Pranking The Playboy ✓

By TypicalTimes

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Joe Smith. A basic name but there was nothing basic about him. With his chiselled features, green eyes that c... More

Meet The Characters
Lesson 2: Changing Room Benches Are RealIy Bad Places To Hide Under
Lesson 3: Getting Caught Is Never A Good Thing
Lesson 4: Us Girls Are Meant To Stick Together No Matter What
Lesson 5: Never Play Truth Or Dare With Selena
Lesson 6: Never Underestimate The Power Of An Adrenaline Rush
Lesson 7: Always Take The Things You Need From Your Locker First
Lesson 8: Kidnapping Can Fix Broken Friendships
Lesson 9: Cookie Dough Is Brain Food
Lesson 10: A Walk In The Park Could Get You New Neighbours
Lesson 11: Handshakes Aren't Always For A Good Purpose
Lesson 12: Don't Accept Rides From Joe, No Matter How Late You'll Be
Lesson 13: Don't Follow Alice Into A Girls Bathroom Again
Lesson 14: Selena Is As Wise As A... Wise Old Man
Lesson 15: Hugo May Be Fat But He's Sure Is Smart
Lesson 16: Maria Can Really Influence People
Lesson 17: Going To Starbucks Can Cause Trouble
Lesson 18: Water Fights Can Lead To Unexpected Almost Kisses
Lesson 19: Being Late For School Could Score You A Date
Lesson 20: Never Bunk Off School With Your Best Friends Brother
Lesson 21: Don't Assume Things So Easily When It Comes To The Paige Siblings
Lesson 22: Babysitting Can Cause Arguments, And Heart Breaking
Lesson 23: Being Derek's Girlfriend Could Cause Drama
Lesson 24: Never Misjudge The Trouble A Dumb Blonde A.K.A Alice Can Cause
Lesson 25: Kissing Doesn't Automatically Mean You're In A Relationship
Lesson 26: You Should Be Careful About What Ice-Cream Shop You Go To
Lesson 27: Words Can Bring You Down
Lesson 28: Joe Is Candy
Lesson 29: Not All Deliveries Are Good
Lesson 30: Going To A Hospital Could Help You Discover Your Feelings
Lesson 31: Boys Can Help Discover New Things
Lesson 32: Compliments Can Make You Giddy
Lesson 33: Homecoming Can Be A Disaster
Lesson 34: Watching Movies With Your Crush Can Help You Get Over A Break-Up
Lesson 35: Never Regret Pranking The Playboy
TypicalTimes' Other Works
The Character's Interviews
Cover Gallery
Episode Interactive
Bonus Chapter: You Can Have Your First Kiss Under The Mistletoe
Bonus Chapter: You Can Find Love Through Cookies
Best Pranking The Playboy Moments

Lesson 1 : Never Date A Playboy

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By TypicalTimes

Lesson 1: Never Date A Playboy

I looked up from my phone when I heard my bedroom door opening, gasping at what I saw.

I stared at my best friend Alice in horror when she walked into my room. Her usually curly blonde hair was messy and tangled, her beautiful face was smeared with eyeliner and mascara and she was wearing a baggy T-shirt with jogging bottoms. No, this wasn't right.

I kept my phone down, stood up and approached her carefully.

"I don't bite." She said jokingly, and then burst into tears. I looked at her with concern written all over my face. I wanted to ask a whole lot of questions, but I knew I had to comfort my best friend. The questions could wait.

"It's okay Alice. Everything will be alright." I said while I hugged her. She cried and cried until I decided I had to call Selena. She would know what to do.

I got my phone out of my jeans pocket and dialled her number. After 3 rings she answered it.

"What is it Amber?" She asked. I explained everything to her, how Alice looked, and how she was crying right now.

"Right, I'm coming over right now. I'll see you in 7 minutes." She said and hung up. I kept my phone in my pocket and lead her to my bed. We sat down and I waited for her to stop crying. When she finally stopped, she turned to face me.

"You must be wondering why I'm like this," She started. I nodded. She took a deep breath.

"Well, you know how I said I was dating a guy? And I never told you who he was?" She asked. I nodded again. She never did tell me and Selena who the mystery guy was.

"I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would be angry. So I kept it a secret, until he broke my heart." She explained, and the tears started spilling again.

"Who is he?" I asked gently. But I already knew who he was. She looked at me and I could see the pain in her brown eyes.

"Joe Smith." She whispered, and then started crying again.

"What?" A voice demanded angrily. Me and Alice both looked in the direction of where the voice came from. It was Selena.

"Did you say Joe Smith was that so-called guy you were dating?!" She asked, and stormed up to us. I gulped.

"We warned you to stay away from him Alice. We'd always seen the way you looked at him, then you started dating him behind our backs even though you knew you'd get your heart broken anyway?!" She said. Alice and I gulped. Then Alice started crying again.

Selena's anger-filled eyes showed concern and sadness when Alice started crying.

"It's okay Al. We'll get that good-for-nothing playboy back soon. I just need a plan." She said, and started pacing around my room.

"Girls, we're having a sleepover!" She finally said, then looked at Alice.

"I'll get her cleaned up." I said, and took her to the bathroom. On the way we bumped into my mum, and she looked at Alice worriedly.

"Are you okay dear?" She asked. Alice and I exchanged glances.

