The man in the bushes

By KirstyBunnyBear

40 0 1


The man in the bushes

40 0 1
By KirstyBunnyBear

Yes the main character is a boy, and yes his name is Andy.

I walked down the street, my multi colored hair whipping me in the face. The sound of distant thunder over the mountains to the west. If I don't find a place to sleep soon...I.Am.Screwed. I don't know why I chose tonight to get away, but I did. I chose tonight, of all nights. The one and only night this week that there will be a storm. As usual my lack of common sense prevails. I sighed inwardly and looked to my right to try to find some indication of where I was. No help. At all. As usual my common sense lacking self had stumbled into a tough situation, little did I know this would be the last, and worst problem my stupidity would ever get me into.

I kept walking straight and hugged my jacket to my chest and numbly attempted to zip it up, the zipper fell from between my numb fingers several times before i finally could manage to zip it. The rain had started by now and was unimaginably cold. Any patch of uncovered skin was numb with cold. The rain was starting to soak through my jacket, making my shirt underneath slightly damp. A low rumbling came from above. "well, crap," I managed to mutter. Between the chills and clothes weighted down with icy water, it was hard to breathe, let alone talk.

Slowly, oh so very slowly my knees locked from the cold. First my left knee went numb, then my right. I collapsed on the cold, wet sidewalk. My breathe coming in short shallow gasps as I lay shivering on the ground. After about five minutes of laying in an icy hell, I managed to half drag, half walk over to the nearby tree line.

I pulled myself under a nearby oak tree, to shade myself from the rain. I slouched down,crossed my arms over my knees and buried my head in them. Ice cold water dripped from my black,brown, and white colored bangs down onto my face. "I picked the wrong day to runaway." just as the words left my lips I heard a low hum, coming from down the road. As I listened closer I could also hear sirens. I pulled my hood over my face and put my back to the road. I pulled my arms and legs as close to my chest as possible and scooted into the shadow of the tree.

As the car whizzed by. I realized, they weren't looking for me, yet. I laid back on the wet cold ground, and everything went black.


After what felt like a hour, maybe two? A low rustling in the bushes woke me up. I uneasily got to my feet. The noise went back a few feet. It kept getting farther, and farther away until it was a distant scratching noise. So I stood, debating weather or not to follow it. Every muscle in my body told me to run, but me lacking common sense followed it. I walked at a slow pace trying to locate which direction the noise had went. I stopped when I heard it moving at an extremely fast pace away from be. It sounded like it was moving in a straight line. I took off running, as fast as I could. Branches and vines cutting my face and ankles, but I didn't care. Pain wasn't exactly a new thing for me. I ran until my legs wouldn't respond anymore. My ankles had went numb from the sheer amount of cuts on them. My face was stinging from the rain and branches smacking into it. I came to a clearing, the noise and I both stopped. I heard a low guttural, but human growl come from the bushes. The little voice in my head was telling me "this is a good time to run Andy, get away, now." And as usual, I ignored it.

I took a step towards the bush. As I did the sound stopped. Up rose a man. His skin was covered in sweat. It glistened in the moonlight. His shirtless chest heaving.(hopefully from running......) ;) He looked over, his ice blue ices bored into mine. He smiled a smile as if he were Satan himself. He stepped forward out of the bushes. My body was so frozen with fear, I failed to realize all he was wearing were black skinny jeans riddled with holes and black boots. I stepped back, luck was not on my side, I tripped over a fallen log. My elbows caught my fall. I was so exhausted and hurt and cold, I lay there. The man took a step toward me. I glanced toward his left foot as he reached inside the boot and pulled out a black dagger. Panic ran through my body. I kicked and wriggled around, but the man had pinned down my legs with his knees, and with one swift movement, he planted his right hand right in the middle of my chest holding me down. He smiled his wicked smile, and spat in my eyes. I managed to lift my arms to his face and claw at his forehead. Blood ran down his face, the metallic smell hit me like a truck. He fell back on his butt. I got up and ran as fast as I could. Branches,rain,vines,and bushes nipped at my face and ankles. I ran until my chest was burning. I ran until,finally my legs gave out and I fell. Again as luck was not on my side my left leg landed directly on a medium sized rock, covered with green moss sticking up out of the wet earth. I landed with a cracking noise emanating from my leg. Searing pain shot up my left leg. I rolled onto my side and clutched my leg as tight as I could. Hot tears rolled down my already cut cheeks. I heard a slow crunching noise over to my left. The man stepped out of the trees wielding the dagger in his right hand, and stepped over my wounded body. He started down at me. "please," I whispered "just kill me already" I had nothing else to live for. "gladly" the man snarled. I screamed the most girlish scream a boy has ever screamed, just as the blade entered my stomach and ripped down to the bottom of my pelvic bone.Just as A large boot then stomped on my face, it all faded to black.

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