The Tale of the Savior - The...

Od cathrineoriginal

4.7K 128 19

Could the Prophecy be true? Could this girl be the savior they have all been waiting for? Amee or Neuriel as... Více

Something Unexpected
Unexpected Meetings
An Unexpected Revelation - Part One
Unexpected Revelation - Part Two
Unexpected Grief
Unexpected News
An Unexpected Confession
Unexpected Friendship
Unexpected Help
Unexpected Liaisons
Not So Unexpected Bravery
Unexpected Sickness
Unexpected Behavior
The Not So Unexpected Battle
The Not So Unexpected Battle - Part 2

Unexpected Allies

167 8 0
Od cathrineoriginal

Now, we're up to date on the story and gotten just as long as on This is the first chapter I had written in 18 months and because of that, my readers needed an apology:

Dear followers, readers, reviewers... Yes everyone who has ever read this story and more.

I know, it's a shock. I have actually updated this story after almost 18 months. It hasn't been easy, but I want to thank everyone that reviewed, telling me to continue and those who sent me a PM, telling me to practically get my head out of my ... And do something about it. Write what you love and all that kind of stuff. It took me 18 months, and I hope I haven't lost all of you, and that you'll give me a second chance. If not, then I plan to delete this story, and start all over again, maybe do things a little differently.

I have a plan for everything, and this chapter right here, took me a long time to finish. But I have a surprise for you in this chapter, which I hope you'll enjoy.

If you're still out there, please let me know, and we will get this show on the road again.

I do not own "The Hobbit" Only my OC.



The good Lord Elrond finally reached his destination after telling his guards to wait in the woods unseen. This was something he had to do alone. But not before sending Carmella alone on this dark and dangerous journey by herself. He knew that Carmella would escape and run anyway, so he sent her along with the help of the elven magic. Making her faster and stronger for each step she took. She was a brave pony, and Neuriel needed her.

Elrond walked inside a cave in the middle of nowhere. Not that many knew about this particular place, not any outsiders anyway.

The walls and gate were covered with some kind of weed that gave it a horrible smell, to keep intruders to stay away. Their enemies couldn't stand it.

Elrond had not taken a step towards those familiar gates in over 70 years, he respected the wished of the kin living here. He had in fact, helped them seal the gate back then. By using his elven magic, Elrond sealed the gate with powerful magic with the help of Galadriel.

It was about time they came out of hiding, and Lord Elrond was determent not to leave this place until he got what he wanted, what his Neuriel needed.

Elrond touched the wall where the concealed gate was and started to mutter something elvish under his breath, and readied himself for the thing waiting for him on the other side of that wall.


"I was going to give it to you. Many times I wanted to but..."

"But what, thief?" Thorin asked and Amee knew she couldn't stand back any longer. Amee stepped forward, keeping her eyes on Thorin.

"Because I asked him to never even consider giving it to you!"

The suffocating silence that followed made it possible for all of Middle Earth to hear a pin drop against the cold mountain floor. Every dwarf on that mountain looked at Amee in shock and at first; Amee didn't dare look at anyone else but Thorin and Bilbo. She also knew that she couldn't back down now.

"What did you say?" Thorin asked with a dangerously low voice. Kili tried to reach out for Amee but she stepped away from him and closer to the dwarf that could easily kill her.

"I knew... Bilbo showed it to me and I couldn't let you have it. It wasn't right." Amee said harshly.

Thorin took a step towards her, ready to strike but Bilbo stood up for her.

"You are changed, Thorin. The dwarf I met in Bag End, would never have gone back on his word nor would he raise his hand towards his own nephew's betrothed, a fellow companion." Bilbo said, grasping Amee's hand. "The Thorin we knew would never have questioned the loyalty of his kin!"

"Do not speak to me of loyalty. You and that harlot means nothing to me." Thorin told them with venom in his voice.

"Throw the hobbit from the rampart!" Thorin yelled to his men as Kili held Amee back, too afraid of what his uncle might do. No one dared to move a muscle. Amee could not believe that Thorin would give such an order.

When Thorin understood that no one would do it, he went ballistic.

"Did you not hear me!" He roared and tried to force them to do it. Amee tried her best to free herself from Kili's hold. She had promised Bilbo that she would protect him no matter what and she couldn't stop now.

