Party, Party

By AriettieSilver

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Deam Caelis is a name that circulates around a lot these days. An infamous lunatic. A lady of the court. The... More

Chapter 1: Let's Party!
Chapter 2: Double Trouble
Chapter 3: Nox Mafia
Chapter 4: Revenge
Chapter 5: Kidnapper
Chapter 6: Bang Bang
Chapter 7: Lookin' For You
Chapter 8: Cornered
Chapter 9: Double Trouble Strikes Again
Chapter 10: Bitches Bite
Chapter 11: Those Fucking Windows
Chapter 12: Ace of Spades
Chapter 13: And What About Me?
Chapter 14: Hook, Line, and Sinker
Chapter 15: Boyfriend Play
Chapter 16: Your Song, I Want To Hear It
Chapter 17: Monster, Boss, Atlas
Chapter 19: Imperial Officer
Chapter 20: Deam Caelis
Chapter 21: Meltdown
Chapter 22: Jealous
Chapter 23: KNIGHT
Chapter 24: My Darling Bastard
Chapter 26: Dance With Me
Chapter 27: Departure
Chapter 28: Searching For 1010
Chapter 29: Finding 1010
Chapter 30: Deam in Wonderland
Chapter 31: By Your Side
Chapter 32: Return
Chapter 33: God Only Knows
Chapter 34: Peppermint
Chapter 35: Mercy
Party, Party Special!: Christmas AU
Chapter 36: My Flower
Chapter 37: 10 Billion
Chapter 38: Partners in Crime
Chapter 39: Call Me Never
Chapter 40: Sunlight Siblings
Chapter 41: Mother Dear
Chapter 42: I'm Not Him
Chapter 43: Ace of Clover
Chapter 44: Runner
Chapter 45: Spades and Clover
Chapter 46: Little Star
Chapter 47: Fishy
Chapter 48: Father
Chapter 49: The Love We Wanted
Chapter 50: The Love We Got
Chapter 51: The Boss and His Lady
Chapter 52: A Mother's Wrath

Chapter 25: Time Goes By

1.2K 68 71
By AriettieSilver

Rough month, thank you for being patient <3

"What the fuck..." I hear Atlas mutter under his breath. As Instructor Murio topples to the ground lifeless, I'm equally as shocked. If you count shocked as being a mixed amount of confusion and utter satisfaction.

Atlas and I both look to the Imperial Officer, who's neatly folding his white gloves, stuffing them into his pocket. He reaches out to shake Atlas's metallic hand, wing... thing.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Solani." Stepping over Murio's body like he's nothing but a garbage bag, Atlas awkwardly returns the gesture. "Well your certainly... impressive."

"For fucks sake." I cut in rudely, clutching Kaiden to my chest tightly. "Cut the job interview act you sick bastard! You just-!"

"Wow, you really are fast, hitting the nail on the head like that." He winks at me before returning his dandy attention to Atlas.

This guy is a headache that's for sure, but I'm sure I'm going to have migraine problems after what he says next.

"I'd like to be initiated into Nox Mafia."


"Um, can I just say, I fucking reject!?" Ran yells loudly, his voice resonating through Atlas's office.

I fold my legs on the bean bag, because for once, the twins aren't wrapped around my body, you'd find Aiden right up at Atlas's desk and Kaiden in a critical condition in the infirmary."

"We can't trust him boss!! He's an Imperial Officer...!" Aiden grits his teeth, knuckles white, the almost loss of his brother hitting his senses hard.

Sighing, I tilt my head backwards, but keep my eyes on the snake like figure that stands next to Atlas with a smirk on his face.

That smirk makes me just wanna cut his face up...

"I assure you I'm not here to spy. If I was, do you think Mr. Solani would bring me here?" The Officer tilts his head upwards and grins. "Or does that just represent how much faith you lack in your own Boss?"

The room goes quiet, cold. The boys are stagnant in their movements, either too shocked or angry to move.

"Alright, smart ass. That's enough." Standing up while pushing up from my left leg, avoiding putting pressure on my right, I straighten my back confidently albeit a bit wonky. "Your just looking for a fight, your no better than the extermination group or any other lowlife Imperial Officer."

"Isn't your pal over there an Imperial Officer, too?"

"He isn't an Imperial Officer," As Spades's head lowers, I project voice. "He's a Nox."

"Enough." Atlas slams his palms against the desk, causing all of us to jump. "Your all acting like children."

