the boys are gods

By cybergarden

71.5K 6.1K 1.5K

a natural hierarchy More

red tongues, purple bruises
wasnt your name in the bible anyway?
what happened after me?
summer trilogy
mama's hymn
easter comes late this year
clean air, no cares
enough room to grow
yellow taste
kids o' summer
daddy's fiction
A note from the future
she dont need to speak
the boys are gods

devils gotcha tongue?

2.8K 328 61
By cybergarden

my mama's got her voice but
the Devils got her tongue
she says things like "I hate you."
and "if his daddy didn't die, you wouldn't be here."

i think she loves me still. her hand crackles like a fire when it touches my skin. her fingerprints burn red on my cheeks like blush, but isn't that what love is supposed to do?

burn hot and red and heavy?
nothing is soft here. no clouds no blue baby bottomed sky, no love,
no love. no.

my mamas got her voice back but
i don't think it sounds the same.

A:N/ i might delete this one later but progression needs to happen like get to the next part already girl this is super depressing my god

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