A Face in the Crowd

janesbiotch által

12K 463 97

There's been a horrible accident that will change the way Jane looks at things forever. Can Lisbon see him... Több

A Face in the Crowd
Chapter 2 Pain and Confusion.
Proso What?
A Whole New World
The Secret's Out
Coming Undone
The Plot Thickens
The Walls are Closing In
Getting Closer
Please Don't Leave Me
Get Ready For a Showdown
Completing the Puzzle
Shoot the Bitch!
Finale Part One
Finale Part Two
Finale Part Three

Turning The Tables

567 25 4
janesbiotch által

Chapter 8: Turning the Tables

Everyone was hard at work at the CBI. No one could believe that Kristina Frye was dead, she had been killed by Red John. Not only that, but Lisbon was currently at the hospital with Jane. He had, well no one was quite sure what he was.

"Boss wants you to see what you can get from this." Cho told Van Pelt as he dropped an evidence bag on to her desk.

"What is it?" she asked trying to make out the mangled pieces before her.

"It's Jane's cellphone, it got broken." He added as he took a seat at his own desk and started up his computer.

"This was not broken, looks like someone threw it against a wall." Grace stated as she emptied the contents of the baggy on her desk.

"Precisely." Was Cho's final comment.

"Okay I know that this case is going to be hard. I mean Jane had something going with Kristina, and she was a nice lady. I can't say if I agree with Jane in saying that she was a fraud. Ever since he started seeing her I get the feeling that he wasn't so sure about that anymore, but what I want to talk about is what he said out there at the crime scene." Rigsby said stating the obvious.

"You mean confessing his love to Lisbon. Finally out loud, and not just to her but to everyone who could hear? Which was precisely the fifty people in this area right now?" Cho asked.


"Why would wanna talk about that?" Cho deadpanned and went back to his computer screen.

Grace couldn't help but smirk at Cho's antics, while Rigsby just sucked his teeth and mumbled to himself.

"I thought it was romantic. I mean no disrespect to Kristina. What has happened to her is horrible and I can't wait to get a piece of Red John because of this, but he said it. He finally said it." She grinned.

"I know I couldn't believe it, I always thought that he'd say it after he was being hauled off to prison covered in RJ's blood after he killed him. You know sort of a crazed deranged guy and then boom he'd say I love you to her as she was cuffing him and I don't know she said something like too little too late and shove him against a squad car. Then secretly go off and cry someplace out of sight."

"Wayne." Grace scolded.

"Well come on Lisbon is a great boss, and she's hot, but when it comes to lady like ways well she's no you."

"What is that supposed to mean? Are you telling me I'm not good at my job?" Grace stated getting upset.

"That's not what I meant and you know it. It's just well when we see you Grace, they are surprised that you are as good as a cop as you are, and you can hold your own with the best of them. When folks see Lisbon it's hard to see she's not a cop. Hey guys down in Narcotics thought that she was dating Betty from homicide."

"Badass Big Betty, and Lisbon why would they think that?" Grace asked in disbelief. She would admit that Lisbon didn't show her feminine side often but everyone knew what she felt for Jane.

"They go shooting every Thursday. Ron said seeing the two of them together was like foreplay." Rigsby stated.

"Hey." Ron objected from the corner.

"Cho, you're being awfully quiet. Do you think that they'll be big changes now that the boss and Jane have confessed their love for each other?"

"No I don't."

"Why not?" Grace asked confused.

"Lisbon didn't do any confessing."

"Oh." Grace sighed letting that sink in.


She loved seeing him sleep. That was her favorite way of seeing him lately when he was asleep. He always looked at peace. All of the worry and the tension eased away from his face, and it was like ten years just washed away from his face. She couldn't help it, she loved him. He had said it, he said it out loud in front of everyone, while he cried over his dead girlfriend that he couldn't recognize. No one said love was easy. She would pick a better time to tell him how she felt. He just had to wake up.

She was hovering. She thought he was asleep, and she was hovering. He knew that she was worried. He should open his eyes and tell her that he's okay. The thing was he didn't think he was, he would never be okay again. Kristina Frye was dead, Red John had changed the game again. This was not his ammo, he killed her in his home and then he just through her away in a dump. He's angry, and erratic, he really had no clue what he would do next. He knew that he had to keep Lisbon safe, and the easiest way to do that was to stay as far away from her as possible. So what if he told her he loved her, he could just take it back. No big deal, she knew he was an asshole. Now was the time to prove her right.

"Hello Teresa I'm Dr. Martins I want to talk to you about Patrick's case?" a brunette doctor asked as she entered the room.

"Hello Dr. Martins, is it? What happened to Dr. Joyner?"

"I was called in just for this case. I've been counseling people with his condition for years now and I want to help him get his life back."