"You'd know what that's like." Gritting my teeth, I bring myself to face Atlas. "What kind of grown man lets a servant of the man who just shot his friend half to death into his own home!? Our home?! Your risking the lives of everybody here."

Looking as if he's taking it into consideration, I'm taken by surprise when Kei is at my throat, teeth bared and pocket knife unsheathed. Keeping my balance, I tumble, trying to keep pressure off my right leg. Unable to keep upright, I grab onto collar of Kei's waist coat for support. I can basically feel Atlas squinting hatefully at me. Reluctantly letting go, I step back and put pressure on my right leg, pain shooting up my ankle which travels like lightning up my calf.

Flopping back onto the bean bag, I feign submission.

"Whatever. Risk us all, kill us all. I just want a notch in your neck when that day comes." Staring at the ceiling while leaning back into the comfort of the velvet red, the arguing goes on as Kei returns to Atlas's side. As something warm touches my stomach, I tear my eyes away from the entertainment which is a black wall and stare into a pair of frightened eyes.

"They did something really bad to Kaiden."

"They did, but don't worry." I ruffle Aiden's hair reassuringly. "That man's dead and gone. I know you would've liked to do it yourself but-"

"No! I don't, don't say that." He wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes tight. "If it wasn't for the Imperial Officer, Kaiden would've died before he could've gotten help... You could've died."

Kaiden getting hurt took more of an emotional toll on Aiden than I originally thought it would. If their not killing mass numbers of people, their at each other's necks half the time. When Aiden saw his twin in the infirmary, he didn't throw a rampage, he didn't go off pillaging to let off steam, he just.... stood there. Still. Like he might as well have been dead himself.

"I'm with Deam on this!" Ran tsks. "You're risking too much, boss."

"I will stand beside you in whatever decision you make, Atlas." Kei folds his arms, swiping his pony tail over his right shoulder.

"I... Trust you as well, Atlas. After all you've done, how can I not." Spades agrees.

Aiden gets off me and stands unsure. "If he pulls any shit, Kaiden and I get first dibs on interrogation."

At least that makes him happy.


I raise my head when Atlas calls my name.

"Do you agree to let him into our inner circle? You know it'll be advantageous if we have an ex-Imperial Officer that can report right to us."

"If he's an ex-Imperial Officer." Sneering, I glare at Atlas. "People from the Imperial Inner are not to be trusted."

"Are you saying you don't trust Spades?"

Biting my tongue, I clench my fists so tight, blood drips through my fingers. Of course I trust Spades, how fucking dare he even use that against me?!

"You know what I mean. I know you what information about the Imperial Inner and Court and whatever fucking else, but you have to think about it on a larger scale! And that's coming from me!!" I yell, the stress laced in my voice imminent. "You are risking not only the data of your whole mafia, but every single person in it, and that's a lot of people. People with families themselves. Half the people your sheltering within the walls of this compound are eligible for execution!"

"You think I haven't taken that into consideration?" He half yells, half spits as he stands from his chair, irritated.

"If you had, he'd be dead by now." I wave my arm at the Imperial Officer.

"Do you not trust me?"

"At this moment, I'm considering the answer you wouldn't like."

I chew my lip. If we were betrayed, how bad would my punishment be? I've got felonies stacked by the dozen, I more than doubt the Imperial Court would let me off with something as painless as immediate execution.

When I think of what the Imperial Officers did to Karin...

I sniff.

What they did to her body... I'm glad I killed them off one by one. In front of each other.

If I get caught, the horrid things that happened to Karin and the other Flower Class girls will undoubtedly happen to me.

Don't worry mum, I'm keeping my promise. Only till I find the right guy, right? I'm not letting some Imperial fucks force me, even if I have to kill myself before they...

Holding my hand over my heart, I shake my head. "I'm not risking it. If you initiate him, I'm leaving Nox." 

There's silence in the room. Nobodies able to respond, most of them looking upon Atlas for a calm response.

After seconds of consideration, Atlas lets out a heavy sigh. "We need him, Deam. It could speed up the Outer Town rebel case as well as help with boost security around the Imperial Court. He'll be initiated this evening-"

"That's all I needed to hear." Whipping around, my heels clack as I storm off toward the exit.

"Kaiden isn't even out of the infirmary." He calls out. "Your going to leave him behind like that? Leave all of us behind?"

Leave you behind? A small, annoying voice calls out in the back of my head.

