By ChopMySticks

59 7 0

We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes, This debt we pay to human guil... More

About Tiyanna
About Tyonna
Part 2

Part 1

16 2 0
By ChopMySticks

Tyonna's POV

Today I get to go to LH and I'm super excited.It's a pity Lia can't come today,she's sick.

I already did my daily routine:hygienic clean-up,wearing my usual clothes{Long sleeved shirts,Long jeans/pants,Combat boots}...you see,I have vitiligo,so I don't like my skin that much.

"Tyo,come eat!",mama calls.


After breakfast,I grab an apple,kiss mama's cheek"nakupenda mama",I tell her and head to the bus stop.I speak Swahili😜.

Tiyanna's POV

Today I'm sooooo not in the mood for school,I found out I was adopted a few days ago and I feel lost and my mama doesn't wanna tell me anything.Argh this sucks.

I'm currently sitting in the kitchen playing with my food..."Yaya nana stop playing with your food and eat,you're gonna be late",says mama or Vita.I look up and notice it's Vita,she looks at me and frowns,"babygirl what's wrong?",I don't notice I'm crying until she wipes my tears."Mmh noth-nothing,it's nothing", I stutter."If it's nothing,why you cryin?",she continues."I'm gonna be late,see ya later",I hurry out and tell my driver to go.

During the drive to school,I think about the way I grew up,my siblings,parents,friends,the weird feeling I've always seemed to have;like half my heart is missing,fact that I have vitiligo and only my family knows...just my life in general.

I don't notice we've arrived until my driver pats my shoulder,"We've arrived Miss Tiyanna".I sigh,"Thanks Tadao,but you know you don't have to call me Miss"

I walk out of the car and Kari and the boys run to me."Ohh Tiya I missed you!",she squealed being all mushy kissy cuddly."Ew I get it,now off of me.Sup boys",they nod in my direction and we begin our walk to the class.

Arriving in class,all heads turn in our direction,uh wha,oh yeah Queen B has arrived,"Sup bishes",I greet them and a collection of heys,his and hellos is heard.Looking around,I notice a new girl in two seats in front of my usual and she's doing something on her lap,I'm about to talk to her when the bell rings and Miss Magnolia,the english teacher walks in.

"Okay class,settle down please",we all take our seats."So for you who don't know me,I'm Miss Magnolia and I'm your english teacher.Since it's the new term,I want everyone of you to come and introduce yourself,say your name,date of birth,favourite colour,favourite music,and one interesting fact about yourself.Let's know one another".After 6 students,the new kid walks up to the front.She looks up and I gasp...

"Hi,I'm Tyonna Eggbert,was born on the 12th of July 2003,my favourite colour is turqoise,I love pop music,uhm an interesting fact about me would be my eyes;I have green eyes which turn grey when I'm nervous,pale blue when I'm hungry,black when I'm angry,hazel brown when I'm sad.But I wear contact lenses because people don't understand it.Yeah,that's it",she smiles awkwardly and sits back down.

OH MY GOD,we are soooooo similar,she looks exactly like me,has my date of birth,same eye thing but my eyes are blue;they turn green when I'm hungry,I also wear contacts,we have the same sense of style,we could be tw...

"Tiyanna,Tiyanna!!It's your turn",my thoughts are interrupted by Miss Magnolia.I stand up and head to the front.

"Hey guys,I'm Tiyanna Baldrick,I was born in 2003 on the 12th of July,my favourite colour is lilac,I love pop and reggae music,a fun fact about me is that I play 6 musical instruments;the cello,viola,guitar,violin,piano and the xylophone",I smile and go take my seat.Two people go after me and we're done.

"Ok class,thank you.So today we only have two hours for school since it's the first day of a new term and one of those two hours is up.I have only one assignment for you,go make a family tree and you'll present it during class tomorrow.You can mingle and do whatever you want till the school bell rings".

Oh shit...I hope they tell me about my real family.Tyonna looks exactly like me but you wouldn't tell that much because I wear make-up a lot.I wonder if she has vitiligo...

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