Imagine Jeffrey Dean Morgan

By maymay8507

277K 6.4K 371

Imagines based off of characters portrayed by the lovely Jeffrey Dean Morgan. More

"All right, you made your point." -John Winchester
"Who are you?" -Negan
"Lucille is thirsty!" -Negan
"You're alive!?" Clay: The Losers
Wake Up Call- Clay : The Losers
"Kiss me." - William PS I Love You
A Purposal- Denny Duquette
Hell's Kitchen- Jason Crouse
A Bet and More - Denny Duquette
It's Really Me- John Winchester
Releasing Stress - William Gallagher
I'm Pregnant- Max
Not So Bad- Negan
Feel My Love Part 1- Jason Crouse
A Massage- Jason Crouse
Linberg Way to Landlock Pt. 1- Delarue
Linberg Way to Landlock Pt 2
Shooting Hoops- Clyde Brenek
Strumming Along- Jude Fisher
Negan Smut Week 2017!
Soaking- Henry Delarue
Of All The Kisses- William Gallagher
This Ring- Ike Evans
Undercover- Joe Merriweather
Basketball Jersey- Clyde Brenek
Apocalyptic Valentine- Negan
Eyes for You- Patrick Sullivan
Live a Little- Jude Fisher
Perfect in Every Way- Jason Crouse
Carnival Date- Negan
Feel My Love Part 2
Their Last Valentine- Joe Merriweather
Let Him Hear- Henry Delarue
I'm Home- Max
Red Velvet 2017 Challenge- Deaf
Together- Jason Crouse
Like a Nightmare- Joe Merriweather
Cabin Getaway- Jason Crouse
Couch Delight- JD Ritcher
Pool Side- Ike Evans
NA Attendee - Charlie Peters
NA Attendee Part 2- Charlie Peters
Cube Challenge- Negan
Fire Saftey Pt 1- Patrick Sullivan
Fire Safety Pt 2- Patrick Sullivan
Coming Home- Denny Duquette
Rug Burn- Negan
Sweet First- Patrick Sullivan
NA Attendee Pt 3- Charlie Peters
Boudoir Photos- Max
Lindberg Way to Landlock Pt 3- Delarue
Disney Movie Challenge- John Winchester
Negans-dirty-girl 4k Challenge- Negan
Overprotective- Joe Merriweather
Werewolf in Michigan Pt 1- John Winchester
Hard and Wet- Negan
First Kiss- AU Deaf Smith
Deaf's Love- Erastus "Deaf" Smith
Leave Her Be- Jason Crouse
Until I Met You Pt 1- Ike Evans
Coming- Isaac "Ike" Evans
Until I Met You Pt 2- Ike Evans
Amnesia- Denny Duquette
Accidental/Secret Baby- Jason Crouse
Until I Met You Pt 3-Ike Evans
Never Give Up- Deaf Smith
In Time- Clay
In Time Pt 2- Clay
Matched- Patrick Sullivan
Sweater Weather- Jason Crouse
All Over You- Ike Evans
Savior's Tavern- Negan
You Saved the Day- Luke Vaughn
Pickle Tickle - Denny Duquette
Negan's Right Hand Woman

Fire Safety Pt 3- Patrick Sullivan

2.5K 70 2
By maymay8507

Title: Fire Safety Part 3

Character: Patrick Sullivan

Movie: The Accidental Husband

Warnings: Smut!

Photo/GIF credits go to the original maker/owner

Getting out of the car, I went around to the trunk and got out two blankets.

Ellie knocked on the window, letting me know that she had unbuckled herself.

I opened the door, letting her hop down. She flipped her backpack full of toys and coloring books onto her back and started to skip over towards the field.

She became excited when she saw Patrick practicing with one of his coworkers, “Lookit, Aunt Y/N!”

She took off running, her little backpack bouncing as her little legs carried her across the grass.

Standing at the sidelines, Eleanor jumped up and down hollering Patrick's name.

“Patwick! Patwick!”

