Fate and Cross: Chaos Reigns

By ColourWorlds

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Andrew, and Viola, two partners that cross between different time periods, manage to end at the end of time... More

Premonition - Another Life Cast Into the Shadows
Chapter 2 : A Weighted Fate

Chapter 1 - Cross and Olivia

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By ColourWorlds

Dim light, the first strike of dawn is the hour of awakening and life in this world, yet only the people that work the land wake up, while the rest sleep. Cross, is one such man, he is young naive and full of adventure, yet he understands his daily chores. Get up in the morning, wash his face, prepare the animals for work, and begin breakfast. After breakfast he lets his mother take over, so that she may create an even more incredible meal than he ever could. Afterwards begins training, since his father was in the army, he teaches his son all he knows about swordplay. Yet, every so often the father wonders how could they possibly ever have had a child, since his wife Mia, was infertile and could not bear any children.

Once the two begin, there is no stopping them. The two men continue their clash, with one parry then another, the chime of clashing steel continues throughout the morning. However, the outcome today is unexpected, Cross finishes an attack that broke through his fathers guard. Now, his father, Flin, was no slouch even in his elderly years, and rarely losses to his young optimistic son, who barely scrapped 16.

"Breakfast is ready," Mia, his mother shouts to inform the gentlemen that the time for food is near. Silently as always the pair walk towards the door to the house, and find an unexpected visitor sitting at the table waiting for them. Olivia, an old friend of Cross and his family.

"Hello Cross, Flin, its good to see you again after such a long time." Olivia begins her conversation with them both. Flin was a silent man after the time he spent in the military, yet his actions speak louder than words ever could. Flin nods in response to Olivia.

Cross on the other hand returns the speech, "Olivia, you have been gone for so long, weren't you doing some form of magic training or something?"

"I was learning at, St. Jordan's Magic Academy, it wasn't as simple as leave whenever I wanted to see someone. I have to go through all the necessary paperwork, and I still only got off a few days. They even have runes set into everyone's walls so you can't sneak out at night."

"Oh, so couldn't you have sent a letter then I could have visited you so you didn't have to come here?"

"It's not that simple, you see I really don't know if you could understand, they would probably want you to stay there in their care." Olivia finishes the conversation with a sense of hiding something.

The four of them begin eating, the delightfully smelling meal that tasted rough, and harsh yet, it made them more bound into the meal. However, the company around the rosewood table, made the meal all the more enjoyable. Afterwards an enjoyable conversation continued through the entirety of the day. An abrupt end came when a personalized escort came for Olivia, even surrounded by battlemages.

"What are battlemages doing in front of our home?" Looking towards the battlemages Cross exclaimed.

"They are probably here for me... they are the bodyguards for the student body and their commander is ... my teacher." With a sigh, Olivia continued, "However, since they came for me here they likely believe that I was practicing a form of magic or something of the like, outside of the schools supervision."

The lead battlemage, began the approach, "We have come to return the 2nd year apprentice to the lord Artime the 3rd. As well, we have received orders by the arch mage to retrieve the young commoner named Cross, and return him to the academy immediately."

"Don't say anything about who you are, if you're lucky they won't have a truth spell and they won't take you with them." Olivia said under her breath, so that only Cross could hear her. However, this was a misstep, since the head mage, came to see him.

"We have a description and a magical scribing, he cannot hide his identity we know that it is this boy, thankfully you did spare us the trouble of searching for him."

Grabbing the boy by his arm, not saying anymore dragging him into the carriage that they brought with them. While crying, Olivia climbs into the carriage as well. The party of mages and their prey leave the farm.

"Cross... Sleep." A guard casts a simple sleeping spell that allows for easy rest and rejuvenating life.

After what seems like ages the boy Cross awakens, and asks to his surrounding, "Where am I?"

"We are still travelling, the battle mages are taking us to the academy, well more specifically the arch-mage's tower since he asked for you specifically." Olivia, trembling barely able to get her words out says.

"So we are almost there, how long have I been out? And what happened to my parents?" Cross asks Olivia believing that she has the answers.

"We probably need to wait around 8 more hours to arrive, the mages they sent are combat based, so they can't do teleportation without a contractor." Olivia continues to explain, "Though the mage was kind to you, he put you asleep so that you didn't have to experience the boring first 6 hours of the voyage. I was nearly night before we left, now the stars are out in all of their glory."

Cross now with some answers looks up, and it is just as the young apprentice said, the stars were shining, more brilliantly than ever, and independent star, the star that grants magic to those who wish from it is also shining bright, right next to the moon.

After another hour now roughly seven hours away from their eventual destination, Cross asks again to Olivia.

"What happened to my parents, Olivia?"

Olivia, bit her lip so hard that some blood came out, she explains, "Cross, I know you will be mad, and sad, but please don't blame the mages. Before I tell you, you must agree not to freak out, k?" Cross shakes his head, and promises with his whole heart to accept whatever will happen.

"Umm, you see the reason why they came to get you, was first because of the arch-mage wanting to speak with you, but there was another reason. You see..." Olivia whispers what happened to Crosses parents before the war, and before his rebirth.

A voice echoes. "You two tyrants wish to have a son? To receive such a gift surrender your lives to order, and you will have your son. I am the guardian of order and I need a vessel for my champions, I will give you a son, he is my champion, he will also be your undoing. Once, he leaves your company you will both perish and come serve me a shades of order." They accept, and their son is conceived, of both their blood, he will come forward.

With this revelation Cross fell into a great train of thought and slowly drifted away from reality, while they move closer to the path that he will have to cross.

After the trek was over, at two hours after daybreak, the fortress that serves as the magic academy stands. Yet to the knowledge of no mortal, a hunter, a witch, and his past life. Look towards him, waiting for the time to rejoin his life, that time is soon.

When life rises, order returns. When life falls, chaos reigns. When life continues, the two clash. Only with the two will life will flourish. Behold, he who will never win, yet never lose. The guardian two sides of the same coin. All for one, and One for one. It is the beginning and the end. The only law that he sets is always broken, no mortal will hold the power of him. Yet, this power continues to flourish. – 4th Sorcerer Lord Merrick the XV.

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