I got Kidnapped by One Direct...

By abbbbbyyyyy__

285K 7.3K 3K

Abigail was just a normal girl who lived a normal life. Then one day when she was walking home from school, s... More

I got Kidnapped by One Direction?
Chapter 1 Darkness
Chapter 2 The mission
Chapter 3 Mission Failed?
Chapter 4 Food Fight
Chapter 5 Was it a night mare? Or was it flash back?
Chapter 6 Niall tells her the story
Chapter 7 The dress
Chapter 8 Nandos
Chapter 9 The Prank
Chapter 10 The Shooting Star
Chapter 11 The secret
Chapter 12 Truth or Dare
Chapter 13 Little Unicorn Photo Bomber
Chapter 14 Hidden Talents
Chapter 15 Carnival
Chapter 16 Swag Masta From Doncaster
Chapter 18 A Family Always Stays Together
Chapter 19 World War III
Chapter 20 Am I Really Ok?
Chapter 21 I Deserve It
Chapter 22 It's All My Fault
Chapter 23 Help Me?
Chapter 24 First Stop: Airport
Chapter 25 2nd Stop: Plane To England
Chapter 26 3rd Stop: England
Chapter 27 Private Talk
Chapter 28 Surprise
Chapter 29 Superman's Here
Chapter 30 The Note
Chapter 31 Reunited
Chapter 32 Water Fight
Chapter 33 Hide And Seek
Chapter 34 Roses
Chapater 35 Goodbye

Chapter 17 Christmas

5.3K 161 53
By abbbbbyyyyy__

Chapter 17 Christmas


It was finally Christmas Eve and we all decided to watch The Lion King while eating heaps of food. Yup, I'm going to get SO high. I grabbed my red Santa hat and out it on.

"PIZZA'S HERE!" Niall screamed as he ran holding the pizza boxes.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!" I yelled and ran to him.

"Like brother like sister" Harry says.

"CHEESE!" I yelled and grabbed two slices of cheese pizza.



We are all now watching The Lion King while eating food.

I'm sitting on the ground in front of the coffee table filled with heaven with Nialler, Zayn, Harry and Louis on the three seater and Danielle, Liam, Perrie and Zayn on the two love seats.

"Aw! Simba and Nala are so cute!" I say as they started to sing 'Just can't wait to be king'.

"Hey can we do an all nighter?" I asked.

"If you want to, but obviously you and Niall are going to win since you are eating so much candy" Liam said.

"Ok!" I said.

"I'm going to win!" Niall says.

"Nah uh! I am!" I tell him as I got a handful of Skittles.



The movie was soon going to finish and pretty much everybody slept accept for me and Niall.

I looked at the time. It was nearly 12.

"Yay! Christmas in 10 more minutes!" I whispered getting really excited. I hope I got the right presents for everyone.

"Ok here's the plan. As soon as it's 12, we scream Merry Christmas!" Niall says.

I giggled.

"Ok" I said.

The movie finished and there were 5 more minutes until Christmas. I decided to go on my phone and go on all my social networks.

"Niall! Niall! Niall! Take a selfie with me!" I whispered to him. I put the phone in front of us and we did funny and weird faces. I decided to upload one of them on Instagram.

Getting ready to scream MERRY CHRISTMAS! At the sleepy heads who failed the all nighter @niallhoran

I uploaded the picture and immediately got about 100 likes. Yup, my followers love me.

"2 more minutes!" Niall said.

"Yay!" I say getting REALLY excited now.



"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1!"

"MERRY CHRISTMASSSSSSSSS!" Niall and I yelled. They all immediately woke up.


"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Niall yelled like a child.

"Why did you guys wake me up? I was having the best dream ever when I was eating carrots" Louis said while he rubbed his eyes.

"BECAUSE IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Niall answered his question.

"Can we open our presents!?" Niall asked Liam.

"Yeah, I guess since you woke all of us up"

"YAY!" Niall and I screamed as we ran to the Christmas tree.

We all sat down near the Christmas tree. We gave each other our presents to them, I told them that I will give my presents to them at the end.

"Ok, after 3, we all open our presents" I say and they all nodded in agreement.

