Water and Air: A Waterfire Sa...

By LunaStar48

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What if Serafina and Desiderio had a younger sister? What if she was a human in her past life who remembered... More

Reborn in the Deep Blue
Plans swimming in Motion
Plans Heading for a Whirlpool
A Current of Destiny
Fighting the Whirlpool's Strength
Threats Riding the Waves
Tides that Rip Us Apart And Push Us Together
Something More Dangerous than a Hurricane

A Riptide of Danger

261 4 0
By LunaStar48

The POVs may change from now on, as I want to get a sense of the world apart from where Serena is. When it isn't her POV, everything will be in bold. When I'm putting author's notes it will be in bold and italics. Serena's POV will be normal.

In London, England...

"Lost again," Twysden Beckwith, also known as Beck looked somewhat amused.

Robert sighed and pulled himself up.

"You've been distracted, lately, Rob." He said. The two friends had been fencing.

Robert sighed again. "It's that girl, the one I met in that gala," he cast his eyes heavenwards, not caring if a seemingly very stupid grin graced his face. "I haven't been able to keep my mind off of her, for the past week since I've met her!" He had a very stupid, longing, desperate, and hopelessly, deeply in love look on his face, he knew.

"Well, considering that you've never really lost to me, as much as I hate to admit it, until you've met that girl, should I be concerned?" He asked teasingly, "Aww, is ickle, itty- bitty Robert, Prince Charming, stealer of a thousand hearts in love?" He taunted him.

Robert rolled his eyes. He found that he couldn't care less that Beck was teasing him. He was too obsessed with Serena, that girl he met on the beach- to even get irritated at Beck's attempts to rile him up.

"Shut up, you old geezer," he muttered. "If you've ever been in love, you'd know."

"Does it make me as crazy as this?" Beck asked incredulously. "You not only lost to me repeatedly since we began, you've been caught daydreaming-" he snorted "Several times this past week, you barely look at all there, you're desperate to get away from your royal engagements and you barely tolerate them, and even your parents know that something's up." Robert sighed. "Come on, Rob. Admit it. You fancy the girl. Wait, no, I take it back. You're madly in love with her." Beck smirked, knowingly.

Robert turned his eyes away.

"I mean you've only met her once last week," Beck continued. "And you don't even know where she lives, who she is and whether you'll see her again." He looked at Robert in disbelief. "Should I be concerned?"

Robert sighed. "As a matter of fact, I do know who she is. Her name is Serena, she's an Ocean and Sea Activist, and the daughter of an Italian duke from Venice, as for her whereabouts, I don't have the faintest idea," he admitted, grudgingly, throwing his rapier down. "Or whether I'll see her again. Or when." He said suddenly sullen.

Beck looked pityingly.

Robert shook his head. "What can I say, I can't stop thinking about her."

"Thinking about who?" A teasing voice sounded from behind them.

It was his younger brother, golden-haired Prince Liam with the mischievous smile and dimpled grin. Robert rolled his eyes. "No one you should be concerned about."

"Nope, no, come on, tell me." Liam's grin shone brightly. "I won't laugh."

Robert snorted. "Yeah and Cyrus isn't into ties with patterns on them."

Liam looked more amused. He turned to Beck. "What's he on about? This past week he hasn't been concentrating or focusing on anything. I've managed to beat him in darts and pool and he's never been beaten once. Same with boxing."

"Same," Beck drawled. "Well it seems that finally, Prince Robbie here has fallen in love."

"No way!" Liam turned to Robert in amazement. He laughed out loud. "No way, you've fallen for someone!" Robert rolled his eyes. "You've got a crush? On a girl?"

"No, on Len's new Vespa," Robert drawled. "Of course on a girl."

"Well... Who is she?" Liam blurted. "When can we meet her? Come on, Rob, who is she?"

Robert's shoulder slumped. "I've tried finding out more about her, like where she works, but apparently, all I've learned is her first name, she's an Italian duke's daughter and she moves a lot around the world for her work. The ocean activists I've met were extremely secretive about her."

Beck gave Liam a long look. "It appears our dear Prince Charming's not the only guy who's tried to find out more about her.

Robert grunted in reply. They were surprisingly silent on the matter, even though he was a royal.

"Have you told Dad?" Liam asked, for once surprisingly helpful.

Robert sighed again, unable to get the longing, helpless, hopeless thoughts from his mind.

We'd been travelling for days now, and honestly, I had never been so happy to cross into Atlantican territory.

The city of Aegae, was massive, even more so than Cerulea, due to its vast ocean population.

The city was built on the floor of the Atlantic ocean in its very heart, with the Golden Palace in the centre.

The Golden Palace was exactly as seen on the Little Mermaid, built out of pure gold it seemed, with its graceful spires and towers, ballrooms, halls and chambers, but apart from the palace itself, nothing was like what was seen in Disney's a Little Mermaid. For starters, the Atlanticans did not go around naked or wearing only shell bikinis, anymore than other merfolk did. And it was a massive, cosmopolitan, underwater metropolis, divided into several sections. The palace was at its very heart, the outer ring of the city was where some of the busiest markets, farms and so forth were. There were farms outside it, harvesting kelp, various underwater plants and seaweed, sea prunes, water apples, sand melons, coral berries and more. Other farms bred scallops, the delicious Atlantican clams, lobster, crab, marine mammals like domesticated dolphins, rays, some species of sharks, walruses and seals, for meat or dairy products. Anchovy, various worms, squid, crabs, krill and shrimp were watched over by shepherds, but inside it was more cosmopolitan than anything.

The outer ring was the largest, filled with shops, taverns, department stores, markets, tailors and seamstress shops, mechanics, salvagers displaying ship-wrecked items, inns, motels, restaurants, cafés and more. The whole city was alive and I felt ecstatic just being near it.

"Thank Neria," I heard Tavia mutter. "We've been travelling for days."

Sera and I both agreed, but not out loud. Princesses were never supposed to complain.

Travelling was now especially difficult because we needed to take extra precautions what with Rafe Mfeme, increased human military activity on the seas, and more. It was a real pain, and although the wide majority of earth's oceans and seas, and even freshwaters had yet to be discovered by humans, we couldn't take the risk, and they were learning more and more everyday. Plus, there were deep-sea predators and we were quite a large entourage we could barely move quickly enough.

