nineteen:I'm Glammed Up Like I'm Guest Starring On A YouTube Tutorial
Chapter Twenty: I Doubt My Dad Invests In Industrial Strength Earplugs.

Chapter Eight: The Guy's Still Got the Perceptiveness of Roadkill

141K 6.1K 3.9K
By JessGirl93


(Want to get your own PHYSICAL copy of The Bad Boy's Girl? Read till the author's note to find out more hehe)

Chapter Eight : The Guy's Still Got The Perceptiveness of Roadkill

Unlike the first crush of my preadolescent self, the one and only Troy Bolton, my head is definitely not in the game. I've been staring at the blank screen of my desktop for a good fifteen minutes before a not so gentle shove pulls me back to reality. Lo and behold, Leila stands towering over my in her six inch deathtrap heels and hands me the brown bag from our nearest deli. Today I'd had to sacrifice my pride and beg her to get me lunch because I couldn't be bothered to move from my desk.

I feel sick, like really sick. My head and body feel weighted, my eyes haven't stopped watering and I've been through half a box of tissues to make sure I don't have snot running down my chin. Worst of all it's as though someone shoved a dozen knifes down my throat and they''re constantly scraping my skin. I'm not sure how I caught the bug or what I did to offend my otherwise impeccable immune system but I'm suffering and from the looks of it Leila isn't in the mood to be my Florence Nightingale.

"No offence," she starts, sounding like she's thoroughly going to enjoy insulting me, "but you look like shit."

I do definitely look like shit but it's Friday and I dragged myself to work thinking that I could survive a single day before holing myself in all weekend but I think I overestimated myself given the amount of work I've done today.

"Thanks," I sniff and reach for the soup she's brought me. But even after handing my food over, Leila doesn't move.

"So you're just going to stay here till 5pm?"

"That's the plan,"

"You'll stay here with your sick germs?"

My shoulders drop and I put my beloved chicken noodle soup aside, reluctantly turning towards her. "If there's a point you're trying to make please make it quick. I'm missing out on nourishing my soul right now."

"I hate being sick and I try to limit the experience to about once a year and that's usually during the holidays so that my mom can take care of me. There isn't any snow outside and no fat men dressed like Santa so I refuse to catch whatever contagious disease you're carrying."

"It's just flu..."

She cuts me off, "It might as well be the Bubonic plague. I think you should go home."

"Now listen here..."

"I think she's right."

My boss and the one woman who can put the fear of God into me with a single look comes up from behind Leila and looks at me with something akin to pity and a little bit of disgust in her eyes.

To be fair, my desk looks like where all the boxes of Kleenex go to die.


"It's almost the weekend and there's nothing you're doing that can't wait till Monday. Go home and get yourself some decent cough syrup."

On cue, I cough and it's a hacking, there's something definitely wrong with my chest kind.

"Call the poor girl a cab and send her home Leila." Amy shakes her head and walks away and my co-worker wouldn't move faster even if someone told her there was Manolo Blahnik sample sale.


"You sound like death."

"I sure do feel like it."

"Are you sure you don't want us to stop by and check in?"

"God, no." I tell my brother. I feel bad enough that I've got him stressed but him and Beth are going back home this weekend and there's no way I'm derailing their plans.

"Then why don't you come with us?"

"I've got a lot to do here." I lie, the truth being that I know why this trip home is so special for Travis and I'm not going to be third wheeling.

"Look, I know what you're thinking and you being there is not going to be a problem. Beth would be angrier if I left you here alone when you're sick."

"I can't risk the two of you getting what I have. No way! I know how hard you've worked to surprise her this and you've spent so much time planning everything. So just go and make my best friend the happiest woman on the planet." I say this while coughing my lungs out and I bet it doesn't quiet make the right impression.

"Fine, be that way but I'm still getting someone to check up on you."

"Travis you don't have to..."

"Sorry, can't hear you, must be bad reception in here. I'll talk to you later, bye!"

Rolling my eyes, I toss my phone aside, contemplating turning it off. All I want to do for the next two days is catch up on some sleep and watch endless Gilmore Girls reruns. I'd been in enough control of my senses to buy a boatload of flu medication before coming home and I'd also stocked up on takeaway menus. There's no pressing need for me to leave my bed or my apartment for the rest of the weekend so he could send whoever he thinks can nurse me to health.

I've totally got this.

Or not.