"I will do it myself." Thorin growled and launched himself towards Bilbo. Amee wiggled her way lose and ran forward.

"No!" Amee screamed, taking in the impact on herself. Thorin was blind with rage, and grabbed a hold of the smaller dwarf's neck and for some reason, Amee didn't fight him. She knew it would be an even greater harm to hers and Kili's unborn dwarfling.

"Amee! Uncle, let her go!" Kili yelled with the support of the other dwarves. Bain knew better than to let Kili get involved in all of this, so he held the young dwarf back. Oin was the only one beside Bilbo that knew about the unborn prince or princess, and he struggled his way over to them.

"Thorin! Think about this for a minute. Think about what you're doing to the princess." Oin pleaded, but it only made Thorin angrier.

"Cursed be the wizard that forced you on this company. You are not worthy our company!" Thorin yelled, threatening to drop Amee from his hold.

"If you do not like my dwarf nor my hobbit, then please do not damage them. Return them to me. You're not making a very splendid figure as king under the mountain, are you, Thorin, son of Thrain." Gandalf said, making himself known. It seemed to do the trick, and he tossed Amee back in, and Bofur helped her up. Kili just stood there, not knowing what to do, or what to believe. The one he loved has lied to him, but someone had threatened her and still he did nothing.

"Never again will I have dealings with wizards, shire rats, or supposed saviors!" Thorin roared, as Bilbo managed to find the rope they used the night before. Amee looked towards Kili again, silently begging for him to join her, but he did not dare cross his uncle. Amee never felt more betrayed. He promised to always stand by her. Now, nothing mattered anymore.

"Come along, princess. Let's get away from here." Bilbo pleaded her. Amee nodded and started the climb down from that wall, and away from the love of her life.


Lord Elrond shielded his eyes from the bright light, waiting an attack on the ones residing in this secret kingdom.

"Intruder!" He heard someone yell, and it set everything in motion. The creatures living here, started yelling, getting ready to defend the place that's been their home for the last 70 years.

Elrond did not show them any hostility as the guards caged him in, holding him in place.

"I am not here to harm you. I wish to talk to your Queen." Elrond said, his voice roaming through the hidden land.

"The Savior needs our help." He bellowed again, and the huge iron doors cracked open. A beautiful dark haired female stepped out with such graze and authority, everyone else backed away from her.

"My good Lord Elrond. Why in Valar's name have you dared to break our shield and expose us to the world?" The woman in front of him asked, her beautiful, familiar blue eyes pierced his.

"My Queen. I have come, because I cannot ignore it anymore. Amee needs our help. She faces a battle far more grand then what I would have ever foreseen. She need my help and she needs yours. She has lost her trust and will to fight for her kin, and she needs us." Elrond told her. He watched as her eyes filled with tears and she turned her back on him.

"I cannot risk my kingdom and kin to this war. It would be a devastating loss. I cannot go through this again." The Queen started to retreat when Elrond lost it.

"For over 70 years I have kept you a secret. Not telling anyone but Galadriel about this place. For over 70 years, I raised her as my own. But no more. She will always be a daughter of mine, but she's your daughter too!"

The dwarven Queen came to a halt. And Elrond couldn't help to think how much The Queen of Gemstone could look like an older version of his beloved Neuriel.

"You are her mother, this is her birthright, Jaymee is their future Queen. Give her something to believe in again." Elrond pleaded her. He could still see the turmoil in her eyes.

"I am risking my relationship with my daughter by coming to you, knowing that she will finally know that I have been lying to her about her family being dead. But if that means that it will save her, then so be it. That is a risk I am willing to take. The only question is: Are you?" 

Queen Nore looked at the Lord Elrond standing in front of her. She felt the turmoil, the urge to keep her kin safe, and the urge to save the daughter she left behind to keep hidden. 

"So, what will you decide?"


Amee climbed down the rope, trying her best not to shed tears from what just happened. She could feel a bruise forming on her neck, and it was not the good kind. She hit the ground and helped Bilbo down as well. She locked eyes with Gandalf, and she could tell that he felt bad about the outcome.

"My dear Neuriel." He said, letting her into his embrace. Bard looked over at them, feeling sorry for his newfound friend. He had to tear his eyes from her, and face the matter at hands.

"Are we resolved?" Bard asked Thorin. "The return of the Arkenstone to what's promised."

They all watched as Thorin paced back and forth.