As a result it took nearly weeks for us to travel from Cerulea to Aeagae in the Atlantic Ocean, and we weren't very happy about it. Sera remarked on the fact that nobody tried to attack and rob us, but I wasn't surprised. The Praedatori would never harm innocents, including Isabella and her family and entourage.

It was going to be months until the tadfoal hatched, and I couldn't be so cruel as to separate Maree from her incubating baby, so I stayed in the large carriage, apart from the times I rode a borrowed hippokamp.

As we rode to the city, the Acqua Guerrieri and the Janiçari proudly displayed their arms and banners of Regina Isabella di Merrovingia de Miromara and her family and the Miromaran Coral Branch snapped in the ocean currents. Mother was up ahead and I missed her, longed to talk to her, but took comfort in Sera's presence instead.

"We'll be at the palace soon," I stated. The Atlanticans were once ruled by a proud and legendary dynasty, but now they mostly played only ceremonial roles, kind of like the Canta Magus or Neria's High Priestess. They didn't have any actual power. The real head of state was the president. Still, I saw the trident symbol proudly displayed on the palace's coat of arms.

The whole place was dazzling. I looked back on my last life and wondered what if Little Precious ever saw this for real...

But I bit my lip. It had been ages since I last thought about that. The truth was sometimes, I almost forgot I was once human and had been reincarnated- well, mostly I almost forgot, other times, I completely didn't think about it even to the point of forgetting.

Suddenly uncomfortable with this line of thought, we descended onto the palace courtyard.

The butler that showed us to our rooms was pleasant, but a little annoying. Thankfully we were given royal suites and even our entourage were comfortably housed.

"The entourage of the Elder of Qin has yet to arrive," my mother's chief aide warned her. "The Emperor Bilaal is currently resting and Admiral Kolfinn is close to arrival. The Queen of the Freshwaters is currently undergoing some trouble but should make it soon to Atlantican territory."

Isabella nodded simply. I pretended to listen but in truth, I was thinking about, that's right, the heartbreaking terragogg whom I couldn't stop thinking about. My heartbeats quickened to a running pace, and my whole body felt warm, like hot, melted liquid, like honey, oozing all over my form. I was falling in love, though I was smart enough to realise the danger of this.

I forced a smile. "May we have time to refresh ourselves before we meet any of them?"

"The formal meetings begin in the evenings, and are adjourned until the next day," Isabella informed us both. She looked at the two of us, eyes softening. "Go, get some rest, merls." We nodded in thanks. Both Sera and I headed off to our own individual suites.

"What do you think?" I asked, wearily. "Atlantica? Really impressive, isn't it?" Stop thinking and longing like some desperate love-sick creature, Serena!

Sera nodded. "It really is." She blinked. "I could use a nice scrub though. And some Sargasso tea."

"And some candied barnacles or fresh limpets. Those famous Atlantican clams can come later though, for the dinner." I stated, thoughtfully. "I think they've got tea waiting for us in our quarters."

Sera nodded. "See you, Rena. Love you."

"Love you too, sweet sister." I stated, heading off to my own rooms.

The suite was massive, the Atlanticans must really want to impress us, I thought only partially amused. The insides were panelled in abalone and coral and inlaid with sea glass and pearl. Glowing lava lanterns and lamps were perched on top of posts, on tables under lampshades or on wall sconces, but there was a chandelier in the sitting room, with its floor carpeted with soft pink and magenta tube worms, luxurious clam shell armchairs, fluffy sea silk cushions and soft anemone-filled sofas. The tables and chairs were Miromaran-made, I thought, carved, gilded and possibly imported from Cerulea. Wood was expensive, as few plants underwater were sufficient enough, and one had to risk predators, crumbling ship structures, treacherous shipwreck ghosts or goggs up above to comb for driftwood or to salvage wood from old shipwrecks. But these were very fine, of high quality with a varnish over it to prevent it from rotting and tarnishing in the water, elegantly carved. A bowl of refreshments had been placed on the coffee table: sweet or salted barnacles, limpets, snails and sea cucumbers with a steaming pot of- yes, Sargasso tea! I was beyond relieved. Sinking onto the nearest sofa, I immediately poured myself a cup of tea and sampled some limpets and sea cucumbers. I nearly moaned in relief at it all.

I was eating blissfully when the door knocked. "Yes?"

"It's me, your highness," Adrianna, my mother's aide's voice stated.

I swallowed my mouthful of snail and poured myself another cup. "Come in."

Adrianna's unsmiling face appeared through the doorway and she swum in. "Your highness, the whole entourage has been seen to and is suitably refreshed. The regina wishes to know when you will be ready to meet them."

"And where will we be meeting them?" I gestured to the food and drink, offering her. She shook her head.

"No thank you, your highness." She pursed her lips. "In the palace's formal reception room before dinner, your highness."

"Well, I'm afraid I hardly know the way, Adrianna." I said dryly. "That is why we will be here, and your uncle, the High Commander has made it clear that you are to be with your bodyguards at all times."

I narrowed my eyes. I still didn't trust Vallerio, even now. Adrianna mistook my look for disapproval. "Your highness," she began. "We are about to enter the realm of inter-realm politics, and I am sure that there are many people who will disagree- no matter how well-reasoned- with your mother the regina's opinions and choices and will thus seek to hurt her through you." She took a deep breath willing to go on another lecture, but I held up my hand.

"I understand, Adrianna." I said before she could say anymore. "But I will not have you or anyone lecture me while we are here. We don't want to seem ignorant in front our esteemed hosts and fellow members of the Council of the Six Waters, do we?" I raised a delicate eyebrow.

"Of course not, your highness." Adrianna bowed. My lips twitched in distaste.

"Thank you, Adrianna. Please tell my mother I shall be along shortly." I stood. She left the room.

