Tall, Dark and.... ~ Reggie M...

By onceuponawarrior

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Spending my whole summer getting to know Reggie Mantle was the greatest. But now that school is approaching... More

Izzy Keller
Chapter One: The River's Edge
Chapter Two: A Touch of Evil
Chapter Three: Body Double
Chapter Four: The Last Picture
Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness
Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
Chapter Seven: In a Lonely Place
Authors Note

Chapter Eight: The Outsiders

791 14 0
By onceuponawarrior

"That was the last day you saw him?" My dad asked
"At Pop's, when he told me the plan, that he was gonna fake his own death, and then we would meet up. But, before that could happen, my mom and dad sent me away. One of Jason's teammates said that before he ran away, Jason was dealing drugs. Making a one-time delivery. He needed We needed money. To get away and to start over" Polly explains
"So Riverdale's star football player becomes a drug mule?" Dad questions again
"He went to a bar on the other side of the tracks and made a deal with some biker gang." Polly spills
"The Serpents?" I say looking at Polls
"He got an address upstate, where he was supposed to deliver the drugs in exchange for cash. The drugs you found in Jason's car that went up in flames. Along with everything I had left of Jason, including the ring his nana gave me, which he was keeping until" Polly says as she's about to cry.
"Okay, Sheriff, I think that's enough for tonight. I think Polly needs her rest" Mrs. Lodge says
"I'll be in touch, ladies." Dad says, "Izzy you coming with me" I nod and say by the the girl and Ronnie's mom.
"I'll show you out" Mrs. Lodge lets us out and we get into dads sheriff car.
"Dad, who do you think would do such a thing?" I say playing with my fingers
"I'm not sure sweetie, but there is no need for you to worry" dad says smiling at me and kisses my forehead.
"Polly's convinced herself that no one wants her baby. Besides, of course, the child-snatching Blossom monsters. - No offense, Cheryl" Betty says.
"None taken" Cheryl replys
"So your mom and dad want Polly but not the baby, and the Blossoms want the baby and not Polly. That's a true Gordian knot" Veronica says
"It's an impossible situation" I say
"Iz, come on. An impossible situation is being invited to both the Vanity Flair Oscar party and Elton John's Oscar party on the same night. Which happened to me one year, I know. This is merely an annoying situation. But luckily, I've been percolating on an idea, hellishly simple in its conception. What if my mom and I were to host a baby shower? " V offers
"Count me in" Cheryl and I say
"You want Polly to feel loved and supported, right?" I ask B
"Yeah, but ideally by her own parents" B replies
"Okay, so, baby steps, girl" V says, "Get Polly and your parents in the same room in a public setting where they can't fight, and, voila, let the healing begin"
"Am I expected to come to this thing?" Jughead says as he joins our lunch table.
"Of course! You're Betty's boyfriend, so.." V starts and looks at their blushing faces, "Oh, my God, you guys, relax. It's just a word that starts with the letter "B."
"Betty, what do you say?" V says excitedly and I smile looking at my friend.
"How you're hiding Polly at the Pembrooke?" Mama Coop says
"Better than in an insane asylum" Betty replies
"Actually, Mrs. Cooper, that's on me. I was the one who suggested that Polly stay with us." V says trying to calm down the situation
"She's trying to help. Unlike you and Dad, who want Polly to give the baby up for adoption" Betty blurts out
"Betty, it's what's best for Polly and the baby" Alice says
"Adoption, Mrs. Cooper?" I ask appalled
"Mom, that's not your choice. Your choice is whether or not you want to be a part of Polly's life. Veronica and her mom have offered to host a baby shower." B yells at her mom
"Well, that is hardly appropriate!" Mama Coop fights back
"Really? Because I think it's an amazing idea. You want to be loving and supportive like a normal grandmother?" Betty says
"A Baby Shower? Are you sure that's a good idea? You know, when " Polly begins
"It is. - It's a great idea" I reassure Polly
"What about Mom and Dad?" Polly asks B
"What do you want, honey?" V asks her
"Do you want them to come?" Betty asks her sister
"I do. I mean, Mom, at least." Polly admits
"In that case, we'll get her there somehow." Betty says
"But I do not want to fight with her. " Polly says
"You won't. The entire Cooper family will support you on this, Polly" Betty assures Polly
"I want the Blossoms there. -" Polly starts
"Cheryl, sure, yeah, she's on the guest list." I say
"Cheryl. And Mrs. Blossom" Polly says
"She just tried to declare you an unfit mother. " I say, "do you really want her there Pols
"Well, then this shower is the perfect opportunity for me to prove to her that I'm not" Polly smiles to me
"you so strong" I give her a quick side hug
I sit on the armrest beside Polly and betty and overhear their conversation
"Betty, I've decided I want you to be the baby's godmother" Polly admits
"Really? Me? Oh, my God!" B says excitedly
"If anything would ever happen to me, the only person I'd trust to take care of my baby is you" Polly says
