The Tale of the Savior - The...

By cathrineoriginal

4.6K 128 19

Could the Prophecy be true? Could this girl be the savior they have all been waiting for? Amee or Neuriel as... More

Something Unexpected
Unexpected Meetings
An Unexpected Revelation - Part One
Unexpected Revelation - Part Two
Unexpected Grief
Unexpected News
An Unexpected Confession
Unexpected Friendship
Unexpected Help
Unexpected Liaisons
Unexpected Sickness
Unexpected Behavior
Unexpected Allies
The Not So Unexpected Battle
The Not So Unexpected Battle - Part 2

Not So Unexpected Bravery

138 5 1
By cathrineoriginal

Here's the next chapter for you! Smaug comes to town and how will this affect Amee?

Read, review and enjoy!

I do not own "The Hobbit." Only my oc.



The dragon was coming to town, and Amee knew that this was bad. All those people that would die, how could she live with herself after something like that? Tauriel came back inside, something that surprised Amee and the others.

"We have no time. We must leave." Tauriel ordered.

"Get him up." Oin told Fili about his brother but Kili didn't want any help at all.

"Fast as you can." Tauriel told Tilda.

"I'm not leaving. Not without our father." Bain said, trying to be a man.

"If you stay here, your sisters will die. It that what your father would want?" Amee told him a little harshly but it was the only way to get through to him.

They all ran downstairs to get to their boat. Amee grabbed onto Kili's hand, trying not to show that she was scared but it was hard not to be afraid. They all could hear the roar of the dragon and the terrified people screaming.

"Dragon!" Someone yelled, and Amee could feel Kili wrapping his arm around her waist, trying to keep her safe. All around them, they could hear people screaming and the roaring of the fire.

"Miss Amee!" Tilda shouted and Amee turned to her. "Da is trapped in the dungeon!" She yelled with tears in her eyes and it made Amee feel even worse. Amee tried to block out every scream but she couldn't. They just pierced through her mind. Kili could feel what Amee was feeling and he knew that she would do something stupid. Amee tried to get out of the boat but he stopped her.

"Amee! Stop this right now!" Kili screamed at her, yanking her down to him.

"Look out!" Bofour yelled and their boat collided with the 'Master's' boat and almost went overboard. Amee grabbed the youngest on instinct and made sure she wouldn't fall into the cold water. All around them fire an screamed irrupted and Amee suddenly understood her meaning... She wasn't the savior of dwarves, she was the savior of everyone. Or at least, that's what she thought right now.

"Da!" Bain called out and that made Amee look in the same direction. Bard fired arrow after arrow at the dragon but it was to no use. The dragon only got more irritated.

"He hit it!" Kili yelled. "He hit the dragon!"

"No." Tauriel said under her breath.

"He did! He hit his mark! I saw." Amee looked over at Tauriel and they both felt as if it was no other chance.

"His arrows cannot pierce its hide. I fear nothing will." Without warning, Bain hauled himself out of the boat against everyone's protests.

"Bain! Come back, Bain!" Sigrid yelled as Amee turned towards Kili and he knew what she was about to do.

"Amee, don't do this." He pleaded.

"I'm sorry Kili. I love you with all my heart. Please remember that." Amee said and kissed Kili fiercely, before crawling out of the boat and out of his reach.

"Amee!" Kili yelled after her but she only looked back at Fili.

"Please take make sure he is safe and tell him I love him and that I will return to him." Amee told Fili before disappearing through the flames. She didn't think this all the way through but all Amee cared about was to get Bain back to safety.

"Amee!" Kili screamed but Fili held him back.

"No! Let me go!" Amee could hear him in the distance but still she could not stop.

"No! Leave them. We cannot go back." Tauriel told them whilst the other dwarves tried their best to keep Kili down.


Amee ran after Bain and tried her best to catch up with him. She found him at a boat. He jumped when Amee touched his shoulder.

"Bain! What were you thinking?!" Amee screamed at him.

"I need to get this to Da." Bain yelled through the noise and showed her the Black Arrow. "I am not leaving without him."

"I know Bain, but this is dangerous. Do you really think that your father would want you to put yourself at risk like this? Let me take the arrow to him. Let me do Bard that favor of keeping his family safe." Amee told him and she could see he was conflicted about what to do. "Please just take the boat and get out of here."