As soon as she was gone I scoffed. "Idiot." I muttered. I hated being demeaned like that. I went to the en-suite grotto, and looked at myself in the mirror. The grotto was large, a limestone toilet in one corner, a large mirror in the other and shelves of glass jars and vials filled with clean scrubbing sand of all kinds, a dressing gown on a hook on the door, and a cloth to wipe away the excess sand. I went to the mirror. I saw a girl who looked very beautiful but her eyes were hard and pained. Robert, I thought. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I couldn't love him. Yet, I couldn't stop this. I couldn't stop thinking about him, even though I knew the danger, and I knew I should. And I also knew what my mother would feel about this.

Scowling, I stripped naked and stepped into the air shower. This was very highly advanced, expensive but efficient. It used strong, powerful and fast vibrations of air to vibrate the grime and silt off a person's body, skin, scales and hair after scrubbing with sand. Grabbing the glass vials of black, pink and white sand, I used a combination to scrub myself from head to fins, almost viciously until it nearly turned raw.

My thoughts turned towards my reflection. Though I was grateful for looking so beautiful, it disturbed me that I no longer remembered what I looked like before I was reborn into this life. And looking down at my shimmering, silver tail, I was reminded how different these worlds were, how very, utterly different we were and how impossible a union between us would be.

I scrubbed harder until my whole body tingled, feeling angry. My skin was pink and my scales prickled as I turned on the shower, feeling the air vibrations roll off of me. I stepped out, grabbed a cloth, flicked grains of sand away and put on the dressing gown.

I was upset. I tried to calm myself down. I was not the same person I had been, now everything had changed. I had also better stop thinking about that boy, unless I wanted serious trouble, and danger to come upon the whole underwater realm. Grounding my teeth together, I made my way to my wardrobe where staff had thoughtfully put things away. I bit my lip hard, almost drawing blood as I thought about him. It wasn't fair. I didn't choose this, I never chose any of it.

But I should be grateful for the blessings I had. But what blessings? I knew what was going to happen to our world. Orfeo, Vallerio, Portia... I chose a regal silvery-ivory gown made of sea silk, sleeveless and embroidered with pearls at the shoulders and skirt. Mother-of-pearl also decorated the skirt, but subtly. Pearl-drop earrings in crystal settings graced my ears before I swept my hair up in an elegant updo, with silver and diamond pins and a diamond-heart bracelet.

What would he think if he saw me? I thought. Heck, he would freak out if he ever saw I had a tail. I hurried out of the room.

I was angry at myself for getting to this situation. How could I not stop thinking about him? How was it that I was drawn to him like a magnet? Why did my heart beat faster and I became so breathless, so warm when I thought about him? I shouldn't care about him at all!

I swum through the network of elaborate corridors, until I reached a vast reception hall. Gigantic gilded ornaments and urns filled with underwater plants, beautiful and glowing, coral and more stood on display, feathery tube worms in golden, oranges and beige arranged in certain patterns which resembled carpets and rugs in the world above, statues of the ancient dynasty including its legendary founder Poseidon, immortalised as a god in Greek myth and legend, his wife Amphitrite and heir Triton along with his daughters. Poseidon- an ancestor of ours whose line intermarried with the Merrovingia dynasty- the trident was gold and massive, its symbol still proud and strong in its coat of arms. Coral walls were panelled with costly mirror glass and mother-of-pearl and emerald in various patterns. It was vast. I raised my eyebrows, impressed. The furniture was marble and granite, or expensive, gilded wood.

"It seems like the Atlanticans really want to impress," I mused.

"Indeed," Mehterbaşi, head of the Janiçari spoke. I smiled. "Well, I suppose when people get together, they can't help showing off. Besides they need to assert their political power and their ability to be gracious hosts. I suppose we'd do the same. But the expense even for us..." I trailed off, gazing at the massive lava chandeliers up above.

"So, dear Captain Mehterbaşi, what do you think?" I asked him. "About what, principessa?" He asked. "About the politics up ahead. Do you think we'll get anywhere, or will petty disagreements get in the way?"

"I really can't say, principessa," Mehterbaşi said carefully. "Come now, captain, you can be honest with me," I urged.

Mehterbaşi still looked uneasy. "Well, Principessa Serena, I think that minor disputes will be hard to overcome." He looked grim. "There will be quarrelling."

"Of course there will be." I sighed. I looked at Sera. She was floating, listening intently to every word Mum was saying.

She's lecturing and advising Sera again, I thought. Serafina looked composed as usual, but her brow was slightly furrowed.

"I'd better get over there and put her at ease," I muttered, swimming over to them.

As I approached them, Mehterbaşi bowed his head to the regina and the Janiçari guards took their ceremonial places along with the members of the Acqua Guerrieri in position around the regina and her daughters.

"Serena," Mother greeted me with a smile. I smiled back at her, and encouragingly at Sera, but then a contingent of guards appeared alongside the Elder of Qin. He bowed his head towards our direction and made his way surrounded by his guards. Mother bowed her head and Sera and I curtsied when he approached.

"Regina Isabella de Miromara." He greeted warmly but formally. Mother's lips lifted into a smile. "Elder Gang Han Hai. It is a pleasure to see you again."

"Likewise, your majesty." The Elder was a tall man with a long beard and reddish-golden scales covering his incredibly long tail, like that of a dragonfish, bright as coins. His fins were fine, semi-transparent but regal and stiff like those of an actual dragonfish. His reddish-golden robes complimented his beautiful, bright scales, embroidered in gold thread in Qin symbols of good fortune, strength, prosperity and more. His almond eyes were obsidian-coloured, and his skin fair with a touch of golden.

The Elder Gang Han Hai turned his eyes towards Serafina and I as Mother introduced us both. "These are my daughters, the principessas, Serafina and Serena." We curtsied again.

"It is a great honour, your excellency." Serafina said very carefully. "Indeed, we are honoured to make your acquaintance." I stated just as carefully. The Elder smiled. "The honour is all mine to meet both princesses of such a great realm. You do your realm and your dynasty great honour, Principessa Serafina and Principessa Serena."

I smiled. "Thank you, your excellency." Sera stated. Just then more guards appeared. "Have you seen Emperor Bilaal?" Isabella asked.

"Alas, I am afraid I have not," the Elder admitted. "Though I have heard he has arrived with his son, the Crown Prince and his nephew and niece, whereas his wife, brother and sister-in-law remain in Matali City." Sera tried not to look startled or excited at the news that Mahdi and Neela would be there but I knew her well enough and had to contain my own smile.

