Incoming: A Second Chance

Bởi jaddy245

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Emma Swade was in her 3rd year of college, had always done well in school, and was dating the most amazing gu... Xem Thêm

Incoming: A Second Chance
January (3 months earlier): Too Long
January: Noticed
January: Game On
February: Hello Again
February: Date Night
February: 40 Questions
March: What if?
March: Aftermath
March: What Just happened?!
April: Little Secret
April: Escape
April: Depressed
May: Love
May: Proposed Graduation
June: Life Moves Forward
July: Making Moves

April: Masquerade

634 9 2
Bởi jaddy245

“You look great!” Kathie yelled from across the room with excitement.  It was the night of my sister’s masquerade birthday party, and I just continued to stare at myself in the mirror.  My heart was pounding with nervousness, as I turned around looking over my reflection.

Oddly enough, I didn’t feel as confident in my look, as I should have. Kathie talked me into buying a dress for the masquerade that was a little too revealing for my taste.  The dress had a criss-cross pattern in the front that was a polka dot black sheer fabric.  The whole sheer top of the dress was revealing with the exception of my breast area that was lined.  The dress had a very low back, and was fairly open.  Turning around and glancing at the floor length dress, I couldn’t seem to shake the knot forming in my stomach.

I could see Kathie in the mirror; she looked absolutely beautiful in her dress, which was also really revealing.  Her strapless black floor length dress fit her snug in all the right places; Brent was going to have a hard time keeping his eyes off her.

Kathie came up from behind me, and I moved over so we could both view ourselves in the mirror.  Smiling, Kathie came out and said what I was thinking, “Damn, we look hot.”

“I know right.” With Kathie by my side, I did feel sexy.

Grabbing my mask, I begin to tie it carefully around my already pinned up hair.  Kathie and I had the same mask, but where mine was red and black, Kathie’s was blue and black.

My phone vibrated with a text, and I noticed the knot in my stomach tighten. I haven’t talked to Derek since our last awkward conversation, but he managed to send a few texts here and there.  I knew I would be seeing him tonight for the first time in years, but I tried to keep that anticipation under wraps.

Glancing over my phone, I noticed the text was actually from Ethan saying he and Brent were down stairs ready for us.

“The guys are outside.”

Walking outside, we spot the guys talking to Kelly and Darryl.  Kelly spotted us first and started walking towards us smiling.

"You guys look great!  I've always wanted to go to a masquerade party, you are going to have so much fun," she practically squealed in excitement for us.

"Thanks, we've been looking forward to it."  I glance around as we reach the rest of the group.  Kathie quietly stands by Brent, who was still discussing something with Ethan.  Kelly was still smiling, and Darryl, was looking at my dress.

His look was making me uncomfortable; he wasn't exactly checking out my dress, but rather distastefully checking me out, right in front of his girlfriend.  Kelly was too oblivious and kept smiling at me trying to listen in on what Brent and Ethan were talking about.

I glance back at Darryl, and caught his attention. Looking right at me, his lips pulled up to the side, giving me a smirk. He has some nerve.

"Ethan, you are a lucky guy," he said never taking his eyes off me.

This must have finally caught Ethan's attention, as he walked over to me wrapping an arm around my waist holding me in place, "I know."

Pulling me a little closer, Ethan planted his lips on my temple, and whispered, "Are you ready to go?"

Nodding, I looked over to where Kathie and Brent were, and said, "Let’s go."

When we arrived at the masquerade, the party was already underway.  Everyone dressed the part, wearing all black; the only color in the room coming from the masks, and the decorations.  The first thing I notice was how dim the atmosphere appeared. There were lanterns hanging from the ceiling, which I admit was a great idea, it definitely set the mood. Candles were lit on every table, giving it an even more mysterious and romantic mood. The walls were lined with velvet ribbons to create a diamond/harlequin pattern on the walls. Tables were draped with black velvet material, and running down the center was a red runner. There were red rose petals and two velvet pillows, both in red and black, placed in the center of each table, along with wine glasses. The table looked amazing, there were even charms attached with masks to each of the wine glasses.

Looking around, I couldn't make out anyone. I felt Ethan reach for my hand as if the thought also crossed his mind. I spotted my parents, who were wearing their masks on their heads busy trying to make sure everyone else was having a good time. I walked over to them to say hi, as Ethan, Kathie, and Brent walked over to a vacant table near the dance floor.

"Mom and Dad, you guys look awesome. But why aren't your mask on?" I said chuckling. I knew they would feel uncomfortable wearing them, but at least they had them with them as an attempt.

"I can't see through it," my mom quickly said.

"It started to itch," my dad mumbled along with her.