Bain was scared and she knew it but he finally nodded and gave her the arrow.

"Please don't let my Da die." Bard pleaded and Amee gave him a hug.

"I will do the best I can." Amee whispered before running towards the tower. People were screaming all around her but right now, Amee had to concentrate on climbing the tower.

"Bard!" Amee yelled as she finally reached the top.

"Amee? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with my children." Bard said hysterically.

"They are safe. I came here to help you instead of your son. This something I have to do." Amee told him.

"There's no use. There's no way to stop him." Bard said in defeat. Amee couldn't help but smile.

"This might." Amee said showing him the arrow. Bard had never looked happier in his life.

"Amee, you might have just saved everyone." Bard said kissing her forehead.

"That's kind of what I do." Amee tried to be funny. "Look out!" The dragon came towards them to destroy the tower. Amee and Bard laid themselves down to get away from Smaug's grip.

"Amee, are you all right?" Bard asked her looking over her.

"Yes, I'm ok. He didn't hurt me." Amee answered looking up at the dragon who had landed in the middle of the city. Amee could not help but admire this majestic creature. Sure, he was deadly and scary but still, he was actually beautiful.

"Who are you that would stand against me?" Smaug asked looking at Bard, not noticing Amee yet. Bard reached for his bow but it was broken in half.

"Now, that is a pity. What will you do now, Bowman? You are forsaken, no help will come." Smaug said inching a little closer. That was when Amee stood up. Her bow was still intact, do to being elvish made. Smaug stopped when he finally caught Amee's scent.

"Well, well... I never thought I would ever smell that familiar scent again. I thought the Pale Orc took care of your line of dwarves." Smaug said looking intently at Amee.

"Well Smaug, what can I say. Middle-Earth is full of surprises. It takes a lot to kill a future queen." Amee said smugly.

"Maybe I should do the Pale Orc a favor and end the line of Gemstone once and for all." Smaug said, moving a little closer.

"Azog couldn't do it, so I would like to see you try." Amee said a little too cocky.

"Amee, I don't think this bow will hold." Bard said as he prepared her bow.

"Trust me, it will. It's elvish made and it's the strongest one you will ever find." Amee said back, not taking her eyes of Smaug.

"Tell me wretch. How will you challenge me? You have nothing left but your death!" Smaug launched for them and Amee moved back to Bard to help him angle the arrow correctly. Thank God, Legolas trained her so well over the years.

"We can do this Bard. We can do this together." Amee said looking up at him. Bard had no other choice than to trust the brave little dwarf beside him.

At the count of three, they let the arrow go and everything seemed to go in slow motion. The both of them held their breath as they watched the arrow pierce through Smaug's chest. He roared in pain and fell into the tower, destroying it.

"Amee, hold on!" Bard yelled as he wrapped himself around her to shield her from the fall. They both hit the water with great force and Amee hit her head on a rock, making her a little dizzy but still conscious. They emerged from the water just in time to watch Smaug plowing through the remaining village before leaping through the air in agony. The fire within him slowly faded away and then he fell down in high speed. Bard grabbed Amee to get away from Smaug but the wave that came from his landing, knocked them off their feet making them to go under one more time. With Amee's dizziness, she couldn't stay awake anymore and her world became black.


Up at the mountain the remaining dwarves and Bilbo watched in horror as the dragon destroyed the town. Bilbo was afraid that they had signed Amee's and the other's death sentence when they made Smaug angry and vindictive. He would lose his best friend and he had promised himself he would do whatever it took to make sure his best friend would be safe. With not being able to look at it anymore, he turned around, trying to block out the faint screams that came from Lake Town.

Suddenly they heard a piercing roar.

"What was that?" Ori asked looking where Bilbo was looking. "What happened?"

"It fell, I saw it. It's dead. Smaug is dead." Bilbo told them.

"By my beard, I think he's right." Gloin said in amazement. "Look there. The ravens of Erebor are returning to the mountain."

"Aye. Word will spread. Before long every soul of Middle-Earth will know the dragon is dead!" Balin said cheerfully and the others joined him but not Bilbo. He kept his eyes on the ruined town and wondered if Amee was hurt or even if she were alive.