"I have just had word that the Queen of the Freshwaters is arriving as we speak," the Elder continued. "They must be weary considering the distance," he said. "They have had difficulties on the road, something to do with fishing trawlers."

Isabella looked alarmed. "Trawlers? Belonging to Rafe Mfeme?"

"Oh, so he spreads trouble in Miromara too, your majesty?" The Elder looked grim and unsurprised. "Yes, one of the trawlers belonging to that devious, cruel-hearted terragogg, with nets and hooks nearly ensnared the queen. Thankfully, her majesty and most of her entourage escaped with little damage done to them, although a few have been injured or even killed."

Isabella's face darkened. "He is becoming more and more dangerous a threat as we speak." She said. "With three trawlers, possibly more, it is likely that he has become increasingly wealthy."

The Elder nodded gravely. "Yes." My heart pounded. Orfeo nearly caused open chaos in the underwater world already. He had to be stopped. We had to take action- I had to take action- tonight.

Next to me, Serafina looked troubled. I narrowed my eyes. Orfeo was becoming more and more powerful and nobody knew to what extent already. Only me.

"On the bright side," The Elder continued. "Admiral Kolfinn and his son, Ragnar have both arrived safely. It's a dangerous trip from Arctic waters to Atlantica but they've made it."

Isabella's face betrayed nothing. If she suspected Kolfinn was up to no good, she did not show it. Sera's brow furrowed though, but apart from that she was composed. No surprises that Astrid didn't come.

Kolfinn wouldn't want weakness to be shown, I thought. He would never risk Astrid's safety or allow the stability of Ondalina's society and his son's future position if Astrid's inability to songcast was revealed, especially in front of all the rulers of the other realms.

It would never be easy for her, I thought silently. She had to grow up in a society that valued strength and magic to conceal themselves, keep them safe and so forth, without a singing voice.

Could I help her? Without Kolfinn suspecting?

One thing at a time, Serena. I told myself. Get the Council of Six Waters and the Wave Warriors mobilised against Orfeo first. Then we'll see about Abaddon and Orfeo. As well as any traitors.

We couldn't afford to lose, and I certainly had no time to think about a terragogg who had stolen my heart.

The formal dinner took place in the palace's great hall.

A selection of mouth-watering delicacies and gourmet cuisine from all over the underwater world, were proudly displayed on buffet tables amidst glowing anemones, coral, seaweed fronds and more. I picked some clams to put on my plate, a few snails, a salad of sea cucumbers, water apples, coralberries and walrus cheese, some salted barnacles, limpets and whelks, along with a bit of crayfish and crab. Swimming to the table, I sat with Sera who was talking- with relief- to Neela. Mahdi was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, Neela." I said, swimming and sitting down next to Sera. Neela looked up at beamed- literally. Her skin glowed a blue so bright, it nearly got in my eyes. "Neela," I said, trying not to wince. "Ooh, sorry." She giggled quietly. "It's great to see you, Rena."

"Likewise." I smiled. "How's your brother? Your parents, uncle and aunt?"

"Oh, they're great," Neela waved a hand carelessly. She had a large tray of Matalin pastries (why? she could always get them back home) and local delicacies on her plate. Today she was in a light pink sari, with shell and emerald combs in her hair and matching earrings. "And Mahdi?" I asked, slyly.

Sera flushed. "Rena!" I laughed, and so did Neela, who grinned.

"Mahdi's great." She stated. But then her face fell. "But he and Yaz are out right now."

"I see," I said. I picked up a clam. "So, Sera told me you're studying somewhere?"

I froze. "Oh, yeah. But sorry, I can't tell," I looked sheepishly at her. "Regina's orders."

Neela looked somewhat disappointed and Sera frowned. "I know she has a good reason, but I'd still like to know-"

"After your Dokimí," I told her. Sera frowned. "Right. After I get crowned official heiress to Miromara."

I looked sadly at Sera. "You know I'd tell you in a heartbeat if I could." I said quietly. Sera, seeing how genuine I was, softened. "I know." She said. "And I'll wait, I promise."

"Promise..." I hesitated. I didn't want her to hate me. But as I took a deep breath I was another sight.

A contingent of guards from Ondalina had arrived surrounding a handsome young merman. He was tall, dressed in black sealskin stitched in silver thread and light, but formal ceremonial armour. The merman's blond hair was so fair it was platinum-coloured, and his eyes were a piercing ice blue. He was lean and strong, yet muscular, and you could easily tell that he was a soldier, through and through. His regal bearing and hard posture told me not only of military background, but also showed that he was a member of the ruling class, the military elite at the top of Ondalina's hierarchy. The light tattoos displayed on his arms showed his status and achievements as well, but he was young. Not much older than us, about the same age, if not slightly older than Des.

He had a strong, straight profile and his tail was a strong, black Orca's tail with white markings. Immediately I knew who this was. The books only ever mentioned him, but I knew this was Ragnar Kolfinsson, future admiral of Ondalina and Astrid's brother.

The Council of Six Waters would commence publicly first.

I was seated next to my mother, Serafina was on her other side. Miromaran representatives surrounded us from all over the empire. The Queen of the Freshwaters looked tired, but strong and resolute. I was impressed by her courage.

Ragnar sat next to his father. Admiral Kolfinn was a tall, very well-built merman with strong, muscular forearms, and tattoos showing his rank and achievements decorating some skin there. He had a sinuous, strong, black-and-white orca's tail, with wide tail fins, strong and powerful like his son's though the future admiral's was leaner, obviously younger though no less strong. His son also had a leaner, less bulky build and a less weathered face, but he was no doubtless strong. His features were stern and handsome, I thought. He had a strong, straight profile, slim lips and piercing pale blue eyes. Ragnar's hair was cropped short, chin-length though his father kept his long.

I caught Ragnar's eye as I realised he was looking at me, just as I was looking at him. I was startled, and looked away, trying to preserve as much dignity as I was able. But the flush still stole on my cheeks. I straightened, trying to regain my regal composure. I was not some silly merl checking out merboys! I was a principessa representing Miromara of the House of Merrovingia!

