Voltron: Legendary Defender

By shayelee8

853 20 17

What if Pidge Gunderson had a older adoptive sister that always snuck out to meet her at night to look for th... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

367 9 3
By shayelee8

Waiting until the dark of the night came, I snuck out of my room and quickly ran towards the Garrison Cadet Academy to meet up with Pidge for our nightly rendevou routine we always did since she was accepted into the Academy. We always came out to listen for alien chatter about the Kerberos mission to see if there was anything other information regarding of what happened to our family that went on the mission to Kerberos, the moon of Pluto. Jumping high, I allowed the wind to carry me over the fence, land onto the ground with ease, and avoid the alarm tripwires before meeting up with Pidge 'Katie' Gunderson/Holt on the top roof of the main building. Who am I? Well, I am Pidge's older adoptive sister called Kajera 'Gunderson'/Holt and I am on a mission with her to find out more about our family.

Catching my breath, I looked over at my sisters' side to see her closing her eyes, with all of her equipment out in front of her and had her headphones on to listen in on the chatter. I can see why she looks like a boy with the short, choppy brown hair, brown eyes, ivory skin, with a green and white sweater that went up the neck, grey shorts, and brown and white, with a black line outlining the top, shoes. But what could give her away as a girl would possibly be her personality as one or her girly eyelashes as another. That's why she covers them up with huge circle glasses but I think that she now relies on them all the time.

I sat down next to her and meditate to wait for the outcome. In contrast to my sister, I had a light brown skin-tone, an aqua blue marking on my lower right arm, that wrapped itself around my arm once as a bracelet, waist-length auburn hair that had silver highlights in it, that I was apparently born with, that I keep tied in a tight braid with short bangs over my forehead to cover the scar, that I got when I first woke up from a coma, that went across my forehead in a jagged way, bright blue eyes, a maroon colored long-sleeve shirt that had a medium circle neckline, blue jeans, and maroon colored shoes. The clear crystal necklace I always wore around my neck glowed a bright silver light to chase away the darkness and allow us to see in the dark while my old wooden horn, that was given to me by Commander Holt himself, was attached to the black rope belt I wore with my jeans. Suddenly, I heard someone say, "You come up here to rock out?" scaring the heck out of my sister as she struggles to maintain her cover while quickly taking off her headphones and turning to see a young man behind us with another young man that was crawling towards us on his elbows, fingers, knees, and feet slowly towards us in this weird way.

Turning with her, I see a skinny boy with a light brown skin-tone, light blue eyes, a sharp nose at the end, thin dark brown eyebrows, short dark brown hair that went a few feet away from his head, wore a green-grey jacket with dark grey and orange rings around it, a light grey shirt with a blue line around the neckline, blue jeans, and light grey shoes with dark grey and blue lines around the soles of the shoes. The other boy crawling towards us was huge, had a tad darker brown skin-tone, with long black hair that went towards his ears and had a thin orange sash around the forehead with the ends sticking out in the back, a long sleeved yellow shirt with a green jacket that was sleeveless and a bit short, light brown pants with dark brown kneecap padding, black short fingerless gloves, light brown pants with dark knee padding on the kneecaps, two light grey packs on each side of the belt, and white and black boots with an orange stripe around the ankle.

"Lance...Hunk....Umm...No, I'm just....looking at the stars," Pidge says trying to cover up what she was really doing.

"Where did you get all this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech," the skinny boy asks while the other boy takes a closer look at my adoptive sisters' tech as I roll my eyes and say, "Of course not. Like we'd ever run with all that lame tech that only runs in well from last year."

That drew the boys attention to me as my sister face-palms herself making me confused. "Who is she? You know visitors aren't allowed here at night," the big boy says frightened while looking around to see if there were any officers about but found none.

"Doesn't matter cause she hasn't met me yet. Hi, I'm Lance," the skinny boy says as he comes over to me and gets on his knees so that his face meets mine and tries to be smooth with me. Key word: tries.

Not impressed, I raised an eyebrow and say, "Sorry but I'm not interested in egotistical maniacs like you."