I couldn't help but laugh, “It’s okay. It's the thought that counts."

"I really wish your sister would have invited more of the family, everyone I know fits at two tables," my mom mentioned while looking around at all of Kathie's friends.

"I know, but that's what she wanted." Looking around at the dance floor, I spotted my sister. "Let me know if you need anything, I'm going to go say hi to Roni."

"Okay sweetie."

My dad spoke up before I could get away, "Emma, she still doesn't know about her surprise visitor, so don't mention it, okay?"

I turned backed around to look at them, I forgot they knew about Derek coming, "Okay... Is he here yet?" I was hoping they would point him out to me and make this really easy for me, but there was no such luck.

"Haven't seen him yet," he responded while shaking his head. I felt the disappointment in me, surely he would come. If something came up, he would if texted me, so I quickly dismissed that idea.

"Ok, thanks. Later dad." I turned away in search of Roni again.

She was still on the dance floor surrounded by a group of ladies all dancing around her. Roni was in a beautiful black and white strapless dress, with dimensional red roses along the top trim. She looked amazing.

When I caught her looking my way, I waved to her, and she rushed over, throwing her arms around me.

"Oh my Gosh, about time!" she practically yelled in my ear.

"I know, sorry..." But before I could continue she started dragging me along introducing me to everyone in sight.  Friend by friend, she introduced me them.

After what felt like forever, I finally made my way back to where Ethan, Brent, and Kathie were seated. But before I could sit done, Kathie grabbed Brent and headed to the dance floor. Ethan looked up at me, extending his hand, "May I have this dance?"

Smiling, I happily accepted, placing my bag on the table; we headed to a spot near Kathie and Brent on the dance floor. Looking up at Ethan, I have to admit, he looked amazing.  I felt both happy and proud to know he was mine.  His black suit and black mask definitely made him look sexy as hell.

As a slow song started, I placed my arms around him, and started swaying to the music. 

“Did I mention you look absolutely gorgeous tonight?” Ethan asked looking into my eyes. His bright green eyes sparkled through the openings of the mask.

Chuckling, I couldn’t help myself and teased, “I believe you did, but it never gets old.”

That’s all it took for his smile to fully appear, dimples and all.

“Did I mention how handsome you look?”

“No,” now pouting like he had been waiting all night for me to say that. It took me a moment to respond, because in that second the only thing I could focus on where his full lips, as he pouted.

I stood on tippy toes and planted a soft peck on his lips, “Well erase that, you look amazing!”

He started laughing, and bent down for another kiss.  This one definitely lasted a little longer then the first, because the next thing I heard was Kathie clear her throat, and Brent mumble, “Get a room.”

And just as quickly as we pulled away, Ethan mumbled back, “We plan too,” never taking his eyes off me.

I couldn’t help but smile, that cheesy smile.  I had to look away; I could feel my cheeks starting to get warm as his gaze was starting to make me blush.  I turn to see Kathie and Brent walking back to their seat and in that moment something caught my attention across the room.

A figure was standing in the back looking over at us.  My heart beat surely accelerated as I got nervous. His face was obviously masked, and I didn’t know who it was.  My mind instantly went to Derek, but I couldn’t be sure.

“Hey, are you okay?” Ethan asked looking in the direction that caught my attention.

I quickly looked back up at him, and answered, “Yes, of course.” Not realizing I had stopped dancing, I forced a smile, “Let’s find Kathie and Brent.”

“Ok, sure.”  He took my hand and led me off the dance floor.  I took that second to glance over where the figure was standing, but the spot was now empty.  What is wrong with me? I need to stop acting so idiotic when it comes to Derek. 

We reach our table, and Kathie and Brent are sitting there in the midst of a discussion.  With the music blaring, it was hard to catch the topic of the conversation.  I reach for my bag and grab my phone, only to notice I had a text from Derek that read, ‘You look breathtaking!’

Smiling, I glance around the room, trying to see if someone was looking my way, but I didn’t notice anyone. How would he know who I was, I was wearing a mask?

I quickly texted back, ‘Where are you?’

His response was immediate, ‘Now, what would be the fun in that, we are at a masquerade.’

‘That’s not fare. You can see me! How do you even know who I am?’

Real beauty is easy to spot. Plus you’ll see me soon enough!’

“Is everything okay?” Ethan asked again bringing my attention back to the table.

Instantly I felt a wave of guilt rush through me as he noticed I was preoccupied with my cell phone.

“Yea. It’s Derek.” The look in Ethan’s eyes showed a little hurt, but it quickly disappeared, as I continued, “He came to surprise Roni for her birthday.”

I totally disregarded the fact I knew he was coming until now.

He looked away and asked, “Is that the only reason?” He kept his gaze on the dance floor awaiting my reply.

