Through the Jungle

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Captain James Conrad remained at his post in Thailand, much to the suspicion of those officers around him. Wh... Mer

More Than a Gun
Untouched by Man
Since '44
A Ploat
Through the Jungle
Guns on a Ploat
Always- Epilogue

Stay Tight

1.7K 47 3
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"FIRE ALL!" Colonel Packard's voice rang out, snapping Jocelyn out of her shocked state. She could hear the chatter of the men as she quickly moved to situate herself at James' feet so she could lean out of the aircraft and fire her weapon. James couldn't help himself but to grip onto her, ensuring both of them she wouldn't fall out of the chopper.

"Pull out now, pull out!" James yelled, terror evident in his voice.

"I don't take orders from you!" The pilot responded, all the while Jo fired rounds at the large primate. She was hitting her target but nothing seemed to faze him. She focused on her task, watching as helicopter after helicopter fell from the sky. She watched men die, heard their screams of terror and pain as the large animal screamed in territorial threat.

Before she knew it, James was calling for someone to watch out as a body slammed into their windshield and rolled into the blades. James acted quickly and latched onto his wife, hauling her into his lap as he attempted to secure her body to his own since there was no time to get her buckled in.

"PREPARE TO CRASH!" The pilot warned as the aircraft fell through the sky and into the trees. "BRACE!"

Jo secured her arms around James in freight, holding onto him with intense strength as his arms wound around her to anchor her to him. They fell through the jungle, nose first before cashing onto the unknown soil. The impact knocked out Jo, who's neck could have snapped, James clutching her as if his life depended on this woman who laid limp in his arms.

Mason stumbled her way out of the craft, Slivko following before turning and taking Jocelyn carefully from James' arms. He laid her on the ground as the Captain clambered out of the mangled piece of metal. Nieves stumbled out, moving to sit down and gather his thoughts.

James was at Jo's side immediately, watching as she twitched awake, groaning as a pain shot through her head. He cradled her gently in his lap, rubbing soothing circles around her temples as she came to.

"James?" She whispered, squinting her eyes open.

"It's me, love," He reassured gently.

"We crashed?"

"Indeed. But we're all okay, for the most part."

Jo nodded gently as her eyes opened fully as she looked around the sky. She held onto James as he assisted in raising her up, allowing her to sit for a few moments as he got up to survey their area. Taking hold of a pair of binoculars, Jo remained seated on the ground next to Mason, who sat on a piece of broken chopper.

Poor Slivko was desperately trying to reach his comrades.

"Calling all units, is anyone airborne? I repeat, is anyone airborne?"

"They're all down," James informed with a sigh as he returned to their little group. "Everyone. We're on the south side of the island, there's a river a couple of clicks from here. If we stick to it's banks, we'll make it to the exit sight on the north shore."

James moved towards Jo and helped her up, keeping an arm around her waist as she situated her weaponry properly.

"And then what?" Nieves asked. "All our choppers are down."

"We'll find a way to signal a ship, they'll send a search party, we just have to make it by the exit window."

"Ahhhh," Nieves muttered in fear. "I should be sitting at a desk."

"So, wait, are we just not going to talk about this?!" Slivko asked in near hysteria. 

"My best guess is that we're scattered over a 45 mile radius. We should head north and join anyone we find," James spoke, walking back over to Jo and Mason after he left their side to speak to Nieves. "Are you alright?"

"I don't know how to answer that question right now." Mason answered.

"I don't know what that was either."

"All that money that they paid you, I hope you're worth it. Your wife might need you help too," She called as she walked away, making James snap his attention to look at Jo, who was leaning heavily against her assault riffle.

"We're really not going to talk about it!" Slivko gasped as James took Jo gently by the hand. He couldn't carry her or grip her, knowing she would pull away, but a simple holding of the hand would hopefully be enough physical connection for James and enough support for Jo. "You know this is not normal, right?! Stuff like that doesn't just happen!"

"Come on, Slivko," Jo smiled gently as she and Conrad passed by him. They gathered all they could, whatever they needed or could be salvaged before heading out. Jo walked with James, his hand holding on to hers as her head was still fuzzy.

They trekked along the river's bank, as per James' instruction, and battled the elements the island now faced them. Heat, dehydration, insects, and lack of food would soon kill them if they didn't make it to the exit window. But even between now and then, there was countless other ways to die.

"James," She whispered, approaching what looked like other members of their platoon.

"You alright?" he asked immediately, looking down at her in concern.

"Fine, just needed you to let go. I'm feeling better and it's a little too hot to be in such close proximity."

