Fate and Cross: Chaos Reigns

By ColourWorlds

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Andrew, and Viola, two partners that cross between different time periods, manage to end at the end of time... More

Premonition - Another Life Cast Into the Shadows
Chapter 1 - Cross and Olivia

Chapter 2 : A Weighted Fate

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By ColourWorlds

The arch-mage tower, a large structure that is held together with ancient runes. Mages from around the continent constantly try to at least look into the tower at least once. Yet, the young Cross and his companion Olivia are allowed entry immediatly. Many speculate what could possibly be so special about the young farmer boy, however after a few minutes they vanish as they enter the confinement barrier that is bound to the tower.

A man cloaked in blue, and other symbols of some importance, began what seems to be a speech to a group of what prepared to be apprentices.

"You are here today, to see if any of you will be called upon by the great master to be an apprentice. Whoever gains this position will be held as an absolute authority, only being outranked by the high mages, myself Lord Artime, and the Arch-Mage himself Count Solomon. This exercise will test your aptitude to use magic during a situation that could prove fatal. This will not be a drill, it will be a test of wisdom and skill."

He continues long after the pair and their caravan leaves the courtyard. Stopped in-front of the tower, the guards that were escorting them tell them to get out of the carriage. As the pair dismount, cross asks a question to Olivia.

"Is that your teacher, the person who was giving the message to the apprentices?"

Olivia, who is an apprentice herself speaks in a more haughty tone, "Yes, he is, the Highest ranked mage other than the arch-mage. However, those weren't apprentices. They were fully fledged mages, who already severed under a master before. They were some of the best, yet they will all likely die."

Shocked at her calmness, Cross still walking to the door returns, "What, die! And you don't have a problem with any of that?"

"I never said I don't have a problem with it I just don't feel for them, since I was hand picked by the second strongest mage on the continent. So, I'm just lucky, that and I'm guessing that the arch-mage already has an apprentice in mind. We should hurry, the strongest man alive won't be happy if you're late."

Finishing the conversation, the pair walk through the doors and are taken to a room where they can wait to be called upon. After several minutes, the man in blue walks in sighing.

"So, you are the one named Cross, my apprentice speaks much of you, however she needs to return to making wards, ... Doesn't she."

"Yes... Master." Olivia turns to Cross and says, "I have to go I'll see you soon."

Olivia walks out with her master, and Cross remains confined in the magical tower.

Several hours pass, or so it seems, from what it looks the tower itself distorts time, so the inhabitant never know when the time in the outside world actually is unless they have a clock. Some thoughts crossed Cross' mind.

"Why am I here?Can I go home? Did they forget me? Am I going to die in this room?" All of his thoughts remained negative until something like a loud bell is heard. A man tall a and skinny, who could easily pass as a woman enters, and signals for Cross to follow.

"Do not speak until you are spoken to, the arch-mage has the power to destroy contents and is the only mage that doesn't need contracts to use powerful spells, is that understood."

Cross, knowing that if he tried to speak it would be a flood of questions, simply shacked his head and followed the man. Cross began to soon tire since he hasn't eaten more than some dried meat back in the caravan, yet he is constantly urged to keep climbing up the tower. Eventually after what seemed like a score of climbing, they reached the top of the tower.  A door that is locked, now opens. Without thinking Cross enters the room. He is met with an elderly man, or so he thought sitting in front of a desk made of the finest wood. Carved in a single piece. The elderly begins his conversation with the boy.

"You are Cross I presume?"


"Good, I have called your here, because of a distortion. A distortion in time, and Space. As the arch-mage I have a number of responsiblities and one of them is to make sure that my people are in conflict with themselves. This allows growth, within ones people and ones self."

"So why am I here?"

In a more serious tone the archmage continues, "You are here because I wish it. Second, it appears you don't even know this but you appear to be a contractor. A contractor is the partner of a mage, to allow great magic. However as a sacrifice they cannot do magic themselves unless they are taught how overcome their boundries. I have a contractor, he is the man that walked you here, however he is relatively useless as one, since I no longer need a contractor."

