I Will Find You (OneShot)-Lau...

By PapiJauregui

3.1K 165 35

Where will she be when the end begins. More

I Will Find You (OneShot)-Lauren/You

3.1K 165 35
By PapiJauregui

"Breaking News, there have been several reports of violent attacks taking place in the cities of Atlanta, Dallas, Miami and Seattle. All of the reported attacks have taken place within the past hour, we don't know if they're connected- I have just received word that about a hundred more of these violent attacks have taken place and that- holy s-bleep-t  one happen right here? In the studio- Okay for safety measures we are being told to wrap it up and go offline, please stay indoors till you are told otherwise." The office was in a panic, people rushing around to pack up their things and call their families to make sure that their loved ones haven't been one of the many that were attacked.

I pushed past everyone and headed towards my bosses office, I needed to leave, everyone was panicking so this must be pretty bad and I want to be home with my wife if anything does happen. I knocked on the closed office door and a gruff 'come in' was heard from behind the door, I pushed the door open and walked up to his desk.

He had a pen in his hand as he scribbled down useless information, he glanced up at me then back down at his paper.

"What do you want Y/n?" He asked, from his tone you could clearly annoyed with my presence.

"I'd like to request an early departure" I said and he chuckled.

"No, get back to work" He said and motioned for me to leave his office.

"Sir, I really need to get home. If anything they've said on the news is true I'd like to be home so I can make sure my wife is safe" I tried to reason with him, he shook his head and pointed towards the door, I let out a sigh and walked out the door, not bothering to close it behind me.

Instead of going back to my cubical I headed towards the break room where everyone was, I stood towards the left and silently watched the Tv, one of my co-workers was trying to find a news station that was still on the air, he finally switched to CNN and thankfully it was still on air.

"-Whatever these things are, they're not human, I advise everyone to stay indoors and barricade any way of entry. If you come in contact with any of these- as the CDC called them 'infected' please immediately head to your local hospital, as of right now we haven't been informed on how this infection is spread so please stay inside unless its an emergency. There have been hundreds of reported sightings of the infected just roaming the streets, we haven't received any other word from the government other then to stay inside and that whatever is happening is some kind of infection-Anderson? Are you hurt? You're bleeding- holy shit Anderson don't come any closer, please. Andy what the fu- AH! He's biting m- Beeeeeeep" The news station went offline, everyone in the room went on a full on panic. 

 I was still in shock from what I had just seen, that Anderson guy just attacked the news anchor, bit him right in the neck, that was all you saw before the station went down, the man didn't look right, his face was bloodied up and his skin was really pale.

Fuck, I had to get home. Whatever this was it was serious and I needed to be with my wife, I needed to keep her sa- A blood curtailing scream could be heard from right outside of the break room, everyone rushed outside to see what was happening.

I was one of the last ones out of the room and when I walked out all I could see was chaos, people were shouting and running down the stairs, I honestly had no clue as to what was happening, I took a few steps forward and could see my co-worker, James, laying in a pool of blood with another one of my co-workers hovering over him, tearing into his neck as James screamed in agony. I stood there and stared with wide eyes until I was pulled away.

I looked at the arm that was dragging me away and I recognized that heavily tattooed arm anywhere, my good friend and co-worker Cane was leading me away from the bloodied mess.

 Cane lead me towards one of the empty rooms that were located in the back of the building.

Once we were safely inside the room he stood in front of me, giving me a worried expression.

"Listen Y/n, I know that very bad shit is about to happen here, we need to get out of here and get you back to that pretty wife of yours" Cane said with his hand placed of my shoulder.

"How do you know that bad shit is going to happen?" I asked once I calmed down a little.

"When the news was still on I received a call, a call from my old boss, he only got a few words out before the lines went dead but what he did say is that there's no way the government can stop whatever this infection is, they haven't found a cure, the only way to stop the ones that are infected is to destroy the brain, and that it's spreading fast, that's all I got. Now Y/n I need you to be calm" Cane explained, I took a deep breath and nodded my head, calming down some more before he spoke again.

"Okay, we're going to have to run down to the parking lot and- do you have your keys?" He asked, I shook my head since I left my on my desk, he sighed then continued "Okay we're going to have to hot-wire one of the available cars then we can head to your house, sound good?" He asked and I nodded, going over the plan in my head once more before we walked up to the door, Cane was in front of me.

He slowly turned the door knob and opened up the door, it was pretty quiet in this part of the building since no one worked in these offices.

We slowly walked towards the stair well and from a distance you could see red everywhere, there were several bodies littering the floor while a few more were up walking around and whatever they were they definitely no longer human.

"Okay, listen Y/n we're going to have to be very quiet, we don't want to attract the attention of whatever those are. When I say go we'll be making our way quickly but quietly towards the stair well, alright? You have to stay behind me the whole time and don't fall behind." Cane explained, I nodded as I took in all the information. 

Cane turned around and I took my hand and placed it on his shoulder so I wouldn't lose him, he slowly began to lead the way around the creatures and over our now dead co-workers.

We were almost out of the main room as we neared the stair well, there was one last body laid on the floor, blood covering the poor person. Cane stepped over the body and nothing happen, once I had my first leg over the body I was about to bring my other leg over when something grabbed my foot bringing my torso down on the ground while my legs landed on the body of my dead co-worker.

Cane quickly whipped his head around and looked down at me, his eyes widened as he saw the scene in front of him.

I could still feel the hand grabbing onto my foot, the body under my legs began to move. I turned my head to look at the body, the man who was once dead eyes were open, they were a clouded grey color and his arms struggled to move under the weight of my legs but his hand was securely attached to my foot, that's when I began to freak out, Cane jumped into action and immediately began trying to wrestle my foot out of his grasp.

The man had a very tight grip on my foot, once Cane got it free I crawled away and off the body.

Once I was off the man who was once dead he began to sit up, his arms moving towards me to grab me, his jaws snapping.

