All Actions Come With A Conce...

By ThatPotatoWhoWrites

145K 3.3K 735

The glee club is buzzing with anxiety and nervousness, it was a couple of days after their a win in one of th... More

Shopping Disaster
Biologe Trouble
The Wheels Go Round
Fun Fun Fun
First Aid First
Dig A Little Deeper
Fixer Upper
Tick Tock
Speaking Of Biology
Three Weeks To Go
Disapointment Is Unsatisfactory
One Step Closer
Convictions And Crimes
That's The Way Sue Sees It
Battle Scars
Who Done It
Home Sweet Home
Rest And Recreation
One In One Thousand
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2
New Year A/N

Beep, Beep, Beep

3.9K 96 65
By ThatPotatoWhoWrites

Sebastian's time in the hospital seemed to be never ending, he was either extremely bored or in extreme pain. The worst part was, he was constantly terrified that his dad was going to come charging in, or win his trial. At the same time, Sebastian kind of longed for everything to go back to normal, he needed normal, he craved it. Everyone was so nice to him, it was putting him on edge, and stress about what his future held was not helping. The first few days were awful, he jumped at every noise and fear clung to him. It didn't feel right not to have his dad looming over him. He thought he would feel relieved, but no he was paranoid and constantly looking over his shoulder. It had been two and a half moths of awful food, rubbish Tv and constant check ups by the creepily kind nurses. They had told him that he was extremely lucky that his lung hadn't collapsed and that his friend had been there to save him. In all truthfulness, they were the only thing that kept him sane in that God forsaken place. Their visits were the only time he smiled and laughed, the only time he stopped thinking about his dad. Every single member of the club came to see him, some to see if it was true, others to apologise for some unknown reason. Asides from that the hospital was boring and uneventful. Well, asides from one Saturday morning, when there was a massive rush and panic as nurses and doctors all rushed into the room next to Sebastian's. The next day he could hear gentle sobbing so he assumed the worst. Whoever had been in that room was now long gone. That really hit Sebastian hard, someone in the room right next to him was dead, they would never breath again. In some ways that terrified Sebastian, but in others it made him jealous, to never have to be beaten down and ridiculed again. That sounded blissful. If Sebastian could he would swap places with the other person, they were clearly loved and had family that cared. He didn't, no one would miss him if he was gone.

Sebastian was glad when he finally got to leave, luckily he was allowed to stay in school at McKinley. Also very luckily his dad was very rich and wouldn't be needing the money, so it became Sebastian's at his next birthday. Sebastian stared at the massive outline of McKinley High. The sun was hot and pupils rushed into the school. Sebastian took his time to stare at the school from the side walk, life was going back to as normal as it could be for him. Even though he would always miss his father, no matter what, he needed to move on. He knew it would haunt him forever, but he needed to move on. It was difficult though, his father and his abuse was all he had ever know. It didn't feel right without it. He didn't feel safe without it. "Sebastian!" Sebastian had barely anytime to react before he was crushed into a hug from three sides. Rachel, Kurt and Blaine hung onto him as though he was their life line.

"Hey guys," Sebastian laughed as they slowly let him go, he had formed a real bond with the glee club, they had been there for him in his darkest hour. They had put up with his snark and awful personality. During his time at the hospital, Sebastian was happy to say that they had grown close. As close as he could get anyway.

"Are you okay, are you feeling all right?" Rachel asked with worry on her face.

"Yes, I am perfectly fine," Sebastian chuckled.

"Good, because on Saturday we are going to the theme park and we have a spare ticket," Kurt told him suggestively.

Sebastian was very tempted, "its a good offer... but not thanks, I have someone I need to see," Sebastian told them.

"All right guys settle down," Mr Shue called over the massive amount of noise that the New Directions were making. They were all exited, "as you may or may not know we are getting a new member today, you guys all ready know what he can do" Mr Shue announced as the class cheered, "we are being joined by Sebastian!" Mr Shue cheered. Sebastian walked sheepishly into the class room, his face was bright red from embarrassment as the whole class cheered. This was the beginning of something new for him. In the future they would win competitions and raise a load of funds together. As a team. As friends.

Sebastian entered the Lima Bean cafe the next Saturday morning. He was immediately struck by a wall of warmth and the tantalising smell of coffee. How he had missed the warm glow of that place. It was early, so there weren't many people around. Sebastian looked around for a certain blonde haired, good willed little toddler. To his dismay, he couldn't find her. Sebastian scratched his head, he was an idiot, he wouldn't be surprised if she never came back to the Lima again. Out of the corner of his eye Sebastian recognised a lady. She had brown hair with grey streaks that lay between her shoulder blades. She was the lady that Cece had ran to when she needed to get something for her maths work. Sebastian was willing to bet they were related.

He approached the table the woman was sitting at cautiously, he felt guilt ravage his insides, the lady probably hated him. Just like Cece. He shook away his concerns, he needed to do this. He tapped the woman's shoulder and she turned around to face him. There was no doubt, she was Cece's mother. They had the same face and kind gaze, but both of their eyes were crystal blue. The kind that looks as though it is glowing, "excuse me, are you a relative of Cece's?" Sebastian asked nervously.

The woman's face split into a kind smile, "yes, I am her mother... and you must be Bazzy right?" She asked as her expression was joyful. Sebastian chuckled at the little girl's nickname for him, he nodded in approval. The lady patted the seat next to her signalling for Sebastian to sit down, he obliged. "She talked about you a lot, she really liked you," the lady laughed. Sebastian couldn't help but notice the sadness in her eyes.

"Oh, well, I liked her too," Sebastian said with a little bit of cheer.

"She was a very likeable little child, haha, she was loved by everyone that wasn't her age," Sebastian felt a twinge in his heart, he had no idea. "She was very empathetic as well, she was really worried about you," the woman's way of speaking was making Sebastian nervous.

"Do you know where she is? I came to apologise for being less than friendly the last time we met," Sebastian dropped his head in shame.

"It's okay, she forgave you... you were all she talked about until she passed," the woman's voice quivered.

Sebastian's head shot up and shock jolted him, "what? No, she didn't... what?"

The lady looked at him with pitiful eyes, "I am sorry dear, she didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Sebastian's mind was going over time, no, she was lying, Cece couldn't be dead, she was young, so innocent. He didn't believe it.

"She had a hole in her heart, she was born with it, the doctors only gave her five months to live but... she lasted five years, it was a miracle, she was a miracle," the lady said.

"She died?" Sebastian choked out. His whole body felt numb, it wasn't fair.

"She was buried last week at the cemetery, her grave os fairly recent so it should be easy to find," Cece's mother wiped a tear from her eye. Her baby was gone forever. Sebastian wasn't thinking, he crushed the mother into a hug and repeatedly whisper how sorry he was. "It's okay Sebastian, it's okay."

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