"Mum, is it okay if Alice and Selena and I have a sleepover today?" I asked quickly to change the subject. My mum frowned, and then looked at Alice who was giving my mum her best puppy dog face. It looked cute even in this situation.

"Why not." My mum finally said. I smiled at her and took Alice to the bathroom. After I'd finished washing off all the make up and brushing away all the tangles in her hair, we'd went back to my room.

"Oh wait; I don't have any PJ's!" Alice exclaimed once we were sat down on my bed.

"Selena's got it covered. She's always planned something and prepared before she announced we're gonna do it!" I said. It was true. Selena wouldn't have said we were going to have a sleepover if she wasn't prepared.

"She's probably at your house getting spare PJ's for you." I said. Alice sighed in relief and smiled at me.

"Thanks Amber for always being there when I need you. I was such a mess for days. You and Selena are the best!" She said and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"That's what best friends are for right?" I said. She nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the door opened and Selena came inside. But that was not what caught my eye. It was what she had with her: Alice's PJ's, ice cream, sweets and COOKIE DOUGH!

I looked at the cookie dough hungrily. I absolutely LOVED cookie dough! You know how some people loved chocolate, and others loved ice cream, well I loved cookie dough. I couldn't last a week without it.

"Who's ready for a sleepover?" Selena asked. I nodded, with my eyes still fixed on the cookie dough. You're mine.

"Great!" She said, and hopped on my bed beside us, making it a bit uncomfortable for all of us. You see, my bed isn't really big. It's quite small, so three 16 year old girls sitting on a small bed isn't very comfortable. Anyway . . .

"I see you want the food." Selena said, and waved the food in our faces. I made a grab for the cookie dough, but failed to get it.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Said Selena, wiggling her finger in my face. "Before we eat the food," She looked at Alice.

"I have some questions that need to be answered. But first, let's get off this mini-bed and on to the floor." She said, and jumped off the bed.

"Hey! It's not a mini-bed; it's just a medium sized one." I said to Selena. She shrugged.

"Whatever floats your boat hon." She said, and sat cross legged on the floor. Alice did the same and soon we were sitting cross legged in a circle.

"Okay," Said Selena. She kept the food in the middle of our circle. I seriously wanted to take that cookie dough; so much my hands started twitching. Selena must have seen this because she asked me the first question.

"Amber, I see you want the cookie dough." I nodded my head vigorously. She was right, I wanted the cookie dough.

"Well, if you tell me what happened to Alice I'll give you the cookie dough." She said. I shrugged, not really paying attention.

"I don't know what happened, ask Alice." I told her. She nodded then looked at Alice, who had her eyes fixed on the ice cream. We all had a weakness. Mine was cookie dough, Alice's was ice cream and Selena's was all different types of candy. We used it against each other.

"Alice, if you want the ice cream, you're gonna have to explain everything. And I mean everything." Selena told her with a serious expression. She was the bossiest out of all of us.

"Fine, but you know I'm not very good at telling stories." Said Alice.

"We'll be fine. Now start speaking." Selena commanded. So demanding sometimes! Alice took a deep breath.

"Okay, so it all started when my history teacher gave us a project to do. But the problem was we had to do it in partners. She didn't want us to pick our own pairs, so she'd already had it planned who was going to be with who." Alice took another breath.

"Unfortunately, I got paired up with Joe. I tried my very best not to fall for him, but it wasn't as easy as you'd think. We started going to each other's houses," Alice stopped when she saw our expressions.

"For the project of course. Then we started to know a bit more about each other, and started to hang out more. Then he asked me out. I said-"

"Girl, I just hope you said no." interrupted Selena. To be honest, I was hoping the same thing. Alice looked at us guiltily.

"I said yes. I wanted to treasure the moment while it lasted, because I knew it wouldn't last for long. So he took me to this fancy Italian restaurant, and he told me he'd changed for good. He was so nice to me I couldn't help but believe him, until that happened." She said and stopped.

"What happened?!" Selena and I asked simultaneously. I really couldn't care less. What Alice was saying was interesting!

"We'd went out of the restaurant, and some girl had walked up to him and started flirting with him right in front of me! Instead of telling her that he was taken, he kept his arm around her waist and walked off with her without giving me a second glance! When I finally got home I had a text from him. I was really hopeful, but my hopes dropped like a ton of bricks when I saw what he wrote." She paused, and then took another deep breath.

"He wrote: I didn't want to say it to your face, so I wrote it in a text message. Sorry Alice, but it's over. I need more of a risk taker, not a goody two shoes like you. Do me a favour and don't text back once you've received this message. I'll do the rest of the project by myself to avoid awkwardness between us. Joe." She finished, and then her bottom lip started trembling.

I kept an arm around her and together we watched a very angry Selena pace around my room.

"How dare he? Who the heck does he think he is? Breaking up with someone through a text message? Are you kidding me? That is so not cool!" She said.

Then she stopped suddenly and turned to face us. She had an evil glint in her eyes. Creepy much?

"I have an idea. We need to get our revenge, because NO-ONE messes with my BFF's and gets away with it!" She said, and sat down again.

"We need to think of a plan, and it has to involve Alice." She said. Alice shook her head.

"Not me, I can't go near him or even look at him. It brings back the painful memories!" She said sadly.

"Well I can't do it because if I even speak to him I'll probably end of strangling him." Selena said. They both turned to face me.

Oh no.

Today's Lesson: Never Date A Playboy


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