Unhappily Married to BTS's Su...


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BTS Suga FF. Unhappily Married to BTS's Suga. 20160529 - More

P r o l o g u e
C h a p t e r 1
C h a p t e r 2
C h a p t e r 3
C h a p t e r 4
C h a p t e r 5
R e a d U M u s t
C h a p t e r 6
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C h a p t e r 10
C h a p t e r 11
Wattys 2017
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n o t a
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C h a p t e r 17
Kept you waiting, huh?

C h a p t e r 7

7K 268 164

Please refrain from speaking/typing bad words be it in english or filipino. I don't tolerate swearing or the use of foul language and I suggest for us to be good influences to those younger than us even through words. Thank you!
-- Or change it with FOOD!

C h a p t e r 7

Yoongi arrived in the apartment a few days later. I couldn't care less but still manage to be a 'wife'. Well, I don't know how this will turn out but the heck. I don't care anymore.

I just finished eating and got up to clean my plates. I didn't bother waiting for Mr. Suga to finish his meal. Even if it has been a week since he got home, I could not have courage to speak to him. Let alone ask who the girl was, but I think he gets the point.

I wish Hoseok was here, at least if he was the one I am mad at, I know that he will never shut up until I give in to him.

I sat down in front of my vanity mirror and my routine. It has become a habit now and I feel much better when I tend to myself like this. I might be having a hard time being Yoongi's wife but at least my skin is healthy.

"MOMMY!" I heared Jaeyoon call out. I got out of thw masters' bedroom and went to her who was in their room.

"What happened here?" I asked her.

"Yoonjae, put gum on my hair!" She cried and hugged me. I patted her back and noticed the lump of hair that was clearly pulled a prank on.

I sighed. That mischievous boy. "Let's get it off you hair okay?" Jaeyoon nidded and we went to the bathroom.

We spent a good hour getting the gum off her hair and when we were finished, we both got out to look for Yoonjae.

We found him watching 'Adventure Time' while his father was busy writing on his notebook. Probably lyrics and stuff.

"Yoonjae." I called out. He froze and I saw Yoongi look at us from his work.

"Y-yes Mommy?" He asked.

I looked at him and to his sulking twin and sighed. "Explain to mommy why you put a gum on your sister's hair."

He began to fidget with his fingers and look down and pouted. "We were just playing."

I looked at Jaeyoon and then back to Yoonjae. "Tell your sister you're sorry."

He shook his heas to disagree with me. "Yoonjae. Now." He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Yoonjae, come on. Tell sister you're sorry and you wouldn't do it again." I said.

"Sorry. I won't do it again." Yoonjae said and ran towards their shared bedroom.

Two sulking kids again. I sighed heavily. I shot up when Jaeyoon nudged me and let go of her hand. She ran after her brother.

I crossed my arms and walked to the balcony to get some fresh air. When I got there, I closed my eyes and just sighed again.

What was I thinking? What am I even doing with my life?

I felt movement behind me and I was sure that it was Yoongi. He stood a little farther from me but leaned on the balcony railing.

We spent a good while just standing there, not talking. I placed a palm on my head and just closed my eyes. I didn't want to talk to Yoongi. The hurt of seeing him with another girl was still fresh.

He cleared his throat. "A bit chilly, tonight."

I closed my eyes tightly and breathed in the cold air. Please, Yoongi stop talking to me. Please.

"So... how were things back here when we were in the tour?" He asked.

I didn't know what to answer. I didn't know what to think. I just don't know. I'm not even sure what to feel towards Yoongi. I mean, he knows the reason why I'm being like this but he never said anything about it ever since he came back. Now, he's being like this.

For the first freaking time ever since we got married, things were becoming better but then this happens. I think the world really hates me now.

"Jemma." He said.

Shut up Yoongi.

Every time he speaks I just want to burst into tears. I want him to hug me. I want him to kiss me. I want him to be mad at me. I want him to do anything; so that I would know how he really feels about me and about the fact that he was married to me against his will. It's eating me up every day which turned into weeks, months, years even.

"Jem?" My ears felt hot. It caught me off guard when he said that. Only Hoseok called me that.

"I'm going inside." I said and started to walk back inside the apartment. He held me by the arm and I stopped.

"Let's talk." He said. My eyebrows furrowed and I sighed yet again. I feel like the reason the world hates me is that I sigh too much and release too much carbon dioxide.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said and struggled to break free from his grip. It's really getting cold for me for I was only wearing my bathrobe and minimal clothing underneath.

"But there is." He said. He pulled me closer to him and I crashed on his chest. I can smell the manly yet subtle perfume he wears.

I remember the time when he wore his very strong perfume and I couldn't breathe due to asthma. I was pregnant then and it was one of those times that I saw him shocked. He never wore strong perfume ever since then.

I snapped out of my flashback to answer him. Although I was hypnotized by his scent, I had to be firm on my feet.

"If there was then what is it and what for?" I asked and he didn't reply. I felt his grip loosen and though I was thankful he did, I was still sad. That's what I hate about him. He grips me tight and the second he was unsure, his grip loosens until he lets go. I smiled bitterly. "I thought so Yoongi."

I went to the twins' room and saw them working their misunderstanding out.

"I'm sorry I put gum in your hair." Yoonjae said. "I thought it was funny."

Jaeyoon just nodded. "Arasseo." She said. "In return, give me you yogurt tomorrow."

I smiled. They are still innocent and kind. I saw Yoonjae smile. "Deal!" They both laughed.

"What is this about a deal?" I asked them as I entered the room. They both looked at me and ran towards me.

"Nothing!" Jaeyoon said.

"Mommy, I said sorry to Jaeyoonie." Yoonjae said. "So I am giving her my yogurt for tomorrow."

"Is that right?" I asked Jaeyoon. She nodded and smiled. "Alright, no one should give their yogurt up. Yoonjae, you admitted your mistake of putting gum on your sister's hair. Jaeyoon, you have forgiven Yoonjae for what he has done. Thay's why the both of you will receive an extra yogurt tomorrow!"

They both cheered and said their thanks. I stayed in the twins' room and read them their favorite story, The Little Prince.

"Goodnight." I said as I closed the half-read book. I saw their eyes closed and kissed their foreheads. I stood up, putting the book back in it's shelf and went out of their room and into mine and Yoongi's.

I saw him in his shirtless self as he dried his hair with a towel. MY towel.

"That's mine." I said. "Yours is in the dresser." I didn't look at him because I don't want to fall in love with him again. Especially now that his flat abs are showing!

Gosh. The fangirl in me is freaking out! Like for real! I'm supposed to be freaking mad at him. But O-M-O, why did he have to show his half-nakedness?

"I know." I heard him say as I sat down infront of my vanity. I just ignored his remark and continued brushing my hair, I have finished my beauty ritual earlier and I can't sleep because of Yoongi!

Despite all the fangirl feels I'm feeling, I managed to maintain a strong facade. Hopefully he doesn't see through it.

I looked down at my hair's ends and was sad that I saw some split ends. I guess I'll have to ask Jessica what shampoo is good and I might have another haircut.

I felt a pair of hands hug me from behind, I haven't properly reacted when the grip tightened around my waist. From the mirror, I saw Yoongi as he sniffed on my hair that has rested on my neck. So it appeared as if he was burrowing his head on my neck.

My eyes widened. "Y-yoongi."

"Smells so good."

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