There was screaming people running around at the riverbank but Kili didn't even register it. The image of Amee running away from him and into the flames was burned into his mind. How could she do this to him? How could she put herself in that kind of danger without thinking about what it would do to him if she died? He walked around trying to find her face amongst the injured and the dead but nothing. Maybe she still was in Lake Town, laying there dead with zero chance of ever finding her.

"Kili." Tauriel said and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I cannot believe she's gone. How could she be so stupid?" Kili said his eyes filling up with tears.

"You know why she did it, that is who she was. Always trying her best to help. She did it to keep the rest of you safe." Tauriel told him softly.

"She told me she would marry me, why would she then choose to leave me like that?" Kili asked again and this time Fili approached him.

"Amee would do everything to keep you safe. It's in her blood. And you don't know if she's gone. She could be alive somewhere, looking for you." Fili tried to sooth him.

Legolas joined them, looking intently for his best friend.

"Tauriel. Is it true? Is she gone?" Legolas asked her.

"I do not know, Legolas. She ran into the flames to help the bowman and now, we cannot find her." Tauriel said as she tried not to cry.

Kili turned away from them all not wanting to be there anymore.

"We should get to the mountain. Uncle is waiting for us." Kili said without any emotion in his voice.

"Kili, we are in no hurry. If you want, we could take a few moments and..." Bofur started and that made him explode.

"Take a few moments and do what? She is not coming back! She's dead because of this mission." Kili yelled and no one dared say anything. "I wish I never went along on this Journey. Then I never would have to deal " Kili started to walk away from

Tauriel couldn't watch how broken Kili was and turned around to hide her tears. She had finally made everything right with Amee and now, she was gone. She looked out across the water when she suddenly saw someone coming towards them. The man was carrying something petit and unconscious. Legolas noticed the same thing. It was something familiar.

"Kili." Tauriel called out after him to make him stop and somehow he knew he needed to turn around. He looked up and saw Bard walking towards them and he was carrying Amee. Kili didn't think twice about it and ran towards the bowman.

"Amee!" he yelled, as he came closer to her. Bard got down on his knees to lower Amee down into Kili's arms. The other dwarves and elves came running too and as soon Kili had Amee in his embrace, he held on tightly. He moved her hair out of her face and discovered her face full of blood.

"She hit her head on a rock when we fell into the water." Bard said tiredly. "I tried my best to keep her head above the water."

"Is she alive?" Fili asked as Legolas, Tauriel and Oin examined her.

"Yes, she is just unconscious. She hit her head rather hard." Bard answered looking around for his children; he wanted to find them quickly but he still didn't want to leave Amee.

Kili held onto Amee so tightly that he thought she would never be able to breathe. He rocked her body back and forth, as he kissed her face repeatedly.

"I love you so much Amee. Please don't do this to me." Kili whispered.

"Am I in heaven?" Someone asked in a husky voice. They all looked down to see Amee struggling to open her eyes. Kili wanted to cry out of pure joy.

"No, you stupid silly girl. You're not in heaven, but I think that I might be." Kili said brushing his hand through her hair with tears in his eyes. "Never do that to me again."

"I told you I would come back to you." Amee said tiredly.

"Going against the dragon was a stupid thing to do, Neuriel. But it is what I would have done as well." Legolas said happy that his friend were still breathing. Amee winched in pain as Oin cleaned her head wound.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere else?" Kili asked hysterically.

"No, I just have a massive headache and you are kind of crushing me." Amee said in a whisper but Kili didn't let go.

"I am glad you pulled through, Neuriel but Tauriel and I must leave you, we are needed elsewhere." Legolas said not wanting to leave his best friend in this state.

"It's all right Legolas. I will be fine right here." Amee said tiredly and snuggled against Kili. Before Legolas left with Tauriel, he laid his hand on Kili's shoulder.

"You are the one she loves most in this world, do your best to protect her but always keep in mind that she will do everything to protect you too." Legolas told him with a smile. "Neuriel is very dear to me and I am afraid that if you perish, she will soon follow and it would be a lesser place without her in it. So do your best to keep yourself alive and don't do anything reckless."

Kili couldn't find it in him to answer so he just nodded. Legolas looked at Amee one more time before hurrying after Tauriel.