But throughout the- long and boring- pleasantries, I could feel his eyes on me.

Finally, we got down to business.

"Now," the president of Atlantica began. "As we all know, there is a threat riding the waves. In the human world, there is a man by the name of Rafe Mfeme, who owns several trawlers and appears to be increasing in wealth and power as we speak. With his nets he sweeps even the deepest ocean floors and sweeps up entire settlements: so far several farms and dwellings in Atlantica, Miromara, the Freshwaters and Matali have been affected. Families have been killed. The danger is increasing. More and more the death toll is rising due to Mfeme's boats and crew, he has used the most sophisticated sonar technology, and- although we cannot yet say for certain that he knows of the existence of merpeople- his nets, longline hooks and even his propellers and more have cost so many lives not merely livelihoods to be destroyed. Already her majesty, the queen of the Freshwaters and her entourage were nearly killed most violently or captured by the nets of this terragogg." The queen looked composed, her eyes dark and haunted, ancient in her tanned face. "She barely escaped with her life."

"Though some of my greatest friends and loyal supporters and guard did not." The queen spoke up. The president bowed his head towards her. "I am truly sorry for your loss." He stated. The queen inclined her head.

"As am I," Emperor Bilaal spoke. Neela's uncle sat next to- surprise, surprise, Mahdi. Yaz and Neela sat a little behind him. Mahdi was clad in a deep blue turban, almost the same colour of his scales, and a coordinating emerald jacket. Some coral decorated his jacket along with imperial orders and a large emerald was pinned onto his green sea silk turban. He was handsome, with an incredibly chiselled features, chiselled lips, fine, sculpted cheekbones, smooth jaw and chin, a straight, slim nose and dark, cattail coffee-coloured eyes, with incredibly long, smooth and thick lashes and well-shaped brows. I could grudgingly see why Lucia liked his look and so many merls, but although I had nothing against Mahdi, he seemed too good to be true, in my eyes, though I knew his motives later on, was always for Sera and the mer realms, I admitted I preferred Ragnar Kolfinsson or the handsome terragogg prince, Robert.

Damn it, Serena.

I raised my head as the president went on about the number of attacks, the casualties and properties damaged, the loss to the economy and more.

But this was all nothing we could help. I frowned. What can we do if we were expected to stay hidden and Orfeo could retreat on land?

I looked at my mother. She seemed to be frowning intently as well. I gestured to her and Sera.

We were all sitting at separate tables. Members of our guard stood, surrounding us, but this was very similar to the United Nations General Assembly in the human world. So we could discuss options.

"Mother," I whispered. "I need to speak."

Isabella and Serafina both looked at me incredulously. But I nodded firmly.

Isabella looked at me for a long time and then gave a signal. The master speaker received word that the Miromaran delegation, or more specifically, the head of state, wished to speak, due to a cunning system of automatic lamps.

"The sovereign queen of Miromara wishes to speak." The master speaker announced.

"Thank you, Master Speaker." Isabella looked at the president, and the whole assembly.

"One of us wishes to make something known, or rather, it is not I, but my own daughter, Serena."

The Master Speaker looked surprised; they all did. But the former quickly recovered his surprise and nodded. "Permission granted. The floor is handed over to Principessa Serena di Merrovingia of Miromara."

I stood. "Thank you. Your majesties, your excellencies, honourable representatives, I wish to address the issue at hand; the matter of the terragogg Rafe Mfeme and his increasing power and threat to our peoples and realms." I paused and looked at each and every single one of them in the eye.

Never show weakness, Isabella had once taught us. Never show your fear or nerves. Even if they mock or taunt you, do not take the bait.

"As we all know Rafe Mfeme owns not only three large fishing trawlers all equipped with the latest and most sophisticated technology," I began. "The Bedrieër, the Sagi-shi, and the Svikari, but it appears he has a growing number of smaller boats and ships, including supposed terragogg rescue ships, helicopters- which for those who are unaware, are vehicles that fly and patrol above land and sea- and a large following of crewmen and guards. Already our scouts have witnessed conflicts- those with the ability to speak the human language of English, have reported that Rafe Mfeme has gotten into various squabbles with his own kind." My lips twitched upwards. "It appears not all terragoggs approve of what he does, and there are laws in place to prevent things like overfishing and protect the environment as difficult as it is to believe- but even so, his wealth can buy many things. If not even the laws of his own kind may stop him, I doubt very much that we are able to, seeing as we are required to stay hidden."

"And what would the principessa have us do?" Someone- from the Atlantican congregation- asked. "Sit back and do nothing?"

"No, but if we do nothing, then I am afraid that the damage and loss of life will be extensive. Already his fleets- and he has plenty of those- are everywhere, from Qin, to Matali, Atlantica, Miromara and the Freshwaters and Ondalina. Everyone is affected. Asides from valuable livestock and harvests, settlements and more. Rafe Mfeme doesn't announce his arrival to the mer, but he comes in anyway, barging with his nets and hooks, his giant engines and propeller blades, and so far, a large number of people have been killed. He appears out of nowhere it seems, all of a sudden, yet barges in, destroys things and leaves. It's strange, but he seems not only intent on fishing but deliberate destruction. For someone who is supposedly unaware of the existence of the mer, Rafe Mfeme's fleets have managed to appear and destroy the busiest rural settlements, important agricultural centres and so forth. A little too important, not to raise a few eyebrows surely." Everybody listened intently to this. "I've heard talk and seen distraught survivors with my own eyes. Always the busiest settlements, always the most profitable farms." I scoffed. "Either he has uncanny luck and is trying to destroy the mer economy and life as we know it, or someone is leading him on. How? We have been very careful, surely, to keep our existence hidden. Sure, there is the occasional rule-breaker. There are shoalers, low-tiders and more, despite all the well-placed laws we impose upon our citizens. There's nothing we can do about that." I stated. "There will always be rule-breakers. But Rafe Mfeme is a growing threat and we cannot sit back and do nothing while he grows richer from his fishing. If he grows wealthier, he grows more powerful. Money is power in the human world. But what if he stumbles? Loses some profit? Would that not create a stumbling block?"