"Why should I buy back that which is rightfully mine?" Thorin bellowed.

"Keep the stone. Sell it." Thranduil suggested to Bard. "Ecthelion of Gondor will give you a good price for it."

"I will kill you!" Thorin yelled at him. "Upon my oath, I will kill you all!"

"Your oath means nothing! I have heard enough." Thranduil said, turning his mighty stag around and his army around.

"Thorin, lay down your arms. Open these doors. This treasure will be your death." Gandalf pleaded him.

"Give us your answer!" Bard added, trying one more time to get through to him. "Will you have peace... or war?"

Suddenly, a Raven flew up to Thorin as if it was delivering him a message, and Amee could hear something in the distance.

"I will have war." Thorin told them as a group of Soldiers appeared in the distance.


"Ironfoot." Gandalf said and for the second time in her life, Amee finally would meet someone like herself. She just wished she would have met them under other circumstances.

The dwarves of the company, started cheering, including Kili, but his cheering disappeared when he looked down at Amee. She would be in the line of fire. He knew she could take care of herself, but with her being sick for past weeks, made him question her capability.

Thranduil ordered his men to change positions, and face the newcomers.

"Ay, Thorin! Ironfoot has come!" Their leader shouted, riding there on his wild hog.

"Who is that?" Bilbo asked, following Gandalf and Amee. "He doesn't look very happy."

"It is Dain, Lord of the Iron Hill." Gandalf answered without taking his eyes of Dain.

"I've heard stories about him." Amee said. "He's Thorin's cousin."

"Are they alike?" Bilbo asked.

"I have always found Thorin to be the reasonable of the two." Gandalf told him honestly, and it made Amee roll her eyes. As they walked closer, Amee felt the need to hold onto her stomach. She knew it was way too early for it to move. But she needed to be sure that it was still there. She had someone else to protect now.

"Good morning!" Dain greeted. "How are we all? I have a wee proposition. If you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would ya consider... Just sodding off?!"

His outburst made Bard's men take a step back, and Amee didn't blame them. They didn't have any combat training.

"Stand fast." Bard told them.

"Oh, come now, Lord Dain." Gandalf said, stepping forward with Amee.

"Gandalf the grey. Tell this rabble to leave or I'll water you to the ground with their blood." Dain said, and it made Amee's blood boil.

"You will do no such thing!" Amee said with a stern voice. "You're not sitting there, on your pig, threatening my friend. There is no need for war between dwarves, men and elves."

"And who are ye?" Dain asked looking at Amee.

"My name is Amee. Or, Princess of Gemstone, if you'd like." Amee said, showing off her neckless. It was a token all dwarves knew. And it made Dain back his pig up.

"That's not possible." Dain said under his breath.

"You better believe it, Lord Dain." Gandalf said. "A legion of orcs march on the mountain. Stand your army down."

"I will not stand down before any elf. Not least this faithless woodland sprite." Dain said in anger. "He wishes nothing but ill upon my people."

Amee stepped closer to Dain.

"I know that, Dain. He's the most pompous jerk in all of Middle Earth. But do not think of him. He doesn't mean anything. Think about it. If the orcs are on their way here, we need to stand together against this threat. If we don't I fear that we're all doomed. I cannot do this alone." Amee told him, hoping he would trust her enough to listen to her. That the reputation she had, would outdo everything else.

"If he stands between me and my kin..." Dain started to say.

"I'll make sure that he won't. I'll convince him that you'll get through to you kin, our kin." Amee said, bargaining as best as she could.

"And if he does not?"

Amee looked back at Legolas' father with a smirk on her face.

"Then I'll throw the first punch." Amee told him with a wink.

Dain started laughing, a booming laugh that was heard all over the field.

"Okay, Princess. You have my word." Dain said, when he found his voice again. Amee walked back towards Gandalf, who looked rather pleased.

"I have never seen Dain like this before, Neuriel." Gandalf said, only for her ears. "You're going to be a marvelous Queen, and an even better mother."

Amee smiled at that. She was going to be a mother.


She walked back towards Thranduil, and Amee didn't like the way he looked at Dain and the other dwarves.

"Let them advance. See how many survives." Thranduil said, making Amee sigh in annoyance.

"You need to learn a thing or two, Thranduil. Back then, you didn't get it, and you still do not get it." Amee said, narrowing her eyes at the man who once tucked her in at night.