Cane pulled me to my feet and push me behind him, he looked around for any object to defend us from this being.

We were in a hallway so there wasn't much, other then the occasional picture frame on the wall and that would help up much.

"Fuck it" Cane muttered as he charged towards the ex co-worker who was trying to stand up, Cane push it back so that it was flat on it's back, with quick thinking he lifted his foot up and brought it down onto the beings head, destroying the brain for good, it was then when its jaws quit snapping and its arms fell limp.

"Guess the bastard didn't lie after all" Cane said as he removed his boot from the now permanently dead corpse.

"Holy fuck" I whispered after what I had just witnessed.

Cane grabbed a hold of my arm and continued to lead me through the hallway, we finally made it to the stair well.

Cane pushed open the door, we made our way down the stairs until we reached the main lobby.

It was chaos down here, from the glass windows in the front you could see blood everywhere and you could hear the screams from the people who were running from the infected.

A few of my co-workers were trying to hold the front doors closed and from behind them I could see a group of the infected crowded around the door, trying to get in. 

I turned to look at Cane, he had a look that showed he was in thought of what to do.

"Wait, the back doors" I said as I pointed towards the hallway that would bring us to the back exit.

"You're right, there has to be at least one car there" Cane said in reply.

"Hopefully there aren't too many of those- those creatures back there, I just want to make sure my wife is safe" I said and Cane nodded, we got back into position, him in front of me and my arm attached to his shoulder so we don't lose each other.

Cane and I quickly walked towards the back hallway that leads to the exit.

The way there was very quiet since not to many people parked back here and it was mostly used for emergencies, well this was an emergency so why wasn't anyone thinking to use it? Maybe they just didn't want to be out there with them, the infected creatures.

Once we reached the glass door that had the exit sign above it, Cane walked up to the door and saw that the parking lot was practically empty, all except for three lone cars.

"Alright, we're going to do this quick Y/n. I'm going to hot-wire the car while you keep watch, okay?" Cane explained, I nodded at his words and with that he pushed open the door and we ran towards the closest car with happened to be a blue four door.

Cane opened up the drivers side and began to work at the wires, I stood close by and kept my eyes on my surroundings, watching in every direction to make sure that we were safe.

I heard Cane grunt a few times before I heard the car roar to life, Cane got back on his feet and motioned for me to get in the passengers seat, I nodded and headed towards the other side, opening the door and climbing in.

Cane took the drivers seat and we took off towards my house, we had to pass the front of the building to get out and when we did we saw that the front doors were wide opened  and the infected had got in, everyone was dead from what we could see.

I looked away from the bloodied building as we drove off onto the highway.

Cane reached over and turned on the radio to see if we could get anymore information.

"Uhm- Most of the news stations are out so I should probably let you guys know everything I know. Whatever this is it isn't a joke, people are literally eating each other and- and fucking Jake got bitten by one of those creatures, he fucking died and came back as one of them and here I am locked in the studio with him banging on the door trying to get in- I don't know what to do other then try to help you guys. Whatever you do, don't let those freaks bite you cause you'll come back just- fuck I don't know just be safe out there, this is the end for me. This is James Coldmore signing off for good, may god be with you all." Cane and I had listened in silence as the radio man known as James said all he had, the station went dead after that.

"Fuck" Cane muttered under his breath, his head slightly shaking as he continued on driving.

We drove for about ten more minutes before we came up on hundreds of other cars backed up on the highway.

"God dammit, there's no way through" Cane said as the car came to a stop, he slammed his fists down onto the steering wheel and let out a breath.

I looked around at the cars and could see people quickly exiting their cars and running away, I unbuckled my seat belt and opened up my car door, trying to get a better look as to what was happening.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Cane asked

"People are running from something I need to see what" I explained and he nodded.

"Be quick" He said and I nodded before stepping out of the car, once out of the car I could hear the screams. I took a few steps forward and saw one of the infected hovering over a man who was crying out for help, I rushed forward and pulled the infected creature off the man and pulled him to his feet.

"Did that thing bite you?" I asked the scared man.

"N-No, I was holding him off and- and that's when you came in" He explained, I nodded.

"Alright well if you ever get that close to one again make sure you destroy the brain, it'll end it. Be safe sir and just a word of advice, don't get bit" I said, he nodded his head and headed to opposite direction, running away like everyone else.

I looked to my left and saw the infected creature slowly trying to get to its feet, I watched it struggle for a few more seconds before I made my way back to the car.

I opened up the door and crawled in, shutting the door behind me. Cane turned to me, waiting for me to tell him what I had saw.

"It crawling with those infected freaks, we'll have to backtrack and take a back road" I explained and he sighed but nodded his head, Cane put the car in reverse and we turned around, heading back towards the way we came, this would add more time on our journey back to my house, to find my wife.

As we drove I flipped through the radio stations, trying to find another working station. Sadly I didn't every station was offline, this shit must've spread very quickly if every station is gone.

"We should be there in about ten minutes" Cane said "Once we get there we'll get your wife and a few of your belongings then we'll head to my place and get my gear and shit, sound good?" He added.

"Sounds good Cane, I just want to be able to hold my girl in my arms and keep her safe" I said and Cane hummed in response.

Ten minutes later we pulled into my driveway, Cane parked the car and we both rushed out, heading for my front door.

I took a hold of the door knob and found that my front door was unlocked, I pushed the door open and we both walked in.

"Lauren?!" I called out, in search of my wife.

I got no response.

I quickly ran around the house in search of my Lauren, I searched every room. When I reached our bedroom I found it empty and untouched except for the fact that the closet door was opened and our wedding photo that was hung over our dresser was gone, she must've left.

"Did she leave?" Cane asked, and I slowly nodded my head.

"Most likely since most of her clothes and our wedding photo is gone" I responded.

"Alright you pack a few things and I'll go get any canned food items you have, we'll go to my place and then to any place that you think Lauren may be" Cane said, I nodded once more then headed towards my closet, retrieving a few clothe items.