Everyone stared at me intently. "What is your highness suggesting?" The queen of the Freshwaters looked at me.

I raised my hands. "I don't presume to know everything about the human world but I do know that if Rafe Mfeme stumbles and loses a little profit, say, a trawler, a ship or some fish, it would cost him. Some wreckage might disable him, and give us some time to think up a plan- fast- as a solution to this danger."

The queen's eyebrows raised, so did the Elder's. "Your highness, surely you are not suggesting," the Elder began slowly. "That we sabotage Mfeme's shipping and fishing business?"

"That is risky," the Atlantican president stated. "Surely too risky."

"Perhaps. But it will serve to buy us some time to destroy the fleet. If the fleet is destroyed, Rafe Mfeme loses a great deal of money. Damaged property always costs money, and instead of bringing them in with the fish, he has to buy or repair nets, engines, hooks and more. With the loss of his wealth, Mfeme stumbles and maybe even falls. He will owe debts, in all likeliness, to pay for his ships, trawlers, engines and nets. And the latest sonar technology does not come cheap." I stated. "It is risky, but if mer intelligence from all over the realms are able to track down his various ships- a great deal of them, though not all or any more fishing boats after that as this would attract the humans' attention- we may be able to sabotage them."

"But that itself is dangerous. Should we be discovered or killed?" The queen of the Freshwaters asked.

"We have soldiers who may be trained if they do not possess the ability already, camouflage spells, songspells to speed us quickly and summon ink clouds, confuse and bewilder terragoggs," I stated. "Of course it is risky, but so is letting all this happen. Once we gather enough intelligence- very covertly as a matter of fact- as to the whereabouts of Mfeme's vessels, starting from where they were last seen, gather information about the size, weight and layout and technology of them, we may be able to find weak spots."

There was a pause. "But to do that would be very difficult." Admiral Kolfinn finally spoke. His voice was strong, like a powerful wave.

"Indeed." This was my mother speaking. "We may estimate to begin with," and I looked my mother in the eye. "And there are ways. There is always a weak spot. Whether it's the propellers, the hull, engines, trapdoors or more. And there have been shipwrecks. Accidents may be arranged." My eyes gleamed. "An accident, for example, on a certain type of vessel that Mfeme would own, could be studied in its layout and technology. There are mechanics who can detect weak spots, expert songcasters and more. All that needs to be done is to arrange an accident, nothing that would arouse suspicion, on one thing that is quickly but carefully studied, and then... A sneak attack." Everyone else was silent. "On a major vessel on the waters of various realms. Some serious profit. We can cast whirlpools through songspells, can we not?" I nearly demanded. "Ink clouds that would interfere with sonar? Propellers may get stuck, engines destroyed from below, once the hull is ripped open by harpoons? Camouflage spells to disguise the most expertly-trained soldiers?"

Everyone looked at me in astonishment including my own mother.

I looked at everyone else in turn. Then I met Isabella's eyes.

And unbeknownst to them all, she knew that there was an easier way. The Wave Warriors and I could infiltrate Mfeme's ships.

"It is risky," the queen of the Freshwaters began hesitantly. Emperor Bilaal frowned, as if deep in thought.

"But very intelligently thought out." The Elder of Qin began. "Still..." he trailed off.

"This is what I propose," I looked at my mother. "With the permission of my regina."

Everyone was silent, but mother said. "I put forwards this proposal."

"I second that," a voice said suddenly. Everyone turned to see Ragnar, son of the admiral of Ondalina, speak up. "It is better than doing nothing." His piercing eyes met mine. "And if this is well-thought out and planned, we have a high chance of success. The principessa is right. A terragogg's wealth is his power. We must bankrupt Rafe Mfeme in order to make him fall."

"And should the other terragoggs notice?" The president asked.

"They would care little if only Rafe Mfeme suffer the damages, as long as distance is taken into account, and therefore, no suspicion of sabotage centred in one place." I stated.

Ragnar did not lift his eyes from me. "But I propose that this is kept as secret as possible." I stated. "We cannot let this become widespread. The peoples will become excited, and if they do..." I trailed off. "Nothing must seem out of the ordinary about the waters from the humans' perspective."

Ragnar, a small smirk playing on his lips, looked at his father. Kolfinn appeared deep in thought.

I decided to help along. "I was under the impression that numerous activity of Mfeme's fleet has been seen in the Pacific- Qin territory as well as Miromara's." I began. "And that he is extending everything to the Arctic. He is powerful, but I heard that Freshwater soldiers are excellent at guerrilla fighting and Ondalinian camouflage spells are among, if not, the very best." I gave a tempting pause and a knowing look at Kolfinn.

I didn't look at my mother and sister. But looking slowly around the room, I knew I held the power, they were all convinced.

"Then I approve the motion as well," Kolfinn finally spoke, and I sensed my mother and sister's surprise. "And I as well." the Freshwaters' queen spoke. "And I." Emperor Bilaal said. "And I." Mahdi spoke. "And I," the Elder of Qin. And even the Atlanticans agreed.

"Then the vote is unanimous." The Master Speaker said in surprise. "This plan has been put forwards."

"Serena!" Sera gasped. "How- how did you-" she looked at me in awe and a slight tinge of envy.

I shrugged. "Expect it to be the last time I shall ever interfere with inter-realm politics." I stated bluntly. "Or Miromaran. It's all yours, sister." I grimaced and suppressed a shudder.

"Yes, in regards to the proposal," Isabella appeared out of nowhere. "Serafina, can you give us a moment alone, please? I need to speak with your sister." Sera's eyes shot up and she looked nervously from Mum to me.  "Of course, Mum."

Once she was out and the doors were shut, I sighed. "Let me guess, it was reckless? Stupid? Dangerous?"

"Actually I'm quite proud of you," Isabella said carefully. "And yes, I do believe that something must be done and it must be done now." She cast a songspell to hinder eavesdroppers.

"Mother, there is something else, something I implied back there, but couldn't discuss publicly." I took a deep breath. "As I said, Mfeme's attacks are too accurate to be mere coincidence. It's always where there is the greatest damage for the mer; important agricultural centres, populated villages and industrial complexes that aren't so well-protected. Mother- we have no proof that he has no way of knowing that merpeople exist- but humans aren't supposed to know that we are more than myth and legend, aren't they?" I dared. "Something isn't right. I've studied these attacks with the Wave Warriors. It's too accurate, too well-placed to be mere coincidence."