A wide smile broke out on his face. Holding his hands up to make a T at his buddy, he then ran over to Eleanor.

I had just made it them as he greeted her.

“Hey Jelly Belly!”

Eleanor laughed as she hugged his neck, “Hey Patwick!”

He put her down, squatting to talk to her, “Were ya good at school today?”

She nodded her head, her curls bouncing, “Yes sir! I got a purple today!”

Behavior in class went by a color coded chart. Purple was the highest and red was the lowest.

Patrick's eyebrows rose, “Oh really? You know what that means, don't ya?”

Eleanor was wide eyed, “No, what?”

“It means a trip to Hershfield’s for ice cream after dinner,”

Eleanor gasped and clapped gleefully. She spun around and did a little dance, “We get ice cweam today Aunt Y/N!”

“I heard!” I laughed. Her giddiness was infectious to say the least.

Patrick stood, then leaned down to kiss Eleanor on the head.

I had laid the blanket out while they were talking, so Eleanor plopped herself down and began to play with her toys.

Patrick came over to me, placing his hands on my waist to pull me closer.

“Hey Momma,” he said, smiling.

I blushed, shaking my head, “Dweeb,”

He laughed, grasping my chin and giving me a slow kiss.

Cat calls and cheers broke out from his teammates as he kissed me.

We both smiled into the kiss before busting out laughing.

“Now that is somethin’ I like seeing,” Patrick said, running his fingers through my hair.

“What's that?”

“That beautiful smile,” he complimented.

“Shut up,” I told him, smiling.

“Yo Patrick! Let the woman breathe will ya!?”

Patrick chuckled, giving me a quick kiss before having to run off to start the game.
I read as the game played out and even colored with Eleanor.

Soon it had ended, Patrick's team having to forfeit because of him ragging on the referee.

The guys gave him a hard time as they packed up their stuff. Eleanor and I were gathering our belongings as Patrick jogged over to us.

“I'm starvin’. How about some dinner, ladies?”

“It's spaghetti night!” Eleanor cheered, slinging on her bookbag.

“You're more than welcomed to come over,” I said, folding the blanket.

His eyes rolled back at the mention of food, “I haven't had a home cooked meal in a while. Besides, I bet it's better than the shit Johnny makes at the station!”

“I heard that ya grimey prick!”

“You were supposed to!”

“Oooo, you said a bad word!” Eleanor gasped, covering her mouth.

“Damnit,” Patrick cursed under her breath.

“Dats two in a row. Fifty cents!”

Patrick shook his head, digging in his pocket, “You're gonna break me, Jelly Belly,”
Patrick had showered while I cooked. Eleanor was parked in front of the tv watching Tom and Jerry.

Coming out from my room, towel drying his hair, Patrick came up behind me and placed a kiss on my neck.

“Hmmmm, smells good,”

I stirred the sauce, then the noodles, “Thank you.”

He patted my hip and got our cups and plates out to set the table.

“Can I help cook?” Eleanor asked.

“Not right now, Elle,”

She was tired and hungry. I knew who was going to bed after dinner, “But I wanna help!” she whined.

Patrick scooped her up, “You come help me, Jelly Belly,okay?”

“Alwight,” she sighed.

With the plates set and dinner finally on the table, we sat down to eat.

Patrick was starving, basically shoveling forkfuls of pasta into his mouth.

Chewing and wiping his lips, he pointed at his plate, “So good!”

I winked at him, taking a bite myself.

Dinner was eaten in a comfortable silence. It was so quiet that Eleanor began to fall asleep at the table.

I stood to get her, but Patrick beat me to it.

“I got her, baby,”

Watching him interact with her made my clock start ticking. I mentally shook myself, standing and grabbing the dirty dishes.

I had just finished loading the dishwasher when Patrick had me in his arms again, “Dinner was delicious, thank you,”

I ran my hands up his arms, “You're welcome,”
Swaying gently from side to side, Patrick leaned down to kiss me.

Our kiss was slow and teasing as our hands roamed each other's bodies.

