Change of heart.

By RuleOverYou101

29 0 0

This is a story of a transgender girl, who gets bullied. She finally stands up to her bully but will she go t... More

Finally happy


7 0 0
By RuleOverYou101

There's a new boy in the class, his name is Dean. I hope he's not a bully like all the other new kids. He was very skinny and tall. He sat opposite me at lunch and he said, "Are you a boy or girl?" He nudged a few of his new and very quickly-made friends and they all laughed at me. I'm being bullied again. I won't tell anyone yet, I'll wait until it gets worse. It did get worse. I don't know what I did but I did something that irritated him. He pushed me very hard and I fell onto the floor. Him and his little 'crew' laughed at me, and shouted insults and curses. He kicked me in the leg and ran off with his gang. I almost cried but Emily, my best friend, stopped me from crying by messing around with me and our other friends. The next day, it happened again but this time I stood up for myself. The same thing happened again but I stood up and confronted him. Him and his friends cursed at me and insulted me, as usual. But before any teachers noticed, I punched him in the nose. He fell on the floor with a terrible nose bleed but I didn't care. I put my foot on his chest and said "I am a girl." I stared at everyone, who had saw this happen. They all took a step back, except from my friends. Emily and Mike walked me out of the crowd and to a bench in the far corner of the park.

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