Claimed (Werewolf boyxboy)

By coolingsun

1.2M 40.5K 17.3K

| BOOK 2: Torn Series | The scatterbrained Beta of the Crescent Falls pack thought that he was straight. That... More

Prologue || Teaser
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Announcement - PATREON!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: His Feet Were Cold
Chapter 28: A Crack in the Glass
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Black Butterflies
Feral is Posted!

Chapter 3

49.4K 1.6K 1.3K
By coolingsun

A/N: Special perspective for this chapter!


The blood-curdling screams of my beloved rang through the Pack House and tore violently at my heartstrings. The thought of him in such excruciating pain sent shockwaves of memories from the past that I tried with all of my might to put behind me. For the umpteenth time, I cussed at myself for not following my instincts and sticking right by Berlin's side while the rest of the pack attended the party, but as always, my kitten's wishes were always my top priority. 

I reached the french doors that opened to the Alpha wing within seconds after Benji's rushed announcement regarding Berlin's status. 

Regardless of the many birthing classes I'd been coaxed into attending with Berlin and the fact that the coaches told me to stay calm and collected during this time, I couldn't help the rapid racing of my discombobulated thoughts as I sprinted down the corridor. 

Was he going to be okay?

What were our pups going to look like?

Was he going to be okay?

Would our pups be healthy?

Was he going to be okay?

I never thought that I'd ever care for someone as much as I do Berlin. I thought I'd be known only as a stubborn asshole for the rest of my life, but when my beautiful angel entered my world I felt every wall I'd ever built up fall at his feet. Of course, according to others I could still be an asshole in every sense of the word on occasion, but Berlin kept me in check. He hated when I became irrational, and angering him in any way made me feel terrible.

In other words, he had me completely, utterly whipped and wrapped around all of his tiny little fingers.

And right now, he needed me more than anything.

The door of my master bedroom banged against the wall as I bursted inside the room, the force of it causing the handle to carve a deep dent in the beige walls. Benji was busy flitting around the California king sized bed that Berlin and I shared, tending to my mate who laid on his side, tears making vertical lines across his face as he panted and cried out in pain. His stomach was distended to the point where he could only drape one of my button-ups over his arms, but even that had been strewn across the bed as he writhed around in the cream sheets. 

Benji's mate, Tank, stood to the side, watching over the room in a protective manner. Tank was a hulking figure - much larger than his tiny mate - dressed in a terrifying ensemble of all black, and painfully quiet. He reminded me of Corey in many ways, which made sense, seeing as to how he was also a warrior of the pack. He was known for being ridiculously overprotective of Benji, to the point of threatening any male that dared look below his waistline, but his mate absolutely loved the attention.

Despite his protective attitude, everyone knew that Tank loved Benji more than anything, as he was the only family he had left. Tank joined our pack as a preteen, my father had given him a home after it was discovered that his entire family was killed by rogues fueled by bloodlust. 

We were around the same age, and growing up with him was like growing up with a depressed broomstick. He didn't do much more than sulk around all day, except for on Tuesdays, when the hyperactive Benji visited from the neighboring pack. The first time I saw Tank smile was when he first met Benji, not even wasting time for formal introductions and instead engulfing the small male in a bear hug. Everyone thought that he loved Benji because he reminded him of his family, but once Tank reached teenage years it became obvious that his infatuation with Benji was anything but familial. 

The moment he reached 18 and recognized Benji as his mate, he made it clear that no other male was to pursue him in any way. Tank had his work cut out for him, seeing as to how Benjamin was half Fae (explaining his bright shock of pink hair and knack for healing), who were known for their inherent ability to draw in suitors due to their inherently gorgeous appearances.

Next to Benji, clicking away on a laptop was his medical assistant and older half-brother, Daffodil. Daffodil was a sweet, 4'11" Fae with bright yellow hair that - at first meeting - can seem to be very dumb due to his childlike disposition (which was common of most full-blooded Faes), however he was actually very skilled in technology, and helped Benji with that side of his medical practice. While he usually worked behind the scenes, today he was out helping Benji directly.

"O-Osi... It hurts... So much..." 

A soft, tortured voice called out to me, snapping me out of my reverie as I quickly approached the bed. Sobs of pain left his throat as he reached out for me, his arms trembling. I wasted no time in kneeling beside the bed, taking his dainty hands in my deeply calloused ones as I brushed sweaty tendrils of blonde hair from his creased forehead. I hated seeing him in such pain, and I wished so badly that I could take it all from him. He didn't deserve to suffer, he'd done more than enough of that. 

