Don't Leave Me {Roy Harper}

Bởi AzaleaSS

88.8K 2K 637

Oliver Queen didn't spend five years on an island alone. He spent five years on an island with Rebecca Cars... Xem Thêm

Don't Leave Me
Big Change
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Eighteen

2.2K 63 23
Bởi AzaleaSS

Chapter Eighteen

I wrapped my arms tightly around Oliver as he speeds faster through the streets of Central City. As he came up on the left-hand turn that would lead us to Star Labs, he turned right.

"Uh, Ollie, you're going the wrong way," I shout over the wind into his ear.

"I know," he yells back causing my eyebrows to furrow.

"Where are we going?" I respond loudly.

"You'll see," he shouts back and I groan.

Like I had said to Roy, I hated surprises. Oliver drives for about another five minutes before stopping at a park. He parks the bike and I climb off, looking in confusion at the park. He gets off and puts his helmet on the seat. He walks off and when he realizes I am not following, he stops and looks back at me.

"Well, come on!" he says, annoyed.

I roll my eyes and take my helmet off before I walk after him. We walk in silence towards the playground and sit on a bench not too far from it. I look over at him as he stares out at the park. He ignores my obvious staring and even when I clear my throat, he keeps staring.

"Ollie!" I exclaim and smack his shoulder lightly.

"Relax Becca," he says as he finally looks over at me.

"If you want me to relax, tell me why we are here instead of at Star Labs helping Barry and the team," I say with an annoyed confusion.

"We are here to discuss you," he says cryptically.

"Why? Have I done something wrong?" I ask him, suddenly worried as I search through the back of my mind, trying to find something I might've done wrong.

"Not yet," he answers as he looks back out at the park.

"Ollie, quite with the cryptic answer and tell me what you are talking about," I groan and he turns to look at me.

"We need to talk about you and Roy and Barry," he says and I groan.

"Why?!" I exclaim and he gives me a look.

"Come on Becca," he says and I glare at him.

"Come on Becca what? There is nothing going on with me and Barry or me and Roy!" I exclaim.

"Oh please, don't lie to me," he says and glares back at me.

I sigh and let my head fall into my hands, my hair falling in front of my face.

"Come on Becca, I know that something is going on, you know it too, hell, the whole team knows it," he says and I sigh again.

We sit in silence for awhile before another sigh escapes my lips and I look up at him.

"I honestly don't know what is going on," I say in a defeated tone. "Roy and I had this whole teasing game going on but it was starting to feel like more than a game,"

"Do you have feelings for him?" Oliver asks and I groan.

"I don't know!" I cry out. "No! Yes! Maybe?" I sigh and let my head fall back into my hands as I stare at the ground. "I mean, I think I was starting too, but then..." I trail off.

"But then Barry showed up and reawakened old feelings?" Oliver prompts and I groan.

"I don't know!" I exclaim. "No! Yes! Maybe?" I look up at him with a frown. "I mean when I first met Barry, I developed a crush on him and it only got stronger as I became friends with him. But, it never went more than that and it developed into this kind of brother-sister relationship thing. However, according to Iris, Barry liked me back at the time and she thinks he still does now but I don't know..." I trail off as I look at him helplessly.

"Oh please Becca, they both clearly like you," he says.

"Do they really?" I groan.

"Yes, they do and you are going to have to choose at some point, some point soon because it's going to get out of hand if you don't," he says.

"Out of hand?" I question.

"As in they are going to get very competitive, it's what guys do," he says and I groan again.

"I don't know what to do Ollie," I say with a sigh. "I don't know if I like Roy, I don't know if I still like Barry. Plus, Iris and Laurel won't shut up about it. Don't get me wrong, I love them both but they won't stop talking about you and Roy and Barry and I just-"

"Me?" Oliver cuts me off.

"Yeah, you. They thought your overprotectiveness was something else and I told them that was ridiculous because of Felicity," I say and roll my eyes.

