(Trafalgar Law x gn!Reader) U...

By Gh0sture

665 30 24

Here you were. You might be asking yourself "where exactly is here?" and to be honest you have no idea. You a... More

Meet the gang
"And they were roomates!"
Saying Goodbye

Lost in the sauce

268 13 3
By Gh0sture

Here you were.

You might be asking yourself "where exactly is here?" and to be honest you have no idea. You are currently floating around what seems to be an endless ocean with no land as far as the eye can see. "well, how the heck did I end up lost at sea? I live on land" you might think but how does anyone end up lost at sea? Considering that you haven't been close to a boat recently or remember going on a marine adventure this is truly a baffling mystery.

The last thing you remember was going to sleep after a long day like you usually do. you know, in your bed. on land . Where most normal people keep their beds. Only to wake up underwater and desperately swimming upwards before your air supply ran out. You don't know how long you were swimming around utterly confused and in shock until you finally found a piece of driftwood to support you. The driftwood gave you enough of a break to contemplate your current situation. The adrenaline and lack off environmental indicators to tell the time other than the blaring sun meant that you could've been swimming for hours but it was impossible to know. Your body aches and your vision was blurry, most likely from dehydration. Everything seemed almost 2-dimensional but the pounding in your head made it almost impossible to keep your eyes open.

You leaned your head against the soggy wood and closed your eyes for a bit.You had given up looking for any boats to come to your rescue long ago and there were no signs of land from what you could tell. Perhaps it would be best to at least maybe get some rest, build up your strength and continue searching for rescue later. You tried your best to push yourself up on your primitive floating device, making sure you wouldn't fall off and drown in your sleep, before passing out.

When you woke up after who-knows how long you found that you weren't outside anymore. Your eyes try their best to adjust in the dark room you are in as you sit up. You are in some kind of medical room? Or hospital maybe? Judging by the different kinds of medical looking supplies and machinery you'd often find in hospitals. Heck, you're even sitting on what looks like a cheap hospital bed.

Confusion and relief from being saved were slowly replaced by a sense of fear and cautious curiosity. You ponder the best course of action to take next. You are relieved, of course, that you had apparently been picked up from the ocean and certain death by drowning but that wouldn't necessarily mean that you were safe. Especially considering the crazy circumstances of it all, you could've been kidnapped by pirates for all you know! After a few deep breaths you decide that the best option is to find someone who can tell you where the fuck you are, regardless of your possible title as a hostage. Knowing would be better than not knowing in case you need to escape after all.

Putting your bare feet on the floor and grimacing a bit when they came in contact with the cold metal you got out of there and were in for some serious snooping around. Maybe try to steal some dry clothes or a blanket since you were still in your dripping wet PJ's. Opening the only door in the room you carefully peek out into a dark, empty and very narrow hallway. Seems like no one is around.

Operation Snoop time has officially begun.

You are surrounded by a low hum which you can't pinpoint the location of and various whirring and mechanical clanking sounds can be heard coming from behind the walls. At one point a pipe suddenly lets out a hiss of steam above you which scared the ever-loving crap out of you. All of these clues mean very little to you since you still have no idea where you can possibly be and the more you find out the stranger the whole ordeal seems. Your first guess had been that you were rescued and were in some kind of hospital but you've never heard of a hospital as....claustrophobic...as this. Everything seems to be made of steel or some other kind of metal. A metal grid covers the floor and you can see pipes and cables running along the hallway underneath it like inorganic roots or veins. You tiptoe as best you can on the grid while trying not to get your toes stuck in the holes through the snaking and dark hallways. It reminded you of pictures you'd seen of haunted navy ships. Now that you think about it, maybe you actually were on a navy ship of some kind. It's not too unreasonable to assume that the coastguard probably saw you floating around and picked you up.  Something in your gut ,however, tells you that there's more to this mystery though.

You weren't sure how long you'd been exploring at this point but you were fairly certain that you were going in circles, everything looked practically the same in here (where ever here is) and you feel like you might've passed the same staircase at least 3 times now. Getting lost in a strange navy ship doesn't really concern you at this point but the very obvious lack of people certainly does. Shouldn't you have stumbled across someone by now? Sure it didn't seem like the biggest ship but there has to be someone around to run it, right?  Your theory of being abducted by navy ghosts seems more and more plausible by the minute.

You are considering the best way to fight and/or befriend a ghost, should you encounter one, and are making up a plan to try finding your way to kitchen so that you can gather some salt (because ghosts are allergic salt right? That's a thing right?) when you
finally see something new and out of the ordinary. a soft glow is pouring into the dim corridor from a metal door now slightly ajar. You aren't  sure if the door had been closed when you walked passed here last time or if you were in a new part of the ship but nevertheless you tried swallowing the fear forming a lump in your throat and investigate the new room. Stealthily you approached the lightsource and peeked in with as much caution as you could muster. It takes a few seconds for you to take in all the details of the room but once you do, your eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

It was a rather cozy looking study or office with a small bed, a few bookshelves filled with books  dark wooden desk with a human looking skull on it and a big window showing only darkness on the wall behind the desk.

It wasn't the skull that made your heart feel like it stopped beating in your chest or the empty void behind the glass of the window. Even though you love reading it wasn't the large bookshelf that caused your legs to nearly give out under you. No, behind the desk was someone who you could never even dream to see in your wildest fever dreams.

Behind the desk, writing something in a journal was the one and only thirst trap king. It was the Trafalgar Law sitting there. Ridiculously oversized sword leaning against the wall, fuzzy hat and all.

You stand there awe struck in the door way, a million trains of thought rushing around and crashing inside your head. It feels like you're staring at an eldritch horrorterror and your fragile human mind simply can't comprehend the situation or what it's looking at. You barely even register that he has stopped scribbling things down and is now looking up. Directly at you. Since your brain is currently out if commission you act on instinct and quickly spin around to put your back against the wall next to the door, praying that he somehow didn't see you.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

You were 100% sure know. You are dead. Completely lying-in-the-dirt-letting-nature-reclaim-you dead. Absolutely 6-feet-under-cold-as-a-penguins-nose-during-a-snowstorm dead. You had clearly died at sea ,or in your sleep most likely, and gone to wherever you go when you die which turns out to be Trafalgar Law's submarine (or at least looks like it). Either way you are fully certain that you have died and  no longer apart of the world of the living. Rip, you will be missed.

You move your head to peek into the room once more just to make sure that you aren't hallucinating. After all, maybe you're just seeing things from the dehydration and sun exposure but instead you are met face-to-chest with a certain pirate. You let out an odd noise of surprise and fling yourself into the wall opposite in the hallway (which isn't very long) successfully creating almost an arm length of space between you. You can't help but to stare at the man in front of you. He aren't sporting his trademark clothes but the colours and pattern look similar to what you've seen him wear in the anime and manga. His sleeves are rolled up to show of his tattoos that you'd admired for so long. Standing so close to him you find that he's a lot taller then you would have imagined him to be but nevertheless, you are still a die hard fan of him and consider him more perfect than you ever would've believed.

"About time you woke up"

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