"Do not insult me." Thranduil hissed at her.

"Then do not insult me!" Amee shot back at him, effectively stopping his argument. "You did not understand that when you came here all those years ago, the sickness was so bad, they weren't in their right mind, with no fault of their own. You sealed their fate by not helping. Do not do this again today. Help me save what's left. I have a feeling we need each other in the future. We cannot do this alone. You were the one to calm me down when I had nightmares as a child, whenever my father and I would visit you in the Woodlands. Have you completely forgotten about that?"

Thranduil looked into Amee's eyes, seeing the little girl that would play in his woods, bringing some laughter into the cold halls of his kingdom. Thranduil didn't know what to say.

He was about to answer, when Dain suddenly changed his mind.

"He's using too long. I cannot deal with that pointy-eared princess." Dain called as he rode back to his kin. "You hear that lads? We're on! Let's give those bastards a good hammering."

Amee groaned. She was so close to come to an understanding between them, and Dain thought the elves used too much time. Impatient fool.

"Thandruil, please stand down." Amee pleaded, and for once he glanced at her with compassion.

"I wish I could." Thandruil said and rode off towards Bard.

"Stand your men down. I'll deal with Ironfoot and his rabble." Thandruil told Bard and Amee knew that this would turn ugly.

The dwarves started advancing on them with goat riders, and Thranduil ordered his men to fire. Gandalf had to hold Amee back with him, so she wouldn't be in the line of fire.


It didn't take long before the two armies clashed together in a swirl of chaos. Amee never wanted this to happen, and she felt helpless.

"Stay with me, Neuriel. This is not your fight. I know that you would do whatever you could, but right now, you need to think about your child. Do not let yourself get into more danger than necessary." Gandalf told her and she understood. This wasn't her fight.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar sound in the distance. She would've recognized it anywhere. But it couldn't be. A cloud of dust grew lager as it ran with all its might towards the fighting enemies.

"Gandalf. Carmella is here." Amee said in amazement. Amee thought that she would never see her bellowed horse again. That beautiful and strong little pony that captured her heart all those years ago. With finesse, Carmella made her way unharmed among those in combat. Amee felt better, knowing that she was here.

Without warning, the ground began to shake, and it was not because of the battle before them. No, this came from the mountains. Something was coming and it was coming fast. The rumbling only grew and gain the attention of the fighting army, stopping them.

"Were-Worms." Gandalf said under his breath.

It was the ugliest creatures besides goblins and trolls, Amee had ever seen. They looked absolutely disgusting.

"Oh, come on!" Dain exclaimed, knowing that what Amee had said, was the truth. On top of the mountain, Amee could clearly see Azog, and it went cold down her back. She knew that he wanted both Thorin and herself, and she knew she was going to have to kill him.

"What do you say, Carmella? Do you still have one more great fight in you?" Amee asked her, knowing that she would understand. Carmella stomped with her front legs and neighed loudly, showing that she was ready. Gandalf a hold of Amee as she was about to jump onto her.

"Gandalf, I have to do this." Amee told him.

"I know, Neuriel, I know. But you won't be able to do it without this." Gandalf said, holding out her precious bow to her.

"Where did you find it?" She asked.

"I will tell you later, now go!" Gandalf ushered.

"Take care of Bilbo." Amee rushed out as she pushed Carmella forward.

Amee rode towards Dain, who was getting his army ready for the battle ahead.

"Lord Dain. I know we can't expect anything from Thorin and his company, but I need you to help me with this. I cannot do this alone. I need your dwarves to follow me." Amee pleaded.

"Aye. Whatever you say, Princess." Dain agreed. Amee nodded quickly before looking up at Kili, standing there calling for her. He was ready to climb over the wall to help her in every way he could, but Thorin dragged him back.

"I love you." She whispered, choosing to believe that he heard her, and rode off, leading the Iron Hill dwarves to the greatest battle known to Middle Earth.


I know, short chapter, but it's still something, right?

Did you like my surprise about where Elrond had gone to? It was in my plans all along, but I never got around to writing it before now.

So, the great battle is on, how do you think it will turn out?

Once again, I would like to thank everyone that gave me reviews and PM's, telling me to come back, and now I am!

Hopefully, I will be able to finish this story once and for all!

Until next time xD


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