Black Magic ▸ Prince Adam

By wandasmaximoff

100K 3.9K 729

❝She was dangerous, independent, and strong. The sound of her heels against the marble floor shook the devil... More



12K 432 115
By wandasmaximoff


"MAMA, I CAN start working again."

"There's no place to work, dear." Agathe told her daughter, giving her a sympathetic smile. "There are only so much to do in a small village like this."

There was an unspoken message in that statement, one they both knew. No one would hire someone who was the daughter of a beggar, especially one born out of wedlock. Celeste didn't know her father and that was how Agathe liked to keep it, she didn't want her daughter knowing her lowlife of a father. She didn't care if she was a beggar for the rest of her life, not as long as she still had Celeste.

"Maybe if I knew my father...." Celeste trailed off and gave her mother a hopeful look.

Agathe's smile fell as she patted her daughter's cheek. "Nice try, Celeste."

The brunette groaned and practically stomped away from the makeshift cottage, which was really more of a hut made out of fallen tree branches and twigs. It definitely wasn't the best living conditions but it shielded Celeste and her mother from the elements, for the most part. She never complained though, except for the occasional downpour that would have everything inside the home soaked. It was all she ever knew and she didn't have a problem with that. She would rather live there for the rest of her life than be married off to someone she didn't even like, let alone love.

Celeste began making her way to Villeneuve, which was only a few short minutes walk from the hut on the outskirts of the village. Every morning was the same, almost exactly the same. She would run into Belle, typically at Pere Robert's, and she would tell her all about the books she had read, despite the fact that it was more than likely one they had already both read. It had become an unspoken ritual among them, ever since Belle taught Celeste how to read when they were younger.

The church was Celeste's safe space. Not because she was religious, but because it was the only place she didn't have to listen to the constant gossiping of the villagers, not that she cared. She just wanted somewhere to clear her head for at least some period of time during the day. He, along with Belle and Maurice, were the only ones that accepted her without a second thought.

The brunette said her usual greetings to the same people as she did every morning, always putting a smile on her face to act as if she were happy to see them. She didn't have a problem with most villagers, but she was exhausted with the same routine every song day.

"Ah, there she is." Pere Robert greeted Celeste with a smile as soon as she entered the vestry of the church and let out a sigh of relief once the doors closed, muffling much of the outside noise. The priest set down the book he was reading and got up from his seat across the room. He picked up the plate of bread and jam and handed it to the girl. "Breakfast, Madame."

Celeste smiled and quickly took the plate from the man. "Thank you, Monsieur." She said before taking a seat on one of the tables against the wall, leaning against it before setting the plate on her lap and taking a bite out of the bread. As she got older, she began to dislike the taste of it, but considering it was essentially the only thing people would give her and Agathe, she dealt with it. She always promised herself whenever she got money, she would never eat bread unless she had to.

"You and your mother are always welcome here." The priest reminded Celeste. "There isn't much food, but it is something."

"I know." Celeste nodded, giving him a smile. "I appreciate it, I really do.... But my mother does not want to impose, and I don't like the idea of her being alone out there." She finished just before Belle entered the building.

"Good morning, Belle." Pere Robert greeted the young woman with a smile while Celeste only waved as she devoured her food. "Where did you run off to this week?"

Belle's smile grew and became more genuine at the question. "Two cities in Northern Italy." She said excitedly, holding the book out for Pere Robert to take. She continued to tell the story of Romeo and Juliet as if the three of them hadn't read it at least a dozen times. Granted, it was the first book Belle taught Celeste to read and there were only so many books available in a village that believed girls shouldn't read, but even Celeste was tired of hearing the story. At this point, she could recite it word for word, forward and backward. However, she always listened to Belle tell the story, mostly because she was preoccupied with eating.

"Have you got any new places to go?" Belle asked the priest, hope in her eyes. The three of them turned their attention to the few dozen books lined up on the table across from Celeste. It was a pathetic excuse for a library, but it was all they had.

"Call it a gut feeling," Celeste finally spoke up, finishing her bread and setting the plate beside her. "But I have a strong feeling the answer is no."

"I'm afraid Celeste is right." Pere Robert said, pursing his lips when he saw the disappointment in Belle's eyes. "But you may reread any of the old ones that you'd like." He finished, his usual kind smile returning to his face.

Belle scanned the few books available before picking one up and smiling at the older man. "Thank you. Your library makes our small corner of the world feel big." She said before opening the door, the noise from outside quickly filling the room. "I will see you later, Celeste." She gave the girl a smile before exiting.

"So," Pere Robert started as he sat back in his seat and picked up his book, glancing up at the young woman on the table. "What are your plans today, Celeste?"

"I don't know." Celeste sighed and shrugged. "Put my pride aside and beg for a job? Maybe listen to everyone talk about how unfortunate my life is? The possibilities are endless." She got off the table and brushed the bread crumbs off her dress.

"Sounds riveting." Pere Robert replied with just as much sarcasm, choosing to go along with her rather than scold her for her pessimism as he typically did. "Let me know what you decide?"

