I'm having His Baby? (A Justi...

By gals_got_moxie

114K 2.7K 175


I'm having His Baby? (A Justin Bieber Love Story)
School with the Asshole
One Date
Date Night part 1
Date part 2
It's Over
Time is going by
You're back?
Judge Says......
Go back to Canada
"I'm Fat"
Babette Is Moody
First Night As Parents
My Family

I Need To Talk To You

6.7K 164 15
By gals_got_moxie

Babbette's POV

B: "This can't be happening, this can't be happening." I said while pacing back and forth.

T: "Calm down, did you take the test?"

B: "Yeah."

T: "And what did it say?"

B: "I don't know I'm to scared to go and look and see what it says."

T: "Babette you need to go and see what it says."

B: "I'm scared."

T: "I'm going to be right there with you."

B:"What if it says positive!" 

T: "Then you'll have to tell Justin."

B: "I can't!"

T: "Why not?"

B: "This is going to fuck up my life!"

T: "Babette go and check and we Will figure it out."

B: "Alright."

I walked slowly over to the bathroom and walked over to the test on the sink. I looked at the test and it said 'Positive'.  I fell to the ground and started to cry. As soon as I was on the ground Taylor walked in and looked at me with sadness in her eyes. She say the test and sat next to me. 

T: "It's okay."


T: "Shhhh everything will be fine, Justin is a nice guy. Trust me."

B: "What if he leaves?"

T: "Then he is a asshole, dumbfuck, loser."

I couldn't help but giggle at her comment. 

T: "There's that smile!"

B: "Stop!"

T: "What?"

B: "I want to be sad!"

T: "Awwwww Babe!"


T: "Oh no no oh no no."

B: "What do I do?"

T: "Your going to tell Justin right?"

B: "I guess I have too."

T: "Do you want me be there with you when you tell him?"

B:"No it's something I have to do on my own."

T: "I understand that, why are you going to tell him?"

B: "I guess I'll tell him at school tomorrow."

T: "Why no now?"

B: "It's to late and I need to think about all the ways this could go and end up."

T: "Alright, do you want me to spend the night?"

B: "No, I'm sorry I'd like to be alone."

T: "I respect that."

I walked Taylor down stairs to the door. And hugged her.

T: "Everything is going to be alright, I'm here for you."

B: "Thank you."

T:" See you later."

B: "Bye."

I then ran upstairs and thought about how I was going to tell Justin. 

(The Next Day) 

"Honey get up your going to be late!" my Mom yelled from downstairs.

"Alright I'm up!" I yelled back.

I got dressed and started to head down stairs.

"Honey do you want anything fo-" 

"No I'm good, I really want to get to school." I said while cuting my Mom off.

"Alright well have a good day." My Mom said nicely.

"I'll try, thanks and you too!" I said and ran out the door. 

(At school)

I walked into school and got to my locker, I honestly wasn't even trying to look for Justin. I opened my locker and got everything out. As soon I got everything my locker was shut by someone. I soon came face to face with Justin.

J:"Hey baby."

B: "Hey"

J:"How are you?"

B: "I need to talk to you."

J: "Alright." 

Justin stayed leaning on the locker looking at me.

B: "Umm not here."

J: "Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

B: "I'm fine"

J: "Then tell me what's wrong."

B: "In Private."

J: "Alright, meet me after school my house?"

B: "Sure?"

J: "Alright, see you later." 

Justin then kissed my lightly on the lips and went to his class with his friends. 

(After School) 

I walked up to Justin's front door. I knocked and waited. After about 20 seconds Justin's opened the door with a smile.

J: "Hey Babette!" Jusitn brought me into a hug. 

I walked inside and took a seat on the couch and Justin sat next to me.

J: "So what did you need to tell me?"

I looked down not knowing what to say. 

B: "Please don't hate me." I said sadly.

J: "What? Baby I could never hate you." 

I started to sob. 

Justin pulled me on to his lap and started to cradle me. 

J: "Babe you know you can tell anything."

B: "J-Justin, I'm P-pregnant."  i sobbed harder

Justin was silent for awhile. The only sound in the room was me sobbing.

J: " A-Are you sure?"

B:"Y-Y-Yes I took the test!" I said through tears.

Justin hugged me tighter.

J: "I love you and I'm not going to leave you."

B: "You promise?"

J: "I promise."

Justin kissed my head and I fell asleep in his arms. 

Justin's POV

I held my baby girl in my arms and rocked her back and forth. I can't believe she's pregnant. I love her and I'm never going to leave her. Honestly I knew the condom broke and I didn't want to tell her. She was going to get worried I thought 'oh she won't get pregnat'. Well I was wrong. I feel bad but I'll be there for her the whole time.  I love her.


A/N Hey guys sorry it took me so long to update but I hope you like it. Kik me on what you think of the chapter. 

KIK: Snuggle_bubbles 

Instagram: Teen_Thingy 


Thanks guys. :) 

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