[🌸] Admit It | Riren/Ereri AU

Von iAmAnimeFreek

28.4K 1.8K 2.5K

"I think I love him, but I can never admit to it." ~ With t... Mehr

Admit It (you love me)
Playlist | Unofficial
Table Of Contents | Official
01 | one step behind
02 | living a dream
03 | it's not the end
04 | we never will be
05 | leave me alone
06 | you've looked worse
07 | she won't let me
08 | forgotten memories
09 | you don't get it
10 | i miss you
11 | don't tell Eren
12 | i see it now
13 | don't regret it
15 | where we begin
16 | first date clichés
Author's Note | thoughts
17 | strings to his heart
18 | play for me
19 | goodbye, old friend
20 | when i'm with you pt. 1
Author's Note | updates

14 | i think i do

885 80 80
Von iAmAnimeFreek

* * *

"My baby is home!" My mother cries as she lunges towards me with open arms.

I tried my best to duck away from her bone-crushing embrace, but i was too slow. My body is crushed under her, a groan of pain escapes my lips making Eren laugh.

Instead of Farlan driving me home, i asked Eren to do me the favor, since Farlan was going to Isabel's house to meet her parents. Christmas was in two days, and Farlan wanted to get things over with before the big night.

Eren steps away from his original leaning position and pats my mom on the shoulder. "Be careful, Levi just finished taking his finals, i don't think his little body can take much more."

I scowl. "I'm not little," I hiss.

My mom releases me and i can finally breathe again. She apologizes before pushing us to come inside, that Eren's mom was waiting for us. Eren looks at me with a crooked smile, waiting for me to step ahead of him.

"Don't you wanna see her straight away?" My mother asks, turning around to see that none of us had actually followed her. She was already at the door, while we were on the curb.

"I can wait, i have to park my car in the garage," says Eren, taking out his car keys again.

I shrug, taking my suitcase and finally following mother inside the house to only be taken in once again into another bone-crushing hug. Carla seemed to be more excited to see me than my actual mother, i could even hear a few bones crack to which i released a heavy groan of pain. For a moment, i felt light headed. I actually wanted to pass out from exhaustion, but Carla started to bombard me with endless questions.

"How are you Did finals go well? How are your grades? Did you meet any girls? Oh, let me take that suitcase for you!"

My mother grasps Carla's shoulder with a painful smile. "Carla, lay off a little. Poor Levi just got back from finals."

Says the mother that almost suffocated me a few minutes ago.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Would you like me to get you anything? Your mother and i can whip up a meal for you, would you like that?"

There she goes again, Carla pretending to be my second mother. I was flattered, but at this point in time i didn't really want anything but to plop on my bed with a good book and just relax. I turn down Carla's offer and plant a kiss on my mother's cheek before dragging myself up those treacherous stairs.

* * *

I didn't even realize i had fallen asleep until my mother came into my room in an enlightened mood. She removes the book that had managed to fall on my face and sets it upon the nightstand. She smiles, removing strands of hair from my sleeping face.

She whispers softly, lightly shaking my upper body. "Levi, wake up. Dinner's ready, come down and eat with us," she calls.

If I could describe the way my mother smiles, I wouldn't know what to say. The carefulness and caring manner that she manages to show my me every time we're together has no words. I love my mother, and I would never take her love for granted because some people don't get the same treatment, or worse, they don't have a mother.

I groan quietly, rolling to my side. She oats my side, giving me a final warning that dinner was ready before leaving the room.

I lie there, staring at the door with dropped eyes. It seems the only place I can ever get any sleep is at home, which i don't mind since that's exactly what i hoped for. With my mind in a daze i lazily rub my eyes tiredly before flopping out of bed. I almost tumble down the steps, forgetting the vengeance they held for me. Luckily no one at the table noticed this.

Grisha sat at the head of the table, Carla to his left and Eren one seat away from her. The gap between them was somewhat awkward, since they continue to send intense glances at one another. I was about to sit across from Eren peacefully, but Grisha's booming voice roars with questions that i dread to answer.

It only got worse when Carla began pestering me for an answer as well. Of course, it was all school related. Not one question was asked about my wellbeing.

How was finals?

Did you get another high score?

Have you joined any clubs?

Have you paid for your classes for next semester?

Want me to help you pay for them?

My head couldn't handle this. My temples begin to throb as I sputter answer after answer. Keep in mind that I had only awaken a few moments ago, so the sudden ramble of questions was a lot to take in.

Eren seems to notice my frustration. He lightly rests a hand on Carla's shoulder and says, "guys, he's had it rough these last few weeks." His voice was was firm, yet so timid as if he were afraid to speak.

