The letter

By LucasJandaBantick

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One day Abigail Shepherd receives a letter with nothing on it but the number 41013. Join her and her friend C... More

The mail arrives...

10 0 0
By LucasJandaBantick

                   3rd October 2013

Abigail Shepherds clock constantly beeped in order for Abigail to wake up. Abigail has long blonde hair and pale skin. She had pinkish cheeks and long black eyelashes. She is a bad tempered girl and doesn't like to be bossed around if not she'll lose it and go crazy. She can be kind if you are kind to her but if you're not kind to her she's happy to be just as mean back and she was also diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder.
Both her parents had died when she was young which was exactly 18 years ago tomorrow (which is 4th October). There was nothing wrong with them and she always asked her grandma, who she had gone to live with, what happened to them but she always kept it quiet. Her grandma had died two years ago from old age when Abigail was 18 (she is now 20). She was devastated when her grandma died as she had nobody else since her parents had died and she wasn't really close to the rest of her family. So Abigail has lived alone for the past 2 years but she didn't mind.
Knock, knock. Somebody was at the door. Abigail dragged herself out of bed and walked down the stairs.
"A letter for miss Shepherd," said the postman.
Abigail was confused she hadn't ordered anything recently. She was hesitant but then she took the letter.
"Thank you," Abigail said to the postman.
They said goodbye and then she closed the door. She opened her letter but it looked blank until she saw that it had 5 numbers written on it. The numbers were 41013. It really confused Abigail. She thought of it as nothing and threw it in the bin.
Ring! Ring! Her friend Christina Richmond was calling her iPhone 6.
"Hi Christina what's up?" Asked Abigail.
"Meet me at the Doomsdale Coffee Corner," demanded Christina.
"I'll be there soon," laughed Abigail.
Abigail walked outside and locked the door. As she walked onto the driveway she noticed her letter was laying on the step. She just left it there in hopes it would fly away. She got into her white Fiat 500 and drove to the Doomsdale coffee corner. As she drove he was so confused she didn't understand why she got the letter. She noticed it was also the date her parents died. Since it was 4 ( the fourth ) and ten ( October ) and 13 ( 2013 ). It was the 18th anniversary tomorrow, was something going to happen then? Abigail arrived at the Doomsdale coffee corner.
"Hiya!" Shouted Christina as she walked out of the coffee shop.
"Hi Christina," replied Abigail.
"What's wrong you look worried?" Asked Christina worriedly.
"I got a letter which didn't say anything but 41013," answered Abigail.
"Strange," Christina.
Abigail ordered a coffee and when it was done she sat back down at the table with Christina.
"So what are you going to do?" Asked Christina.
"Nothing," relied Abigail.
"Well it might be serious why don't you go to the post office and ask who sent it?" Asked Christina.
"True," answered Abigail as she stood up and walked out of the shop.
Christina payed the bill and ran out after her.
"What are you going to do then?" Asked Christina.
"I'm going straight to the post office," replied Abigail.
"I'm coming with you," demanded Christina.
"What about your car?" Questioned Abigail.
"It's being fixed in the garage so I got a bus here and I can't be bothered to get a bus back," Christina replied.
They got into her fiat and drove off to the post office.
When they walked into the post office nobody was in there. They looked around for a while but still no sign of anyone. 
"Hey girls!" Shouted The postman.
"Ahhhhh!!!" Screamed Christina and Abigail.
"Sorry no need to give you a fright," he said.
"It's fine can you find out who sent this letter to me this morning?" Asked Abigail.
"Oh yes I remember a lady wearing a strange looking black dress came in and asked for us to send this to you," he replied.
"Did you see who it was?" Asked Christina.
"No she had a black veil over her head," he replied.
Thanks for you help," moaned Abigail.
The two girls walked out the shop as the postman disgustingly looked down at their bottoms.
Abigail and Christina crossed the road when suddenly a black funeral hearse came speeding down the road.
"NOOOOOO!!!!" Screamed Abigail as Christina pushed her out of the road. Civilians screamed in horror as the maniac sped down the road! The hearse drove into Christina knocking her onto the hood of the car. Christina bounced of the windshield and flew over the roof of the car. She landed on the street and hit her head on the Kerb.
As the hearse drove off Abigail saw two coffins resting in the back. Whose coffins were they?
"SOMEBODY HELP US!!!!!" Shrieked Abigail.
She stumbled over to Christina crying her eyes out.
"CHRISTINA WAKE UP!!!!!" Screamed Abigail.
"CHRISTINA PLEASE!!!!!" She continued.
Christina wasn't responding. The sound of sirens began. People crying on the street. Traffic jams. Terror. Death.