"I know. I know, baby. I'm so sorry. I wish so badly that I could take the pain away..." I whispered, bringing his shaking fingers to my lips as he let out a particularly loud scream of pain. He turned away from me for a moment as his eyes squeezed shut, his toes curling tightly as he breathed hard, his free hand resting on his swollen stomach before he flickered his eyes over to me.

"I-... I don't think I can do this, Osi..." he hyperventilated as he spoke, trying to get the words in between strangled breaths. His chest rose and fell rapidly, and his eyes widened as he suddenly let out another scream of pain, his back arching as much as possible with his stomach weighing him down. 

"I can't!" He screamed, practically crushing the bones in my hand as he squeezed it. Benji suddenly jumped in, using the arch that Berlin maintained to wrap a strap around his stomach, a plastic disc in the middle of it. 

"He's going into shock. We have to calm him down." Benji stated, obviously shaken at the pace of everything going on. Daffodil nodded quickly, not unlike a bobblehead, and tapped at the laptop quickly.

"Daffodil has! Daffodil has!" 

The speakers built into the ceiling of the room suddenly came to life with the sound of two syncopated heartbeats, and I gasped at the sound. Berlin was still in a state of hyperventilation however, his fingers gripping the sheets so hard that they ripped, and I felt terrible that I had no idea what to do that could calm him down. However, a moment later, Daffodil set his laptop down and scurried onto the bed on the opposite side of Berlin. There was a sweet smile on his face as he pressed two fingers to Berlin's temple before closing his eyes and singing a gentle tune in an ethereal purr that even left me feeling more relaxed.

"Daffodil love you,

Daffodil cherish you,

Daffodil give strength..." 

Berlin whined softy, his breaths slowing down steadily as Daffodil giggled softly, leaning down to kiss Berlin's flushed cheek before continuing.

"Daffodil love you,

Daffodil care you,

Daffodil always here..."

By the time the Fae finished his song, Berlin was breathing normally, despite his whines of pain as his contractions got closer together. Daffodil clapped his hands together happily when he saw how relaxed Berlin was, before sitting up on his knees and whispering to Berlin in a soft tone. 

"Luna hear baby heart?"

Berlin's eyes, dewy with tears, brightened once he realized what the sound in the room was. He nodded at Daffodil's question, biting his lip as tears once again overflowed from his eyes. However, this time the tears seemed to be happy ones rather than reactions to the intense pain of labor. 

"Y-yeah... I hear it, Daffi." Berlin whispered back, prompting Daffodil to clap his hands together again and let out a happy purr. 

"Luna hear baby heart!" 

Daffodil retreated into his own little world for a moment, giggling to himself proudly and clapping his hands, his bigger than normal, icy blue eyes glittering as he seemed to be on the verge of tears knowing that he helped out in some way.

Berlin, being the sweet Luna he is, reached up to gently cup Daffodil's cheek despite his pain. The Fae purred loudly as he placed both of his hands on top of Berlin's that rested on his cheek, his tail wrapping around my mate's arm while he leaned into the soothing touch. 

"Thank you, Daffi. I'll make sure you get extra limes at breakfast tomorrow." 

Daffodil suddenly bursted out in full-on sobs at the mention of his favorite food, rubbing his cheek against Berlin's hand in gratitude.

"Daffodil love lime! Daffodil love Luna! Daffodil love!" He sobbed out, sniffling and wiping at his eyes with a single balled up fist, making Benji groan in annoyance and look over at his mate. 

"Ugh, this is annoying. He's so useful, but the moment you get him emotionally riled up he's useless. I'm so glad I'm not a full blood Fae." he murmured, before giving Tank a look that screamed 'get him out of this room right now.'

Tank simply nodded with a smile at his mate, approaching the bed and reaching over to grab Benji's older brother underneath the arms. He picked up the tiny Fae like a child, holding him against his chest as he wailed, repeating the same line; 'Daffodil love much! Daffodil love!' over and over as Tank approached the door, pulling it open to reveal a thrashing Danny. He was being held back by his mate, Rayson, as he attempted to pummel my security warrior who guarded the door with nothing but his black neck pillow as a weapon. The sight was hilarious, as the tiny asian man looked like a little puppy with a pillow putting himself up against a rottweiler. 