Cross begins his train of thought, speaking aloud for the first time, "But I am a mere farmer how could I possibly be this contractor person? And why would you take Olivia away from here?"

"Both questions are valid my young boy,  A contractor, and even a mage must be someone reincarnated from a past life, they use the energy of their previous lives to break the bonds of reality. But, contractors also need another step, they must be reincarnated through a divine being. Therefore their power is unlimited, to a degree. I want you to be my apprentice and be the contractor to you're friend Olivia. That is the reason why I brought both of you together here. Her master as already agreed to the terms, and you and her will be under my direct supervision for the time, as Contractor and Master. "

As the discussion that will explain the fate of Cross, a shadow begins to move. The shadow is cast slowly moves with knife in hand, magic crest in the other. As if some seal broke to reveal  something.

The shadow begins in a hastened pace, "You have been targeted by a member of the Chaos Law, take this sword and defend yourself."

A sword is thrown to his feet. Cross immediately draws the sword and, is attacked. Blades lock, and he begins to lose his balance, a cry is heard from far away.

"..I accept the terms of the contract, now grant my contractor power."

Cross fills, his lungs with air and begins to push forward, sword set ablaze from the power of the contract. Cross cuts down the assassin, giving a almost fatal cut through them. However, the cut isn't fatal it is unlikely that they could continue fighting. The arch-mage appears to be confused.

"That isn't Olivia's power, who made the contract?"

"What do you mean? Master mage."

"The assassin, will be taken into our custody. The person that made the contract with you has an affinity for fire, Olivia as the affinity of creation, so her power would enhance how powerful the sword would strike, which the fire also did, but they did it through quickly reforging the blade rather than reinforcing the current blade."

"I think, I will train you to use basic magic, while I have familiars bound together by magical threads search for your new master, and then bring them to you for the linking and training. I guess your fate is now sealed."

And so, Cross is forced to begin training in magic to help control his innate skills, while such time the familiars provided from the arch-mage continue to search for the individual that created the contract with Cross. The arch-mage however wonders, 'How could anyone, outside of the room or building even create the contract. It should be impossible, unless the contract was already created before he even arrived and they activated it. But, then I would've noticed when he entered. The master must be somewhere, I will not let my new apprentice be taken away that easily just by a simple contract. Even if I have to break it myself.


A week passes for Cross' training, and he begins to be able to control light magical forces, such as a small flame, and light among other things. Yet, the arch-mage is pressing him for even higher heights, for a reason that Cross doesn't understand. From what he thinks, for him it is only an excuse for him to spend time, with his friend Olivia, who now cloaked in her mage garb is more gorgeous than he has ever seen, but something is calling him to stay away from her.


Cross begins his nights since his apprenticeship stared with someone calling him in this never completed voice. But this night it appears to be more clear.

"Come B..y"

Cross rises and begins to leave his room. Since it is late, Cross cannot see that much, yet he is being pushed towards some unseen force.

"Come Boy"

It is being clear within his mind, and from behind a hand touches his shoulder. A cold hand, and something about this hand, and the person who it belongs to.

"It is good to meat you, O meat of the guardian." 

The boy who was called from sleep doesn't understand these words, and the beast laughs.

"Really, this is who he chose, to fight us; a mere child. We will never fall to you, young contractor. We are Childreara, I am Kran and you are dead."

She attacks, yet it doesn't make contact, for the blade is void and fire is in its place.

"Come my fated partner, we will destroy our new enemies, I am your master."

A black cloak with a young woman's voice said, directly looking away from him, a bright fire shows her eye, lit crimson, similar yet different from the flame she wields. This Fate, will seal his fate when their paths cross.

"Blazing inferno, torn order, I am the symbol of peace. BE consumed by fire, Eternal Flame!" - Spell Eternal Flame, Preformed by Anonymous.

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