That makes my sister hold back her laugh inside her mouth while the big guy, I assume to be Hunk, starts laughing and Lance just has a shocked look on his face. "Guess you never been rejected before. Doesn't have a good feeling, does it bro? If you get over it, call me when your done acting like a kid," I say with a fake smile before standing up and walking over to where my adoptive sister sat and sat down next to her on her right side.

"Ohh, Lance, you just got burned," Hunk said with a sly smile.

"I got that Hunk. Thank you," Lance said a bit annoyed while being a bit calm.

Pidge just rolls her eyes before saying, "This is my older adoptive sister Kajera. We're working on something together. Besides, this tech isn't Garrison tech cause me and Kajera built it."

Hunk came closer to the tech on my sisters left side and began touching the tech while asking "You two built this?"

"Mhm. No, stop it," Pidge commands as she slaps Hunk's hands away from her tech which reminds me of the most important rule with my sister: NEVER TOUCH HER TECHNOLOGY.

"With this thing, we can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system," I explain with a smile.

"That right? All the way to Kerberos?" Lance asks curiously making my adoptive sister frown and look away from him.

"You go ballistic every time the instructor brings it up. What's your deal?" Lance then brings up making me look at my adoptive sister with a raised eyebrow as she never mentioned this part.

While this happened, Hunk then snuck up and began to touch at our makeshift dish satellite without my sister noticing until she looked up and growled, "Second warning Hunk!"

Hunk then frowned before sliding away from the technology with me giving a bit of a laughing smile while silently chuckling inside. "Look Pidge, if we're going to bond as a team then we can't have any secrets," Lance pointed out a good reason why my adoptive sister should be talking making her sigh and prepare herself for the news.

"Fine. The world, as you know it, is about to change. The Kerberos mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake," Pidge began to explain to the crew while Hunk came up to our tech once more and began touching our makeshift satellite once more.

Pidge seemed to notice my attention on Hunk and got angry before yelling, "STOP TOUCHING MY EQUIPMENT!!" making Hunk frown and lye down on the floor of the roof like a lost puppy with Lance looking at Pidge with eyes widen in shock and a bit of fright in them while Pidge looked down at the floor and closed her eyes in frustration.

"So we've been scanning the system and picking up alien radio chatter," Pidge finished looking at Lance to let him know the rest while I just watched the whole thing sitting criss cross apple sauce.

"Whoa what? Aliens?" Hunk asked now getting up on his hands and knees with a confused expression on his face.

"Ok so you and your sister are insane. Got it," Lance states outloud making me narrow my eyes at him and was about to stand but was stopped by my adoptive sister giving me a look to stand down.

Grumbling, I did so and sat but gave Lance a death glare warning him to not say stuff like that again. My adoptive sister huffed and said, "You better not say things like that around my adoptive sister cause she's really protective of me. (Especially after what happened with the rest of our family, I added in my thoughts while listening to her continue onwards.) But we're serious, they keep repeating one word (grabs her notebook and flipped it to the page we had the word written down so many times on and showed it to the boys) 'Voltron' and tonight, it's going crazier than I've ever heard it."

"How....crazy?" Lance asked curiously while also avoiding any words that might be offensive to me or my adoptive sister.

"Attention students. This is not a drill. We are on lockdown. Security situation Zulu Niner. Repeat, all students must stay in their barracks until further notice," we heard the captain in charge say over the intercom with alarms going off.

"Umm Pidge, what's going on?" I ask my sister while trying to keep her cover from being blown.

"Is that a meteor? A very, very, big meteor?" Hunk asks pointing towards the sky, catching our attention.

There high in the sky was a huge firey red ball heading through our sky towards the ground. "Pidge?" I ask in a curious, yet scared, tone with a worried look in my eyes and, all too quick, Pidge quickly grabbed her binoculars and looked towards the big thing in the sky to see what it was.

"It's a ship," Pidge announces to us all causing my eyes to go wide with shock.

Lance quickly grabbed Pidge's binoculars and held them to his eyes to see if my sister was telling the truth while she held onto them and was dragged to where she was in front of him. "Holy crow," Lance says in shock and a bit of awe before continuing, "I can't believe what I'm seeing, that's not one of ours."