I packed the small backpack I had found in the closet, once finished I walked over to my dresser, stopping in front of the small photo frame that held a picture of Lauren and I on our first date.

I had my arms around her and she was giving me a kiss on the cheek, it was my favorite photo cause it was the start of it all, the start of our love.

I sighed sadly and took the photo in my hand, gently placing it on the top of my bag. I zipped up the bag and slung it over my back, I then walked out of the room and headed towards the kitchen where I knew I'd find Cane.

"You good" Is the first thing he said when I walked in.

"Yeah, I'm good" I replied.

 "Okay great, I packed all the food I could and loaded it up in the car, when we get to my house I have a bigger car there that we'll take so lets get going" he said quickly before heading toward my front door, I followed him. We entered the car and took off towards Cane's house which wasn't too far from mine, once we pulled into his driveway he parked the car and got out.

"Y/n start putting everything into the bed of the truck over there, we'll be able to fit more if we take it, while you do that I'll go get all my stuff and the keys" Cane spoke and I nodded, I began to take the few boxes of canned foods and place then into the bed of the truck, Cane came out several times and placed some more food and several duffel bags in the back, I was sitting next to the truck keep watch, making sure none of the infected freak attack us.

Cane shut the bed of the truck on his previous trip so I assumed that he had gotten everything, he walked inside once more and came out with a large dog.

"Y/n meet Lincoln" Cane said with a smile, the German Shepard named Lincoln barked in response.  "Alright now that you two have been acquainted lets get this show on the road" Lincoln barked at Cane, Cane chuckled and opened the car door to allow the dog to enter, I crawled in after him and Cane went around the side and hopped into the drivers seat.

"Lauren would've went to her parents house- she has to be there" I said just loud enough for Cane to be able to hear me.

"We'll find her one way or another, I promise Y/n" Cane spoke in a reassuring tone.

"I hope so" I mumbled mostly to myself.

The journey to Lauren's parents house was a long one, we had to go back through the city and it was chaos. People were looting and burning down buildings that held valuable resources.

We weaved our way through the city, we barley made it through before a herd of the infected came through, it was right behind us a while back and we knew it's destination was the city.

We were now on the outskirts of town, where the Jauregui's lived. The Jauregui family lived in a nice two story home right outside of town, it was a real nice neighborhood with nice neighbors. I just hope that Lauren made it and that they're all safe.

When we pulled up into the Jauregui household driveway Cane, Lincoln and I both rushed out of the car and hurried up to the door.

"Knock Y/n" Cane whispered as he pointed to the door.

I lifted my arm up to the door and-


Knock Knock Knock

I placed my hand by down to my sides, as I waited for a response I had time to think about everything that could go wrong right now.

Fuck I need to leave.

I quickly turned around and tried to creep down the stairs, maybe they wouldn't notice that I was even here?

Right as I was about to step off of the last step the front door swung open, revealing a smiling Mike Jauregui.

"Y/n! Nice to see you" Mike said in a cheery tone, I gave him a nervous smile and slowly made my way back up the porch steps. "What brings you here at this time?" He asked.

"I-I just had something to ask you- but I mean if you're busy I can come back another time" I nervously said, Mike chuckled and opened the door a little wider.

"Y/n, you know I'm never too busy for you now come on in" He said, I nodded and walked in going towards the living room. I took a seat on the love seat and waited for Mike to enter the room, when he did he took a seat in the second love seat which was right across from the one I was sitting at.

"So what did you have to tell me?" He asked

"U-Uhm I wanted to ask something pretty serious. You see I really love Lauren and I hope to be with her for the rest of my life-

"Are you asking me if I'll allow you to marry her?" Mike ask before I was finished, I swallowed and slowly nodded my head yes. "Okay, but you still have to ask me" He said with a smirk.

I let out a sigh but nodded my head no less.

"Mike, would you d-do me the honors in allowing me to marry the love of my life, your daughter" I said without much issue having only stuttered once.

Mike gave me a smile and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Course you can marry my princess, I've always wanted you to be my daughter-in-law but just know you do anything that makes her unhappy, I will personally kick your ass. Understood?" Mike said his tone gradually getting darker.

"Y-Yes sir, I will never intentionally hurt Lauren" I promised, Mike nodded before giving me one last hug. Mike stood up and walked out of the room.

He popped his head in the room once more.

"Go make her happy" 

End Of Flashback 

- waited for a response, sadly one never came.

Cane let out a sigh and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Try and open the door" He said, I took a hold of the doorknob and twisted it open. 

The door was unlocked, I pushed it open and we both walked in. Inside the house it was cold and dark, not a single noise could be heard.

I sped up my walk as we walked through the house, trying to find my loved ones.

Lincoln took off around the house most likely making sure that it was safe, once he looked the house over he went back to Cane's side, I on the other hand frantically took off looking through every room that the house held, in the end I found no one, where did they go?

I sadly walked back out to where Cane and Lincoln were waiting, Cane looked up and saw my expression, he gave me a sad smile.

"We'll find them I promise Y/n" He said

"I won't stop till I find them, all of them" I said

Cane, Lincoln and I piled back into the truck and planned on going through the city to find Lauren and her family, after we would go through every small town.

The car ride to the city was a long one since we constantly had to turn around due to traffic and road blocks, other times it would be due to an over abundance of the infected blocking the road.

Three hours later we made it.

Cane parked the car just outside the city, hiding it so that if any looters were to come by they wouldn't steal all of our belongings.

Cane walked in front of me with a gun in hand, I also had a gun but I didn't know how to use it so it was mostly for show.

We walked down a main road until we reached a turn, we turned and I really wish we didn't, right as we went around the corner we were met with a hoard of infected, just standing there, once they caught sight of us they began moving slowly towards us.