As I'm about to turn back around to walk back, images of Karin, lying on top of numerous other girls covered in blood, flash through my mind. Their garments torn and legs distorted, jaws broken and hanging wide either drooling or bleeding.

A disgusting shiver runs through my spine. Saving Karin from the after math of a gang rape would be the only thing that could send me to heaven or wherever we go after we escape this miserable reality.

I will not end up like them I will not end up like them I will not end up like them-

"You made your choice, therefore I made mine. That's all this is." I turn my head in the slightest way possible, grimacing. "And you chose him."


"The stars are sorta pretty..." With one hand outstretched to the sky, I sneer. "Makes me wanna snatch them outta the sky and behead them." Slamming my fist again the cement of the building I'm laying on, I grunt unladylike.

That bastard bastard bastard Atlas!!

Even though it'd been two days, I still hadn't cooled off.

You're so stupid, Deam. Did you seriously think he thought you were special? 

Other than the occasional call from Aiden via landline, who'd been nice enough to inform me of Kaiden's wellbeing during his recovery, I hadn't had any contact with any of the the guys. Nox members didn't carry cell phones connected to any of the city's services, and expectantly enough, mine was cut off from the connection.

Even though I knew a party would cheer me up, I couldn't seem motivated to move.

I'll get it over it.

Shutting my eyes, all I can picture is Atlas's piercing green eyes looking into mine. How he looked at me when he kissed me, how he looked at me when he chose the Officer.

If I had stayed...


If we were caught, I'd end up just like Karin, but who'd save me?

I close my eyes, already knowing of the answer.

No one. No one would save me.


We often turn a blind eye to those we love in order to gain their favour.

If I become blind, will you love me again?

***Time Skip: 2 Years***

Perhaps not.

You hadn't loved me in the first place.


"Dia! Dia where are you!?"

"Here!!" Managing one box on top of the other, I stumble through the door managing to not let the tower of cardboard topple over. "What do you need all these for, Karin... Why did I have to get them!?"

"Isn't attending to my every beck and call what I pay you for?" She sticks her tongue out at me.

Karin, one of my oldest friend's and also currently the top concubine of one of the Minister's of the Imperial Court, had summoned me to help with unpacking.

"I want this room to be nothing like Frivola...!" She clasps my hands in hers, excited as well as nervous. "I'm finally gonna take your advice and move on... There's no point dwelling on Lee anymore..."

"It's been 2 years, hasn't it?" I sigh.

Karin smiles at me gently. "You've grown up so much, I'm almost proud to call you my friend." When I swat at her she skilfully ducks away. "Well, just saying, the number one thing I'm most happy about is how you don't pull your sword out on anyone who pisses you off anymore. Used to be a down right nuisance."

"You are a down right nuisance, Karin." I tsk as I open the cardboard flaps to a box.

"What~ever, Deam."



"You said that name."

"Oh? Did I?" She question sarcastically, but is quick to become gentle. "You can't keep running away from your past forever."

"I'm not running away," I say, opening another box. "I'm just avoiding it."

"Don't you miss it? Being able to-"

"Look, refraining from killing openly is the only way to keep me off the Imperial Court's radar." Placing one hand on my hip, I flick my hair to the side. "As far as they know, Deam Caelis is MIA, presumably dead from some freak heist gone wrong or something."

"Don't you want to be found by them?"

"You think I want Imperial Officers to find me?"

"You know who I'm talking about."

My breath hitches, before I return back to opening the cubes of cardboard. "I don't know whomever your talking about."


Weeks pass by peacefully at the Minister's mansion. I normally stay within the walls of Karin's enormous room, reading all the books I missed out on during my teenage years. Although, when I run across pages filled with morbid contexts, I quickly flip away before....

"A head shot...? How boring~~ Shoulda shot hm in the leg first and let him try crawl away..." I snicker to myself, unable to tear myself away from the action. Straightening my blazer and garter belt, I sit up on my bean bag, bringing my knees to my chest.

How mediocre my life's become...

When Karin's away visiting the Minister's room, I'm often left by myself within my thoughts.

The twins are 20 now... Do they still look as tiny and cute as they were before? Spades's 23rd birthday would've been a week or two ago...

Resting my forehead on my knees, my nose twitches oddly.

Atlas would be 24... he'd be thinking about marriage in a year or two, huh.