"No, it's one of theirs," my sister says as she was lowered back onto the ground by Lance, after he was done with the binoculars, and sat cross legged to watch, in awe, as the meteor flew through the sky and hit the ground more than a few yards away from the academy making a huge explosion upon impact as Hunk asked, "So wait there really are aliens out there?"

"No dip Sherlock," I say to Hunk sarcastically since that's literally what me and sis have been saying to them since they were the ones sneaking in on us and scaring the fudge out of my sister.

Soon, three trucks, from inside the Garrison Academy, light up and drove towards the crashed site. "We've gotta see that ship," Pidge said eagerly as she got up then started running towards the door to get out of the Academy.

"Right behind you brother," I say expertly to my sister, after months of practice saying that line, before running to the edge of the roof, ignoring the calls of the two boys behind me, and jumped off of it.

Landing, I began running past the gate and then stop to wait for my sister, and her friends, to catch up. Soon, when they all showed up, we began our fast trek towards the site and quickly made our stop on a cliff that would help us overlook the entire crash site the Garrison team were studying. Pidge and I made quick work to set up the tech we made to see what was happening inside the tent while Lance looked at the site through the binoculars we gave him and Hunk kneeled down right next to Lance as Lance layed stomach down on the ground next to me as I sat criss cross applesauce next to Pidge, who sat the same way I did while typing on her computer. "Whoa, what the heck is that thing? And who the heck is she?" Lance asked with a smirking smile making me frown and smack Lance upside the head really hard saying, "Lance!"

"Ow! Right, alien ship. Man we'll never get past all those guards to get a look," Lance says after recovering from his slap and began to focus while Pidge and I did a fist bump while smirking.

"Aw man. Uhh... Yah, I guess there's nothing to do but to head back to the barracks right?" Hunk asked as he stood up, ready to head back to the Academy making me turn to Hunk and give him a frown look that said 'really?' and was about to say something when I heard my sister stop typing on her computer.

"Wait, they set up a camera in there and I grabbed its feed. Look," Pidge said catching all of our attention as each of us turned to the screen to see a young man with black hair that was short and cropped above the ears with a huge front piece of his hair over his forehead turned white, a ratty dark purple shawl type thing, a long dark grey suit with long knee-high black boots, a robotic silver metal arm, pale skin, a huge scar straight across his nose, black eyes, and thick grey eyebrows strapped down onto a metal table with three people in white hasmat suits on either side of the man.

"Hey, what are you doing?" the young man asked with panic laced into his voice as he struggled against the restraints.

"Calm down Shiro," one of the workers said before continuing, "We just need to keep you quarantine until we can run some tests on you."

"You have to listen to me! They destroy worlds! Aliens are coming!" the young man/Shiro said as he struggled some more and let out some grunting noises as he tried to escape but failed.

"That's Shiro! The pilot of the Kerberos mission! That guy's my hero," Lance says in awe making my eyes widen in realization as that was the pilot of the mission that made mine and Pidge's father and brother disappear.

"I guess he's not dead in space after all," Hunk remarks with his right eyebrow raised.

"Where's the rest of the crew?" Pidge asks with a curiousness to her tone at not seeing our father and older brother there with Shiro.

"Do you know how long you've been gone?" The hasmat suit guy said as he continued to ask questions towards Shiro.

"I don't know. Months, years. Look, there's no time. Aliens are coming here for a weapon! They're probably on their way! They'll destroy us! We have to find Voltron!" Shiro shouted out.

"Voltron?!" Pidge exclaimed in shock with wide eyes making my eyes widen in shock and say, "So the readings are true."

"Sir, take a look at this. It appears that his arm had been replaced by a cyborg prosthetic," one of the workers reported causing Shiro to clench his cyborg prosthetic into a fist.

"Put him under until we can figure out what that thing can do," the commander said making one of the workers go to a desk to pick up a sedative while the other worker held up Shiro's head while he began to protest saying, "No, no, no, no, no, don't put me under! No! No! There's no time!"

"They didn't ask about the rest of the crew," Pidge said a bit dejected at not hearing anything about them while we continued to watch Shiro struggle against the restraints for a bit before they sedated him.