I broke away from the kiss, whispering his name, “Patrick,”

He slowly smiled at me, his lips moving ever so slightly as he said my name, “Y/N,”

Just as we were about to kiss again, his radio went off, making me jump.

“Goddamnit,” he hissed, grabbing it to lower the volume.

He listened to it carefully, the dispatcher requesting all firemen and back up to the station.

“I gotta go baby. I'll be back, I promise,” he said, rushing to get his shoes on.

I met him at the door, putting my hand on his arm before he made it over the threshold.

“Be careful, Patrick,” I said, anxiety coursing through me.

He cupped my cheeks, “Don't worry, Y/N. I'll be fine,”

I nodded, accepting his quick kiss.

I knew he could take care of himself, but the nagging feeling of worry still left a pit in my stomach.
I rushed into the hospital, holding Eleanor’s tiny hand in mine. The emergency that Patrick had been called out for at the local cafe, turned into a disaster.

There was a gas leak that no one was aware of and there had been multiple injuries and one casualty.

I was breathing heavily, to the point of hyperventilating. My hand shook as I rang the service bell.

“Yes Ma'am?” The elderly receptionist asked, sitting in her seat.

“Patrick Sullivan, h-he's a firefighter and was was brought in from the explosion.”

She looked up his name, clicking her tongue when she couldn't find it, “We don't have a Patrick Sullivan, dear, but the firefighters are up in Intensive Care. Second floor.”

“Oh God. O-okay, thank you,”

Tears burned my eyes as I pushed the up button. I tried not to let the tears run, not wanting Eleanor to see me upset.

Once on the elevator, it was maybe fifteen seconds before it dinged. We quickly exited the lift, turning left to go to the desk.

A nurse wasn't in sight, making my nerves worse.

Eleanor started to yank on my hand, and pointed down the hall.

“Patwick! Look Aunt Y/N, it's Patwick!” she cried out.

Patrick had been pacing, only to stop at the sound of Eleanor’s tiny voice.

She let go of my hand, taking off in a dead run towards the man in our lives.

Patrick caught Eleanor, squeezing her small frame to his in a bear hug.

I ran down the hall to hear him speak to her, “Hey my Jelly Belly,”

Eleanor was happy as a clam, her head resting on his shoulder.

Turning his bloodshot eyes to mine, his bottom lip quivered to the point that it deepened his dimples.

“Patrick,” I whispered, going to him as I held my arms out.

“Hey Sweetheart,” his voice was hoarse.

He sniffled, squeezing me just as he had Eleanor.

He pulled back, his hand in my hair, cradling my scalp.

“My girls,” he whispered, resting his forehead on mine.

I stood on my tiptoes, giving him a series of slow kisses.

Ellie giggled, “Ewww,”

Patrick gave a teary laugh, pulling away to wipe his eyes.

“We were worried-” I started, pausing when he teared up again.

He held Eleanor closer to him, rubbing her back.

“Patrick, honey,” I said, softly.

He breathed deeply, but it wasn't working.

“C'mon, sit down Hun,” I lead him over to a chair, kissing his hairline as he sat.

I knelt down in front of him, my hands rubbing his knees, “What happened out there Patrick?”

He kissed Eleanor’s head and ran his fingers through her hair, “We initially thought it was just a prank call, but right before we entered, it was too late. Miss McMullen passed away,”

I winced as he whispered who it was that passed. Miss McMullen was a loving, elderly Irish woman who owned and ran the bakery for as long as anyone can remember.

“Was anyone else hurt?” I asked, quietly.

Patrick swallowed and nodded, “A few of us have some bumps and bruises, but Tony and Blaine got the brunt of it,”

I raised up on my knees, kissing his on the forehead as he teared up again.

We had waited a bit longer in Intensive Care before being able to go home.
As we entered my apartment, Patrick carefully toed off his shoes as he held a sleeping Eleanor.

He then took her to bed while I removed my jacket and went to my room.

Patrick soon appeared in the doorway, leaning against the door jam, watching me.