"Ah, too right you are." He nodded, letting go of her hand and using it to arm himself as Brooks, San, and some other scientist came into view. the two packs greeted each other happily before continuing on their way, Jo situating herself with Mason as they listened to Brooks.

"It's called the hallow earth theory. Randa hired me because I wrote a paper substacuaiting what most people think is a crackpot idea. That there are these massive underground spaces isolated from the surface world."

"Passage ways." San spoke up. "Randa believes this island might be one of those."

"An emergence point, for what lives below. Ancient species like what we just saw. I thought he was out of his mind..."

"This is Slivko, do you read?" Now they were out of the jungle and walking through plains of possibly wheat, or some other grain. "Anybody out there? We're heading north towards the exit location. Everyone here is way too calm right now. Do you copy? Anybody?"

"We're out of range, Slivko." Jo spoke quietly from behind her favorite distressed soldier, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Save it for when we get closer to the group," James recommended. Or commanded.... The group now walked along side a part of the river, or was it a lake now? It was mossy, green, and full of birds and aquatic life. All seemed calm until there came a grunt and the water disturbed.

Coming towards them was now a large water buffalo, ten times the size it normally was. It was covered in moss and algae, vegetation and other plant life taking host to it's body. Everyone raised their weapons towards the possible threat, but after a moment, Jo put hers down gently.

"Nobody move. Easy. Shhhh," James spoke soothingly, not seeing a threat to the large animal. They were after all on it's territory and shooting at it could have them all killed in minutes. And for Jo, James was not willing to risk it.

As the beast got closer, James spoke, "Slivko."


"Put it down." James slowly reached out and wrapped his hand around the barrel, moving the assault weapon so it pointed towards the ground. Jo heard the unmistakeable shutter of Mason's camera click before the animal shoved away, making Jo and Mason Weavers smirk at one another.

James continued to lead them all through the unknown territory, navigating the land better than anyone else could have possibly done. And before they all knew it, but in actuality had been close to several hours later, they were back in the jungle.

"Stay tight," James commanded, looking down to see his wife walking next to him now, gun in hand and ready to take out whom she needed. They had approached what looked to have been ruins of a once-society, now worn and eroded by the elements.

"What the hell is this?" Slivko asked in confusion and fear. The fear of the unknown was always strong in those who had no desire to venture into it.

James and Jo moved forward, armed and moving slowly incase of any traps they might trip over. Moving into the courtyard, they all looked around them, on high alert, for anything that might just want to pop out and eat them.

Oh, and pop out did they ever. Quite literally from the walls and the trees, men painted with spears in hand moved towards them after Mason gave a shriek of freight. The group soon panicked, words of 'behind you!' and 'look out!' and murmurs of unintelligible fright escaped their mouths. Jo felt James pull her closer, keeping her anchored to his hip as they both took aim.

"Nobody shoot, nobody shoot," James advised, feeling every bit of afraid as the rest of his team members. Their spears were pointed directly at them all, no type of fear or aggression held in their stoic eyes. It was after Brooks cocked his shot gun did another voice ring out.

"Woah, woah, woah," He chanted. "No, no, no need for that! Come on now, everybody keep their wigs on, now."

The man must have been in his fifties or possibly even sixties. Judging by his accent, clothes, and appearance, Jo concluded he was not a tribes member and possibly American. But why the fuck was he here on this god forsaken island?

"... And instead the world comes to me!"

"Did you crash here?" Mason asked.

"Oh, sorry!" The man muttered before saluting James and the rest of the party. "Lieutenant Hank Marlow of the 45th. Still got my flight suit on for ya." After a moment, he pointed a finger at both Jo and Mason, "You are more beautiful than a hotdog and a beer at Wringly Field on opening day..... but you're real! Right? I told ya! Didn't I tell ya! Come on, it's fine!" the grizzly man spoke, making the tribesmen lift their spears.

"There's something out there, man." Slivko muttered, looking at the dirty Santa Clause with confusion and fear. Jo silently slipped her hand into James', ignoring his fleeting look down at her.

"Oh, there's a lot out there. Now come on, we've go to get home. You don't want to be out here at night." Marlow chuckled, his mind obviously tweaked from his 28 years and 11 months out here.

The Conrads followed after the grizzly man, their team following behind them as the tribes members vanished. Jocelyn held onto James' hand tightly, their fingers laced together as they navigated the jungle back 'home'. He felt giddy in that moment, knowing she had been the one to go to him for comfort, despite her reserved feelings for him at the moment.

They walked for god knows how long before approaching the village.

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