Solis' Sparklinghood *PREQUEL...

By Da_Voices_In_My_Head

4.8K 166 25

Solis was raised by the notorious scientist Shockwave for the sole purpose of bonding to Megatron, leader of... More

Prologue: The Sparkling
Humble Beginnings
Guessing Games
Secrets & Loss

Secrets of Cybertron

439 19 1
By Da_Voices_In_My_Head

(A/N: Thanks for reading! I'm hoping to update this story faster since all the chapters are up and waiting! ^^ Please tell me what you think! And for those that have asked, Restricted Love will not be updated till this story is done. This story is the prequel to that one, and I'd like for people to read this one first to help them understand. Cheers!

~Dr. Z)

Solis crept down the length of the hall, spark pulsating rapidly in her chassis as she tried to make each pede fall as quiet as possible, multi coloured optics wide as she listened for any sound that would signify she was being followed.

Glancing back over her shoulder strut, Solis checked for what must've been the quadrillionth time, for any signs she was being followed, delicate servo trailing along the wall to help guide her in the gloomy darkness of the dimly lit hall.

Solis had seen many others take this hall before she had mustered up the courage to do so herself, 14 vorns or so after she had first come into Shockwave's care. She was tired of hearing stories and receiving from the vehicons. This time, she would see and take for herself.

There was a glimmer of light further into the gloomy darkness, and the femme moved a little faster towards it, servos collecting dust from the walls as she started to run now, feeling air run over her plating, the air around her becoming colder and icy in her vents, but that only increased her excitement.

Reaching the faint light now, Solis slipped around the crumpled metal blocking the doorway, stumbling over debris and nearly losing her balance.

Venting softly, Solis turned and looked up, optics widening and her mouth opening in a small "o" shape. "Wow..." She gasped in awe, optics taking in her surroundings. The sky was dark, at least, she was certain it was the sky from what the vehicons had told her. It was cold. Colder than she had first thought it would be, but not enough to make her retreat back into the science facility.

Looking up to her left, Solis felt she'd explode with excitement and awe. That had to be a spaceship! Like the holographs S3th had shown her in secret. The femme smiled fondly at the thought of the vehicon. S3th loved to show her new things, he was even teaching her about things she had never heard of. Primes, wars, the Golden Ages. Everything. Everything Shockwave neglected to show her...

Solis shook the thought of Shockwave out of her processor. Shockwave had always been cold to her, sharp and to the point. Dismissive of anything she tried to achieve. For as long as she could remember, Shockwave hated her. She was sure of it.

Settling down from the first major high of excitement, the red femme began to make her way out into the great unknown... There was so much destruction, but Solis had been prepared for that. S3th had told her all about the war, and what it had done to her planet. Told her of the sea of rust, vector sigma. Speaking of which... That was something she would've liked to see.

Laughing softly to herself, Solis hopped over rubble and debris as she navigated the dangerous streets of Cybertron. She was certain she, Shockwave and the vehicons were all that was left to inhabited their dead homeworld, so she was certain there was nothing to fear.

Solis hummed an old melody, another thing she had learned from S3th, to herself as she walked amongst what had once been a great city. The femme was taking in everything she could through all of her sensors, but then something shiny caught her optics... Or more, one of her optics. Namely, her left one... The one surrounded by the mutated biolights, the pink of them tinting the white of her left optics slightly.

Turning towards it, Solis cried out in surprise, backing away and tripping over something to land hard on her aft. The mech, standing several feet away, glanced at her with what seemed to be amusement before he turned and began to wander off.

Staring, Solis lifted a hesitant servo to cover her left optic, gasping when the mech vanished. Pulling her servo away, he became clear again, if only in that optic. He glanced back before seemingly vanishing.

Solis vented heavily, remaining where she had fallen as she tried to comprehend what she had seen... Who was that mech? Why was he on Cybertron? Did Shockwave know about him?

Thoughts rushed their way through the startled femme's processor, the red bot slowly pushing herself back onto her pedes before she followed, heading in the direction the mech had gone.

Glancing over her shoulder, Solis felt the first flickers of doubt flit through her spark. Had she been wrong to leave the safety of the facility?

Turning back around, Solis gasped softly, optics widening as she took in the sight of the gates, or what was left of them, and the massive statue atop it. It looked like Megatron, from what she had seen in holographs.