"What are they doing? That guy's a legend and they're not even gonna listen to him?" Lance asked bewildered by such a thing.

"Welcome to reality Lance where life is nothing but disappointment and doubt run by a corrupt government that cares about what nobody says and only cares about progress," I say to him sarcastically with a frown while my sister gives me a frown and a raised eyebrow in retaliation.

"We have to get him out," Pidge says to Lance to take her teammates attention away from me.

"Uh, I hate to be the voice of reason here. Always. But weren't we just watching on T.V. because there is no way to get past the guards," Hunk said pointing out the obvious to us making me frown in deep thought.

"That was before we were properly motivated," Lance said pointing out the reason of the idea before continuing, "We just gotta think."

I snort quietly and murmur to myself, "Well that's a first."

"Could we tunnel in?" Lance asks himself making me say, "We could but that could probably take four to six weeks to even make a tunnel underneath that place if they don't have sensor equipment to check for seismic activities underground."

"Maybe we could get some hazmat suits and sneak in like Meds," Pidge suggested with a smile on her face.

"I don't know about that part but we could consider it," I say with full honesty in my voice of reason.

"Or we dress up like cooks, head back to the dorm, sneak into the commissary, little late night snack," Hunk suggested with a smile at the thought of food.

"Okay does it always have to be about food for you and I don't even go to the Academy dorms," I point out and ask at the same time.

"Yes it is always food for him and no Hunk, what we need is a distraction," Lance responded to my question and recommended at the same time to the team.

All too sudden, there was five expolosions, in different seconds of times, a few feet away from the quarantine site, causing us all to shout in fright as that had caught us off guard. "Is that the aliens? (Mumbles a bit of jumbo) Is that the aliens? Are they here? They got here so quick," Hunk asks very quickly while panicking at the same time as he sat on his knees behind us with his hands on his head.

"No, those explosions were a distraction. For him. The Garrison's heading towards the blast and he's sneaking in from the other side," Pidge says to us getting our attention again while pointing at what's happening, to see a big red speeder of some kind heading for the abandoned quarantine place while all the guards went off towards the explosion site.

Lance grabs our binoculars once more, while Pidge packs all the tech back into her backpack for our, probable, next adventure, to see who that was and said, "No way. Oh he is not gonna beat us in there. That guy's always trying to one-up me."

Then, he started running for the quarantine place while Hunk, Pidge, and I stood up confused at his words. "Who is it?" Hunk asked curiously.

"Keith," was all Lance said before Hunk took off after him while Pidge and I both asked "Who?" at the same time.

"Are you sure?" Hunk asks.

"Oh I recognize that mullet anywhere," we both heard Lance's reply before the both of us taking off after the two while Pidge yelled out, "Who's Keith?"

Soon, we made it to the quarantine place and Lance went inside to get Shiro while Pidge, Hunk, and I walked inside after him and hung back at the door. We could see 'Keith' cutting Shiro's restraints and helping him stand up with one arm around his shoulder when Lance interrupts 'Keith' by saying, "Nope, nope, no you, no, no, no you don't. Your not saving Shiro. I'm saving Shiro," and coming over to Shiro's other side while placing Shiro's limp arm around his shoulder and pushing the operating table to the side.

Looking at this 'Keith' guy, he seemed to be just as tall as Lance is with short ear-length black hair, pale skin, a long sleeved short red jacket with white outlinings, a dark gray shirt underneath, black pants, brown belt holding a small brown bag on both sides and something else behind him, black fingerless gloves, a dark red scarf around his neck that Lance said was a mullet, white, black, and red boots that went halfway up his knees, thin lips, a small nose, thick black eyebrows, and dark grey eyes. "Who are you?" Keith asked really confused, but not as much as I was, at the moment.

"Who am I? Uh, the name's Lance," Lance says with a smirk but was only met confused expression.

"We were in the same class at the Garrison," Lance tries again with another clue.

"Really? Are you a engineer?" Keith asks curiously making me do a slight snort of laughter in my mouth before I cover it with my hands to keep quiet when I saw my sister frown at me.