"Speaking of Felicity, what exactly did you tell her?" he asks me and I sigh.

"I'm sorry Ollie, after the whole I adjusted your tie thing, Laurel asked me about it and Felicity overheard," I sigh.

"Overheard what?" he asks worriedly.

"That we used to be a thing, an on and off thing," I say wih a sigh.

"That's not good," he mulls quietly.

"I mean, I figured you would've told her or something and I didn't even mean for her to overhear it, I was just talking to Laurel and it came out. To be honest, we had talked about it before though and I, um, I lied to her," I say quietly, looking down at my hands.

"You lied to her?" he asks me, looking at me with surprise.

"Yeah, I told her that nothing happened between us on the island because I didn't want her to freak herself out because it was a long time ago and it doesn't mean anything to either of us anymore and I just wanted to save her the heartache," I sigh.

"It doesn't mean anything to you anymore?" he asks with a somewhat of a hurt expression.

"It does to you?" I ask him with surprise.

"Of course it does," he says and I am taken aback. "Becca, we went through so much shit together, of course, it still means something to me. I loved you, I still do, in a different way of course but, it still matter to me,"

"I didn't mean it like that Ollie, of course, I still love and care about you, I just meant, not in the same way as I once did," I say quietly and look back at my hands. "However, I am not sure Felicity will see it that way. You should probably talk to her," I say as I look back at him.

"I will," he says softly. "You should probably talk to Roy and Barry,"

"What would that do?" I sigh.

"Well, it might help you figure out which one of them you like," he suggests and I sigh.

"Yeah, well I'll try," I say and glare down at the ground angrily. "Why can't life be easier? I mean, why do we have to deal with these types of problems?" I huff as an anger builds within me. "Haven't I been through enough shit in my life? Why do I have to have problems like this?"

"We all have problems Becca," Oliver says softly as he gently rests his hand on my thigh.

I sigh as I rest my head against his shoulder.

"Oh yeah, what are your problems Ollie?" I say before adding. "Besides the whole Felicity thing,"

He is silent for awhile and I glance up at him to see him focused on something in the distance. I follow his gaze to find a little boy playing with a Flash figurine in the sandbox.

"Ollie, who is that?" I ask him softly.

He remains silent before he sighs and looks down at his hands.

"That's William, my son," he says quietly.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask, shocked. "Your son?"

"Shh, keep in down, yes my son. When I was a young irresponsible party boy, I got my girlfriend knocked up and she told me she lost the baby but, turns out, my mom paid her off," he explains.

"Does Felicity know?" I ask him as I put a comforting hand on his arm.

"No," he says quietly. "You're the only one I've told,"

"What are you going to do?" I ask softly.

"I don't know," he says and we both sit there in silence, neither knowing what to say.

Finally, he speaks up.

"We should go," he says and I nod.

"Yeah, the team is probably waiting," I say and we stand up in silence.

We walk back to the bike and pull our helmets on. He drives us to Star Labs, neither of us speaking a word. We walk in, to find the whole team gathered in the main room. 

"Where the hell have you guys been?!" Barry exclaims as we walk in.

"Sorry, Becca forgot her suit so we had to go back," Oliver says and I nod.

"Sorry guys," I say and the team looks at my suit which had been sitting on the desks even before we had walked in, however, they all nod, not questioning it before returning back to whatever they were doing before we arrived.

Barry crosses his arms over his chest and I smile at him.

"Oh come on Dork," I say as I walk up and poke his chest. "Of course, we are going to seem like we took forever, you're the fastest man alive," 

A small smile cracks his face as he uncrosses his arms, however, it fades.

"Not anymore, Zoom is faster," he says and stares down at the ground with a dejected frown on his face. 

I gently take his hand and smile up at him.

"You will get him Bar, just like you have always gotten the bad guys," I say and he shakes his head.

He leads me into the hallway, away from the others. He stops just out of earshot of the others, still holding my hand.