Solis took a deep exvent and began to move into the shadow of the massive structure, fear flitting back and forth between her spark and processor as she surpassed the gates and into a massive courtyard. "Wonder what this place had been?" The femme murmured softly, moving around before she felt... strange.

A ghostly touch flirted with the crimson femme's backstrut, causing her to yelp in surprise and jerk around. "Gaaah!" Solis cried out in surprise, stumbling backwards as she took in the sight of the massive mech. Ghostly white, seemingly existing only between time and space, standing a few meters away. He carried a sceptre of what looked to be stars, a cape seemingly created from a veil of deep space. "Wh-who are you?" Solis stammered out.

A smile curled over the handsome mech's faceplates before he pointed to the space beneath his pedes, looking back up to her before dissintegrating into dust, vanishing once again from her sight.

It was then that Solis realized she was trembling, servos shaking no matter what she did to stop them.

Staring at the space the mech had pointed to, Solis slowly approached, testing the ground before her with her pede before stilling. What was that? The floor of the courtyard, at least in this particular place, was rumbling.

Solis was perturbed! Fascinated, maybe.

Slowly lowering herself to her knee joints, Solis leaned her helm forwards to place an audio against the ground, optics widening and lips parting in her usual expression of awe and surprise.

She could hear what seemed to be whispers. And they were calling her. It sounded far away, but it was there. Right beneath her.

"Who are you?" Solis whispered, lips close to the ground before lowering her helm to listen again. "What do you want from me?" She added so softly no one would've heard had they been nearby.

White light appeared from nearby, the femme's helm jerking up from the ground as she stared, optics wide as glyphs began to write themselves around her, in a circle.

Spinning slowly as she stared down at the strange lettering, Solis tried to make sense of it, spark pulsating so hard it was as if it wished to jump from her chassis. The voices were fading away, and, with it, the light of the glyphs.

"No! No where are you going? Don't go!" Solis cried, spinning rapidly as she tried to follow the fading of the words, screaming in surprise when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her stumbling towards them.

"Solis!" The voice was familiar, but Solis couldn't see. Couldn't hear. There was just that constant whispering and bright light. "No! Nooo! Nonononono!" The femme cried, distressed and searching for the words again.


Snapping back to reality, the crimson femme rapidly sat up, optics wide as her helm jerked every which way, venting rapidly.

Solis trembled like a turborat in the sights of a photonrattler. "S-S3th?" The femme stammered out, looking around again to find herself sitting, propped up against the vehicon, in the courtyard. Had she been unconscious? It couldn't be! It was so real! "Where did he go?"

S3th looked at her confused before looking around again. "Who Solis?" He finally asked, the femme staring up at him before looking around again. "The prime..." She whispered, too low for the vehicon to hear.

"Oh Solis..." S3th's voice was soft, frightened almost. "What did you do?"

Taken aback by the question, Solis opened her mouth to respond when she saw her servo in the vehicon's. The tips of her digits were scraped raw, energon trickling down her servo. "What..." It was then that she got a good look at the ground slightly behind S3th. Glyphs were scratched into the stone. "I don't..."

S3th hefted the femme up by under her arms, setting her on her pedes. "Forget about it. It was most likely a recharge flux." He looked around warily. "There's all sorts of toxins in the air." The vehicon murmured, pulling the femme along towards the gates again. "Let's get outta here before something else happens."

Following meekly after the vehicon, who seemed to be frightened, EM field fluxating with too many emotions for the femme to fully comprehend them all. "S-S3th... Please don't tell Shockwave what happened here." She pleaded, the vehicon glancing at her as he slowed his pace, offering a troubled smile. "Of course not." He responded. "Just a memory flux. It'll be fine." He answered, the femme nodding and smiling, put at ease.

As they left, S3th glanced back nervously at the glyphs scratched into the stone. Ragged and unsophisticated, droplets of energon here and there, smeared on the dusty stone, unsettled and disturbed before he turned away and guided Solis out.

The glyphs remained for several moments before they began to close... One word repeated over and over again.

Ours ours ours ours oursoursoursoursours.....

(A/N: I am VERY WELL AWARE of the fact that "Solus Prime" is the correct form of spelling. I have PURPOSEFULLY been spelling my character's name as "Solis". Just because I wanted it to be another form of the name, but not completely the same name. So to Nit Pick, lol. Don't worry. I'm well aware that the spelling is "wrong". But it is ONLY WRONG if I was referring to Solus Prime. Thank you for the review.)

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