I only nod, repeating Eren's words. Carla apologizes sentimentally by giving me a soft pout with furrowed brows. I accept her apology and my mother enters the room with several plates in hand.

"Sorry for the long wait, I was just on the phone with the doctor," she explains as she finishes setting the table with plates filled with spaghetti.

"Doctor? Are you okay?" I ask with concern.

My mother nods confidently as she sits at the other end it the table, opposite of Grisha. "It's not a human doctor, I was taking to the veterinary," she corrects.

"The vet? Why would you be talking to– oh no..." I could feel my heart sink the the floor. The only reason why mom would talk to a vet would be because of Buddy. "What happened to Buddy?"

The whole table went silent as I strain my words painfully. Everyone knew my bond and love with Buddy was deeper than Jack's love for Rose in Titanic. Everyone, especially Eren, knew that if something were to happen to Buddy, I would never see another day of happiness again.

"Buddy had a little incident last week," my mother says nonchalantly. "He was trying to climb up the back porch and out of nowhere, he collapsed."

My insides twist into knots, my heart beginning to thump against my chest. I felt as if I couldn't breathe, the air beginning to feel thick as I struggle to grasp a calm state of mind.

"But he's okay right? Nothing bad happened, right? He just had a small accident, nothing serious?" I sputter with a quick beating heart.

I realize then that I haven't even seen Buddy; and I had completely neglected him since I've been home. I didn't even say hello yet, not even asking about him. I was so tired that I was completely oblivious to his health and state. I'm a terrible person.

"Buddy is fine, it was nothing serious," she lies, but I don't know that.

I look down at my clenched hands, my arms slightly trembling. I'm worried, I wanted to just run out and see him right now. I wanted to hold him, play fetch, run around; but I couldn't do any of it. My mother warns me that Buddy is still recovering and that I shouldn't try and excite him too much. I nod, the knots beginning to unwind.

The table was silent after that, not much was said or done. We ate in silence, the air still thick with tension. My mind looms with other thoughts as I fiddle with my fork and noodles. I didn't eat much, my stomach still upset and uneasy.

It was Eren that broke the heavy silence. He clears his throat, all eyes on him now. He looks around the table before his teal eyed land on me. I didn't fight the urge to gaze into those eyes of determination. he wanted to say something important, and he did.

"I was invited to play at the spring recital in April," he says before breaking our gaze. He turns to face his mother, his voice somewhat shaky afterward. "Petra, the woman in charge, wants me to end the show with a piece of my choice. I accepted her offer..." He says his last words quietly, but it was loud enough to put my mom in a craze.

"I'm so happy for you!" She squeals as she lunges towards Eren with open arms.

Grisha coughs into his napkin, staring directly at his wife. Carla only smiles, though it was painful for her. She gives her son a fake smile of acceptance, lightly clapping.

"I'm proud of you too."

* * *

I stare out the window later that night, my eyes glued to the dog house. Mom says Buddy was sleeping in her room for now on, and I was lucky enough to see him before he drifted off to another sleep. He was less energetic, his movements slower.

My heart hurts. It's being twisted and pulled in so many different directions that I couldn't keep up. First, it was Eren that tugged so effortlessly, making me fall for him, and now it was Buddy. What am I supposed to do?

I rest my head on the desk, letting out a tired sigh. I wasn't sleepy, just stressed. I wanted to enjoy this winter get break, but now I couldn't knowing that Buddy's health was in danger.

My heart skips a beat once Eren taos against the glass window. He startles me, almost causing me to fall out of my chair. I glare at him before opening the window, letting Eren and the cold winter air burst through me room.

"Jesus, it's cold out there," Eren complains, shivering in his winter coat.

I slam the window shut, shivering myself before I turn to face Eren. "No shit Sherlock, it's winter."

"Yeah, and it's also your birthday week," he points out before flopping on my bed.

I roll my eyes, pulling out my desk chair and turning it around to sit. "Yeah, so what?"

"So what? Levi, you're turning twenty–"

"Twenty one," I correct.

"Even better." Eren takes off his coat to reveal a turtleneck shirt in a dark gray color. He tosses his coat to the side, landing on the edge of my bedpost.

"What does my birthday have to do with you coming over?" I question, resting my head on my folded arms.

"I wanted to talk to you, that's all," he states.

I roll my eyes. "About?"

"The stars." Eren grins as he readjusts himself on my  bed. He kicks off his shoes and presses his knees to his chest. "Do you remember when we were kids that we used to watch the stars on that hill?"

"Not really," I say, not putting the effort to actually think about it.