Isabella froze. "It's impossible." She finally managed. "Is it?" I challenged. "We all know the Wave Warriors know of our existence. But the mer aren't always known to be discreet. Reported human sightings, countless uses of the Confuto songspell, but reports about merpeople seen here and there. Low-tiders, shoaling, games of Dump the Dude." I shook my head. "The ones at the Lagoon are particularly reckless. Either he knows because some are being careless... Or there is a traitor among us."

Isabella froze, her eyes wide. "That is a very serious accusation, Serena." She stated. But I knew otherwise. "Mother," I said quietly. "We have all studied it, the Wave Warriors and I- to such a great degree- his attacks and disasters in the mer realms. This isn't coincidence."

For a long while, Isabella was unable to speak.

"Well, in that case, I will trust you to do the right thing." She finally spoke.

A breakfast tray had appeared in the sitting room, the next morning. I rose early, cleaned myself and ate, watching various shells. Conch shells record voices and store information, but they weren't the only ones. There were those that only recorded voices and sounds, while others recorded images and sounds alone, like those on film and television. New shells would be delivered with news, but this time, I was learning as much as I could.

My studies were of immense importance. As I spent half my time in the human world, being trained in combat, human languages and human life and etiquette by Wave Warriors, I could not afford to neglect the school syllabus traditionally put out by Miromarans. Unlike Sera I was not aiming for a doctorate in Ancient Atlantican history, but I needed to catch up and be learned as any mer, undergoing the regular examinations.

I hated exams, but I knew I was going to ace this one. I had no other choice.

Taking a bite out of a honey-covered sponge, I listened and watched one shell intently.

"The treaty in War of the Reykjanes Ridge, won by Miromaran forces, concluded in a peace agreement. The territorial dispute was settled, and in spite of warnings and protests that the Ondalinians should pay reparations, Regina Isolda vetoed such attempts made by her ruling council. This proved to be a contentious dispute as she was also seeking negotiations with the ruling Admiral and the Ondalinian military elite..."

I hated politics. Most of the time, it seemed children could run the realms and nations better than adults.

"The exercise today is to write, then record an essay debating on the opinions and reasoning viewpoints of the author. The question is, 'The Ondalinians could have won the war, were it not for Isolda or the incompetence of the then-second and third-in-command of their military? True or false?'"

I sighed and closed the shell. Picking up a piece of kelp parchment, and a pen with squid ink, I prepared to write.

Politics was stupid. My thoughts lingered longingly, desperately upon the heartbreaking, young terragogg, and an image of him flashed through my brain.

Stop that, I ordered myself. I tried to think about the Ondalinians but it was hard...

Speaking of the Ondalinians, Ragnar...

Nope, going to write now, I put pen to parchment and began:

It is doubtful that the Ondalinian high command were so incompetent. Perhaps the only one guilty of incompetence was Commodora Tora, but she her fatal mistake had been to underestimate Regina Isolda and  her impatience to attack the Miromarans led to Ondalina's defeat in the War of the Reykjanes Ridge...

I prepared to write a citation, but crossed it all out, frowning. Nope, I had to make a statement first and then prove it. I grimaced. I remembered my Cambridge examinations in my first life. This was the same, except I had to record it using my voice later on.

But I couldn't afford to fall behind. I groaned, stood up and paced before sinking down onto a giant clam chair.

"Ridiculous," I muttered. "Absurd."

And I still had to contact Duca Armando, Marco and Elisabetta about our plans.

"Right," I mumbled marching back into the wardrobe. "I can't do this."

I was stupid even to bring that up in front of my mother, let alone in front of the Council of Six Waters- a meeting of representatives and heads of state. But what choice did I have?

Wearing a simple blue gown, I hurried out of my rooms and swam through the corridors. I needed a good swim to clear my thoughts.

I ended up in the palace gardens before long, sighing with relief. It was dark and the flowers and plants were in bloom, swaying with the currents.

And I kept thinking about him. Ugh.

Shaking my head, I barely could stand it. That's it, I wanted to go home, I didn't know if it would make it any better but being home was a sweet blessing I would never take for granted again.

"Brave words, principessa." I turned sharply.

Ragnar Kolfinsson was standing perfectly still besides a growing kelp.

"Ragnar Kolfinsson," I stated. "Principessa Serena di Merrovingia." He said, not taking his eyes from me.

"I must say I'm impressed." Ragnar stated, swimming slightly towards me. His powerful black tail with its white markings moved ever so slightly. It was strong and lean. Back in my first life, when I had watched those cartoons and even those cheesy movies about mermaids, the mermen's tails always looked somewhat ridiculous, even feminine- or girly even at times. But now I saw that mermen were shaped differently from mermaids in more than just their upper bodies. Mermen's tails were longer and more dense and solid-looking, stronger and built with sheer power, little subtleties as it seemed as if their tails were designed to stand out and seem gigantic as compared to a mermaid's sleek and dainty one, extremely feminine and tapered daintily at the end with graceful fins, not so large and broad as a male's. We were as different down below as we were on our humanoid upper halves.

"What was so impressive?" I raised an eyebrow. "I spoke up, put forwards a proposal that we should do something about a terragogg that was proving to be a menace in all the realms. We had to make him stumble. I also used my logic. Money equals power in the gogg world. If Mfeme loses his boats he loses a lot of money and influence. He won't be able to do much soon."

"But will that be enough?" Ragnar swum closer, eyebrow arching. "Perhaps not, but it's better than sitting around, swishing our fins doing nothing."

"A wise thing to say, but isn't that too risky? What if the humans find us out?"

I raised both eyebrows. "The humans? I thought you approved and seconded my plan."

"I did." Ragnar said. "But there are risks."

"There's always risks, but it doesn't mean we can't overcome them," I said steadily. "Besides the risk would only grow if we wait. And this is too serious to have a petty squabble about."

"I agree," he admitted. "I've always hated politics." He watched as the colourful anemones swayed in the currents. "But an unseasoned warrior hates war."

