
By Trin_99

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Grace Brown is a 17 year old highschool student with a troubling past she can't seem to remember. After all s... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3


77 4 2
By Trin_99

So this is my second book so far! *throws mini party* Anyway I know a lot of the readers from "When He Came" have been wanting me to do a sequel but I decided to go with a whole different book. I'm sorry if I've utterly and completely pissed of anybody but I apologize! Enjoy lovelies!!


 "Graaace, over here," A chilling voice whispered in the dense forest. "Come play with us." I couldn't see anybody, I could only walk towards the voices. Where am I? Looking at the ground beneath me, I couldn't even see my feet because of how thick the fog is.

"Your getting clooser Grace," It said again. My skin started prickling with goosebumps as I got an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomache. I slowly moved my way closer down the foggy path, my heartbeat speeding up drastically as I reach the dead end where a dark shadowy figure was looming. A black, dark hand reached out for me. I cautiously placed my hand out, getting ready to be swallowed in the dark abyss.

"GRACE DON'T!" A familiar voice rang out but as I turned around I could only see blue eyes. Then darkness.

Startled I woke up drenched in a cold sweat. I've been having the same dream for years and it always ends the same with the familar blue eyes calling out for me but this time it was worse. I've never been so close to the dark...thing or whatever it is. This was the first time I almost touched it and I'm always getting closer with each dream. What if I end up taking its hand? What if it takes me away to a horrible, unspeakable place? Wh-what if....? I need to stop myself. What is wrong with you Grace? Snap out of it, it was just a dream.

5 minutes later and I'm in the shower trying to rid myself of the night terror with lavender and bubbles galore. I get out and dry myself with a fluffly towel and look in the mirror. I cringe at the sight. I have dark bags under my eyes and I look a little thin from lack of sleeping and eating. Seriously this is really unhealthy for me.

I get dressed in sweats and a hoodie and head downstairs. My mom and dad sit at the table eyeing me curiously about my unhealthy appearance.

"Sweety are you okay? We heard you screaming again," My mother says quietly. I look down at my hands and start chipping away at my nail polish out of nervousness.

"Yea I'm fine," I fake smile but I can tell they see right through it.

"We're worried about you Grace, we don't like to see our baby terrified and know that we can't do anything about it," She frowns while my dad nods his head in agreement. I sigh and grab an apple from the table irratably.

"Look I know you guys are worried but I'm fine and I don't need your help," I yell and walk towards the door. I faintly catch my dad's voice, "Ever since the accident she hasn't been the same." I sprint out the door before I can hear anymore.

They always talk about this big accident I was in but apparently it was so horrifying that my brain shut down and wiped out most of the memories from that night. I only remember bits and pieces like the blue eyes and the mysterious figure in the dark. I shy away from my thoughts and hop into my car while I demolish my apple.

Several minutes later I pull up into my highschool parking lot and park up by the front. I walk in the dreaded hallways and grab a few books to head out to class.

I make it to first hour History and wave at my best friend Julia. I walk over and sit next to her to hear all the gossip going on.

We chatted for few more minutes until the bell rang and a new substitute teacher came in with a thick trail of cologne wafting in with him. Blegh, he apparently hasn't heard the term "less is more".

"Good morning class, I'm Mr. Belle and today we will be opening our books to page 267, reading up to 281," He smiled and everybody involuntarily groaned at him. As I was reading silently along with everybody else I started seeing something move out of the corner of my eye beside me. I quickly turned around and caught the glimpse of something black. No. It's not real, it's just your imagination. Not real.

"Excuse me miss...." Mr. Belle interupting my thoughts, asked me.

"Grace, Grace Brown."

"Well Grace Brown I'm going to need you to pay attention in my class or we're going to be having some problems," He said snidely.

"Fine," I answered then mumbled lowly ,"Dick." to where he couldn't hear. That earned a gasp then a snicker from Julia.

    The day then passed on dreadfully slow as I reached my last hour with my world religion class. Let me just say I absolutley hate my religion teacher, he's the creepiest damn pervert you'll ever meet.

I quickly walked into class and sat down by a group of my friends, Jordan, Payton, and Riley. Class started and right as the teacher 'Mr. Creeper' walked in, he started staring me straight in the eye. I shivered from the creepy chills I felt. Don't lose your cool Grace, you've got this.

I looked away and started talking to my friends as the lecture began but soon enough the bell rang signaling the end of class and I was out of there! I started packing up my things while everyone was leaving and felt a hand touch mine. Frightened, I looked up to 'Mr. Creeper' and he gave me the perverted smile he was known for. That's when I screamed and punched him square in the jaw then left. No, more like ran for my life back to my car.

I jumped in and peeled out of the parking lot quicker than any NASCAR could and drove to my house while my heart felt like it would explode from the anxiety I was feeling.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled as I walked inside. I heard them call me from the living room and walked over. They did not look too happy.

"Grace, we got a call from your school today," My mother said with disappointment laced into her voice.

"Okay but before you say anything he touched my first and I felt violated so I..." My dad cut me off

"Grace we know what happened, you don't have to lie!" He boomed. Lie? They don't believe me?

"Your father and I have been thinking and we've come to an agreement that we are deeply worried about you. You need help....some professional help." My mom said slowly.

"Oh no. No way in hell!"

"Grace! That is enough, we won't hear it anymore. Your are going to go to a group therapy class and we are switching your schools as of now."

"What! Your making me trasnfer schools too?!" I shouted in disbelief.

"It's what we think is best for you honey," They said sadly.

I didn't want to hear it. I ran upstairs, threw myself on the bed, and quietly sobbed until I fell asleep.

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