Love or Revenge


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(My First Published Story) Enjoy! Eighteen year old Kyle Mason has been a Bounty-Hunter ever since he was fo... Еще

Character Appearances
Chapter 1 (Request)
Chapter 2 (Felix)
Chapter 3 (Classified)
Chapter 4(Invitation)
Chapter 5(Take You Home)
Chapter 6(Falling for you)
Chapter 7(Nightmare)
Chapter 8 (Expenses)
Chapter 9 (Diamond Success)
Chapter 10(Due Date)
Chapter 11(Tuesday)
Chapter 12(Heart-Broken)
Chapter 13(Twisted)
Chapter 15 (Not Surprised)
Chapter 16(Avenge)
Chapter 17(Stolen Glory)
Chapter 18 (I Love You)

Chapter 14 (According to Plan)

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Kyle's Pov 

I walked through the alley. My shoes rubbing against the gravel. There was Lori. Her eyes flashing at me. "You failed me Kyle." She said to me. Then, there was a flash... It was Penny now. "You failed me Kyle." The same four words. Another flash... It was my parents. Tears streamed down their faces. Then, they spoke. "You failed us Kyle." They said. One more flash... It was Carlee. She was holding a gun and a knife. "You failed us all!" She screamed at me. "And now, you're going to die!" Then, she gave out a bloodcurdling scream. The gun and the knife destroyed my stomach and chest. I shrieked as blood poured out of me. I was shredded, hurt....I failed!

I fell out of bed screaming. "No! No! Please!" I yelped. My screams became louder by the minute as I woke up. I began to wonder where I was. Was I in another room? There was a terrible loud sound. It was coming from my own body. I was shaking as sweat built up on me. My heart pounding. Everything was a blur.

I was just about to do another scream, this time for help. But then, I heard something. Some voice. The voice was soft, and calm. My mind went blank. Then, I heard quiet footsteps. "Kie? Are you okay? What happened?"

It was Carlee. My eyes were closed. But, I could hear her voice, and it comfort me. Everything started to subside when I heard the sounds of birds out the window of my room. "Just a nightmare." I said. There was a slight pause. Then, Carlee spoke. "Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe a nice shower will help. It helped me." She said, in a joyful way.

I was relaxed, till something went though my mind. If she was just in the shower...wouldn't that mean...oh no. My mind twisted on the sight of her if I opened my eyes. "You mean you're--" my eyes interrupted by opening quickly. Luckily, Carlee was in my tan shower towel. Still, I had wandering eyes.

"Ahh!" I yelped. "Get out of my sight!" I ordered. She giggled. "What? Are you a pervert?" She asked jokingly. I quickly turned my forceful eyes to my pillow. "What do you want?" I asked. "Your comb, to brush my hair." She answered. I then, slowly got off the bed and faced it. Then, I pointed. "It's under my bed." I said sharply. Then, all of a sudden, she walked up to the bed and bent down to get the brush. The position she was in, made my eyes widened.

I moaned at the quick glance. But, managed to turn my perverted eyes away to give her privacy. I turned around facing the wall. "Just, get out of my room." I said loudly. She laughed. "Okay, okay." She said, as she left the room back to the bathroom.

Moments pass, and I'm still in bed. I had on my black sweat pants and my black sweatshirt. Then, I heard footsteps. It was Carlee of course. I still didn't turn my head, knowing that Carlee could still be in her towel. "You in your clothes?" I asked. She giggled. "Well, duh." She replied. Then, she sat on the bed next to me.

I turned around finding Carlee wearing my navy blue sweatshirt and another pair of my black sweatpants. "You looked in my closet, didn't you?" I asked with frustration. "What?" She threw her hands up. "It's comfy." She said. I sighed. Well, it was pretty cute. Who am I kidding, it was adorable the way she wore my oversized sweatshirt.

"So." She said. "What do you want to do today?" She asked. Well, she can't leave my home, or else Lori or Felix might find her. "I don't know." I answered. "Sleep?" I asked. She sighed loudly. "How about something more productive. Huh?" She requested. I was already falling asleep.

"Kie!" She yelled. My eyes flew open. "Huh, what?" I mumbled. "Wanna eat something?" She asked. "Mmh." I groaned. "Wanna order some pizza?" She asked. I rolled on my side. "Sure." I answered. "Okay!" She squealed. "What kind of pizza do you want?" She questioned. I rolled my eyes. "Just order something, and let me sleep till the pizza arrives." I murmured. "Okay." She then, ran to my cell phone and ordered cheese pizza.

About twenty minutes pass, and I was just about to start up a movie, when I heard a knock on the door. "Pizza is here Carlee!" I yelled. Then, I heard her dashing to the door. "Race you to the door!" She laughed loudly. "I'm starving! Wait!" I said as I chased after her. Sadly, Carlee beat me. She roughly opened the door. Instead of the pizza man, it's was Felix.

I walked up to the door, not noticing him. "How much does the pizza co--" I froze at the sight of Felix. Felix's eyes raced between both me, and Carlee. "Kyle, we need to talk." He said to me. I growled in frustration. "Fine." I said as I closed the door behind me. Carlee waited inside patiently. She was probably listening to our conversation.

Felix then, grabbed me by the small, two ropes of my sweatshirt. "Kyle! What the heck? Carlee is in your house?" He screamed at me. "I can explain." I said. He shook his head. "No. Listen, does she still like you?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes." I said. "Then, we will stick with the plan." He said, as he loosened my sweatshirt.

"What plan?" I asked. My jaw starting to tighten. "On Sunday, you bring her to the ally." He ordered. My stomach twisted. "No, I--" Felix interrupted me. "Alive." He finished. I hesitated. "Then, what?" I asked. "We will make a deal with Lori."

He answered. I was unsure. I started to complain. But, Felix interrupted me again. "Don't worry." He said to me, his eyes staring into mine. I put my head down. I felt tears building up. "Deal." I said. "Just, don't let anyone touch her." I said sharply. He nodded. "Let's hope so." He said. Then, Felix walked down the steps and down the driveway.

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