"If you don't let me in right this minute to see my son I swear to the Goddess I will find you in the middle of the night and make you wish you were never born!" Danny screamed, his voice cracking as he pushed against his mate's arms. His feet weren't even touching the floor, and his mate looked completely docile, as if this was the normal behavior of his feisty mate when it came to their children. 

Tank quickly slipped away, carrying the still-emotional Daffodil as Danny realized that the door was open, flashing a sickly sweet grin at my security guard before kicking his mate in the shin with enough strength to make him release his arms. Rayson groaned in pain for a moment as his mate sprinted into the room and pushed me out of the way, taking the spot I once sat at beside Berlin.

"Bubba? It's all okay. I know it hurts so bad, I know. I went through it with triplets. All you can do is breathe. You will be just fine" Berlin reached out to grip his Dad's hand, breathing heavily and letting out another loud scream. However, this one didn't seem as strangled, just as a release for the pain I'm sure he was enduring. 

"Daddy... I'm scared..." Berlin whimpered out, his legs drawing up and his teeth gritting together as he got another contraction. 

I took that moment to slip onto the bed beside my mate, sliding my body behind his and lifting up his head to gently slip it into my lap. He seemed much more comfortable in this position, as he let out a soft breath when some of the pressure was taken off of his spine.

"I know, Bubba. I was scared too. Ridiculously so. But Ray helped me so much, and you have your mate right here to help you as well." Danny said, miraculously slipping his black neck pillow around Berlin's neck, a smile on his lips as his mate Rayson took a seat next to him, yanking his mate into his lap roughly and whispering something about 'getting payback later' into his ear.

Berlin suddenly looked up at me, a pained smile taking over his lips as he reached for my hand again, bringing it to his cheek as he cried. 

"I can't wait to see our pups... I can do it. I can. I will. For us. For our family." My heart stopped at his words, and I couldn't help but lean down and kiss his chapped lips softly in response, unsure that any words I could say would accurately convey my feelings to the man that lay cradled in my lap. I nodded at him and he nodded back at me with a watery smile.

That was the only reassurance we needed. 

"Berlin, I need you to shift. The twins are ready to be born." 

Berlin nodded as Benji instructed him, taking one last look at his fathers before looking up at me with a faint smile. He then closed his eyes before shifting into his blonde wolf. I was surprised by how much his previously tiny wolf had grown to accommodate his pregnancy. He was practically the size of a regular pack wolf, save for his large baby bump. I was suddenly thrown from my body as York took over for the first time in a long time, my eyes shifting to the bright, molten gold that they take whenever York decides to be a dick and possess me. 

Casey snuggled into York's legs (or mine, seeing as to how to asshole possessed my human form) with a cry of pain, and Benji situated himself on the end of the bed, two clean swaddle blankets draped over his shoulder and a warm bowl of water at his side as he laid out a soft, disposable blanket beneath Berlin's lower body. York ran his hands through Casey's headfur in a loving manner, attempting to soothe his mate in the only way he knew how. Surprisingly, it worked, as Casey's trembling slowed, and he whined softly while raising his hindleg to expose his birthing hole. 

When I said that male Lunas go through a multitude of changes, I meant it. When pregnant, their wolf forms adapt to accommodate both birth and nourishment for their pups. This means that their wolf lactates as well as builds a birthing hole to ensure a natural birth. 

"I can see a head, Luna! Push!" Casey let out a ear-piercing whine as he did just as Benji stated, his body trembling violently once again with the amount of effort that it took. He heaved out breaths, his tongue hanging out slightly as he panted. 


It took seven more pushes before our first son was born. I felt my heart throb in my chest as he was cleaned by Benji and wrapped in a soft baby blanket before being placed before Casey's nipples to eat. He cried out softly in an adorably high-pitched whine, despite being completely blind and deaf, as all pups are when they are born. Casey went into instant mom-mode, leaning down to lick at our pup's soft, black fur in a comforting manner. He snuggled into his mom as he suckled.

"Does he have a name?" Benji asked, cleaning his hands as he prepared to deliver the second pup. York nodded before reciting the name that Berlin and I spent weeks deciding on for our eldest son. 

"Hale Rayson Amador." York growled out in his rough tone before he reached down to rub a ridiculously gentle hand on the tiny pup who curled up against his mate, as if he was afraid to crush him.

Rayson looked utterly surprised, and I could've sworn that I saw his eyes water a little bit before he cleared his throat roughly and mumbled out a rushed and awkward 'thank you' to disguise his emotional slip-up.