"Shit- Y/n you better learn to fire that weapon real quick!" Cane shouted, he raised his gun and began to fire away, I copied his movements and my gun began firing. I quickly aimed it at the infected heads, it was a little hard at first to keep the gun steady but after a few of the infected fell to the ground I got the hang of it.

The whole time Lincoln was barking at any of the infected who got too close, every time that happened Cane was quick to put the infected being down forever.

I shot a few more times, missing all my marks but Cane helped out each time.

Once all the infected were down, I finally relaxed bringing my gun down to my side.

"Alright we need to continue on and be on the look out, we didn't bring enough guns to do that shit again" Cane spoke

"Got it" I said, Cane, Lincoln and I all quietly walked down the streets of the city. It was really quiet, you'd be surprised as to how quickly everything can go to shit, one minutes everyone's alive and well the next everybody is gone.

"You know I never expected for this shit to ever happen" Cane said after a few moments of silence.

"Neither did I" I said in a sad tone "Lauren and I would always imagine if this were to happen when we'd watch The Walking Dead if only it ended up the way we imagined" I said now thinking back to how we'd talk about how even if an apocalypse were to happen it wouldn't keep us apart, I can only hope that that is true.

"Damn I wish it was like the movies, well I mean it kinda is but in the movies it never spreads this fast" Cane said with a chuckle.

"Well I mean do you remember uh- oh Dawn Of The Dead, that shit spread over night and I mean ours kinda did too cause the news had said so" I said "Would we calls these things, zombies?" I asked.

"I would assume so cause they do everything the zombies do in the movies" Cane said after a little thought.

"Damn and all those little kids would wear the 'I heart zombies' bracelets I wonder if they 'heart' them now" I said with a small chuckle.

"Oh yeah totally" Cane added "I wish my boy was here" he said after a bit, his tone of voice sounded sad.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He followed my footsteps and joined the military even when I said he shouldn't, as of right now he's over seas and I don't think  I'll ever see him again. I miss that fucker" Cane said and I looked up at him, seeing that he had a tear running down his face.

"One day you'll see him again" I said trying to make him feel better.

"I know and I can't wait till that day cause that'll be the day I get to see my beautiful wife again" He said with a hopeful smile on his face.

"You were married?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah I was, cancer took her a couple years ago" He said

With that we continued on, we walked until we would get turned around due to a herd of the 'zombies'.

Every time we'd encounter one of the said herds Lincoln would go crazy and end up drawing in more which would cause us to quickly run away so we could conserve as much ammo we could.

"Damn we should really pick up the pace, walking as slow as we are now isn't going to get us anywhere" Cane said and I agreed.

"Can we take a break, there's an alley over there were we can sit for a minute" I said while pointing towards an alley way that was a few meters in front of us.

"Yeah, lets go" Said Cane, all three of us headed towards the alley way and once we made it we took a seat next to a dumpster that was there.

Cane pulled out a few snacks and some water for us to eat and drink, we ate and drank for a few minutes, letting out bodies rest for the time being.

I rested my back against the building that was behind us and let my eyes close for a second, thinking back to the last time I had seen my beautiful wife.


"Baby" I heard someone call out and then I suddenly felt extra body weight on top of me, I slowly opened my eyes and brought my hand up to wipe my eyes, trying to rid them of sleep. Once I could see clearly I looked up to see as to who was on top of me, it was Lauren and she look beautiful as ever.

Lauren was wearing one of my over-sized sleep shirts and had a make-up free face, her hair was a frizzy mess but she still looked stunning.

"Good morning sleepy head, you have to get your butt to work" She said in a adorable tone, Lauren leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before bringing her face to my neck and let herself fall completely on top of me, burying her face into my neck.

"I would get up for work but I can't cause you're on top of me" I said with a raspy chuckle.

"You're comfy" She said into my neck then let out a giggle.

"Well looks like I can't go to work, we'll just be poor" I said with a little shrug before I leaned my head down to plant a kiss on the top of Lauren's head.

"I don't care" She said then snuggled deeper into my neck, kissing it lightly.

"Well I don't really want our future kids to be hungry so get up babe" I said as I tried to get out from under her, she just held on tighter.

"Y/nnn love me" she whined 

"I loved you last night and I probably will again tonight but first I have to go to work so I can pay for all the expensive shit you want" I said as she sat up and was now straddling my lap.

"You know that you don't have to buy me all the oh so expensive things" Lauren said as she brought her hand up to my face and cradled my cheek lovingly.

"I know babe, I want to because you deserve everything in the world"  I said then leaned up to plant a kiss on her lips, halfway through the kiss Lauren broke out into a smile causing me to chuckle and pull away.

"Well you know what you are deserving of?" She asked and I shook my head "A nice dinner cooked by me when you get home from work" She said as she gave me a gentle smile.

"I'd like that very much" I said while giving her a smile in return, I brought my hands up and placed them on her thighs, gently patting then signaling that she needed to get off of me so that I could get up.

"Ugh, I guess I could get up" She said before leaning down to capture my lips once more then rolling off of me landing on her back right next to me. "Go on, when you're done I'll have breakfast ready" Lauren continued on and rolled completely off of the bed, I watched her as she walked out of the room and headed for the kitchen, I let out a sigh and sat up on the bed swinging my legs off to the side and standing up, I stretched my limbs and let out a sigh in relief.

I began to busy myself with getting my clothes ready and hopping into the shower, once I was done with my shower I began to do everything I needed to before I headed down to the kitchen where Lauren was just finishing up breakfast.

"Here you go babe" Lauren said as she placed a plate on to the kitchen table, the plate was piled high with pancakes, eggs and bacon, damn what did I do to deserve this girl?

"God I love you" I said as I looked at her with nothing but love in my eyes.

"You love me or god?" She asked with a grin.

"You, definitely you" I said before digging into my meal "God is great and all but nothing can beat you" I said with a mouthful of pancakes, she chuckled and shook her head at my antics.