"No, I'm a pilot. We were like rivals. You know like, Lance and Keith, neck and neck," Lance responded trying to give another clue once more.

"Oh wait, I remember you. Your a cargo pilot," Keith said making me snort with laughter once more but I try to hold it back while silently giggling as my sister just frowned at me and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Well not anymore. I'm fighter class thanks to you washing out," Lance retorted making me lose the laughter and just lay my back against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest while I just sighed in annoyance at the incompetence of men.

"Well, congratulations," Keith says sarcastically to him before both began to move forward towards us.

"Pidge, see if they're coming back for us. We need to get Shiro out of here to figure out more about what he was saying earlier," I say to my sister while facing her and standing straight up off the wall.

"On it," she says before running off while Hunk stayed behind.

"Hunk, you go with he...him and watch his back to make sure no ones coming up from behind him okay?" I ask after stumbling over the word that basically could give away my sisters true gender.

"Why me?" Hunk asks himself in a whining tone while heading off to Pidge's position outside the tent.

"And you two better quit arguing before I smack you both onto that operating table Shiro was just on. Got it?" I ask them while narrowing my eyes into threatening mode while they, unknowingly to me, turned silver for a moment before reverting back to their natural color.

When neither of them said nothing, I started heading for Pidge's position when I heard Keith ask, "Who are you?"

"I'm not actually part of the Garrison Cadet Academy, so don't bother with trying to find out who I am," I say before running out away from the two of them.

"Oh man, they're coming back and they do not look happy. We gotta go," Hunk said to the two of us as both Pidge and I lean against the wall of the quarantined space while he stood up against it and looked through the binoculars we gave him.

That made both Pidge and I stand up and head over to Keith and Lance, who were busy with holding up Shiro, over to his speeder with Hunk not far behind us. "Uh, do you mind if we catch a ride with you?" Hunk asks Keith as Pidge gets up onto the right wing of the biggest speeders, I have ever seen in my entire life, while Hunk goes around towards the back of it as Keith gets onto the drivers seat and Lance heads over to the right wing with a limp Shiro hanging off of him by his cybernetic arm.

I quickly get onto the lower side of the speeder behind the drivers seat and begin to help Lance get Shiro on board. Suddenly, Hunk's weight begins to make the speeder's balance shift very quickly causing us all to cry out in surprise and be flung onto the speeder. "Is this thing gonna be big enough for all of us?" Pidge asks as she sits back up while I do the same thing.

"No," Keith answers, a bit grumpily I might add, just as a bright blue light shines from behind us.

Turning around, I see that it's the trucks from the Garrison Academy shining their lights on us. Keith quickly starts up his engine on the speeder, as Lance quickly holds onto the right wing while holding onto Shiro, and makes it turn around before speeding away from the quarantine place and the trucks. "Why am I holding onto this guy?" Pidge asks in a complaining tone as Lance handed the unconscious Shiro to her while I sit up on my left knee and my right foot to find a bit of balance.

"Hey, we did all fit," Hunk points out the bright side but that just makes me glare, slightly, at him with a frown saying, "Now's not the time."

Lance then looks behind us for some reason and then looks forward to Keith and says, "Can't this thing go any faster?"

"We could toss out some nonessential weight," Keith responds making me snort with laughter that was probably heard by him.

"Oh right," Lance says, not really getting the response well, looking left and right before realizing what Keith meant and said, "Okay, so that was an insult."

"It really doesn't take much, does it?" I ask sarcastically causing my sister snort, right then and there, with laughter.

"I get it," Lance said with a frown knowing that he just got burned twice by the girl he likes and the guy he hates.

"Big man, lean left," Keith commands to Hunk to which he corresponds to by leaning left causing the speeder to veer left while two of the Garrison trucks were able to go left while the other two weren't so lucky and began roll over and over so many times before crashing.

Keith was then able to steer the speeder towards a pathway that went upwards while Hunk began yelling out, "Oh man, Mr. Harris just wiped out Professor Montgomery," making me look back at him in confusion as to what he was saying.

"No, no, he's fine," Hunk then said again making me shake my head at him in confusion once more while I just left the situation alone and focused on the reality of this situation.

