
By rowansberry

133K 6.5K 1.8K

The world is unfair-a fact Eira has known all her life. Some people are lucky, some are not. She is one of th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Five

6K 296 56
By rowansberry

Eira had been right—she did not sleep. Instead, for a good hour she lay staring straight up at the ceiling. After doing that for a good hour, she gave up resisting her loneliness and began to weep silently into her pillow. A while after that, she was full out sobbing. She hated it. She just wanted to be back home. Back with Cerin, Moira, Graham and Owen. Anywhere but where she was right now. She longed to be back in her bed at home.

Managing to momentarily calm herself, she got out of bed and retrieved the portrait from her bag. Her parents. Her real ones. At that moment she missed them more than she ever had. She missed them every day. She missed when they would tuck her into bed and read her a story from the old book of fairy tales that her mother had had when she was a child. She missed when they would comfort her when she awoke panicked and shaking from a nightmare. She missed when they would kiss her forehead and tell her it was all going to be all right. 

Eventually, the tears stopped. She felt drained. How exactly had she gone to sleep earlier in the carriage? How had she felt content enough to relax? The darkness scared her. It terrified her. She felt as if it would swallow her whole. She was alone. Was there anyone who could comfort her? Anyone she could talk to? No. Now she knew what true loneliness felt like.

After that, she did sleep. Not because she wanted to, but because her body forced her to. It was already nearly morning when she did, however.  When she awoke to a gentle rapping on the door, she felt tireder than she had before she'd slept. The day ahead would be hard to get through, if she were to be training without rest. 

"Eira?" came Gwen's voice, overly lively for so early in the morning.

"I'm awake," Eira replied tiredly.

Gwen opened the door, sweeping into the room. She looked very awake but had hints of dark circles under her green eyes. "You look exhausted," she informed Eira.

"I didn't sleep so well."

"That's understandable. I barely slept on my first night here as well. Adjusting is... hard."

Eira gave a shy smile. "Yes..."

"I'll wait outside whilst you dress." 

Eira nodded. After Gwen had left the room, she moved the covers off herself and made her way over to the wardrobe. Her legs felt more and more like lead with each step. How she was going to be able to make it through an entire day in such a state was something she dared not think about. She opened the door of the wardrobe and looked at the what lay inside, eyes half lidded. There were around seven dresses, all simple tunic style designs — the sort she usually wore, except these were fashioned with a much higher quality of fabric — in similar shades of pale blue. 

After taking off her nightdress, she picked the nearest dress and put it on. It fit her surprisingly well, despite her not having told anyone her size. It was slightly on the longer side, though. But she was sure that was because she was abnormally lacking in height for her age. She put on some stockings and the boots she worn the day previous. She wrapped a deep blue cloak around herself. She had found in the back of the wardrobe. It was quite similar to her green one — it was made of the same sort of warm woollen fabric and was of near identical cut — but it was lined with luxurious silk and had a silver clasp, instead of the mere string the other one had.

After she had finished dressing, Eira went into the adjoining bathroom, brushed her hair and then left. Gwen stood beside the door, eyes closed, lost in thought.

"I'm ready."

Gwen opened her eyes, a smile coming onto her face. "Great. Let's go."

Eira nodded, trying to ignore how exhausted she was feeling. "Okay."

The walk down to the courtyard took much less time than it had the day before. Eira supposed that may have been because it wasn't the first time. She sort of knew the way now, but not enough to prevent herself from getting lost.

Gwen pushed open the door to the outside and they both stepped though. It was a marginally warmer day than yesterday and the sun actually peeked out from behind a grey cloud. But, that wasn't to say it wasn't still freezing. Eira pulled her cloak around herself. It was February, supposedly the end of winter. But, it was always cold in the kingdom they resided in. Winter usually lasted until late March or April. Sometimes it even snowed in May or June.

The land was harsh. Only the residents braved it; no holidaymakers ever came. Food was sparse, and the rich — the Permafrosts imported food from southern kingdoms. All her life, Eira had eaten berries, preserves, dried meat, hardy root vegetables and bread made from the only grain that grew well —a type of oats that had adapted to the harsh winter climate. The fact that she would now be able to eat whatever she pleased was an odd thing. Although, it was probably the least of the changes that would happen and had already happened. 