End Of Flashback:  

"We've got company" I heard Cane say, I looked at him and saw that he was pointing towards the entrance of the alley way, I turned my attention towards the entrance and saw a scrawny looking man in a business suit, he looked nervous as he approached us.

Once he finally made his way all the way up to us he finally spoke.

"U-Uhm could you help me?" He asked, his tone shaky.

"With?" Cane asked and the man brought his hand up to the back of his neck and rubbed it nervously.

"Well me and a few of my co-workers saw you guys take out a hoard of those- those things and we- we just wanted to know if we could tag along with you guys, doesn't matter where you're going we'd just feel safer" The man said then looked over his shoulder at the office building the was across the street, you could see through the glass doors that there were a couple of men and a woman waiting there with scared expressions on their faces.

"Any of you know how to shoot a gun?" Cane asked.

"I do and so does my co-worker Jessica, I took her to a shooting range once but the others I'm not so sure" The man said after some thought.

"Have you seen this girl?" I asked as I pulled out my wallet and the photo of Lauren and I, I showed the man the picture and he looked at it for a moment before shaking his head.

"You guys are the first people we've seen for hours, most people are leaving the city not going into it and those of us that are stuck here are fucked" He said, I let out a sigh before putting the picture away and slipping the wallet back into my pocket.

"Yeah man we can help you guys out but we aren't going to baby you guy, as of right now we are on a mission to find this ones wife and her wife's family and we aren't stopping till we do, so how about we head over to that building of yours and let your people know the deal" Cane said and the man instantly nodded.

"Thank you so much, my name is Victor and I promise that we'll help you guys find them" Victor promised, I gave him a thankful smile.

Cane patted Victor's back and we gathered the little amount of items we brought with us and packed them up, letting Lincoln finish off the sandwich Cane was eating.

Once we were finally ready we let Victor lead the way to his office building, once we were right in front of it the people who were inside looked relieved as we walked in.

"Thank god" A young blonde said, he couldn't have been over 20 now that I look at all of them, these people seem to be just kids.

"Let me guess, you guys are all interns?" Cane said once he got a good look at all of them, all four of them nodded sadly.

"But that doesn't really matter now does it" A short brunette who I was assuming was Jessica since she was the only girl here.

"Now you get to kick ass with us" Cane said trying to brighten up the mood.

"Hell yeah" A skinny man with a bun in his hair said with a smile.

"Okay so we got Victor and Jessica, who are you too?" I asked while pointing from the man with the bun to the blonde.

"I'm Spencer" Bun man said.

"Luke" Blondie said.

"Alright so we're looking for this one's wife and her family, you in?" Cane asked and all the interns quickly nodded.

Day 3:

"Dammit" I muttered as I saw the scene in front of me.

Cane's truck had taken a stray bullet to the engine, we had encountered a few people who turned out not to be as nice as they let off, it ended up with all three of them dead and Spencer with a bullet graze on his arm, he obviously didn't know what 'take cover' meant.

Cane angrily brought his fist down on the hood of the car, watching it as it smoked.

Lincoln barked at the smoking car a few times before Cane told him to be quiet.

"Get the stuff, we're walking from here" He said in a gruff tone, the interns quickly scrambled to grab all the duffel bags and backpacks that were thrown in the bed of the truck, throwing them over their shoulders and stepping away from the smoking truck.

"Cane get away from it" I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Fuck, I've got a question for you Y/n" Cane said once we stepped far enough from the truck.

"Go on" I said.

"Did your wife ask you to stay home before it happened?" He asked with a light smile on his face.

"She did but my stupid ass didn't know the end of the world was coming so I went anyways" I said with a small smile growing on my features due to me thinking about my wife.

"When we find her promise me that you'll never not listen to her again, alright? Cause just know that your wife is always right" Cane said then patted my back before picking up a few of the heavier bags and throwing them over his shoulder, he walked over where the others were and waited for me to pick up my share of the load and begin walking with them, Lincoln following close behind me.

I let out a sigh and picked up the rest of the bags, making my way over to the group. I stopped walking when I got halfway there and motioned for them to start walking, I looked up at the sky.

"I promise Lauren, I will find you"

Week 3:  

"On three we go in, got it?" Cane said as we lined up against the door, Cane being on one door with Spencer and Jessica behind him and me on the other door with Luke and Victor behind me, we were about to head into a supermarket and see what we could grab since our food supply was running low.



"Three" Cane and I brought our hands down on the handles and quickly pushed the doors opened, we all filed in with our pistols raised, most of us were still not very good with the guns but we made it work, with Cane and I in the front we took our small groups around the store and collecting any canned food items we could, the store was mostly picked through and a bloody mess but we did manage to find some good items. 

We regrouped by the cash registers and went over everything we found, we gathered everything back up and headed out the door, un-tethering Lincoln from a post that was outside the door and we continued walking on the main road.

"I'm surprised that we haven't run into any other people in a few days" Luke said and as he kicked a rock across the road.

"I'm sure most of them got out of the city and the ones who either stayed or got stuck here are dead, without weapons you're pretty much fucked" Victor said and we all agreed.

After about an hour of walking in silence Spencer finally broke the silence.

"Did I ever tell you guys that my girlfriend had been cheating on me for weeks before this shit happened?" Spencer said with a small smile on his face.

"No you didn't but really?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, I knew about it for a while and was planning to break up with her the day it started, I was going to do it after work" He said

"Why wouldn't of you done it sooner?" I asked

"I don't know really, at first I didn't believe it but when I actually caught them I knew it was real. I guess I just needed to let it sink in before I did it" Spencer said as he fiddled with the stick that was in his hand.

"You caught them? I would've killed the bastard" Cane said with a chuckle.

"That I did, they didn't notice so I left the room before they saw me" He said before throwing the stick he held in the grass that hugged the road. 

"Damn, did you love her?" Luke asked 

"At one point I did but I didn't realize it until later that I only loved her as a friend cause well I'm gay" Spencer admitted with a growing smile on his face.