Kili did not want to move Amee right away, so they stayed at the riverbank for a few hours, so that she could get some rest. Oin checked her for other wounds but only found a few scratches and bruises. When midday came around, Amee threw her blanket away and tried to stand up on her own. Kili and Fili saw this and jumped up to help her.

"Amee, you should be resting!" Kili pleaded as he helped to support her.

"No, I've had enough of resting. I want to go now." Amee said not listening to him at all.

"Amee, you should listen to Kili and rest for a little while longer.

"No! You've already been kept away from that mountain long enough! This is the reason we came all this way in the first place. I can rest when we're there. I will not be the reason to stay here, keeping you away from your home." Amee told them with fire in her eyes.

"I think you should listen to her, lads." Bofur said as he stood up next to them. "She knows what it means to us to reach that mountain and get back with the others. Let's go."

Kili looked helpless for a second before turning to Amee.

"Fine, but the minute that you're tired, I will make you stop... do you understand?" Kili demanded in such a way that made Amee feel as if he was just scared to lose her all over again.

"I promise. I will tell you if I feel bad and or are tired." Amee told him honestly. "I am only doing this because I love you so much. You deserve this you know..."

Kili shook his head a little before kissing her softly.

"Let's go lovebirds!" Fili yelled after them as they were preparing a boat for departure.

"Hey, I just want to say goodbye to Bard real quick." Amee said and walked over to the bowman. Bard looked up when he saw her approaching.

"How is your head?" He asked as he helped one of the wounded.

"It hurts a little, but I'll manage. I just wanted to say goodbye before leaving." Amee said with a hint of a smile. Bard looked up at the mountain.

"So you're all going up there?" Bard asked her.

"Yes and I will make sure you will get what your people are entitled to have. Your people will have it all back." Amee told him.

"They are not my people..." Bard started but Amee interrupted him.

"Yes they are Bard. You're the leader they need." Amee kissed his cheek before returning to Kili.

"Amee!" Bard called after her and walked over to her. He handed her some of the little food they had left.

"No Bard. I cannot take it." Amee argued. "Your people need it more."

"Don't be foolish, Amee. These people owes you their lives. They want you to have this. You need this for the journey to the mountain." Bard insisted and despite Amee's feeling about taking their food, she finally accepted it. "You will be a great Queen someday. In my opinion, you already are." Amee looked back at him and only smiled. She reached the boat and Kili helped her in. Right now, they had reclaimed their mountain and the worst was finally behind them. Amee settled herself down in the boat and watched the others paddle their way over the Lake.


The road to the mountain was steep and long, and Amee was internally glad that she had food and water even though she hated taking it from the humans. Kili never let go of her hand as they walked the long way towards Erebor and every now and then, Amee needed to take a breather. Which resulted in them using a 3 days to get there.

"Are you sure you are all right?" Kili asked once again.

"Yes Kili. I love you for worrying, but I promise you, everything is fine." Amee turned to look at the view but it hurt her to see the smoke that rose from Lake Town. So many people died down there.

"Amee, are you all right?" Bofur asked with concern. Kili suddenly wrapped his arms around her and that's when she knew she was crying.

"So many people died down there... I could have saved more. I was supposed to save them... and I couldn't even do that..." Amee said between sobs. It was hurting them all to see her like this and they didn't know what to do to make it better. Kili decided to carry her the rest of the way and this time, Amee didn't argue. She was tired of feeling sorry for herself but right now, she didn't know what to do.

"We're almost there Amee." Fili said to try to make things better. They reached the entrance of Erebor within the hour and they all were excited. Oin, Bofur and Fili ran forward and that was when Amee finally looked up.

"This is it. This is your legacy." Amee said tiredly.

"Yes, it is and it amazes me but not as much as you." Kili told her as he reluctantly put her down on her feet and that made her blush. Kili took her hands in his, looking straight into her lovely blue eyes. "Amee, this is my home, my legacy. It's my birthright to be here but none of this matter without you." Amee stopped him from saying anything else.

"Kili... I know that we both have different legacies but my Kingdom is gone... So my place is here with you and there's no other place I would rather be." Amee told him truthfully and Kili kissed her with all the love he had for her. Amee had to break away from him, even though she didn't want too.

"We should probably catch up with the others. We don't know where to go." Amee said with her forehead against his.

