The Pack Slut's Rejected [wat...

By spicemeup

1.2M 41.6K 10K

*This is written by a 14/15 year old. You have been warned* Allysa. Also known As the 'Pack Slut'. Having gro... More

The Pack Slut's Rejected
C h a p t e r [ 2 ]
C h a p t e r [ 3 ]
C h a p t e r [ 4 ]
C h a p t e r [ 5 ]
C h a p t e r [ 6 ]
C h a p t e r [ 7 ]
C h a p t e r [ 8 ]
C h a p t e r [ 9 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 0 ]
A u t h o r s N o t e
C h a p t e r [ 1 1 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 2 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 3 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 4 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 5 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 6 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 7 ]
Q & A & Explanations
C h a p t e r [ 1 8 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 9 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 0 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 1 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 2 ]
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C h a p t e r [ 2 5 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 6 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 7 & 2 8 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 9 ]
It's not over!
C h a p t e r [ 3 0 ]

P r o l o g u e : C h a p t e r [ 1 ]

49.4K 1.4K 233
By spicemeup

Hey just thought I would post a preview of what’s going to be posted in March end : )

Hope you like it. This is in Allysa’s Point Of view.


Prologue : Chapter [1]



“Harder baby.”  I moaned .”Harder.”

         He groaned and then finally climaxed inside me. “That was good.” He muttered and dropped down beside me.

        “I wish you were my mate.” He said trailing his hand down to my waist caressing the bare skin leaving goose bumps in that path. I chose to ignore him. That’s what they all said till they found their mates that is.  I carefully pulled the stray strands of my hair behind my ear and unbuttoned my shirt and drawled ,”This was fun….” I trailed realizing I had completely forgotten his name .

        “Benjy.” He supplied.”Benjy Tucker.” He smiled at me. I eased myself and smiled back ,”But I have to go now. So maybe another time? I played with his collar and smirked at the sudden hardening I felt grazing my thigh. “Definitely.” He replied breathless and I watched his eyes fill with lust. I laughed , pushed him off me and ran out of the room.

                                                 Tease them, leave them wanting more.

          Benjy was nice; maybe he won’t be like the others?

                                                Who am I kidding here?

         I suddenly crashed against someone and fell to the floor. “Oh my god , I’m so sorry…..oh wait it’s you.” Beth said looking at me with distaste clearly shown in her eyes. She was the to-be- Beta’s mate and the sort of person everyone loved. Well except me, that is.

        She sniffed the air and looked at me with disgust and hate and said harshly ,”God, you fucked someone else? Who in the right mind would be desperate enough to fuck you?”

         “Your boyfriend.” I smirked knowing I hit a sore spot. Yes, I and Derek had a fuck buddy sort of relationship.

         “That’s because he hadn’t met me back then.” She hissed, stepping forward. “If he had he would have never even touched a girl like you.” That stung a bit, but I kept the smirk on. “Sure, whatever you say sweetheart.” She raised her hand ready to slap me when suddenly the Alpha’s voice reverberated in our minds.

        Pack meeting now. Trial of John Clarks is being conducted. Everyone must be present.

        My heartbeat paced, my dad was having a trial? What for?

         I frantically paced myself to the Council’s room with thoughts of only my dad in my mind. I know I shouldn’t care, but I did. He is the only one I have left after all.

         I opened the door, with Beth just a few steps behind me and took a seat in the front keeping my eyes trained to the front where the Beta James, Derek’s father was holding his hands down so he can’t escape.  There were a few moments of silence in which only my dad’s low grunts could be heard before the Alpha’s voice boomed across the room.

         “We are gathered here for John Clarks’ trial. This pack member has been sexually exploiting females of our pack and has even the audacity to touch the Luna, my mate. Is this accusation correct?”

         A few gasps echoed across the room, and I just sat still. I know I should be shocked, disgust should be oozed from me, I should try and defend him, but I had doubts about my dad. After all he was the man that once said these words to me.

         Love?  Love is nothing Ally, it doesn’t exist. Mates just force a man and a woman to stay with each other. You be a good girl Ally okay? You know how men are, they only want one thing, give them that, it’s not as if you actually mean something, but respect us male’s wishes. You know what happened with me and your mother, don’t you? That whore was my mate and look what happened. It’s not as if there is anyone there for you in the end, including your mate.

        “Yes, I did.” My dad muttered.

        “You are aware this leads to death, Mr.Clarks?” What?

        “Fully aware, sir.”

        “Should we get the executioner?” Beta James asked.

        “No.” The Alpha’s eyes burned with rage. “Let me do it myself. It’s revenge for touching my mate. Any last words John?”

        My dad’s eyes glanced at me for a moment and I pleaded him, hoping he could see the desperation in my eyes. Say that you want to talk to me.Say that you love me. Say something. Say anything.

        “No, I have nothing to say. “ My dad managed and then the Alpha lunged at him, ripping apart the only man that I had of family left.



So this is the chapter, hope you like it. Please comment to tell me how it is. The first chapter will be posted in March end /April.

Fan , Vote , Comment & Share.

Charlotte x

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