Snow's Reign

נכתב על ידי potteranddrwho_mad

102 3 0

District Twelve destroyed, Panem successfully taken over, Katniss needs to finally get rid of President Snow... עוד

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 6

8 0 0
נכתב על ידי potteranddrwho_mad

Staring into black nothingness, I waited. The team would be on their way. I just had to wait. But a creeping voice in the back of my mind said it would be to late.

Five minutes. Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. The time ticked by and every little noise made me shiver. How long would they take? What if they were spotted? What if this failed?

Again, the creeping voice in my head appeared, but this time I was convinced. It would be to late.

I sprang into action. Which way? It didn't matter. But then I realised what I was looking for. A ventilation shaft; a big metallic shaft leading through the magnificent yet dilapidated building. Not so hard anymore.

I didn't know my way around anymore, not like I was in my memory. I was so graceful, like a ballerina before, I felt clumsy and heavy-footed as I travelled aimlessly. Where was I?

And then I saw it. "It" was a huge, towering pylon shadowing everything under two and a half metres. So, as nothing else was around, me.

Then it gave me an idea. If I climbed up on it, I'd be able to see the entire White House and I'd be able to look for a ventilation shaft.

It took me several minutes to scramble up even half way up; it was harder than it looked. What looked like indents in the figure were actually quite smooth making it impossible to climb. Well, almost impossible.

Sheer determination fought with me, I had to reach the top, I had to make it. Snow's reign couldn't continue. He had to die.

It struck me that I was being controversial, hypocritical. Before, I never would have believed that I could kill someone. Now, after hearing what Snow did, I was seething with enough fury to kill him.

Finally, I reached the top, panting vigorously. I collapsed from exhaustion. I ignored the nagging feeling inside me that said to search for the shaft. I would happily sleep, just staying here, oblivious to the mission, to the world around me. But, after weighing the outcomes and judging the decsions, getting up and surveying the area was the safest. No one could possible see me, right?

Wrong. I stood up way too quickly, like I did when I was with Peeta. It felt ages ago I was with them. Anyway, after attempting to stand, I toppled over. Over the side of the pylon.

I grappled and grabbed the air as I fell, aimlessly. My hand touched something metal and I clenched it, for dear life. It was a loose wire, barely attached to the pylon. My mind wavered. What if it broke? What if I was caught? What if...?

I had to pull myself up. It was the idea of death that brought me through those minutes of struggling. It hurt, so bad. My arms ached and were lead, my head heavy on my neck. But, after what seemed an age, I climbed up.

Did I set off any alarms? Did anyone know I was here? So far, no. Then it occurred to me. No one knew I was here, not even Peeta or Gale or Haymitch or... no one. I had to defeat Snow on my own.

Fear stampeded through my battered body, forcing me to cringe and shiver. I hadn't met this man before and I was going to kill him. Well, I hadn't met him in this memory, this me. I probably met him all the time before.

I stared into space aimlessly, my eye looking but not actually seeing. I couldn't tell what was real or not real.

Why did that ring a bell? My memory was clawing at my brain, gripping me with it's razor nails and pulling me back to my distant past.

I saw it! It, the ventilation shaft! It was above my head, close enough I could feel it already! I yelped with overwhelmed joy, not even attempting to keep my location secure. I had a way to finish this once and for all!

I climbed unwarily up to shaft, realising it was meshed carelessly and therefore simple to dismantle. It took me seconds to pull it off and be sat with my legs dangling in a metal container.

It was very compact and air tight; well no, it wasn't. Every sort creepy crawly, bug and infestation was apparently, present. It was a party for the multi-legged. I shivered and continued bravely.

Moving was becoming an incredulous torture; move a muscle and seven million legs crawl over you. I gasped I disgust and cringed. Even the Seam was better than this. Wait.... I remembered something! No, not the right time.

I had to keep moving, millions of lives depended on me, a defenceless girl with no back up at all. Really reassuring.

Ten minutes, that's all it took, all I needed. Five of those were needed for actually finding the President.

The maze lead me to various places. A pristine research facility it seemed, a master bedroom big enough to be mistaken for a football pitch and to my disgust, a torture chamber, complete with an electric chair and a surgical table. Three guesses what President Snow did in here.

I stepped into this chamber; the computer to which I had barely noticed was logged on with a boundless amount of numbers filling the page. This, I thought, could help me find Snow.

Suddenly, voices emerged from a door below me that I hadn't actually noticed; a woman and a gruff man (or just a very unfortunate woman). I had seconds to climb up the shaft and squirm back into the darkness in which I'd arrived.

"Yes Mr President, I understand Mr President."It was the woman. She was wearing a white lab coat but underneath revealed a straight black pencil skirt and a dirtied shirt. She was plain-faced with brown hair sleek back in a bun and brown eyes; unrevealing eyes, empty eyes. Then it struck me.

The President was a small, thin man, with paper-white hair and thick lips that were presumably pulled across his face. His snake-like eyes darted around the room while mine were instantly drawn to the impeccably white rose he wore. But what immediately attracted me to the man was the strong smell of blood that lingered around him. Perhaps this room was in permanent use.

"Ms Hart you must find the intruder and dispose of them. Or I will personally dispose of you." He left the room with that sinister phrase hanging in the air. I was already sweating. They knew I was here and it wouldn't be long until they found me. I had to keep moving, or die.

Snow was on the move. I had to pursuit for the sake of my friends (or what I assumed to be friends). It was difficult because there wasn't a direct route following the path Snow was taking. He disappeared almost immediately.

Great! Which way now? Even my conscience had sarcasm. At least it wasn't just my voice.

People often complained about the way I treated them, my sarcasm; well, I think people complained. I'm not too sure. Peeta often talked to me, about me, as if I was dead. He'd say, "You know, I'll still love you no matter what. Well, possibly more after what you used to be. Stubborn, conceited, no way sociable. Pessimistic and in the shadows, avoiding unnecessary contact. But, who could blame you? Especially after what happened with your mom and dad and all." I still don't know what he meant.

I inched forward blindly, and then a sense so overwhelming it could knock you off from your feet punched me in the face. Blood. I keenly and yet somewhat superfluously, followed the scent.


Very long. Hope you liked it :D (vote peoples!) 

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