You may be wondering how, after my exquisite Chicago trip where you'd last seen me waltzing away in a ballgown did I end up being this heap of a pathetic mess? Well, since coming back from seeing Cole play house with a mother-daughter duo I'd been in less than a stellar mood. There isn't something specifically wrong with Cole, not did he do something that should hurt me but I can't quiet put my finger on it.

Something feels different, like I'm on the outside looking in on his life. There's this weird nervous tension between us since then that's never been there before. I could chalk it up to leading significantly different lives and having different priorities but I never thought that long distance would get to us like it has. Maybe it's the stress of it all and all the overthinking I've been doing that's finally taking a toll on my body?

Shrugging the thoughts of, I settle into bed and resume watching the best show on earth because there's no one like Jess Mariano to bring you back from the brink of death. Although knowing my brother and the fact that he now knows just how sick I am, I bet my phone will start ringing in three, two, one...
"Are you okay?" Cole sounds out of breath, like he'd been running. I like to imagine that he's running to the airport, hoping to catch a flight so that he can come to me and take care of me but there's such a thing as reality and reality suggests that Cole is just as bogged down, if not more because of school.

"Travis can be a little dramatic." I try to make my coughing a little more discrete. "I'm totally fine."

"You don't sound fine, at all." I hear his footsteps, the sound of traffic behind him and can't help but wonder what he's doing out this late. From what he tells me his life's been reduced to attending classes, working with his study group and late nights in the library.

Also, of course taking care of Laney and Melissa.

"Yeah, so I've heard but you don't need to worry. I've got my supplies ready for the weekend and I'll be as good as new on Monday."

"As much as you'd like to believe so, KitKats don't have magical healing powers."

"Give me a little credit Stone, I'm not a complete stranger to a pharmacy."

He still sounds a little skeptical to me but even more than that, he sounds a little hurt.

"Tessie...are we okay?"

Now he wants to have this conversation? NOW when I'm pumped up on way too much cough syrup and can hardly keep my eyes open?


I stifle a yawn, "Of course. Why would you even ask that?"

Even though he's so far away and even though I'm increasingly headed into drunk slash medicated Tessie, I can tell how much it's taking him to put himself out there like this. The vulnerability puts a crack in my heart where there was previously anger.

"I just...I know it's not the right time to have this conversation and I hate that I've put if off for so long."

"Cole...please tell me you're not doing this right now, not when I can't possibly have a sane conversation."

"I don't want to wait." His voice sounds urgent and I'm immediately worried at just how stressed out he sounds. For a second my worst fear comes to haunt me.

Maybe something's changed?

Maybe he's met someone, maybe something happened with a girl? With Melissa?

No, no and no I'm not letting my mind go there.

"I...we're fine. If you think I've been pulling away from you then maybe I have but we're always going to be okay."

"You promise?"

"Swear on my life."

He breathes a sigh of relief that's so potent, it's as if it seeps through the phone into me.

"I love you Shortcake, forever."

I close my eyes, a sense of peace washes over me.

"I love you too."

And then it all fades to black.


"She's okay...yes I'm here, no I haven't but...would you stop shouting for a second there Cole Grayson Stone!"

I come to my wits with a dizzying amount of disorientation, the kind where you struggle to place yourself or remember what day, month or even year it is. I almost jump in fright, away from whoever has forcefully entered my home but even in my current state of semi-consciousness I know that the voice is familiar.

"She's waking up. I'll call you when I've got more to tell."


Oh boy, I'm going to kill Cole.

Trying not to envision the state of my apartment, I let Cassandra gently lift me up so that I'm sitting upright against the headboard of my bed. My head still feels fuzzy, my body just as exhausted and in pain. There's light outside my window now, telling me that it's probably the day after and somehow my boyfriend's stepmother is inside my apartment when it certifiably looks like a tip.

"Hey," She says gently and I find it in me to return a tentative smile.

I like to think that we're in a better place now than we were three years ago but things never went back to the way they used to be between us. I've avoided any one on one's with her since the last one turned out to be such an epic disaster and Cassandra's never tried to mend our relationship past a certain point either so we're both happy coexisting in our truce of sorts.

Which makes this moment as awkward as one would expect.

"Hi," I press my back firmly against the headboard, wishing I could disappear. Surely I look like hell puked all over me and when I'm with people who're generally not that fond of me, I try and look the aftermath of being poisoned by alcohol.

"So you have us all quite the scare."

I shake my head, "I don't even know what happened. The last thing I remember is talking to Cole and I must have fallen asleep."

