A Face in the Crowd

By janesbiotch

12K 463 97

There's been a horrible accident that will change the way Jane looks at things forever. Can Lisbon see him... More

A Face in the Crowd
Chapter 2 Pain and Confusion.
Proso What?
A Whole New World
The Secret's Out
Coming Undone
Turning The Tables
The Plot Thickens
The Walls are Closing In
Getting Closer
Please Don't Leave Me
Get Ready For a Showdown
Completing the Puzzle
Shoot the Bitch!
Finale Part One
Finale Part Two
Finale Part Three


879 35 7
By janesbiotch

No matter how he tried he couldn't calm himself. Everything seemed like it should but it wasn't. Three people stood before him claiming to be whom they surely weren't. He didn't know what kind of joke was being played but this was not the time.

"Who are you?" he asked again, trying and failing to keep the panic from his voice.

"Patrick it's me Kristina, don't you remember what happened?" she asked touching his shoulder.

She tried to hide the look of hurt on her face when he pulled away, but she failed. What was wrong with him? Did he have amnesia?

"Jane, do you remember me?" Van Pelt asked.

Jane looked at the woman who asked it, and he just couldn't place her face. She had red hair, and she dressed a lot like Grace, but that's where the similarities ended. Her nose was all wrong, and there was something wrong with her eyes. They were too close together.

"You are not Grace, I worked with her for over five years, and did you think I wouldn't know what she looked like? Where's Lisbon? Where's Lisbon?


Teresa was startled awake. It took her few moments to realize where she was. She was in the hospital, and there had been a bomb at the precinct. She sat up and took a few deep breaths to center herself. That doctor had said that he was going to go and find out what he could about Jane but he never came back. Screw that, it was time she found out what was going on herself. She pulled back the covers and got up from the bed.


He knew he must look like a lunatic. He was positive of that, but he had to get out of there. Everyone was trying to make him believe things that weren't true, it was just like when he had been locked up before. Had he been locked up again? He'd been good, and he hadn't tried to hurt himself again. Had he? Everything was so jumbled, but he remembered being knocked down, and Lisbon was there. Lisbon, was there and she was covered in blood. Something had happened to her face. Had he hurt her? Had Red John hurt her?

"Mr. Jane, why don't you calm down? We assure you no one here is trying to hurt you?" an orderly told him as he tried to close in on the distraught man.

They thought he was stupid. He wasn't stupid, he knew they were trying to box him in, but they wouldn't he wouldn't let them get away with it. He had taken a scalpel when no one was looking. It was just on a tray he had passed. He was just going to find Lisbon and then he could rest. His head was killing him, but he had to find her. She would make it better.

"What did you do with Lisbon? I don't belong here, I'm not crazy?" he told them waving around the scalpel.

"We know that. There was an accident, come on Jane let's get you back in bed." Grace told him from the right.

"Don't try to placate me like you know me. Just because you have on her perfume, and you're wearing her clothes do not make you Grace. I know Grace, and you're not her!" he shouted as he backed up against a door.

He took one more calming breath and back into the room slamming the door in the faces of his assailants.

He didn't know what was going on but he knew that he had to find Lisbon and she would know what to do. He just had to get his shit together, because even he knew he was acting a little insane. He flicked on light switch where he was and that's when he noticed he was in a bathroom.

Now entering a bathroom to get your bearing is when things are supposed to calm down. You're supposed to be able to splash some water on your face and get centered. The thing was there was something wrong with the mirror. Patrick Jane stared at the face in the mirror but it wasn't his reflection staring back at him.

He blinked rapidly, and he ran his hand over his face more times than he could count, and no matter what he did the face that looked back at him wasn't his. He started doing things, so that the face would mimic him like reflections did, and it did, but it wasn't his face.

The reflection was blonde, and had curly hair, it even seemed to have his weird blue green smoky eyes that he always that was rare to him but it wasn't his face. His nose was different, and his ears were small. This was not happening. He wasn't losing his mind. More importantly he couldn't stay in the bathroom.


She had to find him. That was the plan. She was just going to find Van Pelt or Rigsby and they would point her in the right direction. That was her plan, but apparently something was going on in the hospital. People were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and she even saw a couple of security guards. She decided right then that this had to be the direction that Jane was in.

"Boss thank god you're here. There's something wrong with Jane. He doesn't believe we're who we say we are." Rigsby told her once she rounded the corner.

Before she could even reply to that a door flies out and Jane practically falls out.

"Jane?" she asks as she does her best to help him stand.

"Oh Lisbon, I found you. Thank God, you have to help me." He stated franticly.

"What's going on Jane? What are you even doing out of bed?" she asked clearly concerned.

"They don't have the right faces." Then his body went completely limp in her arms.

A/N: Have you figured it out yet?

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