Mihawk x Reader - King

By WithheldFiber74

267 8 1

The song used, King by Lauren Aquilina More

Mihawk x Reader - King

267 8 1
By WithheldFiber74

(W/N) = Wolf Name

(F/M) = Female/Male

W/G) = Wolf Gender

The night sky above Kuraigana island was a deep luna blue, with a litter stars in view. No clouds, only a clear view. It was an entirely different place to the mists and ruin of Kuraigana island. It was lovely. Every night you came up to the roof of the castle to take in the view of the night. It was the calmest place in Kuraigana. The forest was infested with Humandrills and the castle had howling holo's floating from room to room. It's a wonder how Mihawk puts up with it all, especially with the green haired swordsman who gets lost walking a straight line! Though, you did sometimes cause trouble. And the reason would be (W/N), your wolf. They HATED taking baths. So, you would chase him/her around the castle for hours until you either got told off by Mihawk, or actually caught him/her. But for the rest of the time, you were a shy, quiet and 'slightly' clumsy (F/M). Which is what Mihawk loved about you. He wouldn't admit it because, well, Mihawk is Mihawk. You sigh and look down to the forest to see swirls of mist swerving in and out between the trees. You stare for a while and wonder why the mist is there, but soon shrug it off and stare back up to the sky. You start to think about the first time you met Mihawk. It was about half a year ago, on this very island. But you didn't intend to come here. It was... an accidental... navigation fail.

=== Back then ===

The sea had grown dark suddenly. And the sky, it was... grey, shadowed over by clouds. To make things worse, there was a thick amount of fog so there was no way of seeing what was around.

"Umm, (W/N), where... are we?" Your voice quivered as you looked around in fear. (W/N) checked the compass and map.

"The compass is malfunctioning and the map is of no use if we don't know where we are." Great. Stuck in the middle of an abyss of nothing, in a small boat, with no weapons what so ever. You weren't a pirate, you were just a young (F/M) who was curious of what was in the world. Sure you knew of the dangers out on the grand line, but you didn't bump into many pirates, and the ones you did bump into let you pass. 'that's a bit strange' You puzzled, but would always shrug it off as just kindness. You stayed floating in the ocean of a few more days until, by a stroke of luck, land popped up in the distance.

"Hoo-rah!" You cried out in pure happiness. you wanted to get onto land as soon as possible, being stuck in a cramped boat is pretty uncomfortable. But, when the boat hit the shore, you had second thoughts on the island. The sky was a mix of teal and purple, swirls of grey mist flooded miles of the land, the trees were all dead, and the land was all crusty and cracked.

"This, definitely isn't Enies Lobby." Nothing could be said. This place looked like a creepier version of Thriller Bark! Despite your fears of the island, you hopped out of the boat and roped it up to.... wait, there is nothing to rope it onto!

"Shit, (W/N), we need to go find some kind of log or something to attach the boat to, otherwise the boat will float away" (W/N) nodded and jumped out of the boat and up to your side. (W/G) had grabbed your backpack and you left everything else in the boat. You were worried that the boat would float away while you were gone, but there wasn't really anything valuable in the boat, the boat was the most valuable thing there. The both of you reached the edge of the shore and took your first steps onto the crusty and cracked land. It made a light tap noise as you walked along it. It was bone dry. It was like it hadn't rained for years. You decided to look back to the shore. It was completely hidden in fog.

"How are we going to find our way back in all this fog." You said under your breath but continued onwards to the dead and bony trees ahead.





You and (W/N) were deep into the dead forest, broken boulders and crumbled parts of buildings lay in their resting place.

'What happened to this place?' You wondered in your head.

"Hey, (Y/N), now that I think about it, I remember that, in one of those books Mr.Kingashi gave us back at loguetown, it said something about a war damaged island that apparently hasn't been touched in years. do you think, this is maybe the island in that book?" With that in mind, you sling your backpack off your shoulders and rummaged through it to find that book.

"Found it!" You pull an old looking book, its covers a dark, swampy green colour. There was no picture on the front, but it was labelled 'The history of Kuraigana Island'. Opening the book, you turn to a book with a sticky note stuck to it.

"This is it. 'Kuraigana Island, also known as Shikkearu Kingdom *Rustle* which was it's original name before a war between *rustle*-"

"Uhh, (Y/N)-"

"Hang on, i'm getting to the good part-"


"Which was it's original name before a war between the World Government and the Revolu-"

"(Y/N) THERE ARE HUGE GOD-DAMN GORILLAS WELDING SWORDS SURROUNDING US!" That got your attention. You slam the book shut and look up to find... exactly what (W/N) had described. Huge gorillas welding swords, and they had surrounded you.

"Oh, umm, c-can we h-help you?" You smile nervously and freeze. You quickly open the book again and look through the pages.

"(Y/N) What are you doing!?" (W/N) whispers angrily in your ear.

"Hang on a sec, blah blah, aha! Humandrills!" You look up again. They did not look happy.

"*RAAAAHHHHH!*" The Humandrills all charge at once, weapons raised above their heads.

"Run!" You shriek as you and (W/N) duck under a Humandrills legs and dash out before the swords could cut you like butter. The Humandrills quickly took suit after the both of you, faces raging with anger.

"What are we going to do!? they're catching up!" (W/N) panicked, dodging rocks and fallen trees. The fog started to clear and you could see something, something big in the distance. It was, a huge mansion!