"1...2...3!" We all then unwrapped our presents. I first opened Niall's one and I gasped.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you Nialler! You're the best! I love you!" I said as I ran over to him and have him a huge hug.

"You're welcome. Anything for you" he smiled.

I went back to my pile of presents and put my new MacBook aside. Niall is so sweet! He is the best brother in the world!

I then opened my second gift which was from Perrie and Zayn. They have me a beautiful necklace that says 'Abigail' with a heart at the end. I thanked them and opened my third gift, which was from Liam and Danielle. They gave me 2 flower crowns and a dream catcher. My fourth gift was from Harry and he gave me 2 pretty phone cases and a cute panda stuff toy. And lucky last was Louis. The present was in a white box with a pink ribbon.

"Louis, your present is scaring me" I tell him as he is sitting next to me.

"Just open it. You'll love it" He said.

I untied the ribbon and slowly took the lid out. I literally screamed.


"Nope, it's real" he said.

"Oh my gosh! You didn't have to buy it!" I said still shock with the present.

"But you really wanted it, so I got it for you"

"Holy crap, thank you so much Louis! You seriously didn't have to buy it though!" I said and hugged him.

"It's alright" he said.

"Aw! This is so cute!"
I quickly pulled out of the hug and see everyone with their phones out.
They did not just....

"I swear to god, delete it or I will kill you and you won't have your presents" I warned them.

"No! I need to live!" Niall said.

"Then delete it" I said through gritted teeth.

"Ok, here's the deal. We keep the video and pictures and not put on any social networking sites and you can give us our presents and not kill us" Liam said. I thought for a while.

"Deal" I said.

"Yes!" they all cheered.

"But don't you dare, show it to anyone, got it?" they all nodded.

"Can I see the video?" Louis asked and Zayn have his phone to him. I do not even want to see that video.

"Ok! Who wants their prezzies!?" I yelled.

"Me!" they all said.

I then ran upstairs to my room and grabbed the bag that has all the presents. I hope they like it. What did I get them? Well, I gave all of them a photo frame which has a picture of all of us and at the back, it has a little message that says 'Promise me you won't forget our laughs, our jokes, our smiles, our conversations, our plans, our tears, our memories, our experiences, our friendship'. And lastly, I gave them a drawing of each of them with me in it that I made (A/N sorry if that didn't really made sense, so like for e.g. Abby drew a drawing of Liam and her in it and that's her present to him plus the photo frame) I feel quite bad now because they gave me presents that were quite pricy and mine weren't really as expensive.

"I'm here!" I yelled.

"Yay! I'm so excited!" Perrie said.

"I hope you guys like it" I said.

"Zayn!" I said as I walked over to him.

"Merry Christmas" I smiled and gave him his present.

"Aw, thank you Abby" He then gave me a hug and I hugged back. Oh my god, he smells so nice! Ok, it may sound weird but it's true! Perrie is one lucky girl.

"But don't open it yet" I told him.



"Can we open it nowwww?" Danielle begged as I finished handing out all the presents.

"Yup! Just be careful, it's fragile" They all then started unwrapping the present. I really hope they like it.

"I'm sorry guys, it's not really the best Chrsitmas pres-"

"OH MY GOSH! THIS IS THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!" Perrie yelled. Well, I didn't see that coming. Did I even hear that correctly?

"Aw! This is so cute! Thank you so much Abby!" Dani said and immediately hugged me.

After all the 'Thank you's' and billions of hugs and all the nice comments from the drawings which was really surprising because the drawings weren't even that good, we all are sitting on the couches. They said they have to tell me something. I wonder what it is. It's kind of freaking me out.

"We have an surprise for you" Niall said.

"Aw, guys you didn't have to. I already have what I want. I have all of you's" I said.

"Aw, you're so sweet Abby" Perrie said a hugged me.

"This is from all of us" Harry said. Zayn then came up to me with light blue guitar case. I gasped.

"You didn't" I said in shocked.

"Open it!" Dani said.

I got the the guitar case from Zayn and slowly opened the lid. There was a beautiful light blue acoustic guitar. (A/N image on side)

"Oh my god, thank you I love you guys so much! You're the best!" I said and pulled everyone into a hug.

This is the best Christmas ever.

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