"You're right. We can pick this up later." Kili said and dragged her inside the kingdom of Erebor.

Fili, Oin and Bofur was waiting for them by a big staircase. Amee's amazed by the size of the place and almost tripped over her feet as they descended the massive stairs. But then something made her stop. She was sure she heard a voice calling for them. Amee looked around and then she could see someone dear to her. Bilbo.

"Wait! Wait!" Bilbo yelled as he ran forwards.

"It's Bilbo! He's alive!" Bofur said happily but Amee knew that Bilbo was distressed.

"Stop! Stop! You need to leave. We all need to leave." Bilbo told them.

"We only just got here." Bofur said not understanding why he was acting this way.

"I've tried talking, but he won't listen."

"What do you mean laddie?" Oin asked.

"Thorin! Thorin. Thorin. He's been down there for days. He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He's not himself, not at all. It's this place. I think a sickness lies on it." Bilbo said out of breath. Kili tightened his grip on Amee's waist.

"Sickness? What kind of sickness?" Kili asked as Fili just ignored Bilbo and ran down the stairs. The others followed him but Bilbo stopped Amee before she could move on.

"What is it Bilbo?" Amee asked looking at her dear friend. Without warning, Bilbo wrapped him arms around her waist, hugging her tightly.

"Bilbo? What's the matter?" Amee asked not understanding his behavior.

"I'm sorry..." He blurted out. "I'm sorry about Smaug coming to town. I never wanted to hurt you." Bilbo rambled. Amee stopped him from talking.

"Bilbo, it's not your fault. I'm sure you did everything you could." Amee said giving him a hug. After Bilbo had wiped away his tears, they finally ran after the others. They caught up with them and Amee almost collided with Kili who steadied her quickly. Amee made huge eyes when she saw the amount of gold. Just a fraction of this could help the people of Lake Town. Thorin stepped forward and Amee could see that something had changed within him.

"Gold. Gold beyond measure. Beyond sorrow and grief." Thorin said not knowing they watched him. When Thorin finally realized their presence, he still seemed oblivious. "Behold the great treasure hoard of Thror." Thorin threw a diamond towards them and Fili caught it with ease.

"Welcome my sister-sons to the kingdom of Erebor."

Something was very wrong here... Amee could feel it in her bones.


Bilbo brought them to reunite with their family. The dwarves cheered and hugged each other tightly. Ori laid eyes on Amee and quickly teared up.

"It's ok Ori. I'm ok." Amee said and that made Ori run into her arms.

"I thought you were lost to us forever Princess. When Smaug attacked you, I was sure you would die."

"It takes more than a dragon to kill me, Ori." Amee said hugging him back.

"I would say so." Oin said with a proud look on his face. "The lass killed Smaug." Everyone looked at Amee with huge eyes.

"That's not true. I helped Bard kill Smaug. We did it together, using my bow, which I lost afterwards. There's no way I will get it back." Amee said sadly. Kili put his arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him.

"Rather your bow, than your life my wife to be." Kili whispered in her ear, making her blush.

"What was that?" Dori asked a little shocked. "Did you just say wife to be?"

"Aye that he did. The young prince asked the princess to become his wife." Oin said and everyone cheered again and congratulated the young couple. Thorin joined them suddenly and everyone grew quiet. Ori stepped forward.

"Did you hear the good news Thorin? Kili and the princess are getting married!" He beamed happily. Thorin only looked down on him before barking out his orders.

"You have work to do. There will be no celebration before you find me that stone!" Thorin said before leaving them again.

"What stone?" Amee asked Balin who sighed deeply.

"That would be the Arkenstone, my dear girl. The King's Jewel." Balin told her and followed the other dwarves.

Amee looked at Kili not knowing what to say.

"Do not worry Amee. We shall have our celebration soon enough and when we go to sleep tonight, we could have a celebration of our own." Kili whispered in her ear.

"You really know how to make my knees buckle." Amee said before giving him a kiss. Kili only smirked before grabbing her hand in a hurry. The faster they found this stone, the sooner they could get their life started and Kili could not wait for that to happen.


Hope you liked the chapter and how I did it with Amee helping Bard instead of Bain.

And finally the rest of the dwarves reached the mountain!

Until next time xD


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