"Same" I said with a smile, I smile a the thought of Lauren and the hopes of me finding her.

"Really?" The interns all said at once.

"What the hell didn't we clarify that we were looking for my wife when we let you guys join us?" I said with a chuckle.

"I don't remember much from a few weeks ago cause I was scared shitless" Jessica said as she tried to think back.

"Same" The three men agreed.

"Well who did you think Lauren was then?" Cane asked, curious of their answer.

"We all thought she was like y'alls daughter" They admitted, Cane and I looked at each other before busting out in laughter.

"Cane is nice and all but I'm very gay" I said through my chuckles.

"Y/n's like a daughter I never had so that would just be weird" Cane said as he shook his head at the four interns.

Wait till Lauren hears this..

Month 3:

"Five minute break guys" I shouted out to everyone, I walked a little ways away from the group and took a seat on a large rock, I let out a small sigh before I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet which was covered in dry blood, I opened it up and took out the only thing in there that was worth something, a picture of Lauren.

I un-folded it and flattened it out, I ran my fingers over the worn out image of my beautiful girl. It was one of the only things I had left, that and my wedding ring. I had moved my prized ring onto a chain and placed it around my neck, to keep it safe.

In one hand I held the picture and the other was brought up to the makeshift necklace, I held onto the two of my most prized possessions, I stared off into the distance while thinking back to all the good times Lauren and I had and to all the good times we will have when I find her.

"I won't give up till I find you, I miss you so fucking much but the thought of seeing you again keeps me going" I whispered to myself as if Lauren was right in front of me. "One day you'll be in my arms again" I whispered before bringing the photo up my lips and planting a light kiss on the image.

Once I brought the photo away from my mouth I wiped the lone tear away from my face and carefully folded the picture back up, placing it back into the bloodied wallet. I fiddled with my ring for the rest of remaining minutes before putting it back under my shirt, gathering my things and headed back to the group. 

Everyone stood up and collected their things and we took off.

Year 1:

"Welcome to SFA otherwise known as Sanctuary For All" I said as I greeted our newest members, I gave the small child they had with them a light smile before I lead them towards one of the houses we had, I handed the small family of three a box of food and supplies before leaving them be to settle in.

About two months ago my group and I had stumbled upon a very large gated community with quite large walls, with the groups numbers rapidly growing we needed a place to call home, this place was just it.

After figuring out how to work the water and get the electricity working we built up the walls and made it safe for everyone to relax for the time being.

I left the new family alone and headed back towards my house, it was pretty empty and I only used two rooms in the large house, the bedroom so I could sleep and the office so I could map out more locations to find my wife, yeah I'm never giving that up.

I was almost in my door when I heard my name being called, I looked up and saw Cane waving me over from the garden area where we planted most of our food, I closed my door and walked towards where I was needed.

"Yeah?" I said once I made it to the garden.

"I know you were going on a search today but do you think you could skip that to help me with the gate, one of the wheels on it is broken and you're the only one who knows who to fix it besides me" Cane explained, I let out a sigh but nodded no less.

Cane picked up the tool box that was in front of him and we walked towards the gate which I could see was indeed broken.

"Wanna tell me how this broke?" I asked as we got closer.

"Spencer ran into the gate with the car, dumbass" Cane said and we both shook our heads before looking towards Spencer's house where he stood outside, he gave us a wave whilst we flipped him off causing him is fake offense. 

Cane and I both began working on repairing the broken wheel, we worked in silence for a while before he spoke up.

"I'm sorry for messing up your search schedule, I just didn't want anything to happen and this wheel be the cause of our death" Cane apologized, I sent him a reassuring smile.

"It's alright bud, I can always go out and look but this needed to be taken care of now" I said and Cane nodded.

Cane put the new wheel on and tightened the bolts.

"Alright there we go" He said before packing up all the tools, I grabbed a rag to clean off my hands and put a few tools away as well before giving Cane a pat on the back and heading back to my house for some much needed rest.

Year 2: 

"Lincoln, Rico and Jinx!" I shouted before the four dogs came barreling around the corner and instantly took a seat in front of me, wagging their tails happily as they waited for what I was to say next "Wanna eat?" I asked, happiness radiating my tone and all three dogs instantly knew what that meant so the began running and jumping around trying to notify me that that's what they wanted, I let out a chuckled before scooping even amounts of dog food into their bowls and placing them on the ground in which they quickly began to eat away.

I left them to it and walked over to the large gazebo we had in the center of SFA, it's where we held most of our meetings and all that good shit.

I noticed a few people gathering around it and getting ready for the meeting that would take place in just a few short moments.

After everyone had arrived and gotten comfortable I stepped up and began to speak.

"Okay as you know lately we've been getting a lot of new people" I started and everyone nodded in agreement "This just means that we need more volunteers to go out and do runs, the only ones who do them are Cane, Victor, Luke, Spencer and myself. Yes I know that the runs are pretty risky but we need help and with more people means more things we can bring back which also means we have to do less runs" I said and a few people looked to be in thought "So if you would like to help that's great and If not we understand, if you would like to join up please go speak with Cane who is... ah he's over there"I said as I pointed towards the older man who was standing towards the back.

Six men and two women stood up and walked over to Cane, I nodded my head thankfully at them while a few of the older people we have here asked if they could help out in any other way which of course they could, we always need help in the garden or keeping track of the supplies.

A few hours later I was standing up in the watch post with Victor just keeping an eye on our surroundings.

"Can I go with you tomorrow when you go out searching?" Victor asked and I turned to him, surprise written on my features.

"Really?" I asked, for the past  year I had been going out looking for Lauren alone. Nobody knew who Lauren was so as much cared, to them she was just a story I told nothing more. The only one who knew her was Cane and he would go with me until this place needed someone watching it at all times so I had told him to stay behind and that I'd be fine alone. Victor was the first person to ever want to go with me.