"You passed out from the medicine and dehydration." She checks my forehead, "High fever as well. Luckily I was already on my way to the city for a conference when Cole called me. I don't think he's managed to get any sleep since you hung up on him yesterday."

I wince and try not to take it personally. Maybe it's just me and maybe I'm reading too much into things but it's like despite everything that's happened, Cassandra still finds small ways to make me feel guilty about my relationship with Cole. I don't know where her head's at or why she still thinks I'm enemy number one but the kind of passive aggressiveness she brings into my life is exactly that kind I've spent years trying to get away from.

I clear my throat, ignoring the immediate burning sensation it causes. "I told him I'd be fine." I manage to croak out.

"Doesn't seem like that's happening so maybe it's a good thing I dropped by."

I let her do her thing, considering she's a doctor and I'd like to be well enough to go back to work tomorrow. She gets me to take a few different medicines, takes away the ones I don't need and makes sure I drink plenty of water. But not once do I feel comfortable with the situation and I'm hoping and praying that she leaves soon so that I can call Cole and yell at him.

Bet she'd hate that and blame me for ruining his life.

"You're still pretty sick," Cassandra tells me once she's made sure I've eaten enough of my toast. "Maybe I should stay..."

"No!" I cut her off and then turn beet red, or as red as I can turn when I look corpselike. Trust me, Cassandra made me take a shower and what I saw in the mirror would haunt me for days.

"I mean, you're obviously here for work and I wouldn't want to..."

"Either I get to check up on you regularly or Cole barges in that door, not caring that he's got exams in a couple of weeks." She raises an expertly defined brow. "Take your pick."

Blackmail, nice.

"Look, I don't understand why everyone's making this out to be such a big deal. It's the flu, everyone gets it and if a two year old can live with it so can I. I'm not..."

"He feels guilty that you're out here on your own, I can tell."

Ah, again. I shake my head in disbelief, wondering what on earth gave her the impression that she can come to my home, pretend to care about me and then go right back to making me feel bad about my relationship with Cole. It worked for her before, when she tried talking for Cole, as though she knows the ins and outs of what goes on in his head and I let it get to me.

Now though, horrible as I feel I don't think I'm going to give her the opportunity to make me feel small.

"Mrs. Stone, while I appreciate the fact that you're always so concerned about Cole and I'll make sure to tell him that," her eyes flash with anger, "but with all due respect, our relationship is not up for discussion."

She grimaces and then nods, "I understand."

"And I appreciate everything you've done for me today but I hope you understand that I won't let anyone make me feel guilty for being with Cole, not again."


And that's that.


I spend Saturday recuperating and not at all feeling bad about how I treated Cassandra. Naive, young and a freshman at college Tessa may have allowed her to walk all over her but not me. If Cole has a problem with our relationship or if he's struggling with his feelings in any way then mommy dearest shouldn't be the one who's coming and complaining about it.

I regain enough strength to pull myself together and throw on some clothes other than pyjamas. Slapping on some makeup, I think about venturing out but then shudder at the thought of it. And then it all crashes down on me, just how lonely it is for me to be here. I may have a big apartment and all the luxuries I could ever ask for but does any of that even matter when I'm constantly on my own?

I groan, falling back into bed since even standing up for more than five minutes gets my head spinning. I hate the directions my thoughts are taking and I know it's partly because I've been cooped up inside without any human contact, or well preferable human contact for a while. If only I could go out, meet with some friendly, familiar faces I'd be okay.

Only there aren't any familiar faces in this city, not friendly ones that is and maybe that's my problem. I think about getting an Uber and just going home for the weekend but I don't want to put a damper on Travis and Beth's weekend. If things go according to plan, I'm going to be on the receiving end of a very exciting phone call and I cross my fingers for both of them that nothing ends up messing this up, least of all me.

It's when I'm contemplating life and thinking about getting some gold fish and maybe a cactus that I get a call from the lobby, telling me that I've got a visitor. That in itself is a surprise because I don't know anyone who'd come to visit me but the surprise and curiosity become even more magnified when I'm told who it is that's come to see me.

"Uh sure, please send him up."

Well, isn't today turning out to be quite the day for unexpected visitors.

I fix myself up the best I can while trying to appear as though I haven't tried too hard. I glance down at my outfit, not caring that I'm in a pair of sweatpants and one of Cole's U of Chicago hoodies because at least they're freshly laundered and my hair's clean.

Those my friends are the important things.