"He doesn't need you, I mean I don't mean you any disrespect but he's on medication and this is temporary. So whatever you got planned he doesn't need it."

Ms. Lisbon-"

"Agent Lisbon." She corrected her sternly.

"Agent Lisbon, I understand that you are scared right now. What is happening to Jane right now can be hard on anyone, but I heard what happened earlier today. It's important that he is surrounded by friends right now. Considering what's going on he can process being surrounded by friends, to him he's in a room full of strangers."

"No he's not, he has me. I'm not leaving him."

Lorelai sighed this was going to be a hard assignment. How was she going to do anything if she had to work around this bodyguard of a woman?

"I can tell that you care for him, and that's a good thing. It's up to you and I to see him through this. We just need to wait until he's conscious and talk to him in a calmly matter about everything. His nerves are through the roof right now, looking of Dr. Joyner's notes I'm quite unsure how she let him leave the hospital in the first place."

He's stubborn and if he doesn't like being a place he will do everything in his power to make sure that he's removed. Dr. Joyner and I decided that it was better for his sake, and the sake of the others at the hospital that he left. I know now that wasn't a good idea."

"Don't worry we'll get him through. I know this maybe temporary for him but it's best that he has all the knowledge that he needs to adapt to his surroundings. That way he doesn't have to be so depended on you."

"I'm here for as long as he needs me. You hear that, so yoru can stop pretending to be asleep."

"Guess I'm busted then." He sighed opening his eyes.


Grace had been working on the phone all day with no luck. How in the hell did they expect her to put it back together after what had been done to it? She was good but she was no miracle worker. She gave up on it after 2 hours but she didn't have the common sense to contact the service provider. With that she got the pleasure of listening to some horrible voicemails. She knew that before she went home she was going to have to make her way to the hospital and give him the biggest hug she could muster up. She knew that he didn't see her face when he looked at her, but he had to be able to feel that she cared about him so much and was there for him. Lisbon too.

She was just about to decide that the phone truly was a bust when she found that someone had been monitoring the calls that came to that phone. She was more than stunned when she traced the source back to the hospital where Jane was at right now.

"Guys I got something, we need to get to the hospital now!" she shouted to the team as she got her gun from the drawer it was kept in.


Patrick Jane was lying in his bed once again, after being poked and prodded for the past hour. He was trying his best to fake sleep, while Lisbon went to the cafeteria and got her some much needed lunch. It was getting harder and harder to shake her. He needed to get her out of his life, he wanted her safe and to be safe she had to get far away from him. Although with his current situation she was the only thing that was constant in his life. How could he push her way when he needed her the most? He couldn't.

This new doctor though, she was a piece of work. He wondered what she looked like. She had long wavy hair like Lisbon's, it was the same length as hers as well. In the last hour he has spent with her, she had even smelt like her but that was where the similarities ended. The face that his mind had cooked up for her was a face that was almost mouse like with eyes that were totally too close together, and a very profound nose. He wondered how accurate his faces were to the real faces of these new people that he was encountering. He hoped not that accurate, really he was starting to think that the faces that he saw when he looked at people were because of his past with a carnival.

"Hello Mr. Jane, don't mind me. I'm just going to give you something to help you relax." A nurse said as she entered the room.

He decided that he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of opening his eyes. If she had something that she needed his attention for then she would have to wait until later. He was tired, he was tired of everything actually. He didn't want Lisbon around him because she was going to get hurt, but he didn't want her to leave him because he was slipping and he know he'd give in to the nothingness if he let her go.

His eyes shot opened once the medicine entered his system. He wasn't making him sleepy like the other medicine had it was making him nervous quite nervous and numb. He looked into the direction of the nurse and tried to focus on her face. Seriously though what good was that going to do him right now, the effort of it all was making his head pound.

"What?" he finally managed to croak out.

"Patrick I have a message for you from Red John." She told him as she begin to open up a case of knives in various shapes and sizes.

"Red John." He slurred.

"He's decided that the game should change." She stated making her first slice. "It's been years now and you're not close to figuring him out, and he's destroyed you." She continued as she made small but painful slices. "He's decided that he needs a new player in the mix, he's seen what losing the love of your life that you've already had. You were with Angela and Charlotte, you had a life and you were truly happy. He's decided that he wants to play with your precious Teresa now. What will she do when she discovers your dead body before she's even had the chance to experience your real love." She snickered and she pushed the blade swiftly into his side.

He let out a loud audible gasp and he was plunged into darkness. He never even saw when Lisbon burst through his door and tackled the deranged nurse to the ground.

A/N: Cliffy aren't I a stinker. I started to make this a super long chapter but then I got called away. Going to finish this later so guess what you're going to get two chapters today. What do you think? Have I gone too far?

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