"Big man, lean right," Keith commanded again making me look at Keith with a raised eyebrow in wonder of what he was planning.

Hunk complied and we veered off the path we were on and flew through the air before landing on another weird shaped, over 180 degree, one with the two truck behind us. One of them seemed to have difficulty landing and was rolling in the pathway, just like the last two, while the other fared well and chased after us while we road this weird rollercoaster ride of a pathway cave towards who-knows-where with everyone, minus Keith, screaming and yelling out in fear. Soon we were out of that pathway and going upwards with the truck still on our tail. "Guys, uh, ut, ut, ut, ut, ut, is that a cliff up ahead?" Hunk asks in fear while pointing at something ahead of us making all of us look forward to see that we were definitely approaching a cliff.

Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and I began protesting saying, "No, no, nonononono," but all Keith said was, "Yup," and sped up his speeder towards the cliff, eventually going over it making the speeder fly through the air while the last truck came to a halt.

"What are you doing?!?! Your going to kill us all!!!" Lance shouted at Keith as we were dropping towards the ground at a very fast rate.

" Shut up and trust me!" Keith yelled out as we continued our descent towards the ground.

"Trust you?! Yah that's working out great!" I yell out in fright as I clung to the speeder with my very life.

Just then, Keith turned the handle with his hand downwards and pushed his foot upwards on the pedal, skillfully maneuvering the bike to where the thrusters activated and slowed our decent downwards to where the speeder landed safely on the ground and raced off towards the desert in the middle of nowhere. Soon, we arrived to a small house shack that seemed big enough to hold one bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. Once Keith stopped his speeder next to the house, he shut it down and got off it before grabbing a hold of Shiro and taking him inside. Not too long after, the rest of us did the same and went inside.

I went over to the couch, where Shiro layed, and sat down on the table next to it, before grabbing a hold of my crystal necklace with one hand and placed my other hand on Shiro' s forehead. "What are you doing?" I heard Keith ask as I began to concentrate on focusing on my necklace to see what's wrong with Shiro besides being put under.

"Relax, she does this all the time back home whenever my older brother and I got sick and dad didn't have the time to take us to the doctor. (Sighs) Those were the days," I heard my sister say as I went under before opening my glowing silver eyes.

I blinked, and they reverted back to normal, and removed my hands from their places before standing up and turning to face the group. "Shiro' s gonna be okay but he's suffering a wound to the head that looks pretty bad enough to cause amnesia. So when he wakes up, he's gonna need space, okay?" I ask the group but mainly direct the question to my sister to let her know to wait until after Shiro gets better to ask him the question about our father and brother.

"Sure," Lance responds.

"Okay," Hunk says with a thumbs up.

"Alrighty then," sis responds with a small smile.

Keith was silent for a moment, so I took that as a 'yes', before he asked, "How were you able to do that?"

I unconsciously grabb my necklace and look down saying, "I don't know. I've always been able to do that since.... for a while now," while thinking, 'I guess it has something to do with my heritage or something.'

Keith looked like he wanted to say something but was interrupted by Lance asking, "Hey, where can we sleep because there's no way we're going to make it back to Garrison in time before the officers get back to the barracks."

"Unfortunately you guys won't be able to go back at all since you guys were seen with me breaking out Shiro from their holdfast," Kieth said making me look up at him in shock because the Garrison cadet academy was the only place Pidge and I could get some answers about our family.

"What?!" Lance shouted in despair.

"NO!" Hunk shouted in sadness.

"No way am I staying here!" Pidge shouted angrily.

That was enough to snap me out of my reverie and shout, "Alright guys! That's enough! Lay off the poor guy will ya?! (Calming down some I continue.) Look, I know that you're all in despair with not being able to go back to class and all but we just have to wait things out until Shiro wakes up from the sedation. Now let's just get some shut eye and the last person who complains about not being able to go to class, or flirts with me, (sends a glare to Lance) sleeps outside."

After I'm done, I turn to Keith and ask, "Keith your the expert of this place, what are you gonna do with us?"