On cue, I hear a subtle knock on the door and with some trepidation I go to answer it. Part of knows nothing good could possibly come from this visit, the other rolls her eyes at my juvenile thoughts. I'm not in high school anymore, none of us are, we're all civilised adults capable of making good decisions so spending time with him shouldn't be a problem.

Then why do I think that this is a bad decision?

It could potentially be.

"Hey," I open the door to a blinding smile, in the sense that the guy really needs to cut back on the teeth whitening strips. But indeed there he is, dressed like he's headed to the country club in his dress shirt and neatly pressed slacks.

I cross my arms across my chest, perhaps a little defensively. "Two Stones in one day? What did I do to deserve the honour?"

He shrugs, "You made my brother think you were dying so he had to rally the forces."

"Hard to believe he'd send you."

Jay chuckles, "He didn't send me, I mean we're working on our relationship but it's not quite gotten to the point where he thinks I deserve to be in your company."

"Cassandra then?"

"She told me how she acted towards you and trust me, she feels bad about it."

I refrain from rolling my eyes or shouting for that matter and do that mature, adult thing and invite him in.

He whistles as I close the door behind him, "Nice place."

"Thanks, my dad paid for it." I'm obviously not in a good mood and the poor guy's going to be on the receiving end of it.

He sighs then gestures towards the couch. "Why don't you sit down? I was sent here to make sure you're okay not to irritate you."

"It's not your fault...I'm just really cranky when I'm sick."

He laughs, "I can see that." He sits down next to me but keeps a respectable amount of space between the two of us. I take a moment to study him, noting how his golden boy looks do nothing for me now. Blonde hair, blue eyes, an unbroken nose and a sunny disposition all seem rather bland to me. It's funny how things change isn't it?

"Look, my coming here was purely out of concern for you and not because of mom. If it's bothering you then I can leave, obviously you're feeling better."

That tells me the guy's still got the perceptiveness of roadkill.

"So you just happened to be in the city?"

"That's actually a funny story," his laugh is a nervous one, "and I don't think it's one I got the chance to tell either you or Cole."

"Uh huh, that sounds...strange. What's the story and will it really make me laugh?"

"It potentially could, depends how you choose to see it."

"Spill it Jason, I haven't got all day."

"Igotajobinnewyork." He says hurriedly and all jumbled up and I strain my ears to make out the words but I think I hear enough.

"You said what now?"

"I have a new job starting Monday and it just so happens to be here, so you know I'll be here, a lot."

I stare at him, unblinking.

Despite playing baseball through college, Jay surprised all of us by deciding not to go pro. Instead he made use of his marketing degree and ended up getting a job in a high rolling firm where he'd interned the year before. Last I heard, he'd been achieving milestone after milestone where he worked in California so to hear...

"My firms' setting up their offices here and they wanted me to be the lead on a new project. It's an amazing opportunity for someone still so new in the industry and I couldn't pass it up." He says as though he owes me an explanation and I tell him that he doesn't.

"That's...that's wonderful! Congratulations." The sentiments are accompanied by the cough from the black death.

"Thanks," he says, almost shyly. "I know it's hard for you to be up here, without Cole and I know that you've got Travis and Beth but they're obviously a bit further out. I don't want you to think I've got any ulterior motives here but Tessa...I'm always here if you need a friend."

You might have heard the saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

That my friends, is a theory we're about to test out.


Hey guys!

So it's been a while since I posted here. For a lot of personal reasons I'd been debating whether I still wanted to upload this story on Wattpad but of course ultimately I decided that since Wattpad is where most of you can easily access the story, it would be mean to not upload it here. So here you go!

A lot of things have happened since I last posted. The Bad Boy's Girl ebook is out now! It has exclusive Cole POV chapters that aren't in the Wattpad version. Want a teaser?

So how amazing is Cole RIGHT?

In more exciting news, the PAPERBACK releases in less than a month, MAY 2, 2017! It is now available for pre-order via Amazon and will be available for worldwide shipping staring May 2 from Book Depository if you cannot purchase through Amazon. It's taken a lot of hard work (and tears) to make sure you guys are able to own your own copy of Cole and Tessa's story so I hope you all enjoy!


Please follow me on my social media to stay up to date with any book news! I've got some exciting things *cough cough freebooks cough cough* coming up next week so make sure you follow me on:

FACEBOOK: Blair Holden-JessGirl93

TWITTER: @BlairHoldenx

Instagram: @JessGirl93

Thank you for all your love and support on the book so far! I'm excited to be able to continue this journey with all of you!

Much love,


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