"Yeah, I don't like it when you go out there alone and I'd really like to meet this Lauren one day" He said and I smiled at him before bringing him in for a hug.

"Thanks man" I said before pulling away from him.

"Tell me about her" He said and I raised my eyebrows at him before shrugging and began speaking.

"She's honestly the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on, she had the most gorgeous green eyes and pretty brown hair- let me just show you" I said before I eagerly reached into my back pocket and pulled out the old wallet I still kept, nothing was in it except for the photo of Lauren, I opened up the wallet and took out the photo, I carefully unfolded it and looked at it for the first time in months. I didn't look at it to much anymore cause I was scared to mess it up or lose it so it was better if I just kept it safe. I gently placed the prized picture into Victors hands and he looked at it closely.

"You've got yourself a dime my friend" He said before examining the photo further.

"Yeah I do, I really hope I still do" I said in a shaky tone, Victor looked at me with furrowed eyebrows before handing me back the picture.

"Don't say that Y/n, she's out there I know it" Victor said with a nod of his head "And guess what?" He said with a smile.

"What?" I asked as I wiped the stray tear away from my eyes.

"We're going to find her" He said and I looked him in the eyes, slowly nodded my head.

We will find you.

Year 3:   

"So we've been through here before right?" Victor asked and we walked through the familiar parking lot.

"Yeah but that was a few months back, it's good to re-check sometimes" I said and Victor nodded.

"Alright lets check this shit out" He said and pointed to the run down Walmart.

We both raised out rifles and slowly pushed open the doors, watching our step encase any one was in here.

All of a sudden an alarm went off and a bunch of the infected were soon surrounding us.

"Fuck!" I shouted before raising my rifle and began firing away, hitting every single one of my marks the first time, soon enough there were plenty of the infected down so that the others coming would trip over then and fall, giving us enough time to head back towards the door and make our way out.

We both went to push the door but it didn't budge, the infected were getting closer and the doors just wouldn't open.

"Try and break the glass" Victor yelled and I raised my gun again and shot a few bullets at the glass door, the glass instantly broke and we pushed our way out of the broken door with the infected beings right on our tail.

A few of them made their way out of the broken door right after we managed to get through, we both shot a few bullets at them before we ran farther into the parking lot where we had left our car, the infected slowly following after us but not being able to catch up.

Once we were safely in the car we both let out a sigh in relief, with Victor being in the drivers seat he started up the car and began driving away from the store full of infected.

"I have a feeling that all of the stores in the damn town are like that so let's not take any chances and move on to the next one" I said after I caught my breath again.

"Agreed" Victor said quickly after.

Year 4:

"I promise to be back before tomorrow night Y/n" Victor said as he pack his back and loaded up the car, I had just been wounded and was in now condition to go out on our weekly search.

"I just want to make sure and you'll be going to search the new area right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah and I promise to be safe okay? You use to do this by yourself all the time, how hard could it be?" He said with a smile and I shook my head letting him know that this was serious.

"I know I did but we've never been here before and I just want you to be safe" I said and he placed his hands on my shoulders looking me right in the eyes.

"I have a really good feeling about this one Y/n" He said then patted my shoulder "Now you go back up to your room and rest, you're hurt and need to heal and you can't do that if you're up doing shit so please listen and go take a well deserved nap" He put a hand on each of my arms and twisted me around then gave me a light push signaling for me to go back home.

I let out a sigh but went back home, I decided to trust him on this.

Victors Pov:

I watched as Y/n slowly made her way back to her house, I gave a light smile in her direction before climbing into the car, I started it up and took it out of park, beginning on my first search alone.

It took me a couple of hours before I made it to the location we had marked off, it was a smaller town but we couldn't rule anything out, no matter how small.

I slowly went to a stop as I parked the car next to a road sign that told me I had made it to the town I was suppose to be in, I got out of the car and grabbed my bag then closed and made sure that the door was locked before walking farther into the small town.

The town was pretty quiet and only held a few restaurants and some smaller family owned stores, first I needed to walk through a majority of the town before I could go inside anywhere.

I quietly walked down the main road, occasionally kicked a stray can or rock that came into view, this was a lot more boring with Y/n here.

After a few more minutes of walking down the main road I could hear a distant groaning sound, I stopped walking so maybe I could get a better listen and it sounded like a few of the infected, maybe a group of them?

I walked towards the groaning and I reached and alley way, I poked my head around the corner of the buildings and saw a struggling person underneath three of the infected. The person seemed to be fighting them off and they didn't look like the could hold them off much longer.

I pulled out my hunting knife and rushed over to them, I quickly picked off the top two and tossed them to the side, the person who I could now see was a younger girl pushed the last one off of her and quickly stood up, she lifted her foot up and brought it down right on the infected beings head, ending it for good.

She let out a breath of relief and turned to me offering me a kind smile.

"Thank you, I thought I was done for" The girl said 

"No big deal" I said as she tried to wipe some of the blood and gross shit off of her face, I quickly shrugged off my bag and pulled out a rag and a bottle of water then offered it to the younger girl.

"Thank you again, this shit stinks" She said before she uncapped the water and poured some on the rag then proceeded to clean her face off.

"Since I helped you maybe you could help me?" I asked once her face was clean, she raised an eyebrow at me as if telling me to go on. "I'm looking for someone and I need to know if you've ever seen them anywhere okay?" I asked and she nodded, I reached into my jacket and pulled out the picture Y/n had given to me earlier in the day, it was a picture of Lauren, her only picture.

The picture was a little worn on the edges but you could still clearly see who was in the photo, I looked at it for a second before handing it to the girl, she carefully took it into her hands before not even looking at it for a second, her eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock.

"Holy fuck" The girl said in amazement.

"Is that a good holy fuck or?" I asked and she nodded her head quickly.

"Please tell me that you know Y/n" The girl asked and my eyes instantly widened.