"Same time tomorrow." Celeste replied, giving the older man a wave before exiting the vestry. She didn't have the slightest idea where she was going, there was nowhere for her to go aside from home and that was one of the last places she wanted to be at the moment. She stood on the stairs for a moment before deciding that her best option would be to walk around the village and at least attempt to find work.

Though many villagers were kind enough to her face, there wasn't a day that went by without them talking about her. She never cared what they thought, she just hated that everyone, or just about everyone, thought she was strange just because she was different. That was part of the reason why her and Belle were friends, they were both outcasts in the village that they were stuck in.

Celeste let out a surprised yelp when she turned the corner and bumped into someone. A massive someone that felt like a brick wall. She almost let out a groan when she realized she wouldn't be able to avoid Gaston. Luckily he never harassed her like he did Belle, but he was so full of himself that Celeste wondered why he hasn't just married himself.

"Good morning, Celeste! It's a beautiful day we're having, isn't it?" Gaston greeted, his smile too forced and overenthusiastic.

"Well, it was until I ran into you." Celeste retorted, pursing her lips.

Gaston let out a laugh and Celeste wasn't sure whether this one was real or fake. Even she had to admit that he could be convincing if he wanted to. "Always the kidder, Celeste."

"Except for the fact that I wasn't kidding." Celeste muttered under her breath before smiling at the shorter man next to Gaston. "How are you, LeFou?"

"I am good, Celeste. Thank you for asking." LeFou smiled widely at the brunette, happy that someone other than Gaston acknowledged his presence. "You know, she is my favorite person in this village." He told Gaston. "Right behind you, of course." He added quickly after Gaston gave him a sharp glance.

"I believe you and LeFou would make an excellent couple." Gaston stated confidently, putting him hand on both of their shoulders and looked between them. "Can't you see it?"

Celeste almost looked disgusted. She didn't hate LeFou, she actually quite liked him and he was almost like a brother to her at times. Plus, she had a very strong feeling that he was more interested in Gaston than any other woman in the village. "Yeah, as much as I enjoy our witty exchanges, I'm going to pass."

"I'm glad the feeling is mutual." LeFou replied, almost sighing in relief.

Gaston turned all his attention to Celeste and gave her a sympathetic look. "Unless you want to be like your mother, I suggest you stop being so particular about who to marry."

Celeste narrowed her eyes at the man. "There's nothing wrong with my mother!" She pushed Gaston, which only resulted in herself being pushed back and almost tripping on a stone behind her. "Did you just start a conversation to ridicule me?"

"I actually have a favor to ask." Gaston said, his tone becoming much more enthusiastic. "It has come to my attention that you are friends with Belle."

"Oh, you stopped looking at yourself long enough to gather that much?"

Gaston laughed again, and even though it sounded the same, she knew it was fake. "Oh, Celeste, I do enjoy your wit."

"Just humor him." LeFou said when Celeste looked at him to see if Gaston was being serious. "Please."

"Yeah, well, if my wit paid I would be rich." Celeste grumbled under her breath. "Can you get in with it, Gaston?" She continued in annoyance, looking up at the massive man. "I don't have all day."

"Please don't take this the wrong way when I ask this." Gaston put his arm around Celeste's shoulders, almost surprised that she didn't push him away. "But what could you possibly be doing? You don't exactly have a job. Or friends for that matter."

"Keep this up and you won't be able to reproduce." Celeste quipped, an almost-too-sweet smile on her lips. "Get on with it before I really lose interest."

"Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village." Gaston declared, as if it were new information. "Aside from you, of course." He added, giving Celeste a charming smile. "If you weren't like my sister I would ask for your hand in marriage."

"And if you weren't like my brother I would still say no." Celeste retorted, a tight-lipped smile on her face. "If you want me to help you marry Belle all you have to do is ask."

Gaston stood up straighter and smiled wider, quickly becoming his usual confident self. "Celeste, would you please try to convince Belle to at least consider marrying me?"

Celeste tapped her finger on her chin and appeared deep in thought before looking back at Gaston and dropping her hand. "No." She said before turning and walking in the other direction. She rolled her eyes when she heard Gaston and LeFou rushing after her.

"Well, why not?"

"Did you ever think of the fact that she does not want to marry you?" The brunette turned on her heel and glared up at the soldier. "She keeps turning you down for a reason, Gaston! It isn't hard to figure out, she doesn't even like you. Why don't you save everyone's time and pick a Bimbette? I'm sure they would gladly take your hand in marriage."

"How much will it cost?" Gaston quizzed, raising an eyebrow. "Name your price, Celeste."

"I would rather be thrown to the wolves than help you marry someone who obviously doesn't like you!" She snapped before turning around and continuing on her way. She was stomping, almost so hard that she could easily feel the cobblestone through her thin shoes.

"LeFou, why is Celeste so stubborn?"

"I believe assertive would be a better word to describe her."


not edited

lowkey love celeste's relationship with le duo tbh

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