                      3 hours later
                 Doomsdale hospital

Christina layer in her bed. A stitch in her head stopping the blood from pouring out. Abigail sat at her bedside holding her hand.
"You'll have to leave soon to let miss Richmond have some rest," explained the nurse named Lucy Silver.
"It's fine I'm leaving," said Abigail.
"Ill see you tomorrow," said Christina.
"Bye Christina," Replied Abigail.
Abigail left the hospital and drove home. Headlights behind her car blinded her eyes.
The car behind her was beeping their horn at her. At first she thought she was doing something wrong and then she realised they were really trying to get her to pull over. She wouldn't do it though. She sped up her car. She noticed the car was the car from earlier. It was the hearse. Abigail started to panic. They began driving into the back of her car relentlessly.
"Oh no please god," Abigail begged," don't let them hurt me.
They both turned onto a double sided road. This way the hearse drove from behind her and drove alongside her.
Abigail rammed into the hearse violently. The hearse done the same and Abigail drove into a tree. Luckily as the car was driving towards the tree Abigail jumped out of the car before he was hurt or even worse. She began to run on the road until the hearse once again came after her.
"Leave me alone!!!!" she screamed.
The hearse stopped. Abigail started to run again and she came to a bridge. She tried to jump off the bridge until she notice the long fall and the train tracks below the bridge. She was trapped. There was nowhere to run.
A lady in a black dress stepped out of the car. It was the lady the had apparently sent the letter to her previously.
"Who are you?" Asked Abigail.
"Louise shepherd," replied the woman.
"What?" Abigail continued.
"I'm your auntie," Louise replied.
An expression of shock covered Abigail's face.
"How are you my auntie?" Asked Abigail.
"I'm your fathers sister and if your wondering why you have never heard of me is because he murdered me and pretended like I was never fucking alive!!!!" Shouted Louise.
"How are you hear right now," cried Abigail.
"The reason I sent you that letter is because it means 4th October 2013, I was killed on 4th October and I killed your parents too and now your gonna die exactly 18 years after mommy and daddy how sweet," Louise laughed.
"YOU CRAZY BITCH!!!" Screamed Abigail.
Abigail began to walk backwards but just banged her back agains the wall on the bridge.
"Your father was bad tempered like you which is why he lashed out on me one day and strangled me to death, and my parents just thought I went missing because your mess of a father buried me in the garden!" Exclaimed Louise.
"I'm sorry," cried Abigail.
"You can't bring me back to life!" Shouted Louise.
Louise finally gave up and attacked Abigail. They both pulled at each other's hair and kicked and punched each other! Louise grabbed her niece by the throat and got her on the edge of the bridge!
"Please I'm your niece,"Abigail pleaded.
"Fuck you," Louise said as she pushed Abigail off the bridge.
Abigail fell down to the ground. Her long blonde hair waved about as she fell and her arms reached into the air. She flew down and landed onto the train tracks below the bridge. Blood poured out of her head.
"Help me...," she groaned.
A train suddenly came out of nowhere and crushed her to the bone. Her corpse was dragged alone the track underneath of the train. As the train drove away her corpse lay lifelessly.
Her watch read the time 12:05 am.
It was 4th October 2013. The 18th anniversary of her parents death and the day her life had ended.

                       10 hours later
                   4th Octbober 2013

The news reporter was reporting the death of Abigail Shepherd.
"Today the death of a 20 year old woman named Abigail Shepherd was found on the railway tracks it is believed she ended her own life and more tragically it is the 18th anniversary of her parents death," reported Helen Cosmo.

                      One month later.

Christina walked out of the church. Abigail's funeral service had just concluded. She walked over to Abigail's freshly made grave and placed down a bouquet of bright red roses.
The headstone read," Abigail Shepherd, 27th September 1993 to 4th October 2013, you will be dearly missed."

                           The end.


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