I couldn't think about that however, as Benji was gently rubbing Casey's hindleg in an effort to coax him to raise it again. After a moment of hesitation Casey did as Benji asked, bracing himself for yet another round. York continued to comfort his mate with his soft massages while caressing our son with his other hand. 


This time, it took only five pushes for our second son to be born, however he was silent, unlike his brother who whined loudly, even now as he suckled milk. My brow furrowed as Benji's eyes widened, unwrapping something from around our son's neck. 

"Oh god... Get Daffodil! Now!" He screamed, laying our youngest son down on the second swaddle blanket. He wasn't moving. Tank, who'd returned a few minutes ago, ran back out to find the Fae he'd taken out of the room only thirty minutes ago. 

My eyes flashed as York growled out in worry; "What's wrong?! Is he alive?"

Benji looked up at me and his face paled. "He's not breathing, I didn't know that the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck!" He waved his hands frantically, as if he was trying to think of what to do, before he suddenly leaned down and began infant CPR on our newborn son.

Casey whined for his son, confused as to why he was not suckling along with his brother against his chest. 

Daffodil ran into the room suddenly, his eyes still leaking tears steadily as he ran over to his brother.

"Daffodil here! He help! Wiiu, wiiu!" He was bouncing up and down in his spot and sobbing as he mimicked the sound of an ambulance, rocking back and forth from his heel to the tips of his toes while he held his hands over his heart. "Save bae! Save bae!" He cried as he looked at the baby wolf, sending him into a whole new level of sobbing I'd never even seen Berlin achieve. 

The entire situation was obviously too much for his fragile emotional range to handle, seeing as to how he kept making the sound of an ambulance, however Benji seemed to know just what to do as he reached into his medical bag and grabbed a lime, tossing it to Daffodil who caught it with wide eyes before holding the fruit to his heart as if he were cradling the last item he'd ever see again. Surprisingly, it calmed him enough to listen to Benji for a few moments. 

"Daffodil! Sing!" He ordered, and Daffodil immediately nodded, his tiny fingers clutching the lime like a lifeline as he closed his eyes and sang his sweet tone once more, despite the steady stream of tears that fell past his eyes.

"Daffodil love you,

Daffodil cherish you,

Daffodil give strength..."

His voice trembled as he sang, however he kept on going strong as Benji attempted to breathe life back into Berlin and I's youngest son. 


Please let him live. 

I sent a prayer up to the goddess as I felt my cheeks become wet with stray tears that flowed from my eyes. 

"Daffodil love you,

Daffodil care you,

The God/dess is always here..."

The last line Daffodil stated was not in his voice, but a tinkling, angelic one that I would've recognized anywhere. 

A high-pitched whine came from the tiny pup as soon as the last word was uttered. 

I smiled a watery, knowing smile down at my mate as I pushed York back, Benji setting our second pup next to his brother as he nuzzled against his dad, seeking a nipple to suckle. I held an unconscious Casey tenderly in my arms as he rested, while Berlin's dad held a hand over his mouth while gazing adoringly at his grandsons, Rayson smiling as well as he held his mate from behind. 

"Welcome, Cassius Danny Amador." I whispered, pressing a kiss to my youngest son's soft, tiny, furry head. 

We were a family. 


A moment later Daffodil collapsed, his lime rolling across the floor.


"I'm so tired, Osi..." Berlin mumbled out loud enough for only me to hear as I held his exhausted body in my arms. We were cooped up in a room in the infirmary wing of the pack house while Berlin healed from giving birth only hours earlier. 

Our sons were beautiful. Identical twin Alphas. 

The youngest, Cassius Danny Amador.

The eldest, Hale Rayson Amador. 

I had never felt so happy. 

"I can make everyone leave if you want, sweetheart." I whispered back, pulling back to look down at my mate as he laid on my broad chest, both of us laid on his hospital bed as family milled all around. Berlin shook his head sleepily, sighing before drifting off to sleep on my chest amid the chatter that his family was creating. 

Danny cradled and cooed to his youngest grandson Cassius while Rayson looked over his mate's shoulder, reaching over it every once in a while to tickle the pup's muzzle, making him let out the most adorable sneeze. Apparently Rayson found it ridiculously amusing, saying it reminded him of when Berlin was a pup. 

Corey and Tyrus sat in two chairs by the door, with Corey - the more responsible of the two - holding our eldest, Hale, in his arms. Tyrus looked dumbfounded down at the pup, although he always generally had a daft look upon his features, so I couldn't be sure if it was a special emotion towards our pup. 