"Please tell me you know Lauren" I said a smile slowly growing on my features.

"Holy fu-Oh my god" She said before she began jumping up and down in her spot.

"Can you please explain to me what you mean by that, do you know Lauren or not?" I asked as I continued to watch the young girl squeal and dance.

"She's my fucking sister!" She said then squealed

"No way" I said and looked at her with disbelief "You're Taylor?" I asked and she nodded.

"Where's Y/n, oh my god we have to tell Lauren so she can finally stop being a bitch to everyone" The girl now known as Taylor said before looking at the picture one last time, she handed me back the picture and took a hold of my hand then started dragging me towards the main road again, she ended up dragging me to the outskirts of the small town.

Taylor and I ended up at a large farm that was located right on the edge of town, if I wouldn't of found the girl being attacked by the infected I would have never found this place.

She dragged me up the long driveway and when we got halfway up it a few dogs started barking and began running towards us, when they reached us they immediately began to smell me before deciding that I was okay, they left us alone after that so Taylor continued to quickly drag me along.

A few people stepped out of the house at the end of the driveway, one held a large shotgun while the others had their pistols raised, from a distance I heard one say 'It's just Taylor' while another said 'but who's with her?'.

We finally reached the farm house and all gun were pointed at me, Taylor instantly ran up to them and pushed most of the guns down.

"Guys" She started "You'll never guess who I just found" She said and everyone around her look confused as ever.

"He just looks like a normal guy to me" An older man said.

"Dad Y/n is alive" She said in a low tone, a look of realization came across everyone's face and they all broke out into smiles.

"Lauren!?" The older and and what I assumed as his wife called out.

From inside the house you could hear some footsteps before the front door opened and out came the girl from the picture, my best friends wife.

"Who's this" Lauren asked 

"Holy fuck, you're real" I said 

"I asked you a question" Lauren said and the older woman smacked her arm.

"Mija, just listen" The woman said as a big smile took over her features.

"Okay I'm listening" Lauren said then gave me her full attention.

"You know Y/n's never stopped looking for you" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth, when I had said her wife's name her eyes widened and she froze up.

It took her a few seconds to come back to her senses and when she did she instantly broke out into tears.

"S-She's alive?" The crying girl choked out.

"She's alive." I repeated back with a nod of my head, the sobbing girl instantly threw herself into her sisters arms and let all her tear loose at once.

"Where is she?" A young man asked

"She was suppose to be here with me nut she was hurt so she's back at our camp" I answered.

"Well fuck do you have room for a few more?" The older man who was probably the younger ones father asked.

"More then enough, I suggest you pack whatever you can and I'll take you there" I said and they all nodded before bolting into the house to retrieve their things.

Damn Y/n is going to have a heart attack when we get back.

Y/n's Pov:

I woke up to a loud banging on my front door, I let out a groan before slowly sitting up and stretching, I swung my legs over my bed and got up then began making my way downstairs to see who was at my door.

I unlocked my door and opened, bringing my hand up to my eyes to shield them from the bright light.

"Y/n" I heard a voice I recognized very well say, I opened my eyes and saw Victor standing there with a big grin on his face.

"What are you doing back already?" I asked

"You can ask questions later but I have to show you something" He said and took a hold of my hand and led me to one of the empty houses, I gave me a confused look but he just shrugged it off and lead me through the door, once we stepped inside I could hear several voices inside.

"Holy fuck they're here" I heard a male voice say.

There were some footsteps and a little bit more chatter before Victor and I both rounded the corner and I swear my heart had stopped.

He found her.

She was here.

She was alive.

Victor had found her.

Anything I had planned to saw within the last four years had completely went out the window, I wanted to say how much I missed her and tell her I love her a million times but why would I have to when she knows that I missed her very much and that I love her. At this very moment I couldn't speak, I've waited for this moment for years even when it had the smallest chance of happening, but here it is happening right now and I don't know what to do.

After a few silent seconds I snapped back to reality and rushed over to my wife, engulfing her in a needy hug which she instantly wrapped her arms around me just as tight.

I don't know how long we stood like that but I never wanted it to end, right in that moment it felt as if it was only just us in the room, I couldn't see anything other then the face I longed to see for the last four years, I still couldn't believe that I was actually seeing it, hell I could touch it if I wanted to.

I pulled back from our hug a little bit so I could get a good look at her gorgeous face, so I could look in to her pretty green eyes and know that this is real.

I brought my hand up to her cheek and gently ran my thumb across it, I focused my gaze on her slightly chapped lips but they were perfect no less.

"I never stopped looking for you" I whispered out.

"You wouldn't of had to look for me if you would've just listened to me and stayed home" Lauren said with a smile.

"I've been told that many times" I said as I ran my finger across her bottom lip "And I really wish someone would've told me that all those years ago but then again I should've just listened to you, wanna know why?" I asked and I tilted my head to the side a little.

"Why?" She asked looking me straight in the eyes.

"Cause you wife is always right" I said before she let out a breathy giggle, Lauren brought her hand up to cup the back of my neck, her eyes staring straight into mine and seconds later my lips were on hers for the first time in four years and damn did it feel good.

Our kiss lasted no more then a couple of seconds before we pulled away and pressed our foreheads together, trying to calm down from the earth shattering kiss we had just shared.

"Yeah always listen to me cause I don't want to have to wait another four years to do that" Lauren said before pulled us back together, taking my lips with hers.

"Yes ma'am" I mumbled against her lips.

Whilst we kissed Lauren's family and Victor all clapped, happy to see us well... happy again.

"Get a room!" Victor yelled and everyone agreed, Lauren and I pulled away from each other, both of us giving everyone around us the middle finger before I took a hold of Lauren's hand and lead her out of the house we were in and over to my house.

Right as we got into the door I was pushed up against the front door and Lauren's lips were on mine once more, her hands tugging at the hem of my shirt.

Oh yeah I definitely can't go another four years without this girl.

The End

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