"We'll hide in there! It seems to be the only safe place on this island!" You and (W/N) sped up to the growing building, not daring to look back. You suddenly stopped. You turned and saw that, the Humandrills had stopped following you, and were just... standing there at what seemed to be like an invisible barrier.

"Heh, they seemed to be scared to step any closer to the mansion" You smiled and looked down at (W/N). You both ran to the door of the mansion and stopped to look at the Humandrills again... they were gone! You turn back to the door, which was probably the size of 2 of those Humandrills stacked on top of each other and was made of a dark purple wood, probably made of those dead trees in the forest. It looked abandoned.

"Should we knock?" You ask, looking down at (W/N). He shook his head. You decided not to knock and just pulled on the handle. You tried to push the door, but it was very, very heavy. (W/N) turned around and raised his back legs and kicked at the door. It flung open.

"Damn, since when are you that strong?!" You were shocked to say the least.

"Since forever." (W/N) chuckled, stepping into the mansion.

"Hey! wait for me!"

The mansion was huge. You had no idea how much you had explored already, but you found a secret door leading to an upstairs area, the dining room, a master bedroom and a room with literally just a toilet slap bang in the middle of it. But, in every room you went in, you could hear a hardly audible laugh. (W/N) could hear it too so you weren't just hearing things. You get back to the second floor and stop at a door you had missed somehow. You push open the door, it creaked and groaned which echoed throughout the mansion. You both step inside to find a library, the bookshelves reaching the ceiling and are packed with books.

"Amazing." You walked around the shelves and scanned all the books. All these books, you had never read any of them!

"(Y-Y/N), those shelves don't look stable, and *Horororo*... there's that creepy laugh again." You stared into a gap between the books in one of the bookshelves. You didn't know why, but, it just seemed off for the bookshelf to be completely full except for one gap.

"HORORORORORO!" A white face suddenly appeared and it made you scream in fear. You stumble backwards and your back collides with a bookshelf.

"N-Nani? (W-What?)-" "(Y/N)! THE BOOKSHELF!" You didn't process (W/N)'s words in time, before books began to shower down on you, then the bookshelf itself, crushing you underneath it.


=== Flashback over ===

"Ahh, memories. Fucking horo." You remember waking up in the master bedroom you found, and that your head was bandaged and your leg was broken. That was also when you found out that the Shichibukai Dracule Mihawk, was living on the island, and he was the one that saved you from the fallen bookshelf. He was not exactly pleased to find some random stranger in his house, but let you stay after telling you that your boat had floated off to sea while you were unconscious.

You stared off in the direction of where the ocean was and for decided to start singing.

"You're alone, you're on your own, so what?

Have you gone blind?

Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?

Glass half empty, glass half full

Well either way you won't be going thirsty

Count your blessings not your flaws" You got so into singing that you didn't realise that you were being watched, like a hawk. Mihawk was leaning against the doorway to the roof, listening to you sing your heart out.

"You've got it all

You lost your mind in the sound

There's so much more

You can reclaim your crown

You're in control

Rid of the monsters inside your head

Put all your faults to bed

You can be king again

You don't get what all this is about

You're too wrapped up in your self doubt

You've got that young blood, set it free"

"Hermosa (Beautiful)." Mihawk whispered to himself, blushing lightly. No one has ever made his heart feel like this.

"You've got it all

You lost your mind in the sound

There's so much more

You can reclaim your crown

You're in control

Rid of the monsters inside your head

Put all your faults to bed

You can be king

There's method in my madness

There's no logic in your sadness

You don't gain a single thing from misery

Take it from me

You've got it all

You lost your mind in the sound

There's so much more

You can reclaim your crown

You're in control

Rid of the monsters inside your head

Put all your faults to bed

You can be king

You've got it all

You lost your mind in the sound

There's so much more

You can reclaim your crown

You're in control

Rid of the monsters inside your head

Put all your faults to bed

You can be king again" You finished your song with a smile on your face. You viewed the sky once more before turning to leave for bed. That's when you noticed Mihawk. You blushed deeply and panicked, stepping backwards. unfortunately, you stepped back too far and began to fall OFF the mansion. But before you could fall off, Mihawk caught you and embraced you, bringing you away from the edge.

"Mi amor (My love), you really are clumsy." Mihawk smiled lightly, rubbing his hand through your hair.

"M-Mihawk, h-how long were you, s-standing there for?" You were stuttering and a blushing mess.

"Since the start Mi amor (My love), and I must say, your singing is truly Hermosa (Beautiful)" Mihawk brought his hand down to your cheek and brought his face close to his.

"N-nani?" you didn't have time to say anything else, as your lips met with his. you gasp and grip onto his cloak. He smiled into the kiss and picked you up by your legs, carrying you inside. You opened your eyes to find that you were carried to Mihawk's room.

"W-why, did you bring me to your room?" Mihawk chuckled and removed his hat. you could clearly see his face now.

"Because, Mi amor, te amo. And your not leaving my side." Mihawk kissed you, deeply this time. You could taste the fruity wine on his lips. When he broke the kiss, your face was redder than the wine he drank.

"I, wasn't, planning on leaving your side Mihawk" Mihawk smiled and tucked me into his bed, climbing in after me and snuggling up to me.

"Aishiteruyo (I love you too (I think))

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