Best Freinds

By MaryWoodard5

6 1 0

I wasn't excpecting to be Shanas freind I mean she was new and I had been here since the first day of kinderg... More

One Betheny

4 1 0
By MaryWoodard5

I walked into the doors of my High school with a new backpack on my back, new boots, and some old clothes i had found that morning. I was running late so thats all i really had time to find in my closet becuse all of my new clothes were in the wash. As I  walked passed a group of new kids i had never met before today and probley never would be great freinds with. One of them came over and indurduced themself.

"Hey my names Shana im new here."

"Oh hey well my names Betheny were glad to have you here."

I knew right then and there that Shana and me might as well be freinds they always say that a shy girl needs a socil best freind. I invited her to sit with me at lunch witch wasn't a great oppitunity becuse where i sat was the "Out cast" table. Then I  headed off to my first class of the year math.  As i walked in she noticed some people i hadint spoken to since the last day of school. These were my best freinds well my ex bestfreinds. After i went to summer camp that last summer they decided i was just a waste of there time becuse i had spent time away from wifi and wasn't speaking to them. Sure i wrote letters but to them that wasint good anough. Katy glanced over at me she was the nice one considering that she had apolgized i decided to walk over to her and asked her how her summer was. 

"Hey betheny."


Hows it going we havint really talked ya know."

"Yea I know it was becuse of that fight we had."

"Well betheny that was kinda your fault you should had told us you woud have been gone"

"I tried to tell you guys but you woudint listen."


"Ok guys sit down..."

That was our teacher Mrs. Yung he was my favorite teacher of all time. He was charming,Nice,and easy and we all love easy.  He started pulling out the syllabus that all the teachers on the first day give out. He started explaining it and then he stopped and glanced at me with a smile one of those hot smiles. Then the bell rang and all of us got out of our seats heading to the door but Mrs. Yung stopped me.



"Can you please stay?"

"Sure wasup?"

"Am I the only one who missed seeing you everyday?"

"I mean probley."

"I know its only the first day but you sat in the front by yourself instead of the back with Katy."

"Yea I didint know she was even.."

"I saw you talking to her earler you knew she was in this class."

"Yea I guess I did."

"Cmon tell me what happen."

"This summer.. I went to summer camp I told them  but they woudint listen now they hate me."

" I always knew they weren't ment for you as freinds you deserved better."

"Yea I guess I do any thing else?'

"Actully yes can you come in after school so you can help me?"

"Of course I will I'll be here around 4 does that work?"


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