I gave a small smile at that. "But you aren't unseasoned, are you? I've seen the way you hold yourself, the way you move, the way your eyes look at everyone and everything, how calculating and clever they are. You are a warrior. It's your very lifeblood, isn't it?"

He smiled. "I suppose it is." I smiled warmly in return.

"I don't think you can change that, or should even bother to try." I said softly. "You're a warrior, you protect the ones you love, your family, your friends, your people; their rights, freedom, lives and property. As long as nobody like that goes around looking to start fights, I think people should understand that."

"So you're okay with that?" He asked warily. "About the Permutavi?"

My, he did have guts, didn't he? I shrugged. "Let people ponder. Yes, my great-grandmother was more generous than normally advised, but even so, her reign is gone and so is my grandmother's. We can't keep edging and skirting around each other like we're going to be potentially-hostile enemies for all our lives. I think my Uncle Ludovico likes it in Ondalina. He's got a family now, and so does your father's sister, Sigurlinn, she lives quite happily, I can assume, with her family in Tsarno. But ripping future generations from their homes and families might not be such a bad idea. My mother still misses her brother, but they can't see each other as often. Was your aunt close to your father?"

"I assume she was." Ragnar sighed. "I've never met her."

"Any more than I've met Ludovico." I stated. I looked at him for a long while. "I don't think we have a reason to be enemies," I said slowly. Ragnar was only ever mentioned in the books, but even so the merman I met did not at all seem shifty, warmongering, or in the slightest bit dishonourable. And after living in a court full of sycophants, snobs, people who would smile like a Great White and stab you behind on the back, who were terrified at the very thought of meeting a member of the royal family and more, I could read them all like shells.

"No," Ragnar agreed, his eyes never leaving mine. "I don't either."

"What was that?" Sera asked me, right after I got back.

"What was what?" I frowned. We were sitting in our mother's sitting room in the Golden Palace.

"I saw you," she pointed out. "In the gardens with Ragnar Kolfinsson."

I rolled my eyes. "We were just having a talk. I wanted to thank him for seconding my proposal and breaking the ice- no pun intended. We both reached a sort-of-understanding and really, do we actually have a reason to be enemies?" I scoffed.

"What's this?" Mother came in. I took my seat next to Sera.

"Serena went for a walk in the gardens," Sera began. "Where I met Ragnar Kolfinsson, son of Admiral Kolfinn of Ondalina." I finished.

Isabella straightened, and looked at me hard in the eye. "You did?"

"Yes," I said evenly, carefully. "And in all honesty, I did thank him, and we shared views on why we did what we did yesterday during the first council session. He's a warrior, mother. He protects his people, his family, his friends, his home. Their rights and freedom, their property and lives. I know his father backed out of the Permutavi, but is that really reason to get so hostile? We can't act like this around each others realms forever. If we act like Ondalina or Miromara are each other's predators and potential threats, eventually, someday, something's going to explode. There will be an accident, a misunderstanding and who knows? Perhaps this will escalate into another conflict. Besides, that was Regina Isolda's time. Whose reign is it now? And whose reign will it be?" I turned to Sera. "Will you continue acting like they're threats? We can't afford to endanger inter-realm relations, especially not right now with Rafe Mfeme going on."

My mother and sister were silent, looking at me astonished. I began to feel somewhat self-conscious.

Mother was the first to speak: "Serena, you have grown up."

"No, she's always been grown up," Sera stated, not taking her eyes off me. And that was when I truly regretted it. It was stupid of me to act older than I really was.

"I'm just speaking common sense," I almost grumbled. "I have no desire to be involved in politics. Most of the time it seems politicians lose sight of the goals they should be working upon and instead focus on throwing down their opponents." I scowled. "I won't be like that."

"Nobody said you would." Mother moved towards her dressing table. She sighed as she undid the pins from her hair. "But perhaps it was a good thing that Admiral Kolfinn withdrew from the Permutavi."

Meaning I did not have to leave Miromara. Out of the corner of my eye, I felt Sera look down and bite her lip. A flood of guilt welled within me.

Sera. Serafina who always felt that no matter how hard she tried, studied and worked, she was never good enough for my mother, for Miromara and for the Merrovingia dynasty. And here I was. A born Merrovingian with blue eyes, black hair and silver scales, a child prodigy, proving to be politically astute and what else? All of it seemingly effortless.

"So, did you like him?" Mother interrupted our thoughts. Our heads snapped up to look at her. She was removing her earrings and looked at us, or more specifically, me, through the mirror. "Did you like Ragnar Kolfinsson?" She put her earrings in a box. Her gaze was unnerving.

I opened my mouth. "I did not find him at all disagreeable, though I don't know him that well." I said warily.

Isabella nodded and began to brush out her long black hair. "I also think that was brave of him," she mused. "It can't be in many Ondalinians' best interests. They're obviously still wary of Miromara and mistrust us at the very least. And you are right, generations of hostility and suspicion will not ease tensions and create peace." She put down the brush.

My wariness increased. Sera and I exchanged confused, slightly worried glances. "Just what are you saying, Mum?" Sera asked.

Isabella sighed. "Do you approve of him, Serena? Do you like him?" I opened then closed my mouth. She turned to look at me.

Oh no. Was she... Did she think?

She can't, can she?

Wait, she did.

"I barely knew him, Mother," I said astonished. "I may even like him but that way? Surely you don't-"

Isabella pursed her lips. "There may be another way to conduct peace with Ondalina."

Sera's eyes widened. "Wait, Mother, you don't mean-" she gaped and stared at first her, then me.

"We've forged a firm friendship with Matali," Isabella said slowly, carefully, as if worried that we might react badly. "A friendship which will hopefully lead to a firm alliance. But Ondalina has been our old enemy. Perhaps we can change that. Ragnar is to be the next ruling admiral. Perhaps you are right. The Permutavi, after all, cannot last forever."

"So..." My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "You're suggesting that we form an alliance with Ondalina as well as Matali? Through marriage?"

Isabella said nothing. "Mother!" I gasped. "We've only just met! I know I was raised as a princess and it was expected I would go to Ondalina someday, but..." I trailed off.

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