Unfamiliar Waters [boyxboy]

By Voomaid

110K 5K 983

Caldon is a water nymph, better known to the surface world as a merman. His kind have remain hidden from the... More

Unfamiliar Waters [boyxboy]
New Beginnings
The Welcome Wagon
New Classes?
Uncertain Lunch
All Quiet on the home front?
Gym is Chyribdis
Stranger Danger
He Knows.....
He knows.....(Full Chapter)
Chapter Teaser
Tepid Water

Rough Weather Ahead

6.9K 329 79
By Voomaid

Caldon woke with a start as his alarm clock went off. Looking around frantically at the yellow walls around him, it took him a moment to get his bearings. Remembering where he was, he quickly hit the button and rubbed the sleep sand out of his eyes. He turned on his side and gave the annoying thing a heated glare. ' I really do not understand why the humans are so obsessed with the loud ringing sounds.... I could really do without it'. He groaned getting out of bed with a huff and made his way to the new pile of clothes his mother got for him. Clothes were something he was not fully accustomed to yet, so he ended up just throwing on the first thing he could find. This happened to be a black and white striped shirt with bright orange pants. He put on some basic white shoes and slowly headed downstairs. 'Mornings are just as hard here as they were back home'

He could smell something burning and figured his mother must be cooking again.Chuckling to himself he made his way down the worn rickety steps and into the kitchen. Peaking off the side of the wall he caught his fathers stern sterling blue eyes which were made more apparent by the thick black eyebrows that framed them. At the moment they screamed 'Help me'. Caldon was startled but quickly took the hint. Before he could make his dashing escape he  was spotted by the sharp eyes of the matriarch of the household.

"Sweetie would you like some of this 'omelet'? I added some some kelp and extra 'omes' to make it extra good!"

His mother looked down at him and smiled excitedly. It was obvious that she loved the new prospect of cooking, but she was really lacking in the tact of it. Before he could answer she was already shoving a glob of it onto a plate and placing it on the table in front of him. It jiggled for 3 solid seconds, a sight that made him queasy. She watched him expectantly as he probed the glob on his fork. He noted that it jiggled just like a cannonball jellyfish, and shivered at the prospect. "Umm actually mom.... I think I will skip breakfast this morning, I am feeling a little nervous about school and don't want to chance my stomach again" he said giving his mom a pitiful look while rubbing his belly. She smiled and ruffled his hair "Awww  Cali, its okay, I will wrap it up for your lunch" she said  endearingly with a pleased smile as she began to dump it in a bag. Just into a bag, no plastic wrap, bowl or anything. She was happy that others would see her wondrous cooking feats. His father grinned wickedly at him from across the table as he moved some of the gunk off his plate and into a napkin. The son narrowed his eyes at his clever father but quickly changed his expression when his mother came back with a paper bag containing his lunch. He gave his father an innocent look and then turned back to his mother " Father is really enjoying this food, I think he could use a second helping". He smiled devilishly at his father scooping him a a rather large second blob of goop.   He stood up and kissed his mother on the cheek and headed for the door, secretly grabbing a pear and stashing it in his bag on the way out.

The walk to school was pretty but uneventful. He really enjoyed being able to smell the sea, it brought a bang of homesickness to his heart though. As Caldon neared the steps to the school he felt a hand suddenly grip his shoulder. He gasped and immediately ducked and turned around to find a startled looking Grant. He held his hands up in a calming gesture "Hey Cal.... I was just curious if you were feeling better. You should have told me you weren't feeling to well, I would have never recommended the pizza if I knew" he said with a smile placing his hand back on Caldons shoulder. Caldon cursed himself for never correcting that nickname. It sounded so informal and awkward.  He decided to just let it slide thinking it was too late to change it. He turned to face the impish teen, shirking off the hand and lowered his head"You have my sincerest apologies for yesterday, I did not realize my body would react that". Grant smirked and saw this as an opportunity. "Aww hun, that is just water under the bridge, though...if you want to make it up to me you can come over later and help me out with Spanish?"

Grant smiled innocently  and grabbed Caldons hand. Caldon smiled but snuck his hand away and used it to rub the back of his head "Yeah I suppose that is alright". Before he could say more, Ethan ran up and gently grabbed his shoulder in that bro hug sort of way "Dude I'm glad to see you feeling better but the first bell has rung and we cant be late to days in a row to lit, the teacher will skin us". Caldon nodded in agreement and gave Grant a quick nod of the head before running off to the first class of the day.

His first couple classes went by uneventfully. He was given some reading materials and textbooks. Spanish was a little odd with Grant drawing circles with a finger on Caldons back. It was incredibly unnerving, Caldon was thankful that Ethan made a point of coming into the room right as the bell rung and snatching him away before Grant could say anything.  He smiled and followed Ethan to a couple picnic tables that were outside with a couple people sitting on them. They all greeted Ethan with a smile or a bump of fists. Caldon made a note to ask Ethan of this later.

The two others in the group looked at the new comer with quizzical looks until Ethan finally came to his senses. "Oh yeah Fam this is Caldon he's a new dude around here, Caldon this is Fam" he said with a beaming smile and an arm out as if to display his friends. Caldon smiled and bowed slightly "I am pleased to make your acquaintance....I". Before he could finish speaking a high pitched shriek interrupted him " AHHHHHHH ....OH MY GOSH ETHAN!!!!!! Where did you find him, he is absolutely adorable!" A girl with dark chocolate colored skin quickly stood up and grabbed Caldon by the arm and making a point of sitting him next to her. Before he could speak again the girl began to talk "Oh Sorry , I can be a little excitable... My name is Brianna but my friends call me Na or Bri or really whatever floats their boat" she said with a laugh. She had shoulder length box braids with the ends died a dark red. She had incredibly kind dark almond shape eyes and a friendly smile. The boy next to her grabbed her by the shoulders and slid her away from Caldon to give the poor guy some space"Na, you are going to scare him away at this rate!" She crossed her arms and pouted while the other teen leaned forward to greet the newbie "Hi dude, the names Jason and don't mind Na here, shes just hyper and friendly" Caldon regarded the teen with a smile and a wave. He had strawberry blond hair and was very pale. This was made very apparent from his red sunburned cheeks. His eyes were light brown and his teeth were slightly crooked, but only enough to give him a quirky look. 

Brianna and Jason began play arguing with each other while Ethan took a seat next to Caldon. Ethan smiled at him then started to dig in his messy bag for some food. Caldon pulled out the pear from earlier and placed the globbed contraption on the table. Caldon sighed, finally feeling content for the first time that day. The sea breeze and sun where very calming and it was also nice to be around a group of people that didn't swarm him. Taking a bite from his pear he noticed the group looking at the paper bag in front of him with interest. "What the hell is that?" Brianna said poking the stained bag with a pencil until it broke slightly. "Umm My mother attempted to cook breakfast, I believe this is called an omelette?" He said with a meek smile. The group burst out laughing as they began to play with the odd contraption of food, by the end of lunch, Brianna ended up pegging all of them with pieces of the glob.

Caldon smiled as he said his goodbyes to the group to go to his next class. It was titled Physical Education. He did not really know what that meant but he actually felt himself grow excited to find out.It seems that Brianna was in the class as well. Lunch had made him more opportunistic than he expected, and wanted to see what other fun things the humans had in store for him.


I apologize for the hiatus, I was in the hospital and dealing with family crap BUT I am done with that and I am excited to continue this story. I am debating editing it into the first person, what do you guys think?

Mystery guy will def make an appearance next episode so stay tuned!

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