"I don't think I can," he sighs.

"Yes you can," I respond.

"I'm not fast enough Becca!" he cries out and I can see the tear that trickles down his cheek.

"Then you will get faster," I say.

"I have tried! I can't!" he exclaims as more tears fall down his face.

I gently reach up and wipe his tears away. I pull him into a hug, my arm around his neck, his around my waist. He has to lean down slightly to hug me so he rests his head on my shoulder.

"I don't think I can do it," he whispers softly.

"Yes you can Bar, I believe in you. You have a whole team backing you up, you will get faster and you are going to beat Zoom, do you hear me Barry?" I ask him and pull back from him. I shake his shoulders slightly, prompting him to look at me.

"You are going to beat Zoom," I say firmly.

"I hope you are right," he says and my heart seems to break as I see the defeated look on his face.

"You can do this," I say and gently cup his cheek. He leans his head into my hand and I gently lean forward and press a kiss to his other cheek. "I believe in you Barry," I say softly against his cheek before I pull away.

"Sorry," a harsh voice says and we both jump to see Roy.


"I didn't mean to interrupt," he snaps coldly as he glares at Barry.

"Well, you kind of did," Barry snaps back with a glare.

"My bad," Roy says without an ounce of sympathy in his voice. "The team needs you guys," he says through gritted teeth.

"Thanks Roy," I say softly and he just looks at me with an unreadable look on his face before walking away.

Barry and I quickly walk after him, back into the main room.

"Uh, you guys might want to suit up because our meta was just spotted downtown," Cisco says and Barry speeds off, grabbing his suit and disappearing within seconds.

"Wait! Barry!" I exclaim but he's already gone. "Don't go in alone," I say in a defeated tone at the empty space where he had stood only seconds ago.

I look back at Cisco and he sighs before handing me a com. I walk over and stand behind him, watching the security cameras in whatever warehouse the meta was in. I watch as Joe and some other officers show up, their guns pointed at the figure who slowly turns around. We watch as he stares down one of the officers. Suddenly, the officer seems to be hit with uncontrollable anger as he turns quickly, pointing his gun at the other officers. Joe begins to try talking to him but it's no use and my heart leaps in my chest as I see him pull the trigger.

"Barry!" I shout into the mics as the bullets fly towards Joe and the other officers.

I seem to blink and suddenly, the officer who had gone rouge had been knocked to the ground. Joe and the other officers were fine meaning Barry must have grabbed the bullets out of the air. The entire team seems to sigh in relief, however, the relief is short lived as another shot goes off. I watch as Barry clutches his shoulder in pain just before the meta runs off.

"Barry!" I cry out as I see him fall to his knees.

Joe rushes up to him and I watch as he frantically helps Barry to his feet. They disappear from view and I run towards the elevator. I pace back and forth in front of it anxiously as I wait for them to show up. What felt like hours later, the elevator dings and opens to reveal a bleeding Barry.

"Barry!" I exclaim in somewhat of a panicked relief.

I rush up and help Joe walk him back into the room where Caitlyn is waiting with her medical supplies. We rush him to the hospital like room and Caitlyn begins to work on him.

"Barry, can you hear me?" I ask him as I grab his hand and look at him.

He looks at me and I feel my stomach twist as I see the pain in his eyes.

"Yeah, I can hear you," he grunts.

"Just stay still, okay? I know it hurts but you have to stay still for Caitlyn okay?" I say to him and he nods at me.

"I'll try," he says just before his entire body begins to shake and the monitor begins to beep frantically.

"Barry!" I call out to him but his head falls back on the pillow as his whole body goes into a seizure. "What do we do?" I ask Caitlyn frantically.

"His body is going into shock, we need to get this bullet out of him," she says and looks at me.

"What do you need?" I ask her and she points at something behind me.

I grab it and hand it to her.

"Hold him as still as you can," she instructs me and I nod.