"Oh, my God, Pol!" B says hugging her sister
"this is so exciting !!" I say hugging them both
"We're here! No big deal, it's only the best stroller money can buy." Cheryl says while making her entrance
"So expensive. " I say looking at it
"All I ask in return is that you make me your baby's godmother- Kidding! -So not kidding. Come on, Nana Rose, let's get you a good spot by the food." Cheryl says, well that Cheryl for you
"Polly, Let me begin with an apology. When I first heard about the baby, my initial instinct, to embrace the baby but not you was wrong. I hope you can forgive me" Mama Blossom admits
Awww that's so sweet !
"This necklace reads the baby's aura. Predicts the sex." Nana Rose says spinning it over Polly's belly
"Nana has dementia and gypsy blood."
"Seriously, that's super cool" I say watching
"Oh! " nana rose says
"What? Is my baby okay? " Polly says worried
"Babies. It's twins. One of each! " nana rose exclaims
"Omg really! Congrats P" I say
"Oh! Thanks guys!" Polly says while opening gifts
"Okay, now Mom's. " Betty says grabiing mama coopers bag
"It's my nightlight. When I was a little kid." Polly says
"Awww" I say
"How did you Where did you even " Polly says so happy
"I saved it. I know how much you loved it and how it made you feel safe. And I wanted you to be able to pass it down to your own baby one day. " mama cooper says
"Alice, it's lovely. " Hermonie admits
"Open mine next" I say passing her my gift back that consisted of a spa gift card and a Winnie the Pooh baby blanket
"Aww thank you Iz" Polly says
"No problem"
"You were protecting him. That's why you didn't tell me." Archie says to Jug
"Relax. What happened? " B says
"Did you know that Jughead's father is a Serpent?" Archie asks
"That's why he tried to stop me from going to the bar, so I wouldn't find out."
"Wait what" I say coming over
"After everything my dad has done for you" arch says to Ju
"Archie. I can explain, okay? " huffy tried
But not right now. This is Polly's day, so you two need to check yourselves. I mean it." V says
V and I head back to the guests
"That is a family heirloom. Great-grandfather Blossom used to play with it. Isn't it magnificent?" Mrs Blossom says
"Oh, Polly, come stay with us at Thornhill. " Cheryl says. Uhhh what the..
"Cheryl's invitation is genuine. Thornhill's gates will always be open to you. The child would want for nothing. You would want for nothing. " Mama blossom admits
"Do you think that you can just waltz in here, with a bedbug-infested Trojan Horse, wave a blank check around and steal my daughter?" Mama cooper says getting up
"I didn't think you wanted her, else why would she have been exiled like some pariah?" Mama blossom says. Uh oh, shut us going down.
"To keep her away from your family" Mrs cooper says
"Oh And not because you're ashamed? Why is your own daughter not living with you?" Mrs blossom retaliates
"She's not going to set foot in that twisted, poisonous house of yours." Mrs coopers fight back
"She should be so lucky" Cheryl adds
"Cheryl, that's not helping" I say
"She'd do a lot better there than with you" Mrs blossom says
"How dare you? " says mama cooper
"Enough! Both of you! If you believe one lie" b says jumping in
"This is why Jason is dead! Because of this hate. This pointless, stupid fighting" Polly says getting mad.
"Honey" mama cooper says coming to Polly
"No, don't touch me. We were supposed to be together. And you didn't let us have that, neither of you. And you know it cost Jason his life" Polly cries and I go to hug the poor thing
"Polly" Mama cooper says guilty
"Mom. You need to talk to her" B says
"Polly, I'm sorry. - It's just that woman" Mrs cooper says frustrated
'Didn't send me away. You did. And if you hadn't, I would've met up with Jason, and he still might be alive" Polly says sitting down holding her belly, "Or you might've gotten hurt or worse. I was alone there. In that place. I never wanted you to feel alone, or unwanted, or unloved"
"Honey, come home. I promise you you'll never feel that way again" Mama Cooper says
"You want me to come home?" Polly asks
"More than anything, honey." says mrs Cooper
"Yeah, but what about Dad?" Polly asks with a bit of disgust in her voice
"Your father Dad's just gonna have to get over it" Mrs Cooper says shrugging her shoulder
"Are you sure he's not just gonna try and make another appointment for me?" Polly asks
"What are you talking about? What appointment?" Mrs cooper asks
"Before you sent me away, Dad made an appointment for me to see a doctor. Said he would be more than happy to pay for it. That I shouldn't have to live with my mistake. Oh god he didn't even ask me what I wanted.
"Appointment?" I say getting up, "oh no he didn't, oh Polly" I say sadly as I rub her belly
"how was the baby shower?" Reggie asked as I got into his car
"eventful" I say laying my head back
"is was a baby shower? " reggie laughs
"Just drive handsome" I smile
We reach Pops dinner and go inside for a milkshake and a burger.
"I love pop dates with you Reg" I smile looking up at him
"I love you" He says leaning in
"I love you more" I say before he kisses me.

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