Gwen led her over the courtyard. Twenty or so teenagers milled around, all of them white haired. They all dressed in similar shades of blues and white to what Eira and Gwen wore. None of them paid Eira and Gwen any heed as they passed, but Eira couldn't help but look at them. There were so many Permafrosts. She was one of them. 

They went through the massive ornate main door. It opened into a large entrance hall. The ceiling was painted to depict a frozen landscape of small villages surrounded by pure white covered fields that were overshadowed by tall, snow-capped mountains. It was incredibly detailed, and probably one of the most beautiful pieces of art Eira had ever seen.

At the other side of the entrance hall were two pure white marble doors. They were both opened fully, revealing what looked to be a dining hall beyond. 

They crossed the hall, entering the dining room. It was full of maybe one hundred teenage Permafrosts, all sitting, eating, and chatting animatedly. Eira wasn't sure what she had been expecting, but all of these people were acting so normal. Like people in her school at mealtime. It was surprising, somehow.

There were six or so large dining tables, five with around twenty seated at them and one completely empty. Another table sat along the wall, laden with plates of food and jugs and flasks full of drinks.

 "Training will start at eight-thirty. We've got forty minutes to eat," Gwen informed her.

Eira nodded and followed the older girl over to the buffet table. After she'd got herself a plate, she took in all the foods and could not decide what she'd like to eat. She managed to settle on a drink, though, and poured a cup of steaming tea for herself. Tea was a luxury she'd never had outside of celebrations, let alone as a breakfast drink. But it would surely make her feel less tired. Eventually— after staring at all the pastries, breads, buns, fruits and even cakes-- Eira settled on a fluffy looking white roll. It was warm — obviously freshly baked. The butter she spread on it melted into it.

Gwen sat at the empty table, having got her food much faster than Eira. She waved and Eira went over and sat down beside her. "Don't you have friends to eat with?"  

"No." Gwen put her half-finished raisin pastry down and lifted up her glass of juice, staring off over the room forlornly. "But it's okay. I don't really mind."

Eira was surprised. How could someone as nice and friendly as Gwen not have any friends? Eira had always been a loner, but that was because she didn't enjoy interaction with strangers and was more often that not deemed antisocial by her teachers and tutors. Gwen wasn't like that at all. And Eira had caught that look in her eyes she had. Was Gwen lonely?

Eira stared into her tea. "I could be your friend if you would like." Her voice was small, meek and full of uncertainty. Why did she say that? What if Gwen rejected her?

"I would like that." Gwen noticeably brightened at the other girl's words. "Thank you."

Eira returned her smile. A friend. Had she just made a new friend? 

The two of them continued to eat and Gwen filled her in on minor details about staying in the castle. After finishing her tea, Eira felt considerably less tired. Perhaps she could endure training if she drank more throughout the day -- and keep herself from yearning for her bed. 

When they had both cleared their plates and taken them back to the table, the two girls left the dining hall. Everyone, except for a handful, had already left — presumably for classes. Gwen led Eira back through the entrance hall, across the courtyard, and back through the door they'd come. 

However, instead of going down the long, straight corridor that led to the dorms, Gwen took her down one adjacent to it. Contrasting to the other one, it was curving and winding. The older Permafrost definitely knew her way — Eira didn't doubt that for a second. But as they walked through the labyrinthine complex of hallways and passages, Eira had no earthly idea how she was ever going to memorise all of it. Perhaps her perception was exaggerating it somehow — she wasn't certain.

Eventually, Gwen stopped in front of a large door made of pale wood. It was surprisingly unadorned, except for a brass knob that glinted in the light that shone though a small window adjacent.

"This is the training room for the newly Tested. I'll have to leave you here, as I need to go to my own classes. Will you be okay?" 

Eira smiled at her new friend. "Yes, I'll be fine."

Gwen returned her smile briefly and hurried away. Eira hoped she hadn't made the girl late for her training. 

Biting her lip hard, Eira turned her attention the door. It was daunting, to say the least. Would she have to use her powers again that day? She supposed so. Reluctantly, and nervously, she placed her hand on the handle. The metal was cool and somehow comforting. She took a deep breath and willed herself to open the door. 

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