We make eye contact for a brief moment and all the issues between us disappear for we both needed to focus on Barry. I look away and do my best to hold Barry down for her. A very stressful few minutes later, Barry's body stops shaking and the heart monitor returns to its methodic beeping. Both Caitlyn and I sigh in relief. We smile at each other before we quickly look away from one another.

"He needs to rest," is all she says before disappearing with the medical supplies.

I sigh and gently clasp Barry's hand with both of mine as I sit beside him. I glance out to see the rest of the teams with relieved looks on their faces. Most of them begin to disperse, however, I catch Roy's eye. He stares at my hands on Barry's one before looking at me with yet another unreadable expression. He turns away quickly and walks off. I look to Oliver and he shrugs at me. He was right. This wasn't going to end well. I look at Laurel and Iris to see them looking after Roy before they look at me, seeming to echo my exact same thoughts.

I sigh and look back at Barry. 


A few hours later, I was still waiting for Barry to wake up. Most of team Arrow had left to go set up base somewhere. Everyone but Roy, who was sitting in the main room just staring at the ground. I gently reach over and brush Barry's hair out of his face. I return my hand to on top of his and I look down at the ground.

"Princess?" I hear him say and I quickly look up.

"Dork?" I question as I quickly scoot closer to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I was shot," he grumbles and I laugh causing him to smile a little.

"Well, I'd say that's a pretty accurate way to be feeling considering you were," I say and he smiles at me.

"I'm okay though," he says reassuringly.

"Good," I respond with a smile before my smile turns to a reproachful gaze. "What the hell were you thinking?!"

"I'm sorry, what?" he asks me.

"Going in without backup?" I exclaim.

"Becca, I'm fine," he says.

"But, you might not have been!" I exclaim worriedly.

"But I am, okay?" he says as he leans forward, however, he groans in pain and I quickly move towards him as he leans back.

"Careful," I say as I sit on the bed beside him.

"I'm okay, really," he says with a smile.

"Okay," I say quietly. "Just don't be an idiot next time okay?"

"I'll try," he says with a chuckle.

I smile at him and carefully lean forward and kiss his forehead. A loud slam startles me and I quickly look to see Roy walking out of the room, his chair knocked over behind him.

"I should probably go see what's up," I say to Barry as I stand up.

"I think we both know what's up," Barry says softly and I look away.

"Maybe," I mumble before I quickly rush after Roy.

"Roy!" I call to him as I reach him just as he walks into the elevator.

He rolls his eyes at me as the doors begin to close. I quickly reach my hand in to stop them.

"What's wrong?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes again.

"Just go away Carson," he says as the elevator doors begin to close again.

I reach my hand to stop them again.

"Roy! Come on, what's wrong?" I ask him and he sighs.

"You should've just stayed away from me Becca, instead of playing with me," he snaps angrily.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him as I stop the elevator doors from closing again.

"You could've at least said you had a boyfriend," he says as he reaches over and presses the close doors button.

I stop the doors again.

"Boyfriend?" I question him.

"Come on Becca," he says and sighs when I stare at him blankly. "Barry," he snaps.

"Barry is not my boyfriend!" I exclaim as I stop the doors again.

"Really? Cause it sure looks like he is," Roy snaps pressing the close door button over and over.

"Roy, please!" I say.

"How about you do us both a favor and just stay away from me?" he snaps harshly.

This time I don't stop the doors and they close, Roy disappearing from sight.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! So, I'm not sure if you guys remember but I said in the beginning that I was going to use the original Flash/Arrow crossover and not the Vandall Savage one because I liked the original better, plus I think it's better to have fewer characters so that I can really focus in on Roy, Barry, and Becca. Anyways, I know this isn't how te crossover originally happened and that Barry didn't get hurt and Oliver swooped in and everything but I'm changing it (obviously) to better fit the Becca/Roy/Barry storyline. 

Anyways, I hope you guys liked it! THANKS YOU SO MUCH FOR NEARLY 5K READS!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! :)

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