“The only reason for what?”

“That he’s here!”

Even though he wasn’t looking at me, I sure as hell was looking at him, “Of course!”  I didn’t mean for it to sound so defensive, but I needed him to trust me.

He looked back at me meeting my gaze. “Ok.”  The tone in his voice was final, like he heard what he needed to hear and wanted to drop it.

I continued to look him in the eyes, wanting to be curtain there was nothing else going on in his head.  If there was, I needed to reassure him, that he had nothing to worry about. 

My eyes must have been creased, because he slowly bent down and kissed the crease in my brows. When he pulled away, his lips were pulled to the side.  His smirk made me relax.

Just then, Roni gets on the microphone, tapping it to make sure it was on.  This caught everyone’s attention.

Roni smiled, and shifted legs, like she did whenever she was nervous.

“Hi. I hope everyone is having a good time. Food will be served shortly, but I just wanted to thank everyone for coming.  And before the night gets away from me I especially want to thank my parents, for allowing me to throw this party. Love you guys.”

She smiled in the directions of my parents.  My mom yelled back, “Love you too!”

Looking back in our direction, she continued, “I would also like to thank, my sister, Emma, and friend Kathie.  I don’t know if any of this would have been possible without their help. Love you guys too.”  She was smiling at us.  It was nice she included me in the thanks, because in all honesty, this has Kathie’s name all over it.

Together we yelled back, “Love you too!” This resulted in some chuckles from the crowd.

Roni concluded with, “Enjoy the rest of the night!” 

As she turned to hand the microphone back to the DJ, something must have caught her attention, because she stopped mid stride, and a smile formed on her face.  I followed her gaze to see what she was looking at, when I noticed a figure standing along the wall besides the DJ.

Everyone watched as she quickly gave the microphone back, and jogged over to the figure. She practically jumped on him, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up into the air for a hug.

His face was still in the dark, but it could only be one person. Derek. I notice my parents walk over to greet him.  My mother giving him a hug, and my father shaking his hand.

Food was being served, so everyone returned their attention back to their table. My sister and parents were talking to him, and I felt excluded.  On a normal basis, I would have been over there in a second, greeting him, and trying to catch up.  But this time it felt different.

I could feel Ethan watching me, “Should you go say hi?”

“I’ll get a chance to talk to him later.  I’ll let them catch up first.”  That seemed like a reasonable response, trying to make it seem like it’s not a big deal.  Watching the servers place our meals in front of us, I added, “Plus, I’m starving.”

I looked down at my plate, and it looked amazing, but truth be told, my stomach was in knots, and I don’t know if I would be able to eat.  I felt awkward, trying not to stare at my family and Derek chatting and catching up, while I forced my food down from a distance.  I should be over there with my family…right?

But before I can gather the nerve to go over, I could see Roni looking my way from the corner of my eyes.  Please don’t bring him over here, I thought to myself.  But of course knowing Roni, that’s exactly what she would do. Stealing a glance up, I was right.  Roni was headed for our table with Derek smiling behind her. Damn it.

Noticing Derek’s smile, I couldn’t help but smile back. As they reached our table, my body, as if it had a mind of its own, rose to greet him. Without warning, I threw my arms around him for a hug.  I couldn’t help it, even before we reunited, I would have thrown myself into a hug with him.

I felt Derek wrap his arm around me too, and plant a kiss on the top of my head. With that, I quickly pulled away, only mustering a “Hi.”  The gesture was friendly enough, but I didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea.

Roni linked her arms through Derek’s, and turned to face the rest of the table. When I looked, Kathie was smirking, Brent looked at me with a raised eye brow, and Ethan held a blank expression.

Roni quickly jumped in breaking the tension, “Hey guys, I want you to meet my God brother, Derek.  He came all the way from Florida to be here.”  Thank goodness for Roni, did I mention how much I love my sister right now.

Ethan stood while Derek extended his hand for a shake, “Hey, nice meeting you.”

I went to stand by Ethan, as he shook Derek’s hand, “I’m Ethan.”

“I know. You’re Em’s boyfriend, right?  I heard a lot about you.” I looked at Derek and mentally thanked him for the remark.  Maybe tonight will go smoother than I thought.

I caught myself smiling, at Derek, still pleased with his response, until I heard Ethan’s response, “Right. Sorry I can’t say the same.”

I could hear the seriousness in Ethan’s voice, and caught the sideways look Derek gave me. Why couldn’t this just be easy?


Thanks again for your patience with my uploads....Sorry if this is short, but I had to cut this chapter in half, because it was getting to long.  Good news:  the next chapter is already started so shouldn't be long before the rest of it is up! =)

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