However, the part that amused me the most was Ortiz. He sat in a corner on the floor, the most comical dejected look on his face as he tried to stare anywhere but at Corey, but failing miserably every few seconds as he peeked at his mate as if hoping that he would catch Corey staring back at him.

Too bad Corey didn't even acknowledge his existence. 

I wasn't even mad at Ortiz anymore after our spat, he was being punished enough by his mate. No matter how much he attempted to make it seem as if he didn't have feelings for Corey, it was painfully obvious to everyone but him that he was in love. 

That's what being in denial of your sexuality can do to you. 

The door was opened gently and a head of bright yellow hair popped inside, the tears that previously streaked down his cheeks replaced with a giddy smile, a half-eaten lime once again held against his chest tightly

"Daffodil do good for bae! Benji give Daffodil two big lime!" He giggled happily and turned in a circle while taking a bite of his lime, not even slightly disturbed by the sour taste. 

Tyrus's attention was drawn from the pup his brother held, instead being captured by the tiny Fae that twirled around, his bright yellow hair that fell to his shoulders reflecting the light of the fluorescent bulbs on the ceiling. 

He stopped right in front of Tyrus once he stopped spinning in circles, lime juice coating his pink lips while he giggled uncontrollably, stumbling around dizzily as if drunk off of the lime.

"You're cute." 

My eyes widened as Tyrus stood up to his full height which was around 6 feet, severely dwarfing the tiny, 4 foot 11 inch Fae whose giggles fell flat once he craned his head to look up at Berlin's daftest brother. 

"Lime..." Daffodil only managed to squeak out one word as he looked up at the man that stood before him with an extremely nervous expression, pale skin gaining a shade as he somehow managed a full-body blush. 

"What's your name? I'm Ty." Tyrus asked, seemingly not phased at all by Daffodil's childlike actions.

Daffodil puffed out his cheeks, putting his hands over them as he shook his head rapidly. "No tell! No tell!" 

Tyrus smiled, leaning down to take a lock of Daffodil's silky, yellow hair between his fingers. "Okay. You don't have to tell me. I just think you're really cute." 

Daffodil's abnormally big, blue eyes twinkled as if he finally understood the meaning of the word 'cute,' and he dipped his head down, looking at the floor as his whole body gained an even darker hue. Faes were known for wearing their emotions on their sleeves. 

"Daffodil is me." He whispered out, looking down at the half-eaten lime in his hand with a deep blush before looking up at Tyrus with a small smile. He raised his hands up as high as they would go, miraculously offering the man one of the limes that he so copiously hoarded. "TyTy like lime?" 

The tiny Fae waited with bated breath, as if he was unsure whether his offer would be accepted. However, it took less than a second for Tyrus to take the lime and stuff it in his mouth, skin and all before chewing with a smile. 

Daffodil was obviously overjoyed as he lifted the tips of his fingers to his mouth, peeking through his eyelashes and giggling hard at Tyrus' comedic action. He giggled a while longer before smiling and pointing at the pup that Corey was holding. "Daffodil see bae yes?"

Tyrus shrugged, nodding as he chewed the last of the lime before moving so the short Fae could see around him. Daffodil let out a purring sound that was anything but human or werewolf, while leaning down to kiss the pup that Corey held. He reached in his pocket a moment later, withdrawing a tiny slice of lime that he placed next to my eldest son.

"Maybe puppy like lime like Daffodil do." he whispered with another purr, kissing Hale one more time before backing up and going to set another tiny slice of lime next to Cassius. 

Tyrus stared at the Fae while he flitted across the room, sharing his precious limes with Berlin and I's newborns. When he was satisfied with his work, he clapped his hands together softly and smiled, waving at everyone and directing a timid smile at Tyrus.

"Daffodil go now." He stated, smiling to himself and biting his lip softly before walking out of the room. Not a moment later did Tyrus get up and follow the tiny man out of the room, stating that he had 'food to eat' and 'places to go,' even though nobody asked.

I sighed, settling in against the hard hospital bed as I held Berlin close, wondering what the hell just happened between the Fae and Berlin's brother. I made a mental note to order some more comfortable infirmary bedding as I drifted off, trusting Berlin's family with the wellbeing of our pups as we drifted off for some well-needed rest time. 

Woot! Finally another update, yeah!? 

How do you guys like our new character Daffodil? Opinions? Thoughts? Throw them at me!

I'll be graduating soon so I'll have much more time to update for you all!

Please vote and comment!

Love you all!



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