Keith, well actually everyone, looks at me with wide eyes before snapping out of his reverie and saying, "Pidge, Hunk, and you can take my bedroom, I'll take the chair out here to watch over Shiro, and Lance can take the kitchen floor."

"What? No way!" Lance protests.

"Okay, we could always just shove you outside to sleep on the ground," I suggested making Pidge and Hunk try to hold in their laughter while Keith chuckled a little.

That just made Lance turn a bright red before he complied with an 'okay' and went over to the kitchen. "Keith are you sure you want us to take your bedroom. I mean, it is your room after all," Hunk asked nervously not wanting to make Keith mad.

"Relax, your only just gonna sleep in my bedroom not use it for anything else," Keith assured before saying, "Folow me."

He led us to his bedroom and let us decide who takes the bed and who takes the floor. Hunk offered to take the floor but I declined saying he needed the bed more than I did. "Besides it's not the first time Pidge and I got together and slept on the floor in our bedroom," I said smiling fondly at that old memory of me and Katie sleeping in the same bedroom for a few months until mom and dad, with Matt's help, managed to turn the guest room into my new bedroom.

We usually slept on the floor together with piles of blankets underneath us to serve as a mattress for us and a couple more blankets to serve as sheets for us. I can't tell you guys how many times Matt came in and smiled at our fondness for one another as sisters.

Pidge smiles at me, with eyes sparkling in amusement, signaling that she remembered those fond memories of the times we had together when I first came home to the Holts. Hunk smiled at our sibling relationship and allowed us to take the floor, to respect our wishes, while he took the bed. We both got only one blanket but it wasn't enough to cover the both of us so I let Pidge take the most but I guess I was shivering during the night cause when I got up the next morning, there was a furry blanket covering me with the blanket, that Pidge had, covering herself.

I got up and tip toed out of the bedroom and met up with Keith in the kitchen. I looked around and saw that Lance had taken to sleeping on the kitchen table and had a black long wool blanket over him. Huh, so Tinman does have a heart.

"Tough night?" I ask him curiously as he poured a cup of steaming hot coffee just as dawn was arising.

"Not really, you?" He asks as he slides the coffee towards me, which I catch with ease, and pours another cup of coffee for himself.

"Not really, this is usually the time I wake up with ease and prepare some breakfast for the family as my thanks to them for taking me in," I respond before take a sip of the coffee and chuckles at the fondest memory I had of the first time cooking.

"What?" Keith asks curiously.

"The first time making breakfast, I accidentally burned it, setting off the fire alarm. What a way to wake up the entire family at dawn," I say with a laugh causing Keith to laugh a little.

After that settled, we got back to drinking our coffee and all was silence for a few minutes before Keith says, "You know that the moment Shiro wakes up, our lives will change forever."

"I believe that our lives already changed the moment Shiro arrived from outerspace," I respond looking at the still-sleeping Shiro, covered in another long green wool blanket, waiting for him to wake up to confirm our worst fears cause if aliens are coming, then we would have to prepare for it in any way we can.

Here you go guys part 1 of the episode Voltron: Legendary Defender starring Kajera as Pidge/Katie's adoptive older sister. The person who voices her is Emilia Clarke and the reason I chose her is that she gives off such a great accent that I like for my character and I wanted to incorporate a kind of British accent into my characters voice later on in the series but not yet, right now she has an American accent. Another reason is that Emilia portrays a strong character in a tv series that I know of, so I wanted to do the same thing for Kajera. Hope you all love this because it took some time and inspiration for this first part to come together. Love you all. Shayelee8 out. Peace!

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When you find yourself on planet Earth with little to no memories of who you were, it only takes a matter of time for you to start searching for answ...
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Well, here it is. A Paladins Dating Preferences book with all of everyone's favorite Paladins. IMPORTANT NOTE!: You're only in a relationship with ON...
48.3K 741 29
Pidge is 18 and Shiro is 21. Voltron is no longer needed in the universe so the team sets to go to earth and have all the fun the missed while fig...
88.7K 1.6K 30
PLEASE READ➡️Disclaimer!!!! I wrote these in middle school and stopped writing after around season 4 or 5. THEREFORE, anything canon after season 5 (...