“Can I stay the night, Y/N?” he asked.

“Of course you can, Patrick. You don't even have to ask,”

He came into the room, turning his back to me as he took off his two layers of shirts.

I gaped at the sight of him. He was absolutely gorgeous.

Walking up to him, I slowly ran my hand over his ribs, reaching the front, letting my palm skim down his chest.

I watched in the mirror as Patrick's eyes closed. Taking my hand, he brought it up to his lips where he laid a kiss on my finger tips.

He turned in my embrace, facing me, staring down at me intently.

The thoughts that ran through my mind before came barreling back to me. Fear, anxiety, sadness, but most importantly… love. Patrick's eyes mirrored mine.

“It was such a close call today, baby,” he said, one hand resting on my neck.

His thumb moved back and forth over my jawline, “Y/N, I… I love you,”

My eyes closed at hearing his sweet words. Leaning forward, I placed my lips against his pec, laying several kisses on the smattering of hair.

“I love you too, Patrick,”

He watched my eyes, scanning down slowly to my lips. He licked his lips and moved back up to my eyes.

Slowly, he walked me backwards to the wall, both of his hands cupping my cheeks. Turning his hands over, he ran the back of them down my arms to my hands.

Patrick placed a kiss by my ear, nipping his way to my pulse.

Our breathing becoming erratic as we caressed each others bodies, familiarizing each and every curve.

He nipped my earlobe, panting, “I need you so bad, Y/N,”

Cupping his cheeks, I pulled his head from my neck, “I'm all yours Patrick,”

Without wasting anymore time, Patrick helped me out of my clothes and I returned the favor.

Soon, we were both naked, holding each other close as we slowly kissed.

Patrick's length was thick, long and damn near hot to the touch.

He buried his head in my neck as I began to slowly pump his velvety member.

“I want to feel you, Sweetheart… all of you,”

I whimpered at his sensual tone, placing both my hands on his shoulders.

Patrick lifted me, holding me up by my thighs near my backside as he walked over to my bed.

He sat on the edge, his hands moving upward, caressing my bottom.

With my knees on both sides of his hips, I straddled him, feeling his hardness slip between my wet folds.

Without taking him into me completely, I rocked my hips, feeling the head of him move effortlessly since I was so wet.

Biting my bottom lip, I moaned as it gently slid over my clit.

Patrick was watching me, panting as I teased him.

“Y/N, baby… please,”

Rocking forward, his hardness slipped into my entrance. We both sighed as he filled me.

Slowly I raised my hips, rolling them as I slid back down his length.

Patrick pulled my head down to him, kissing me as his fingers gently ghosted over my sensitive nipples.

His touch was soft as he ever so slightly tugged on them.

At the contact of our tongues caressing each other, he firmly squeezed my breast.

I turned my head, gasping.

Patrick lifted a breast, wrapping his lips around my firm nipple. His other hand rested above my bottom, holding on to me as I rode him.

I thread my fingers into his hair, cradling his head as his tongue and teeth played with my nipple.

“Patrick… so close,” I panted, looking down at him.

Switching to my other breast, he growled softly using both of his hands to help move my hips up and down.

When my thighs began to quiver, he slid a hand over my hip, to my wetness where he gently pressed and rubbed my clit.

I held on to his shoulders as I cried out, the orgasm highly intense.

“Holy… gahdamn Sweetheart!” Patrick grunted, holding my hips down on his lap as he came.

We slowly rocked against one another before finally stilling.

Out of breath and fully sated, Patrick fell back onto the bed, pulling me with him.

When I started to shiver, he helped me clean up and had me get in between the comforter.

Climbing in, Patrick held out an arm, wanting me to snuggle with him.

I gladly did, throwing a leg over his waist, which he pulled up higher to caress it.

I kissed his chest, snuggling into him.

Taking his fingers, he ran them up and down my arm and back, almost lulling me to sleep.

“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, his lips touching my forehead as he spoke.

I let out a content sigh, giving him a soft squeeze, “I love you too, Patrick.”

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