Eren frowns. "Don't you remember? We used to climb up the old hill at the park. The old tree got taken down, but the hill still stands high," he says with a soft smile. Eren sighs, recalling his old memories. "I remember. I wanna go back, at least just once. Can we go on your birthday? It'll be like a birthday gift, from me to you. What do ya' say?"

I shrug my shoulders, not showing that I cared when I was actually freaking out on the inside. I wanted to go, I really did. To be able to spend time with Eren was a gift to me now, and I could finally tell him how I felt.

Maybe even ask him out.

No, I shouldn't do that. I would sound desperate and needy, but oh, did I want to just scream to the world how I felt about Eren.

"I'll go, but if it snows I'm going home," I tell him with a raised brow. "The first snow hasn't fallen yet and I have a feeling that there will be a storm or something."

"Seems fair," he agrees. Eren moves to the edge of the bed and against the wall. He wiggles himself under the covers, getting comfortable in my sheets.

I frown. "Are you really going to spend the night?"

"Yeah, do you want me to leave?"

"N- no, it's just that you're taking over my bed," I stutter.

"Then come here, we can share. We've done it before."

He has a point...

I hesitate to crawl into bed beside him. I stand at the edge, just staring at him. He returns my stare with a cheesy smile which I immediately fluster. I avert my gaze to the window.

"Don't smile at me like that," i spit.

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Eren waits for a response which I don't give him. He sighs. "Levi, I'm not all that bad, just come here."

My insides twist again, Eren's voice sounds so calm yet so demanding making my legs feel like jelly. I gradually slide under the covers beside him, my body facing him. Our bodies weren't too far apart, but close enough that my body heats up from the embarrassment.

Eren smiles. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" He says before tugging on my shirt. "Remember when we were kids you used to hold me–" Eren slides his hands around my waist, tugging me closer to him until his head was against my chest "–like this?"

I gulp, perspiration forming in my forehead. Why was I so uneasy?

"Not really," I confess. I awkwardly wrap my arms around Eren, resting my head upon his dark brown locks.

I inhale the scent of his conditioner as Eren nuzzles his head against my chest, humming softly. My heart begins quickly thump against my thin shirt, which Eren breathes into.

"You smell good," he says sleepily.

There goes my heart again, twisting and turning. I only hope Eren doesn't comment on my nervousness.

In a swift motion I nuzzle my own head into Eren's locks, lightly pressing my lips against the mess of hair. I unconsciously plant a kiss upon his head, my heart skipping a beat as I did so.

What the hell am I thinking? Why did I just do that? Did Eren notice? Oh, please don't let go of me...

Eren hums with a soft chuckle. "Ah, Levi, about Buddy..."


"I hope he's okay."

"Me too..." I say softly.

We lie there in a gentle silence. Eren was drowsy, dozing in and out of reality as I lightly held him in my arms. My cheeks are painted with strokes of crimson, from both heat and embarrassment. I enjoyed these moments with him, just lying here quietly without a worry of one leaving the other.

It was moments like these that I wish I had let Eren in sooner. Why had I held on to such a hatred for so long? I could've been happier, more affectionate, instead i pushed Eren away.

Not this time...

"Hey Eren..."

Is this the right time?


It feels like a dream...

"I want to tell you something. I need to..."

It feels too perfect to be real.

"What is it?" He yawns before nuzzling his head against my chest with a soft hum.

"I don't know how to say it exactly," I confess before resting my head on top of Eren's. "I'll just say it..."

Eren hums against my chest, mumbling words I couldn't quite understand.

I gulp, nibbling my bottom lip. How would I say this? I need to be straightforward, I need to just say it. I can do it, right?

"Eren, I like you– I mean, I think I do... I like you a lot."

Eren doesn't respond at first, putting me into a slight panic. But then, as if on purpose, Eren smiles against my chest. I can feel his soft chuckle, sleepy and delicately he squeezes my waist.

"Me too," he says in a whisper.

* * *

Author's Note:

*sprinkles some fluff* there you go ^^ [sorry, it wasn't very good °^° ]

So an amazing person [ meoymeoy ] has nominated admit it in this fanfic contest thing on TheLiteraryAwards 's profile.

Even though I have a very little chance of winning (I mean come on, porcelainsky was nominated), I greatly appreciate it ^^ it would be nice if others were to nominate this trash, but my luck had never been the best lol

Also, one of my favorite authors is reading my story and I'm freaking out [ *cough* chinabone *cough* ]

°^° ahh.. I changed the cover for like the 1849682 time, hope it looks nice cx

I think that's all I have to say ^^ thank you again for reading! 1.9k Reads? That's beyond amazing ^.^ thank you~

Vote, comment, be gay

Until next time~

2,811 words


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