Gritting my teeth, I force myself to stand and make my way down towards the pantry for some midnight tea. Listening the solemn sound of my heels clacking against the dark oaken floor, my sense prickle as my eyes dart around for the occasional servant that scurries down the hall.

I never see one.

Opening the door to the silver and clean pantry, I switch on the lights and keep my eyes out for the chef, who I can't locate either.

She's normally here after closing hours....

Ignoring my gut feeling, I boil some water and brew tea like I practiced with Karin, who had given me a crash course on lady like behaviours.

Taking the tea bag out, I'm about to take a sip, but pause when I see a ripple in the dark orange beverage.


I whip around and smash the cup into the side of my attackers head and he lets out an ugly scream. As quick as lightening, I reach for the kettle and bash it into his cranium for good measure. He falls to the floor, but his arm still moves towards his gun.

"Don't think about it, I still haven't used the milk jug."

I glare at the man, who's hand backs away slowly from his holster.

"Who ya' working for?"


"Thought you wouldn't say."

Unmercifully, I grab the milk jug and peg it at his face. It crashes hard, the glass cracking and flying all over the floor. Milk rushes out over his face like a water fall, the creamy white spreading over the tiled floor like a thick paint.

"Stupid fuckin' minions. Think I need them to get the answers I want." Rolling my eyes, I hop over his limp body to remove his gun from his holster. "God... it's like their guns compensate for the size of their-"

A bang from the dining hall ceases my unpleasantries, and I'm quick to make my wake the entry doors that connect the pantry to the hall. Looking through the windows on the door, I see, presumably the hostages, kneeling in front of a couple guys dressed in black who are holding guns.

I've never been one to be strategic.

Bursting through the doors, I bring my gun up to arms. "Now who the fuck-?!"

A bullet whizzes past my face, cutting through the skin on my left cheek. Quick to get outta dodge, I commando roll to my left and duck behind an overturned table.

"You missed brother!" "You didn't even get close brother!"

Clutching the wound at my cheek, I swallow regretfully.

It just had to be them...! Alright, c'mon, your mature now. Sort them out like an adult would.

"Come out come out," "Wherever you are!"

"Drop your guns first." I hiss, eager to get back to my midnight tea time.

"Who're you to," "give us orders!?"

"I said drop your guns, kids. The authorities will be here any minute," Bullshit. "So you might as well turn yourselves in."

"Oh god. I hate hostages like these." "Four eyes just needs a bit more time brother, hold on." One of them let's out a tremendous cough which sounds anything but healthy.

I let my concern get the better of me.

"Are you alright!?"

"Why would you care?"

Swallowing, I clench my fists tightly. "I'm... a nurse. It's natural."

"Then why don't you come here and take a look at my brother then?"

What is Aiden playing at..?

"If I do, will you not shoot me?"

"Cross my heart."

As I'm about to stand to walk out, there's a sudden pain in my abdomen. I turn around, my eyes meeting a pair of purely sinister ones.

"It's a good thing my brother and I sound similar right?"

Kaiden withdraws the knife from my skin and I topple to the ground, gripping my side. Crimson oozes and stains my white blouse, trickling onto the floor like red rain.

Looking the younger twin in the eyes, I get a good look at him. Kaiden's hair is cut and styled contrasting his old, shaggy hair, which is complimented by three piercings that run up his left ear and five up his right. His muscles are way more clearly toned through the tight black shirt he's sporting, his jaw more defined as well. The short sleeved T-Shirt he's wearing not only shows off his intense muscle, but also his Nox mafia tattoo which proudly marks his left shoulder.

What strikes me though, is the scarring I can clearly see that runs down the right of his neck and then under his shirt.

"Before you sorta die, anything you wanna say yadda yadda?" Loading his gun full of gold bullets with a click, he crouches in front of me and smiles.

"It's weird, your weird. I think I deserve to die."

"We all deserve to die, honey. No doubt about that." He shrugs.

I lift my arm slowly, and rest my palm on his right shoulder. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. And I'm sorry you had to suffer in that infirmary bed because of me."

Sighing, I clutch my heart with my right hand, shutting my eyes.

"I'd rather not live further knowing you have to live with this forever. So, if you forgive me, just kill me now, Kaiden."

After a long silence filled with deafening consideration, there's a warm breath over my forehead. Then, the younger twin brings his lips to my ear.

"I'm not gonna forgive you, Deam."



Art for Time Skip Deam from @/reivsx (Pinterest)

Author's note:

When reviewing the chapter -



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